using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Assertions; using UnityEngine.Profiling; namespace Rokid.UXR.Interaction { using OverlayType = RKOverlay.OverlayType; using OverlayShape = RKOverlay.OverlayShape; public enum RKRenderingMode { [InspectorName("Alpha-Blended")] AlphaBlended = RenderingMode.AlphaBlended, [InspectorName("Alpha-Cutout")] AlphaCutout = RenderingMode.AlphaCutout, [InspectorName("Opaque")] Opaque = RenderingMode.Opaque, [InspectorName("RK/Overlay")] Overlay = 100, [InspectorName("RK/Underlay")] Underlay, } /// /// Uses to enable Underlay and Overlay /// rendering of a UI canvas. /// public class RKCanvasMeshRenderer : CanvasMeshRenderer { [SerializeField] protected CanvasMesh _canvasMesh; [Tooltip("If non-zero it will cause the position of the overlay to be offset by this amount at runtime, while " + "the renderer will remain where it was at edit time. This can be used to prevent the two representations from overlapping.")] [SerializeField] protected Vector3 _runtimeOffset = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); [Tooltip( "Uses a more expensive image sampling technique for improved quality at the cost of performance.")] [SerializeField] protected bool _enableSuperSampling = true; [Tooltip( "Attempts to anti-alias the edges of the underlay by using alpha blending. Can cause borders of " + "darkness around partially transparent objects.")] [SerializeField] private bool _doUnderlayAntiAliasing = false; private bool _emulateWhileInEditor = true; protected RKOverlay _overlay; private RKRenderingMode RenderingMode => (RKRenderingMode)_renderingMode; public bool ShouldUseOVROverlay { get { switch (RenderingMode) { case RKRenderingMode.Underlay: case RKRenderingMode.Overlay: return !UseEditorEmulation(); default: return false; } } } protected override string GetShaderName() { switch (RenderingMode) { case RKRenderingMode.Overlay: return "Hidden/Imposter_AlphaCutout"; case RKRenderingMode.Underlay: if (UseEditorEmulation()) { return "Hidden/Imposter_AlphaCutout"; } else if (_doUnderlayAntiAliasing) { return "Hidden/Imposter_Underlay_AA"; } else { return "Hidden/Imposter_Underlay"; } default: return base.GetShaderName(); } } protected override float GetAlphaCutoutThreshold() { switch (RenderingMode) { case RKRenderingMode.Overlay: return 1f; case RKRenderingMode.Underlay: return UseEditorEmulation() ? 0.5f : 1f; default: return base.GetAlphaCutoutThreshold(); } } protected override void HandleUpdateRenderTexture(Texture texture) { base.HandleUpdateRenderTexture(texture); UpdateOverlay(texture); } private bool UseEditorEmulation() { return Application.isEditor ? _emulateWhileInEditor : false; } private bool GetOverlayParameters(out OverlayShape shape, out Vector3 position, out Vector3 scale) { if (_canvasMesh is CanvasCylinder canvasCylinder) { shape = OverlayShape.Cylinder; Vector2Int resolution = _canvasRenderTexture.GetBaseResolutionToUse(); position = new Vector3(0, 0, -canvasCylinder.Radius) - _runtimeOffset; scale = new Vector3(_canvasRenderTexture.PixelsToUnits(resolution.x) / canvasCylinder.transform.lossyScale.x, _canvasRenderTexture.PixelsToUnits(resolution.y) / canvasCylinder.transform.lossyScale.y, canvasCylinder.Radius); return true; } else if (_canvasMesh is CanvasRect canvasRect) { shape = OverlayShape.Quad; Vector2Int resolution = _canvasRenderTexture.GetBaseResolutionToUse(); position = -_runtimeOffset; scale = new Vector3(_canvasRenderTexture.PixelsToUnits(resolution.x), _canvasRenderTexture.PixelsToUnits(resolution.y), 1); return true; } else // Unsupported { shape = OverlayShape.Quad; position =; scale =; return false; } } protected override void Start() { this.BeginStart(ref _started, () => base.Start()); Assert.IsNotNull(_canvasMesh); Assert.IsTrue(GetOverlayParameters(out _, out _, out _), $"Unsupported {nameof(CanvasMesh)} type"); this.EndStart(ref _started); } protected void UpdateOverlay(Texture texture) { Profiler.BeginSample("InterfaceRenderer.UpdateOverlay"); try { if (!ShouldUseOVROverlay) { _overlay?.gameObject?.SetActive(false); return; } if (_overlay == null) { GameObject overlayObj = CreateChildObject("__Overlay"); _overlay = overlayObj.AddComponent(); _overlay.isAlphaPremultiplied = !Application.isMobilePlatform; } else { _overlay.gameObject.SetActive(true); } if (!GetOverlayParameters(out OverlayShape shape, out Vector3 pos, out Vector3 scale)) { _overlay.gameObject.SetActive(false); return; } bool useUnderlayRendering = RenderingMode == RKRenderingMode.Underlay; _overlay.textures = new Texture[1] { texture }; _overlay.noDepthBufferTesting = useUnderlayRendering; _overlay.currentOverlayType = useUnderlayRendering ? OverlayType.Underlay : OverlayType.Overlay; _overlay.currentOverlayShape = shape; _overlay.useExpensiveSuperSample = _enableSuperSampling; _overlay.transform.localPosition = pos; _overlay.transform.localScale = scale; } finally { Profiler.EndSample(); } } protected GameObject CreateChildObject(string name) { GameObject obj = new GameObject(name); obj.transform.SetParent(transform); obj.transform.localPosition =; obj.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; obj.transform.localScale =; return obj; } public static new class Properties { public static readonly string CanvasRenderTexture = nameof(_canvasRenderTexture); public static readonly string CanvasMesh = nameof(_canvasMesh); public static readonly string EnableSuperSampling = nameof(_enableSuperSampling); public static readonly string EmulateWhileInEditor = nameof(_emulateWhileInEditor); public static readonly string DoUnderlayAntiAliasing = nameof(_doUnderlayAntiAliasing); public static readonly string RuntimeOffset = nameof(_runtimeOffset); } } }