using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
namespace Rokid.UXR.Utility
public static partial class Utils
public class Event
public delegate void Handler(params object[] args);
public static void Listen(string message, Handler action)
var actions = listeners[message] as Handler;
if (actions != null)
listeners[message] = actions + action;
listeners[message] = action;
public static void Remove(string message, Handler action)
var actions = listeners[message] as Handler;
if (actions != null)
listeners[message] = actions - action;
public static void Send(string message, params object[] args)
var actions = listeners[message] as Handler;
if (actions != null)
private static Hashtable listeners = new Hashtable();
/// Smooths from source to goal, provided lerptime and a deltaTime.
/// Current value
/// "goal" value which will be lerped to
/// Smoothing/lerp amount. Smoothing of 0 means no smoothing, and max value means no change at all.
/// Delta time. Usually would be set to Time.deltaTime
/// Smoothed value
public static Vector3 SmoothTo(Vector3 source, Vector3 goal, float lerpTime, float deltaTime)
return Vector3.Lerp(source, goal, (lerpTime == 0f) ? 1f : 1f - Mathf.Pow(lerpTime, deltaTime));
/// Smooths from source to goal, provided slerptime and a deltaTime.
/// Current value
/// "goal" value which will be lerped to
/// Smoothing/lerp amount. Smoothing of 0 means no smoothing, and max value means no change at all.
/// Delta time. Usually would be set to Time.deltaTime
/// Smoothed value
public static Quaternion SmoothTo(Quaternion source, Quaternion goal, float slerpTime, float deltaTime)
return Quaternion.Slerp(source, goal, (slerpTime == 0f) ? 1f : 1f - Mathf.Pow(slerpTime, deltaTime));
public static bool IsValid(Vector3 vector)
return (float.IsNaN(vector.x) == false && float.IsNaN(vector.y) == false && float.IsNaN(vector.z) == false);
public static bool IsValid(Quaternion rotation)
return (float.IsNaN(rotation.x) == false && float.IsNaN(rotation.y) == false && float.IsNaN(rotation.z) == false && float.IsNaN(rotation.w) == false) &&
(rotation.x != 0 || rotation.y != 0 || rotation.z != 0 || rotation.w != 0);
// this version does not clamp [0..1]
public static Quaternion Slerp(Quaternion A, Quaternion B, float t)
var cosom = Mathf.Clamp(A.x * B.x + A.y * B.y + A.z * B.z + A.w * B.w, -1.0f, 1.0f);
if (cosom < 0.0f)
B = new Quaternion(-B.x, -B.y, -B.z, -B.w);
cosom = -cosom;
float sclp, sclq;
if ((1.0f - cosom) > 0.0001f)
var omega = Mathf.Acos(cosom);
var sinom = Mathf.Sin(omega);
sclp = Mathf.Sin((1.0f - t) * omega) / sinom;
sclq = Mathf.Sin(t * omega) / sinom;
// "from" and "to" very close, so do linear interp
sclp = 1.0f - t;
sclq = t;
return new Quaternion(
sclp * A.x + sclq * B.x,
sclp * A.y + sclq * B.y,
sclp * A.z + sclq * B.z,
sclp * A.w + sclq * B.w);
public static Vector3 Lerp(Vector3 A, Vector3 B, float t)
return new Vector3(
Lerp(A.x, B.x, t),
Lerp(A.y, B.y, t),
Lerp(A.z, B.z, t));
public static float Lerp(float A, float B, float t)
return A + (B - A) * t;
public static double Lerp(double A, double B, double t)
return A + (B - A) * t;
public static float InverseLerp(Vector3 A, Vector3 B, Vector3 result)
return Vector3.Dot(result - A, B - A);
public static float InverseLerp(float A, float B, float result)
return (result - A) / (B - A);
public static double InverseLerp(double A, double B, double result)
return (result - A) / (B - A);
public static float Saturate(float A)
return (A < 0) ? 0 : (A > 1) ? 1 : A;
public static Vector2 Saturate(Vector2 A)
return new Vector2(Saturate(A.x), Saturate(A.y));
public static float Abs(float A)
return (A < 0) ? -A : A;
public static Vector2 Abs(Vector2 A)
return new Vector2(Abs(A.x), Abs(A.y));
private static float _copysign(float sizeval, float signval)
return Mathf.Sign(signval) == 1 ? Mathf.Abs(sizeval) : -Mathf.Abs(sizeval);
public static Quaternion GetRotation(this Matrix4x4 matrix)
Quaternion q = new Quaternion();
q.w = Mathf.Sqrt(Mathf.Max(0, 1 + matrix.m00 + matrix.m11 + matrix.m22)) / 2;
q.x = Mathf.Sqrt(Mathf.Max(0, 1 + matrix.m00 - matrix.m11 - matrix.m22)) / 2;
q.y = Mathf.Sqrt(Mathf.Max(0, 1 - matrix.m00 + matrix.m11 - matrix.m22)) / 2;
q.z = Mathf.Sqrt(Mathf.Max(0, 1 - matrix.m00 - matrix.m11 + matrix.m22)) / 2;
q.x = _copysign(q.x, matrix.m21 - matrix.m12);
q.y = _copysign(q.y, matrix.m02 - matrix.m20);
q.z = _copysign(q.z, matrix.m10 - matrix.m01);
return q;
public static Vector3 GetPosition(this Matrix4x4 matrix)
var x = matrix.m03;
var y = matrix.m13;
var z = matrix.m23;
return new Vector3(x, y, z);
public static Vector3 GetScale(this Matrix4x4 m)
var x = Mathf.Sqrt(m.m00 * m.m00 + m.m01 * m.m01 + m.m02 * m.m02);
var y = Mathf.Sqrt(m.m10 * m.m10 + m.m11 * m.m11 + m.m12 * m.m12);
var z = Mathf.Sqrt(m.m20 * m.m20 + m.m21 * m.m21 + m.m22 * m.m22);
return new Vector3(x, y, z);
public static float GetLossyScale(Transform t)
return t.lossyScale.x;
private const string secretKey = "foobar";
public static string GetBadMD5Hash(string usedString)
byte[] bytes = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(usedString + secretKey);
return GetBadMD5Hash(bytes);
public static string GetBadMD5Hash(byte[] bytes)
System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider md5 = new System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider();
byte[] hash = md5.ComputeHash(bytes);
System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < hash.Length; i++)
return sb.ToString();
public static string GetBadMD5HashFromFile(string filePath)
if (File.Exists(filePath) == false)
return null;
string data = File.ReadAllText(filePath);
return GetBadMD5Hash(data + secretKey);
public static string SanitizePath(string path, bool allowLeadingSlash = true)
if (path.Contains("\\\\"))
path = path.Replace("\\\\", "\\");
if (path.Contains("//"))
path = path.Replace("//", "/");
if (allowLeadingSlash == false)
if (path[0] == '/' || path[0] == '\\')
path = path.Substring(1);
return path;
public static System.Type FindType(string typeName)
var type = System.Type.GetType(typeName);
if (type != null) return type;
foreach (var a in System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies())
type = a.GetType(typeName);
if (type != null)
return type;
return null;
public struct RigidTransform
public Vector3 pos;
public Quaternion rot;
public static RigidTransform identity
get { return new RigidTransform(, Quaternion.identity); }
public static RigidTransform FromLocal(Transform t)
return new RigidTransform(t.localPosition, t.localRotation);
public RigidTransform(Vector3 pos, Quaternion rot)
this.pos = pos;
this.rot = rot;
public RigidTransform(Transform t)
this.pos = t.position;
this.rot = t.rotation;
public RigidTransform(Transform from, Transform to)
var inv = Quaternion.Inverse(from.rotation);
rot = inv * to.rotation;
pos = inv * (to.position - from.position);
public RigidTransform(HmdMatrix34_t pose)
var m = Matrix4x4.identity;
m[0, 0] = pose.m0;
m[0, 1] = pose.m1;
m[0, 2] = -pose.m2;
m[0, 3] = pose.m3;
m[1, 0] = pose.m4;
m[1, 1] = pose.m5;
m[1, 2] = -pose.m6;
m[1, 3] = pose.m7;
m[2, 0] = -pose.m8;
m[2, 1] = -pose.m9;
m[2, 2] = pose.m10;
m[2, 3] = -pose.m11;
this.pos = m.GetPosition();
this.rot = m.GetRotation();
public RigidTransform(HmdMatrix44_t pose)
var m = Matrix4x4.identity;
m[0, 0] = pose.m0;
m[0, 1] = pose.m1;
m[0, 2] = -pose.m2;
m[0, 3] = pose.m3;
m[1, 0] = pose.m4;
m[1, 1] = pose.m5;
m[1, 2] = -pose.m6;
m[1, 3] = pose.m7;
m[2, 0] = -pose.m8;
m[2, 1] = -pose.m9;
m[2, 2] = pose.m10;
m[2, 3] = -pose.m11;
m[3, 0] = pose.m12;
m[3, 1] = pose.m13;
m[3, 2] = -pose.m14;
m[3, 3] = pose.m15;
this.pos = m.GetPosition();
this.rot = m.GetRotation();
public HmdMatrix44_t ToHmdMatrix44()
var m = Matrix4x4.TRS(pos, rot,;
var pose = new HmdMatrix44_t();
pose.m0 = m[0, 0];
pose.m1 = m[0, 1];
pose.m2 = -m[0, 2];
pose.m3 = m[0, 3];
pose.m4 = m[1, 0];
pose.m5 = m[1, 1];
pose.m6 = -m[1, 2];
pose.m7 = m[1, 3];
pose.m8 = -m[2, 0];
pose.m9 = -m[2, 1];
pose.m10 = m[2, 2];
pose.m11 = -m[2, 3];
pose.m12 = m[3, 0];
pose.m13 = m[3, 1];
pose.m14 = -m[3, 2];
pose.m15 = m[3, 3];
return pose;
public HmdMatrix34_t ToHmdMatrix34()
var m = Matrix4x4.TRS(pos, rot,;
var pose = new HmdMatrix34_t();
pose.m0 = m[0, 0];
pose.m1 = m[0, 1];
pose.m2 = -m[0, 2];
pose.m3 = m[0, 3];
pose.m4 = m[1, 0];
pose.m5 = m[1, 1];
pose.m6 = -m[1, 2];
pose.m7 = m[1, 3];
pose.m8 = -m[2, 0];
pose.m9 = -m[2, 1];
pose.m10 = m[2, 2];
pose.m11 = -m[2, 3];
return pose;
public override bool Equals(object o)
if (o is RigidTransform)
RigidTransform t = (RigidTransform)o;
return pos == t.pos && rot == t.rot;
return false;
public override int GetHashCode()
return pos.GetHashCode() ^ rot.GetHashCode();
public static bool operator ==(RigidTransform a, RigidTransform b)
return a.pos == b.pos && a.rot == b.rot;
public static bool operator !=(RigidTransform a, RigidTransform b)
return a.pos != b.pos || a.rot != b.rot;
public static RigidTransform operator *(RigidTransform a, RigidTransform b)
return new RigidTransform
rot = a.rot * b.rot,
pos = a.pos + a.rot * b.pos
public void Inverse()
rot = Quaternion.Inverse(rot);
pos = -(rot * pos);
public RigidTransform GetInverse()
var t = new RigidTransform(pos, rot);
return t;
public void Multiply(RigidTransform a, RigidTransform b)
rot = a.rot * b.rot;
pos = a.pos + a.rot * b.pos;
public Vector3 InverseTransformPoint(Vector3 point)
return Quaternion.Inverse(rot) * (point - pos);
public Vector3 TransformPoint(Vector3 point)
return pos + (rot * point);
public static Vector3 operator *(RigidTransform t, Vector3 v)
return t.TransformPoint(v);
public static RigidTransform Interpolate(RigidTransform a, RigidTransform b, float t)
return new RigidTransform(Vector3.Lerp(a.pos, b.pos, t), Quaternion.Slerp(a.rot, b.rot, t));
public void Interpolate(RigidTransform to, float t)
pos = Utils.Lerp(pos, to.pos, t);
rot = Utils.Slerp(rot, to.rot, t);
public struct HmdMatrix44_t
public float m0;
public float m1;
public float m2;
public float m3;
public float m4;
public float m5;
public float m6;
public float m7;
public float m8;
public float m9;
public float m10;
public float m11;
public float m12;
public float m13;
public float m14;
public float m15;
public struct HmdMatrix34_t
public float m0;
public float m1;
public float m2;
public float m3;
public float m4;
public float m5;
public float m6;
public float m7;
public float m8;
public float m9;
public float m10;
public float m11;
public Vector3 GetPosition()
return new Vector3(m3, m7, 0f - m11);
public bool IsRotationValid()
if (m2 != 0f || m6 != 0f || m10 != 0f)
if (m1 == 0f && m5 == 0f)
return m9 != 0f;
return true;
return false;
public Quaternion GetRotation()
if (IsRotationValid())
float w = Mathf.Sqrt(Mathf.Max(0f, 1f + m0 + m5 + m10)) / 2f;
float sizeval = Mathf.Sqrt(Mathf.Max(0f, 1f + m0 - m5 - m10)) / 2f;
float sizeval2 = Mathf.Sqrt(Mathf.Max(0f, 1f - m0 + m5 - m10)) / 2f;
float sizeval3 = Mathf.Sqrt(Mathf.Max(0f, 1f - m0 - m5 + m10)) / 2f;
_copysign(ref sizeval, 0f - m9 - (0f - m6));
_copysign(ref sizeval2, 0f - m2 - (0f - m8));
_copysign(ref sizeval3, m4 - m1);
return new Quaternion(sizeval, sizeval2, sizeval3, w);
return Quaternion.identity;
private static void _copysign(ref float sizeval, float signval)
if (signval > 0f != sizeval > 0f)
sizeval = 0f - sizeval;