using System.Collections.Generic; using Rokid.UXR.Utility; using UnityEngine; namespace Rokid.UXR.Interaction { public class RayInteractor : PointerInteractor, IHeadHandDriver { [SerializeField] private HandType hand = HandType.None; [SerializeField, Interface(typeof(ISelector))] private MonoBehaviour _selector; [SerializeField] private Transform _rayOrigin; [SerializeField] private float _maxRayLength = 5f; [SerializeField] private float _noHoverCursorDistance = 5f; [SerializeField] [Tooltip("(Meters, World) The threshold below which distances to a surface " + "are treated as equal for the purposes of ranking.")] private float _equalDistanceThreshold = 0.001f; private RayCandidateProperties _rayCandidateProperties = null; private IMovement _movement; private SurfaceHit _movedHit; private Pose _movementHitDelta = Pose.identity; public Vector3 Origin { get; protected set; } public Quaternion Rotation { get; protected set; } public Vector3 Forward { get; protected set; } public Vector3 End { get; set; } public Transform GetRayOriginTsf() { return _rayOrigin; } public float NoHoverCursorDistance { get { return _noHoverCursorDistance; } set { _noHoverCursorDistance = value; } } public float MaxRayLength { get { return _maxRayLength; } set { _maxRayLength = value; } } private float _ProjectNoHoverCursorDistance; public SurfaceHit? CollisionInfo { get; protected set; } public Ray Ray { get; protected set; } public static List RayInteractors = new List(); protected override void Awake() { base.Awake(); Selector = _selector as ISelector; } protected override void Start() { base.Start(); RayInteractors.Add(this); } protected override void OnDestroy() { base.OnDestroy(); RayInteractors.Remove(this); } public static Ray GetRayByIdentifier(int identity) { for (int i = 0; i < RayInteractors.Count; i++) { if (RayInteractors[i].realId == identity) { return RayInteractors[i].Ray; } } return default(Ray); } public static HandType GetHandTypeByIdentifier(int identity) { for (int i = 0; i < RayInteractors.Count; i++) { if (RayInteractors[i].realId == identity) { return RayInteractors[i].hand; } } return HandType.None; } public static RayInteractor GetRayIntertorByIdentifier(int identity) { for (int i = 0; i < RayInteractors.Count; i++) { if (RayInteractors[i].realId == identity) { return RayInteractors[i]; } } return null; } protected override void DoPreprocess() { Origin = _rayOrigin.transform.position; Rotation = _rayOrigin.transform.rotation; Forward = Rotation * Vector3.forward; Ray = new Ray(Origin, Forward); } public class RayCandidateProperties : ICandidatePosition { public RayInteractable ClosestInteractable { get; } public Vector3 CandidatePosition { get; } public RayCandidateProperties(RayInteractable closestInteractable, Vector3 candidatePosition) { ClosestInteractable = closestInteractable; CandidatePosition = candidatePosition; } } public override object CandidateProperties => _rayCandidateProperties; protected override RayInteractable ComputeCandidate() { CollisionInfo = null; RayInteractable closestInteractable = null; float closestDist = float.MaxValue; Vector3 candidatePosition =; var interactables = RayInteractable.Registry.List(this); //使用射线检测关键的碰撞物体 foreach (RayInteractable interactable in interactables) { if (interactable.Raycast(Ray, out SurfaceHit hit, MaxRayLength, false)) { bool equal = Mathf.Abs(hit.Distance - closestDist) < _equalDistanceThreshold; if ((!equal && hit.Distance < closestDist) || (equal && interactable.TiebreakerScore > closestInteractable.TiebreakerScore)) { closestDist = hit.Distance; closestInteractable = interactable; CollisionInfo = hit; candidatePosition = hit.Point; } } } _ProjectNoHoverCursorDistance = NoHoverCursorDistance; if (closestInteractable == null && MainCameraCache.mainCamera != null) { Vector3 ProjectDir = Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(MainCameraCache.mainCamera.transform.forward, Vector3.up).normalized; float AngleY = Vector3.SignedAngle(MainCameraCache.mainCamera.transform.forward.normalized, ProjectDir, Vector3.up) * Mathf.Deg2Rad; _ProjectNoHoverCursorDistance = NoHoverCursorDistance / Mathf.Cos(AngleY); } float rayDist = (closestInteractable != null ? closestDist : _ProjectNoHoverCursorDistance); End = Origin + rayDist * Forward; _rayCandidateProperties = new RayCandidateProperties(closestInteractable, candidatePosition); return closestInteractable; } protected override void InteractableSelected(RayInteractable interactable) { if (interactable != null) { _movedHit = CollisionInfo.Value; Pose hitPose = new Pose(_movedHit.Point, Quaternion.LookRotation(_movedHit.Normal)); Pose backHitPose = new Pose(_movedHit.Point, Quaternion.LookRotation(-_movedHit.Normal)); _movement = interactable.GenerateMovement(_rayOrigin.GetPose(), backHitPose); if (_movement != null) { _movementHitDelta = PoseUtils.Delta(_movement.Pose, hitPose); } } base.InteractableSelected(interactable); } protected override void InteractableUnselected(RayInteractable interactable) { if (_movement != null) { _movement.StopAndSetPose(_movement.Pose); } base.InteractableUnselected(interactable); _movement = null; } protected override void DoSelectUpdate() { RayInteractable interactable = _selectedInteractable; if (_movement != null) { _movement.UpdateTarget(_rayOrigin.GetPose()); _movement.Tick(); Pose hitPoint = PoseUtils.Multiply(_movement.Pose, _movementHitDelta); _movedHit.Point = hitPoint.position; _movedHit.Normal = hitPoint.forward; CollisionInfo = _movedHit; End = _movedHit.Point; return; } CollisionInfo = null; if (interactable != null && interactable.Raycast(Ray, out SurfaceHit hit, MaxRayLength, true)) { End = hit.Point; CollisionInfo = hit; } else { // End = Origin + MaxRayLength * Forward; End = Origin + _ProjectNoHoverCursorDistance * Forward; } } protected override Pose ComputePointerPose() { if (_movement != null) { return _movement.Pose; } if (CollisionInfo != null) { Vector3 position = CollisionInfo.Value.Point; Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(CollisionInfo.Value.Normal); return new Pose(position, rotation); } return new Pose(, Quaternion.identity); } public void OnChangeHoldHandType(HandType hand) { this.hand = hand; } public void OnHandPress(HandType hand) { } public void OnHandRelease() { } public void OnBeforeChangeHoldHandType(HandType hand) { } } }