#pragma warning disable 168, 618
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using TriLibCore.Extensions;
using TriLibCore.General;
using TriLibCore.Interfaces;
using TriLibCore.Mappers;
using TriLibCore.Textures;
using TriLibCore.Utils;
using UnityEngine;
using FileMode = System.IO.FileMode;
using HumanDescription = UnityEngine.HumanDescription;
using Object = UnityEngine.Object;
using TriLibCore.Attributes;
using TriLibCore.Collections;
using TriLibCore.Geometries;
using Unity.Collections;
using Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe;
using TriLibCore.Gltf.Reader;
using TriLibCore.Gltf.Draco;
using UnityEditor;
namespace TriLibCore
/// Represents the main class containing methods to load the Models.
public static partial class AssetLoader
/// Asset Loader Options validation message.
private const string ValidationMessage = "You can disable these validations in the Edit->Project Settings->TriLib menu.";
/// Constant that defines the namespace used by TriLib Mappers.
private const string TriLibMappersNamespace = "TriLibCore.Mappers";
/// Loads a Model from the given path asynchronously.
/// The Model file path.
/// The Method to call on the Main Thread when the Model is loaded but resources may still pending.
/// The Method to call on the Main Thread when the Model and resources are loaded.
/// The Method to call when the Model loading progress changes.
/// The Method to call on the Main Thread when any error occurs.
/// The Game Object that will be the parent of the loaded Game Object. Can be null.
/// The options to use when loading the Model.
/// The Custom Data that will be passed along the Context.
/// Turn on this field to avoid loading the model immediately and chain the Tasks.
/// The method to call on the parallel Thread before the Unity objects are created.
/// Indicates whether to load from a Zip file.
/// The Asset Loader Context, containing Model loading information and the output Game Object.
public static AssetLoaderContext LoadModelFromFile(string path,
Action onLoad = null,
Action onMaterialsLoad = null,
Action onProgress = null,
Action onError = null,
GameObject wrapperGameObject = null,
AssetLoaderOptions assetLoaderOptions = null,
object customContextData = null,
bool haltTask = false,
Action onPreLoad = null,
bool isZipFile = false)
var assetLoaderContext = new AssetLoaderContext
Options = assetLoaderOptions ?? CreateDefaultLoaderOptions(),
Filename = path,
BasePath = FileUtils.GetFileDirectory(path),
WrapperGameObject = wrapperGameObject,
OnMaterialsLoad = onMaterialsLoad,
OnLoad = onLoad,
OnProgress = onProgress,
HandleError = HandleError,
OnError = onError,
OnPreLoad = onPreLoad,
CustomData = customContextData,
HaltTasks = haltTask,
Async = false,
Async = true,
IsZipFile = isZipFile,
PersistentDataPath = Application.persistentDataPath
return assetLoaderContext;
/// Loads a Model from the given Stream asynchronously.
/// The Stream containing the Model data.
/// The Model filename.
/// The Model file extension. (Eg.: fbx)
/// The Method to call on the Main Thread when the Model is loaded but resources may still pending.
/// The Method to call on the Main Thread when the Model and resources are loaded.
/// The Method to call when the Model loading progress changes.
/// The Method to call on the Main Thread when any error occurs.
/// The Game Object that will be the parent of the loaded Game Object. Can be null.
/// The options to use when loading the Model.
/// The Custom Data that will be passed along the Context.
/// Turn on this field to avoid loading the model immediately and chain the Tasks.
/// The method to call on the parallel Thread before the Unity objects are created.
/// Indicates whether to load from a Zip file.
/// The Asset Loader Context, containing Model loading information and the output Game Object.
public static AssetLoaderContext LoadModelFromStream(Stream stream,
string filename = null,
string fileExtension = null,
Action onLoad = null,
Action onMaterialsLoad = null,
Action onProgress = null,
Action onError = null,
GameObject wrapperGameObject = null,
AssetLoaderOptions assetLoaderOptions = null,
object customContextData = null,
bool haltTask = false,
Action onPreLoad = null,
bool isZipFile = false)
var assetLoaderContext = new AssetLoaderContext
Options = assetLoaderOptions ?? CreateDefaultLoaderOptions(),
Stream = stream,
Filename = filename,
FileExtension = fileExtension ?? FileUtils.GetFileExtension(filename, false),
BasePath = FileUtils.GetFileDirectory(filename),
WrapperGameObject = wrapperGameObject,
OnMaterialsLoad = onMaterialsLoad,
OnLoad = onLoad,
OnProgress = onProgress,
HandleError = HandleError,
OnError = onError,
OnPreLoad = onPreLoad,
CustomData = customContextData,
HaltTasks = haltTask,
Async = false,
Async = true,
IsZipFile = isZipFile,
PersistentDataPath = Application.persistentDataPath
return assetLoaderContext;
/// Loads a Model from the given path synchronously.
/// The Model file path.
/// The Method to call on the Main Thread when any error occurs.
/// The Game Object that will be the parent of the loaded Game Object. Can be null.
/// The options to use when loading the Model.
/// The Custom Data that will be passed along the Context.
/// Indicates whether to load from a Zip file.
/// The Asset Loader Context, containing Model loading information and the output Game Object.
public static AssetLoaderContext LoadModelFromFileNoThread(string path,
Action onError = null,
GameObject wrapperGameObject = null,
AssetLoaderOptions assetLoaderOptions = null,
object customContextData = null,
bool isZipFile = false)
var assetLoaderContext = new AssetLoaderContext
Options = assetLoaderOptions ?? CreateDefaultLoaderOptions(),
Filename = path,
BasePath = FileUtils.GetFileDirectory(path),
CustomData = customContextData,
HandleError = HandleError,
OnError = onError,
WrapperGameObject = wrapperGameObject,
Async = false,
IsZipFile = isZipFile,
PersistentDataPath = Application.persistentDataPath
return assetLoaderContext;
/// Loads a Model from the given Stream synchronously.
/// The Stream containing the Model data.
/// The Model filename.
/// The Model file extension. (Eg.: fbx)
/// The Method to call on the Main Thread when any error occurs.
/// The Game Object that will be the parent of the loaded Game Object. Can be null.
/// The options to use when loading the Model.
/// The Custom Data that will be passed along the Context.
/// Indicates whether to load from a Zip file.
/// The Asset Loader Context, containing Model loading information and the output Game Object.
public static AssetLoaderContext LoadModelFromStreamNoThread(Stream stream,
string filename = null,
string fileExtension = null,
Action onError = null,
GameObject wrapperGameObject = null,
AssetLoaderOptions assetLoaderOptions = null,
object customContextData = null,
bool isZipFile = false)
var assetLoaderContext = new AssetLoaderContext
Options = assetLoaderOptions ?? CreateDefaultLoaderOptions(),
Stream = stream,
Filename = filename,
FileExtension = fileExtension ?? FileUtils.GetFileExtension(filename, false),
BasePath = FileUtils.GetFileDirectory(filename),
CustomData = customContextData,
HandleError = HandleError,
OnError = onError,
WrapperGameObject = wrapperGameObject,
Async = false,
IsZipFile = isZipFile,
PersistentDataPath = Application.persistentDataPath
return assetLoaderContext;
/// Begins the model loading process.
/// The Asset Loader Context reference. Asset Loader Context contains the Model loading data.
private static void LoadModelInternal(AssetLoaderContext assetLoaderContext)
var threadName = "TriLib_LoadModelFromStream";
string threadName = null;
var fileExtension = assetLoaderContext.FileExtension;
if (fileExtension == null && assetLoaderContext.Filename != null)
fileExtension = FileUtils.GetFileExtension(assetLoaderContext.Filename, false);
if (fileExtension == "zip")
/// Configures callbacks.
private static void SetupCallbacks()
Texture.allowThreadedTextureCreation = true;
MaterialMapper.CreateTextureCallback = TextureLoaders.CreateTexture;
MaterialMapper.ScanForAlphaPixelsCallback = TextureLoaders.ScanForAlphaPixels;
MaterialMapper.LoadTextureCallback = TextureLoaders.LoadTexture;
MaterialMapper.PostProcessTextureCallback = TextureLoaders.PostProcessTexture;
MaterialMapper.ApplyTextureCallback = TextureUtils.ApplyTexture2D;
MaterialMapper.FixNPOTTextureCallback = TextureUtils.FixNPOTTexture;
MaterialMapper.FixNormalMapCallback = TextureUtils.FixNormalMap;
/// Validates the given AssetLoaderOptions.
/// The options to use when loading the Model.
private static void ValidateAssetLoaderOptions(AssetLoaderOptions assetLoaderOptions)
if (assetLoaderOptions.EnableProfiler) {
assetLoaderOptions.EnableProfiler = false;
Debug.LogWarning("TriLib: The built in profiler has been disabled as it does not work with IL2CPP builds.");
if (GraphicsSettingsUtils.IsUsingUniversalPipeline && assetLoaderOptions.LoadTexturesAsSRGB)
Debug.LogWarning("TriLib: Textures must be loaded as Linear on the UniversalRP.");
assetLoaderOptions.LoadTexturesAsSRGB = false;
private static Object LoadOrCreateScriptableObject(string type, string @namespace, string subFolder)
string mappersFilePath;
var triLibMapperAssets = AssetDatabase.FindAssets("TriLibMappersPlaceholder");
if (triLibMapperAssets.Length > 0)
mappersFilePath = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(triLibMapperAssets[0]);
throw new Exception("Could not find \"TriLibMappersPlaceholder\" file. Please re-import TriLib package.");
var mappersDirectory = $"{FileUtils.GetFileDirectory(mappersFilePath)}";
var assetDirectory = $"{mappersDirectory}/{subFolder}";
if (!AssetDatabase.IsValidFolder(assetDirectory))
AssetDatabase.CreateFolder(mappersDirectory, subFolder);
var assetPath = $"{assetDirectory}/{type}.asset";
var scriptableObject = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(assetPath, typeof(Object));
if (scriptableObject == null)
scriptableObject = CreateScriptableObjectSafe(type, @namespace);
if (scriptableObject != null)
AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(scriptableObject, assetPath);
return scriptableObject;
/// Creates an Asset Loader Options with the default settings and Mappers.
/// Indicates whether created Scriptable Objects will be saved as assets.
/// Pass `true `if you are caching your AssetLoaderOptions instance.
/// The Asset Loader Options containing the default settings.
public static AssetLoaderOptions CreateDefaultLoaderOptions(bool generateAssets = false, bool supressWarning = false)
if (!supressWarning)
Debug.LogWarning("TriLib: You are creating a new AssetLoaderOptions instance. If you are caching this instance and don't want this message to be displayed again, pass `false` to the `supressWarning` parameter of `CreateDefaultLoaderOptions` call.");
var assetLoaderOptions = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance();
ByBonesRootBoneMapper byBonesRootBoneMapper;
if (generateAssets)
byBonesRootBoneMapper = (ByBonesRootBoneMapper)LoadOrCreateScriptableObject("ByBonesRootBoneMapper", TriLibMappersNamespace, "RootBone");
byBonesRootBoneMapper = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance();
byBonesRootBoneMapper = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance();
byBonesRootBoneMapper.name = "ByBonesRootBoneMapper";
assetLoaderOptions.RootBoneMapper = byBonesRootBoneMapper;
var materialMappers = new List();
for (var i = 0; i < MaterialMapper.RegisteredMappers.Count; i++)
var materialMapperName = MaterialMapper.RegisteredMappers[i];
var materialMapperNamespace = MaterialMapper.RegisteredMapperNamespaces[i];
if (materialMapperName == null)
MaterialMapper materialMapper;
if (generateAssets)
materialMapper = LoadOrCreateScriptableObject(materialMapperName, materialMapperNamespace, "Material") as MaterialMapper;
materialMapper = CreateScriptableObjectSafe(materialMapperName, materialMapperNamespace) as MaterialMapper;
materialMapper = CreateScriptableObjectSafe(materialMapperName, materialMapperNamespace) as MaterialMapper;
materialMapper = null;
if (materialMapper is object)
materialMapper.name = materialMapperName;
if (materialMapper.IsCompatible(null))
var assetPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(materialMapper);
if (assetPath == null)
if (materialMappers.Count == 0)
Debug.LogWarning("TriLib could not find any suitable MaterialMapper on the project.");
assetLoaderOptions.MaterialMappers = materialMappers.ToArray();
return assetLoaderOptions;
/// Tries to create a ScriptableObject with the given parameters, without throwing an internal Exception.
/// The ScriptableObject type name.
/// The ScriptableObject type namespace.
/// The created ScriptableObject, or null.
private static ScriptableObject CreateScriptableObjectSafe(string typeName, string @namespace)
var type = System.Type.GetType($"{@namespace}.{typeName}");
return type != null ? ScriptableObject.CreateInstance(typeName) : null;
/// Processes the Model from the given context and begin to build the Game Objects.
/// The Asset Loader Context reference. Asset Loader Context contains the Model loading data.
private static void ProcessModel(AssetLoaderContext assetLoaderContext)
if (assetLoaderContext.RootModel != null)
CreateModel(assetLoaderContext, assetLoaderContext.WrapperGameObject != null ? assetLoaderContext.WrapperGameObject.transform : null, assetLoaderContext.RootModel, assetLoaderContext.RootModel, true);
if (assetLoaderContext.RootGameObject.transform.localScale.sqrMagnitude == 0f)
assetLoaderContext.RootGameObject.transform.localScale = Vector3.one;
SetupModelLod(assetLoaderContext, assetLoaderContext.RootModel);
if (assetLoaderContext.Options.AnimationType != AnimationType.None || assetLoaderContext.Options.ImportBlendShapes)
SetupModelBones(assetLoaderContext, assetLoaderContext.RootModel);
assetLoaderContext.RootGameObject.isStatic = assetLoaderContext.Options.Static;
/// Configures the context Model LODs (levels-of-detail) if there are any.
/// The Asset Loader Context reference. Asset Loader Context contains the Model loading data.
/// The Model containing the LOD data.
private static void SetupModelLod(AssetLoaderContext assetLoaderContext, IModel model)
if (model.Children != null && model.Children.Count > 0)
var lodModels = new Dictionary>(model.Children.Count);
var minLod = int.MaxValue;
var maxLod = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < model.Children.Count; i++)
var child = model.Children[i];
var match = Regex.Match(child.Name, "_LOD(?[0-9]+)|LOD_(?[0-9]+)");
if (match.Success)
var lodNumber = Convert.ToInt32(match.Groups["number"].Value);
minLod = Mathf.Min(lodNumber, minLod);
maxLod = Mathf.Max(lodNumber, maxLod);
if (!lodModels.TryGetValue(lodNumber, out var renderers))
renderers = new List();
lodModels.Add(lodNumber, renderers);
if (lodModels.Count > 1)
var newGameObject = assetLoaderContext.GameObjects[model];
var lods = new List(lodModels.Count + 1);
var lodGroup = newGameObject.AddComponent();
var lastPosition = assetLoaderContext.Options.LODScreenRelativeTransitionHeightBase;
for (var i = minLod; i <= maxLod; i++)
if (lodModels.TryGetValue(i, out var renderers))
lods.Add(new LOD(lastPosition, renderers.ToArray()));
lastPosition *= 0.5f;
for (var i = 0; i < model.Children.Count; i++)
var child = model.Children[i];
SetupModelLod(assetLoaderContext, child);
/// Builds the Game Object Converts hierarchy paths.
/// The Asset Loader Context reference. Asset Loader Context contains the Model loading data.
private static void BuildGameObjectsPaths(AssetLoaderContext assetLoaderContext)
foreach (var value in assetLoaderContext.GameObjects.Values)
assetLoaderContext.GameObjectPaths.Add(value, value.transform.BuildPath(assetLoaderContext.RootGameObject.transform));
/// Configures the context Model rigging if there is any.
/// The Asset Loader Context reference. Asset Loader Context contains the Model loading data.
private static void SetupRig(AssetLoaderContext assetLoaderContext)
var animations = assetLoaderContext.RootModel.AllAnimations;
AnimationClip[] animationClips = null;
if (assetLoaderContext.Options.AnimationType == AnimationType.Humanoid || animations != null && animations.Count > 0)
switch (assetLoaderContext.Options.AnimationType)
case AnimationType.Legacy:
SetupAnimationComponents(assetLoaderContext, animations, out animationClips, out var animator, out var unityAnimation);
case AnimationType.Generic:
SetupAnimationComponents(assetLoaderContext, animations, out animationClips, out var animator, out var unityAnimation);
if (assetLoaderContext.Options.AvatarDefinition == AvatarDefinitionType.CopyFromOtherAvatar)
animator.avatar = assetLoaderContext.Options.Avatar;
SetupGenericAvatar(assetLoaderContext, animator);
case AnimationType.Humanoid:
SetupAnimationComponents(assetLoaderContext, animations, out animationClips, out var animator, out var unityAnimation);
if (assetLoaderContext.Options.AvatarDefinition == AvatarDefinitionType.CopyFromOtherAvatar)
animator.avatar = assetLoaderContext.Options.Avatar;
else if (assetLoaderContext.Options.HumanoidAvatarMapper != null)
SetupHumanoidAvatar(assetLoaderContext, animator);
if (animationClips != null)
if (assetLoaderContext.Options.AnimationClipMappers != null)
Array.Sort(assetLoaderContext.Options.AnimationClipMappers, (a, b) => a.CheckingOrder > b.CheckingOrder ? -1 : 1);
foreach (var animationClipMapper in assetLoaderContext.Options.AnimationClipMappers)
animationClips = animationClipMapper.MapArray(assetLoaderContext, animationClips);
if (animationClips != null && animationClips.Length > 0)
for (var i = 0; i < animationClips.Length; i++)
var animationClip = animationClips[i];
/// Creates animation components for the given context.
/// The Asset Loader Context reference. Asset Loader Context contains the Model loading data.
/// The Animations loaded for the Model.
/// The AnimationClips that will be created for the Model.
/// The Animator that will be created for the Model.
/// The Animation Component that will be created for the Model.
private static void SetupAnimationComponents(AssetLoaderContext assetLoaderContext, IList animations, out AnimationClip[] animationClips, out Animator animator, out Animation unityAnimation)
if (assetLoaderContext.Options.AnimationType == AnimationType.Legacy && assetLoaderContext.Options.EnforceAnimatorWithLegacyAnimations || assetLoaderContext.Options.AnimationType != AnimationType.Legacy)
animator = assetLoaderContext.RootGameObject.AddComponent();
animator = null;
unityAnimation = assetLoaderContext.RootGameObject.AddComponent();
unityAnimation.playAutomatically = assetLoaderContext.Options.AutomaticallyPlayLegacyAnimations;
unityAnimation.wrapMode = assetLoaderContext.Options.AnimationWrapMode;
if (animations != null)
animationClips = new AnimationClip[animations.Count];
for (var i = 0; i < animations.Count; i++)
var triLibAnimation = animations[i];
var animationClip = CreateAnimation(assetLoaderContext, triLibAnimation);
unityAnimation.AddClip(animationClip, animationClip.name);
animationClips[i] = animationClip;
assetLoaderContext.Reader.UpdateLoadingPercentage(i, assetLoaderContext.Reader.LoadingStepsCount + (int)ReaderBase.PostLoadingSteps.PostProcessAnimationClips, animations.Count);
if (assetLoaderContext.Options.AutomaticallyPlayLegacyAnimations && animationClips.Length > 0)
unityAnimation.clip = animationClips[0];
animationClips = null;
/// Creates a Skeleton Bone for the given Transform.
/// The bone Transform to use on the Skeleton Bone.
/// The created Skeleton Bone.
private static SkeletonBone CreateSkeletonBone(Transform boneTransform)
var skeletonBone = new SkeletonBone
name = boneTransform.name,
position = boneTransform.localPosition,
rotation = boneTransform.localRotation,
scale = boneTransform.localScale
return skeletonBone;
/// Creates a Human Bone for the given Bone Mapping, containing the relationship between the Transform and Bone.
/// The Bone Mapping used to create the Human Bone, containing the information used to search for bones.
/// The bone name to use on the created Human Bone.
/// The created Human Bone.
private static HumanBone CreateHumanBone(BoneMapping boneMapping, string boneName)
var humanBone = new HumanBone
boneName = boneName,
humanName = GetHumanBodyName(boneMapping.HumanBone),
limit =
useDefaultValues = boneMapping.HumanLimit.useDefaultValues,
axisLength = boneMapping.HumanLimit.axisLength,
center = boneMapping.HumanLimit.center,
max = boneMapping.HumanLimit.max,
min = boneMapping.HumanLimit.min
return humanBone;
/// Returns the given Human Body Bones name as String.
/// The Human Body Bones to get the name from.
/// The Human Body Bones name.
private static string GetHumanBodyName(HumanBodyBones humanBodyBones)
return HumanTrait.BoneName[(int)humanBodyBones];
/// Creates a Generic Avatar to the given context Model.
/// The Asset Loader Context reference. Asset Loader Context contains the Model loading data.
/// The Animator assigned to the given Context Root Game Object.
private static void SetupGenericAvatar(AssetLoaderContext assetLoaderContext, Animator animator)
var parent = assetLoaderContext.RootGameObject.transform.parent;
assetLoaderContext.RootGameObject.transform.SetParent(null, true);
var bones = new List();
assetLoaderContext.RootModel.GetBones(assetLoaderContext, bones);
var rootBone = assetLoaderContext.Options.RootBoneMapper.Map(assetLoaderContext, bones);
var avatar = AvatarBuilder.BuildGenericAvatar(assetLoaderContext.RootGameObject, rootBone != null ? rootBone.name : "");
avatar.name = $"{assetLoaderContext.RootGameObject.name}Avatar";
animator.avatar = avatar;
assetLoaderContext.RootGameObject.transform.SetParent(parent, true);
/// Creates a Humanoid Avatar to the given context Model.
/// The Asset Loader Context reference. Asset Loader Context contains the Model loading data.
/// The Animator assigned to the given Context Root Game Object.
private static void SetupHumanoidAvatar(AssetLoaderContext assetLoaderContext, Animator animator)
var valid = false;
var mapping = assetLoaderContext.Options.HumanoidAvatarMapper.Map(assetLoaderContext);
if (mapping.Count > 0)
var parent = assetLoaderContext.RootGameObject.transform.parent;
var rootGameObjectPosition = assetLoaderContext.RootGameObject.transform.position;
assetLoaderContext.RootGameObject.transform.SetParent(null, false);
assetLoaderContext.Options.HumanoidAvatarMapper.PostSetup(assetLoaderContext, mapping);
Transform hipsTransform = null;
var humanBones = new HumanBone[mapping.Count];
var boneIndex = 0;
foreach (var kvp in mapping)
if (kvp.Key.HumanBone == HumanBodyBones.Hips)
hipsTransform = kvp.Value;
humanBones[boneIndex++] = CreateHumanBone(kvp.Key, kvp.Value.name);
if (hipsTransform != null)
var skeletonBones = new Dictionary();
var bounds = assetLoaderContext.RootGameObject.CalculateBounds();
var toBottom = bounds.min.y;
if (toBottom < 0f)
var hipsTransformPosition = hipsTransform.position;
hipsTransformPosition.y -= toBottom;
hipsTransform.position = hipsTransformPosition;
var toCenter = Vector3.zero - bounds.center;
toCenter.y = 0f;
if (toCenter.sqrMagnitude > 0.01f)
var hipsTransformPosition = hipsTransform.position;
hipsTransformPosition += toCenter;
hipsTransform.position = hipsTransformPosition;
foreach (var kvp in assetLoaderContext.GameObjects)
if (!skeletonBones.ContainsKey(kvp.Value.transform))
skeletonBones.Add(kvp.Value.transform, CreateSkeletonBone(kvp.Value.transform));
var triLibHumanDescription = assetLoaderContext.Options.HumanDescription ?? new General.HumanDescription();
var humanDescription = new HumanDescription
armStretch = triLibHumanDescription.armStretch,
feetSpacing = triLibHumanDescription.feetSpacing,
hasTranslationDoF = triLibHumanDescription.hasTranslationDof,
legStretch = triLibHumanDescription.legStretch,
lowerArmTwist = triLibHumanDescription.lowerArmTwist,
lowerLegTwist = triLibHumanDescription.lowerLegTwist,
upperArmTwist = triLibHumanDescription.upperArmTwist,
upperLegTwist = triLibHumanDescription.upperLegTwist,
skeleton = skeletonBones.Values.ToArray(),
human = humanBones
var avatar = AvatarBuilder.BuildHumanAvatar(assetLoaderContext.RootGameObject, humanDescription);
avatar.name = $"{assetLoaderContext.RootGameObject.name}Avatar";
animator.avatar = avatar;
assetLoaderContext.RootGameObject.transform.SetParent(parent, false);
assetLoaderContext.RootGameObject.transform.position = rootGameObjectPosition;
valid = animator.avatar.isValid || !assetLoaderContext.Options.ShowLoadingWarnings;
if (!valid)
Debug.LogWarning($"Could not create an Avatar for the model \"{(assetLoaderContext.Filename == null ? "Unknown" : FileUtils.GetShortFilename(assetLoaderContext.Filename))}\"");
/// Converts the given Model into a Game Object.
/// The Asset Loader Context reference. Asset Loader Context contains the Model loading data.
/// The parent Game Object Transform.
/// The root Model.
/// The Model to convert.
/// Is this the first node in the Model hierarchy?
private static void CreateModel(AssetLoaderContext assetLoaderContext, Transform parentTransform, IRootModel rootModel, IModel model, bool isRootGameObject)
var newGameObject = new GameObject(model.Name);
assetLoaderContext.GameObjects.Add(model, newGameObject);
assetLoaderContext.Models.Add(newGameObject, model);
newGameObject.transform.parent = parentTransform;
newGameObject.transform.localPosition = model.LocalPosition;
newGameObject.transform.localRotation = model.LocalRotation;
newGameObject.transform.localScale = model.LocalScale;
if (model.GeometryGroup != null)
CreateGeometry(assetLoaderContext, newGameObject, rootModel, model);
if (assetLoaderContext.Options.ImportCameras && model is ICamera camera)
CreateCamera(assetLoaderContext, camera, newGameObject);
if (assetLoaderContext.Options.ImportLights && model is ILight light)
CreateLight(assetLoaderContext, light, newGameObject);
if (model.Children != null && model.Children.Count > 0)
for (var i = 0; i < model.Children.Count; i++)
var child = model.Children[i];
CreateModel(assetLoaderContext, newGameObject.transform, rootModel, child, false);
if (assetLoaderContext.Options.UserPropertiesMapper != null && model.UserProperties != null)
foreach (var userProperty in model.UserProperties)
assetLoaderContext.Options.UserPropertiesMapper.OnProcessUserData(assetLoaderContext, newGameObject, userProperty.Key, userProperty.Value);
if (isRootGameObject)
assetLoaderContext.RootGameObject = newGameObject;
/// Converts the given model light, if present into a Light.
/// The Asset Loader Context reference. Asset Loader Context contains the Model loading data.
/// The Model.
/// The Model Game Object.
private static void CreateLight(AssetLoaderContext assetLoaderContext, ILight light, GameObject newGameObject)
var unityLight = newGameObject.AddComponent();
unityLight.color = light.Color;
unityLight.innerSpotAngle = light.InnerSpotAngle;
unityLight.spotAngle = light.OuterSpotAngle;
unityLight.intensity = light.Intensity;
unityLight.range = light.Range;
unityLight.type = light.LightType;
unityLight.shadows = light.CastShadows ? LightShadows.Soft : LightShadows.None;
unityLight.areaSize = new Vector2(light.Width, light.Height);
/// Converts the given model camera, if present into a Camera.
/// The Asset Loader Context reference. Asset Loader Context contains the Model loading data.
/// The Model.
/// The Model Game Object.
private static void CreateCamera(AssetLoaderContext assetLoaderContext, ICamera camera, GameObject newGameObject)
var unityCamera = newGameObject.AddComponent();
unityCamera.aspect = camera.AspectRatio;
unityCamera.orthographic = camera.Ortographic;
unityCamera.orthographicSize = camera.OrtographicSize;
unityCamera.fieldOfView = camera.FieldOfView;
unityCamera.nearClipPlane = camera.NearClipPlane;
unityCamera.farClipPlane = camera.FarClipPlane;
unityCamera.focalLength = camera.FocalLength;
unityCamera.sensorSize = camera.SensorSize;
unityCamera.lensShift = camera.LensShift;
unityCamera.gateFit = camera.GateFitMode;
unityCamera.usePhysicalProperties = camera.PhysicalCamera;
unityCamera.enabled = true;
/// Configures the given Model skinning if there is any.
/// The Asset Loader Context reference. Asset Loader Context contains the Model loading data.
/// The Model containing the bones.
private static void SetupModelBones(AssetLoaderContext assetLoaderContext, IModel model)
var loadedGameObject = assetLoaderContext.GameObjects[model];
var skinnedMeshRenderer = loadedGameObject.GetComponent();
if (skinnedMeshRenderer != null)
var bones = model.Bones;
if (bones != null && bones.Count > 0)
var boneIndex = 0;
var gameObjectBones = skinnedMeshRenderer.bones;
for (var i = 0; i < bones.Count; i++)
var bone = bones[i];
gameObjectBones[boneIndex++] = assetLoaderContext.GameObjects[bone].transform;
skinnedMeshRenderer.bones = gameObjectBones;
skinnedMeshRenderer.rootBone = assetLoaderContext.Options.RootBoneMapper.Map(assetLoaderContext, gameObjectBones);
if (model.Children != null && model.Children.Count > 0)
for (var i = 0; i < model.Children.Count; i++)
var subModel = model.Children[i];
SetupModelBones(assetLoaderContext, subModel);
/// Converts the given Animation into an Animation Clip.
/// The Asset Loader Context reference. Asset Loader Context contains the Model loading data.
/// The Animation to convert.
/// The converted Animation Clip.
private static AnimationClip CreateAnimation(AssetLoaderContext assetLoaderContext, IAnimation animation)
var animationClip = new AnimationClip { name = animation.Name, legacy = true, frameRate = animation.FrameRate };
var animationCurveBindings = animation.AnimationCurveBindings;
if (animationCurveBindings == null)
return animationClip;
for (var i = animationCurveBindings.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
var animationCurveBinding = animationCurveBindings[i];
var animationCurves = animationCurveBinding.AnimationCurves;
if (!assetLoaderContext.GameObjects.ContainsKey(animationCurveBinding.Model))
var gameObject = assetLoaderContext.GameObjects[animationCurveBinding.Model];
for (var j = 0; j < animationCurves.Count; j++)
var animationCurve = animationCurves[j];
var unityAnimationCurve = animationCurve.AnimationCurve;
var gameObjectPath = assetLoaderContext.GameObjectPaths[gameObject];
var propertyName = animationCurve.Property;
var propertyType = animationCurve.AnimatedType;
// todo: working on it for a future release
// the simplification isn't working with rotation curves yet
//if (assetLoaderContext.Options.SimplifyAnimations)
// switch (propertyName)
// {
// case Constants.LocalRotationXProperty:
// case Constants.LocalRotationYProperty:
// case Constants.LocalRotationZProperty:
// case Constants.LocalRotationWProperty:
// unityAnimationCurve.Simplify(assetLoaderContext.Options.RotationThreshold, true);
// break;
// case Constants.LocalScaleXProperty:
// case Constants.LocalScaleYProperty:
// case Constants.LocalScaleZProperty:
// unityAnimationCurve.Simplify(assetLoaderContext.Options.ScaleThreshold, true);
// break;
// default:
// unityAnimationCurve.Simplify(assetLoaderContext.Options.PositionThreshold, true);
// break;
// }
animationClip.SetCurve(gameObjectPath, propertyType, propertyName, unityAnimationCurve);
//Fixed in Unity 2022.1.X
if (assetLoaderContext.Options.EnsureQuaternionContinuity)
return animationClip;
/// Converts the given Geometry Group into a Mesh.
/// The Asset Loader Context reference. Asset Loader Context contains the Model loading data.
/// The Game Object where the Mesh belongs.
/// The root Model.
/// The Model used to generate the Game Object.
private static void CreateGeometry(AssetLoaderContext assetLoaderContext, GameObject meshGameObject, IRootModel rootModel, IModel meshModel)
var geometryGroup = meshModel.GeometryGroup;
if (geometryGroup.GeometriesData != null)
if (geometryGroup.Mesh == null)
geometryGroup.GenerateMesh(assetLoaderContext, assetLoaderContext.Options.AnimationType == AnimationType.None ? null : meshModel.BindPoses, meshModel.MaterialIndices);
if (assetLoaderContext.Options.MarkMeshesAsDynamic)
if (assetLoaderContext.Options.LipSyncMappers != null)
Array.Sort(assetLoaderContext.Options.LipSyncMappers, (a, b) => a.CheckingOrder > b.CheckingOrder ? -1 : 1);
foreach (var lipSyncMapper in assetLoaderContext.Options.LipSyncMappers)
if (lipSyncMapper.Map(assetLoaderContext, geometryGroup, out var visemeToBlendTargets))
var lipSyncMapping = meshGameObject.AddComponent();
lipSyncMapping.VisemeToBlendTargets = visemeToBlendTargets;
if (assetLoaderContext.Options.GenerateColliders)
if (assetLoaderContext.RootModel.AllAnimations != null && assetLoaderContext.RootModel.AllAnimations.Count > 0 && assetLoaderContext.Options.ShowLoadingWarnings)
Debug.LogWarning("Adding a MeshCollider to an animated object.");
var meshCollider = meshGameObject.AddComponent();
meshCollider.sharedMesh = geometryGroup.Mesh;
meshCollider.convex = assetLoaderContext.Options.ConvexColliders;
Renderer renderer = null;
if (assetLoaderContext.Options.AnimationType != AnimationType.None || assetLoaderContext.Options.ImportBlendShapes)
var bones = assetLoaderContext.Options.AddAllBonesToSkinnedMeshRenderers ? GetAllBonesRecursive(assetLoaderContext) : meshModel.Bones;
var geometryGroupBlendShapeGeometryBindings = geometryGroup.BlendShapeKeys;
if ((bones != null && bones.Count > 0 || geometryGroupBlendShapeGeometryBindings != null && geometryGroupBlendShapeGeometryBindings.Count > 0) && assetLoaderContext.Options.AnimationType != AnimationType.None)
var skinnedMeshRenderer = meshGameObject.AddComponent();
skinnedMeshRenderer.sharedMesh = geometryGroup.Mesh;
skinnedMeshRenderer.enabled = !assetLoaderContext.Options.ImportVisibility || meshModel.Visibility;
if (bones != null && bones.Count > 0)
skinnedMeshRenderer.bones = new Transform[bones.Count];
renderer = skinnedMeshRenderer;
if (renderer == null)
var meshFilter = meshGameObject.AddComponent();
meshFilter.sharedMesh = geometryGroup.Mesh;
if (!assetLoaderContext.Options.LoadPointClouds)
var meshRenderer = meshGameObject.AddComponent();
meshRenderer.enabled = !assetLoaderContext.Options.ImportVisibility || meshModel.Visibility;
renderer = meshRenderer;
if (renderer != null)
Material loadingMaterial = null;
if (assetLoaderContext.Options.MaterialMappers != null)
for (var i = 0; i < assetLoaderContext.Options.MaterialMappers.Length; i++)
var mapper = assetLoaderContext.Options.MaterialMappers[i];
if (mapper != null && mapper.IsCompatible(null))
loadingMaterial = mapper.LoadingMaterial;
var unityMaterials = new Material[geometryGroup.GeometriesData.Count];
if (loadingMaterial == null)
if (assetLoaderContext.Options.ShowLoadingWarnings)
Debug.LogWarning("Could not find a suitable loading Material.");
for (var i = 0; i < unityMaterials.Length; i++)
unityMaterials[i] = loadingMaterial;
renderer.sharedMaterials = unityMaterials;
var materialIndices = meshModel.MaterialIndices;
foreach (var geometryData in geometryGroup.GeometriesData)
var geometry = geometryData.Value;
if (geometry == null)
var originalGeometryIndex = geometry.OriginalIndex;
var materialIndex = materialIndices[originalGeometryIndex];
if (materialIndex < 0 || materialIndex >= rootModel.AllMaterials.Count)
var sourceMaterial = rootModel.AllMaterials[materialIndex];
if (sourceMaterial == null)
if (originalGeometryIndex < 0 || originalGeometryIndex >= renderer.sharedMaterials.Length)
var materialRenderersContext = new MaterialRendererContext
Context = assetLoaderContext,
Renderer = renderer,
GeometryIndex = geometry.Index,
Material = sourceMaterial
if (assetLoaderContext.MaterialRenderers.TryGetValue(sourceMaterial, out var materialRendererContextList))
assetLoaderContext.MaterialRenderers.Add(sourceMaterial, new List { materialRenderersContext });
/// Creates a list with every bone in the loaded model.
private static IList GetAllBonesRecursive(AssetLoaderContext assetLoaderContext)
var bones = new List();
foreach (var model in assetLoaderContext.RootModel.AllModels)
if (model.IsBone)
return bones;
/// Loads the root Model.
/// The Asset Loader Context reference. Asset Loader Context contains the Model loading data.
private static void LoadModel(AssetLoaderContext assetLoaderContext)
private static void SetupModelLoading(AssetLoaderContext assetLoaderContext)
if (assetLoaderContext.Stream == null && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(assetLoaderContext.Filename))
throw new Exception("TriLib is unable to load the given file.");
if (assetLoaderContext.Options.MaterialMappers != null)
Array.Sort(assetLoaderContext.Options.MaterialMappers, (a, b) => a.CheckingOrder > b.CheckingOrder ? -1 : 1);
if (assetLoaderContext.Options.ShowLoadingWarnings)
Debug.LogWarning("Your AssetLoaderOptions instance has no MaterialMappers. TriLib can't process materials without them.");
GltfReader.DracoDecompressorCallback = DracoMeshLoader.DracoDecompressorCallback;
var fileExtension = assetLoaderContext.FileExtension;
if (fileExtension == null)
fileExtension = FileUtils.GetFileExtension(assetLoaderContext.Filename, false);
else if (fileExtension[0] == '.' && fileExtension.Length > 1)
fileExtension = fileExtension.Substring(1);
if (assetLoaderContext.Stream == null)
var fileStream = new FileStream(assetLoaderContext.Filename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read);
assetLoaderContext.Stream = fileStream;
var reader = Readers.FindReaderForExtension(fileExtension);
if (reader != null)
assetLoaderContext.RootModel = reader.ReadStream(fileStream, assetLoaderContext, assetLoaderContext.Filename, assetLoaderContext.OnProgress);
var reader = Readers.FindReaderForExtension(fileExtension);
if (reader != null)
assetLoaderContext.RootModel = reader.ReadStream(assetLoaderContext.Stream, assetLoaderContext, assetLoaderContext.Filename, assetLoaderContext.OnProgress);
throw new Exception("Could not find a suitable reader for the given model. Please fill the 'fileExtension' parameter when calling any model loading method.");
if (assetLoaderContext.RootModel == null)
throw new Exception("TriLib could not load the given model.");
/// Processes the root Model.
/// The Asset Loader Context reference. Asset Loader Context contains the Model loading data.
private static void ProcessRootModel(AssetLoaderContext assetLoaderContext)
/// Processes the Model Materials, if all source Materials have been loaded.
/// The Asset Loader Context reference. Asset Loader Context contains the Model loading data.
private static void ProcessMaterials(AssetLoaderContext assetLoaderContext)
if (assetLoaderContext.RootModel?.AllMaterials != null && assetLoaderContext.RootModel.AllMaterials.Count > 0)
if (assetLoaderContext.Options.MaterialMappers != null)
else if (assetLoaderContext.Options.ShowLoadingWarnings)
Debug.LogWarning("Please specify a TriLib Material Mapper, otherwise Materials can't be created.");
if (assetLoaderContext.Options.DiscardUnusedTextures)
/// Loads the unused Textures and adds them to the allocations list.
/// The Asset Loader Context reference. Asset Loader Context contains the Model loading data.
private static void LoadUnusedTextures(AssetLoaderContext assetLoaderContext)
if (assetLoaderContext.RootGameObject != null)
if (assetLoaderContext.RootModel.AllTextures != null)
foreach (var texture in assetLoaderContext.RootModel.AllTextures)
var textureLoadingContext = new TextureLoadingContext()
Texture = texture,
Context = assetLoaderContext
if (!assetLoaderContext.TryGetLoadedTexture(textureLoadingContext, out _))
if (assetLoaderContext.Options.UseUnityNativeTextureLoader)
/// Finishes the Model loading, calling the OnMaterialsLoad callback, if present.
/// The Asset Loader Context reference. Asset Loader Context contains the Model loading data.
private static void FinishLoading(AssetLoaderContext assetLoaderContext)
if (assetLoaderContext.Options.AddAssetUnloader && (assetLoaderContext.RootGameObject != null || assetLoaderContext.WrapperGameObject != null))
var gameObject = assetLoaderContext.RootGameObject ?? assetLoaderContext.WrapperGameObject;
var assetUnloader = gameObject.AddComponent();
assetUnloader.Id = AssetUnloader.GetNextId();
assetUnloader.Allocations = assetLoaderContext.Allocations;
assetUnloader.CustomData = assetLoaderContext.CustomData;
if (assetLoaderContext.Options.DiscardUnusedTextures)
assetLoaderContext.Reader?.UpdateLoadingPercentage(1f, assetLoaderContext.Reader.LoadingStepsCount + (int)ReaderBase.PostLoadingSteps.FinishedProcessing);
/// Processes Model Renderers.
/// The Asset Loader Context reference. Asset Loader Context contains the Model loading data.
private static void ProcessMaterialRenderers(AssetLoaderContext assetLoaderContext)
var materialMapperContexts = new MaterialMapperContext[assetLoaderContext.RootModel.AllMaterials.Count];
for (var i = 0; i < assetLoaderContext.RootModel.AllMaterials.Count; i++)
var material = assetLoaderContext.RootModel.AllMaterials[i];
var materialMapperContext = new MaterialMapperContext()
Context = assetLoaderContext,
Material = material
materialMapperContexts[i] = materialMapperContext;
for (var j = 0; j < assetLoaderContext.Options.MaterialMappers.Length; j++)
var materialMapper = assetLoaderContext.Options.MaterialMappers[j];
if (materialMapper is object && materialMapper.IsCompatible(materialMapperContext))
materialMapperContext.MaterialMapper = materialMapper;
//materialMapperContext.AddPostProcessingActionToMainThread(ApplyMaterialToRenderers, materialMapperContext);
assetLoaderContext.Reader.UpdateLoadingPercentage(i, assetLoaderContext.Reader.LoadingStepsCount + (int)ReaderBase.PostLoadingSteps.PostProcessRenderers, assetLoaderContext.RootModel.AllMaterials.Count);
if (assetLoaderContext.Options.DiscardUnusedTextures)
/// Applies the Material from the given context to its Renderers.
/// The source Material Mapper Context, containing the Virtual Material and Unity Material.
private static void ApplyMaterialToRenderers(MaterialMapperContext materialMapperContext)
materialMapperContext.Completed = false;
if (materialMapperContext.Context.MaterialRenderers.TryGetValue(materialMapperContext.Material, out var materialRendererList))
for (var k = 0; k < materialRendererList.Count; k++)
var materialRendererContext = materialRendererList[k];
materialRendererContext.MaterialMapperContext = materialMapperContext;
materialMapperContext.Completed = true;
/// Handles all Model loading errors, unloads the partially loaded Model (if suitable), and calls the error callback (if existing).
/// The Contextualized Error that has occurred.
private static void HandleError(IContextualizedError error)
var exception = error.GetInnerException();
if (error.GetContext() is IAssetLoaderContext context)
var assetLoaderContext = context.Context;
if (assetLoaderContext != null)
if (assetLoaderContext.Options.DestroyOnError && assetLoaderContext.RootGameObject != null)
if (!Application.isPlaying)
assetLoaderContext.RootGameObject = null;
if (assetLoaderContext.OnError != null)
Dispatcher.InvokeAsync(assetLoaderContext.OnError, error);
var contextualizedError = new ContextualizedError