using UnityEngine; namespace Nfynt.WVP { [System.Serializable] public struct PlayerConfigs { [UnityEngine.Tooltip("Default video path of StreamingAssets is assumed if the path doesn't contain :/. Otherwise provide full system path or URL.")] public string VideoSrcPath; [UnityEngine.Tooltip("Target RenderTexture which is used in scene.")] public UnityEngine.RenderTexture VideoTextureTarget; [UnityEngine.Tooltip("Unity AudioSource component. If null then a new audio source is attached to this object.")] public UnityEngine.AudioSource AudioSource; [UnityEngine.Tooltip("Autoplay video on start. Note the audio source is muted on browser in this mode.")] public bool PlayOnAwake; [UnityEngine.Tooltip("True by default on web build. Useful for editor testing.")] public bool MuteAsDefault; [UnityEngine.Tooltip("Player video in loop")] public bool LoopPlayer; [Tooltip("Mapping for video texture to unity RTT")] public UnityEngine.Video.VideoAspectRatio VideoAspectRatio; }; internal interface IVideoPlayer { public void InitializePlayer(PlayerConfigs config); public void ReleasePlayer(); public bool PlayStopVideo(PlayerConfigs config, bool play); public bool PauseResumeVideo(bool pause); public bool MuteUnmuteVideo(bool mute); public bool IsPlaying(); public bool IsMuted(); public double VideoDuration(); public double CurrFrameTime(); public bool SetFrameTime(double timeInSec); public Vector2 FrameSize(); } }