using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Threading.Tasks; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Networking; [ExecuteInEditMode] public class SetWebGLText : MonoBehaviour { public static SetWebGLText Instance; public static Font webglfont; // public Font font; // Start is called before the first frame update void Awake() { Instance = this; // webglfont = font; StartCoroutine(LoadAB()); } IEnumerator DownloadImageMac(callback url) { string filePath = url.url; if (!stlist.ContainsKey(url.url)) { if (System.IO.File.Exists(filePath)) { Task fileData = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytesAsync(filePath); while (!fileData.IsCompleted) { yield return null; } Texture2D texture = new Texture2D(2, 2); if (texture.LoadImage(fileData.Result)) { if(stlist.Count>10) { foreach(var key in stlist.Keys) { stlist.Remove(key); break; } } if(!url.isyongjiu) stlist.Add(url.url, texture); url.msg.Invoke(texture); isload = false; } } else { isload = false; Debug.LogError("Failed to download image "+ filePath); } } else { yield return null; url.msg.Invoke(stlist[url.url]); isload = false; } } public static TaskConfig tc; IEnumerator LoadAB() { string filePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(Application.streamingAssetsPath, "loadab"); //UnityWebRequest request = UnityWebRequest.Get(filePath); using (UnityWebRequest req = UnityWebRequestAssetBundle.GetAssetBundle(filePath)) { yield return req.SendWebRequest(); if (req.error == null) { AssetBundle ab = (req.downloadHandler as DownloadHandlerAssetBundle).assetBundle; webglfont = ab.LoadAsset("font"); // UI.SetActive(true); } else { Debug.Log(filePath ); } } } Queue dlbd = new Queue(); public void GetBD(string url, Action msg) { if (sbdtlist.ContainsKey(url)) { msg.Invoke(sbdtlist[url]); } else { callbackBD cb = new callbackBD(); cb.url = url; cb.msg = msg; dlbd.Enqueue(cb); } } Queue dl = new Queue(); public void GetTexture(string url,Action msg,bool isyongjiu=false) { if(stlist.ContainsKey(url)) { msg.Invoke(stlist[url]); } else { callback cb = new callback(); cb.isyongjiu =isyongjiu; cb.url = url; cb.msg = msg; dl.Enqueue(cb); } } bool isload; bool isbdload; private void Update() { if (dl.Count > 0 && !isload) { isload = true; callback cb = dl.Dequeue(); #if UNITY_EDITOR StartCoroutine(DownloadImageMac(cb)); #else StartCoroutine(DownloadImage(cb)); #endif } if (dlbd.Count > 0 && !isbdload) { isbdload = true; callbackBD cb = dlbd.Dequeue(); StartCoroutine(DownloadBD(cb)); } } IEnumerator DownloadBD(callbackBD cbd) { string filePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(Application.streamingAssetsPath+"/bd", cbd.url); //UnityWebRequest request = UnityWebRequest.Get(filePath); using (UnityWebRequest req = UnityWebRequestAssetBundle.GetAssetBundle(filePath)) { yield return req.SendWebRequest(); if (req.error == null) { AssetBundle ab = (req.downloadHandler as DownloadHandlerAssetBundle).assetBundle; GameObject go = GameObject.Instantiate( ab.LoadAsset(cbd.url)); cbd.msg.Invoke(go); } else { Debug.Log(filePath); } } } public void clearTexture() { foreach (string i in stlist.Keys) { Destroy(stlist[i]); } stlist.Clear(); } public Dictionary stlist = new Dictionary(); Dictionary sbdtlist = new Dictionary(); IEnumerator DownloadImage(callback url) { if(!stlist.ContainsKey(url.url)) { UnityWebRequest m_webrequest = UnityWebRequestTexture.GetTexture(url.url); yield return m_webrequest.SendWebRequest(); if (m_webrequest.result != UnityWebRequest.Result.Success) { isload = false; Debug.LogError("Failed to download image"); } else { Texture2D tex = ((DownloadHandlerTexture)m_webrequest.downloadHandler).texture; if(!url.isyongjiu) stlist.Add(url.url, tex); url.msg.Invoke(tex); isload = false; } } else { yield return null; url.msg.Invoke(stlist[url.url]); isload = false; } } public class callback { public bool isyongjiu; public string url; public Action msg; } public class callbackBD { public string url; public Action msg; } }