123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192 |
- /****************************************
- Copyright 2016 Unluck Software
- www.chemicalbliss.com
- *****************************************/
- using UnityEngine;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- public class FlockController:MonoBehaviour{
- public FlockChild _childPrefab; // Assign prefab with FlockChild script attached
- public int _childAmount = 250; // Number of objects
- public bool _slowSpawn; // Birds will not be instantiated all at once at start
- public float _spawnSphere = 3.0f; // Range around the spawner waypoints will created
- public float _spawnSphereHeight = 3.0f; // Height of the spawn sphere
- public float _spawnSphereDepth = -1.0f;
- public float _minSpeed = 6.0f; // minimum random speed
- public float _maxSpeed = 10.0f; // maximum random speed
- public float _minScale = .7f; // minimum random size
- public float _maxScale = 1.0f; // maximum random size
- public float _soarFrequency = 0.0f; // How often soar is initiated 1 = always 0 = never
- public string _soarAnimation="Soar"; // Animation -required- for soar functionality
- public string _flapAnimation="Flap"; // Animation used for flapping
- public string _idleAnimation="Idle"; // Animation -required- for sitting idle functionality
- public float _diveValue = 7.0f; // Dive depth
- public float _diveFrequency = 0.5f; // How often dive 1 = always 0 = never
- public float _minDamping = 1.0f; // Rotation tween damping, lower number = smooth/slow rotation (if this get stuck in a loop, increase this value)
- public float _maxDamping = 2.0f;
- public float _waypointDistance = 1.0f; // How close this can get to waypoint before creating a new waypoint (also fixes stuck in a loop)
- public float _minAnimationSpeed = 2.0f; // Minimum animation speed
- public float _maxAnimationSpeed = 4.0f; // Maximum animation speed
- public float _randomPositionTimer = 10.0f; // ***
- public float _positionSphere = 25.0f; // If _randomPositionTimer is bigger than zero the controller will be moved to a random position within this sphere
- public float _positionSphereHeight = 25.0f; // Overides height of sphere for more controll
- public float _positionSphereDepth = -1.0f;
- public bool _childTriggerPos; // Runs the random position function when a child reaches the controller
- public bool _forceChildWaypoints; // Forces all children to change waypoints when this changes position
- public float _forcedRandomDelay = 1.5f; // Random delay added before forcing new waypoint
- public bool _flatFly; // Birds will not rotate upwards as much when flapping
- public bool _flatSoar; // Birds will not rotate upwards as much when soaring
- public bool _birdAvoid; // Avoid colliders left and right
- public int _birdAvoidHorizontalForce = 1000; // How much a bird will react to avoid collision left and right
- public bool _birdAvoidDown; // Avoid colliders below
- public bool _birdAvoidUp; // Avoid colliders above bird
- public int _birdAvoidVerticalForce = 300; // How much a bird will react to avoid collision down and up
- public float _birdAvoidDistanceMax = 4.5f; // Maximum distance to check for collision to avoid
- public float _birdAvoidDistanceMin = 5.0f; // Minimum distance to check for collision to avoid
- public float _soarMaxTime; // Stops soaring after x seconds, use to avoid birds soaring for too long
- public LayerMask _avoidanceMask = (LayerMask)(-1); // Avoidance collider mask
- public List<FlockChild> _roamers;
- public Vector3 _posBuffer;
- public int _updateDivisor = 1; //Skip update every N frames (Higher numbers might give choppy results, 3 - 4 on 60fps , 2 - 3 on 30 fps)
- public float _newDelta;
- public int _updateCounter;
- public float _activeChildren;
- public bool _groupChildToNewTransform; // Parents fish transform to school transform
- public Transform _groupTransform; //
- public string _groupName = ""; //
- public bool _groupChildToFlock; // Parents fish transform to school transform
- public Vector3 _startPosOffset;
- public Transform _thisT; // Reference to the transform component
- public void Start() {
- _thisT = transform;
- if(_positionSphereDepth == -1){
- _positionSphereDepth = _positionSphere;
- }
- if(_spawnSphereDepth == -1){
- _spawnSphereDepth = _spawnSphere;
- }
- ///FIX
- _posBuffer = _thisT.position+_startPosOffset;
- if(!_slowSpawn){
- AddChild(_childAmount);
- }
- if(_randomPositionTimer > 0) InvokeRepeating("SetFlockRandomPosition", _randomPositionTimer, _randomPositionTimer); // > C
- }
- public void AddChild(int amount){
- if(_groupChildToNewTransform)InstantiateGroup();
- for(int i=0;i<amount;i++){
- FlockChild obj = (FlockChild)Instantiate(_childPrefab);
- obj._spawner = this;
- _roamers.Add(obj);
- AddChildToParent(obj.transform);
- }
- }
- public void AddChildToParent(Transform obj){
- if(_groupChildToFlock){
- obj.parent = transform;
- return;
- }
- if(_groupChildToNewTransform){
- obj.parent = _groupTransform;
- return;
- }
- }
- public void RemoveChild(int amount){
- for(int i=0;i<amount;i++){
- FlockChild dObj = _roamers[_roamers.Count-1];
- _roamers.RemoveAt(_roamers.Count-1);
- Destroy(dObj.gameObject);
- }
- }
- public void Update() {
- if(_activeChildren > 0){
- if(_updateDivisor > 1){
- _updateCounter++;
- _updateCounter = _updateCounter % _updateDivisor;
- _newDelta = Time.deltaTime*_updateDivisor;
- }else{
- _newDelta = Time.deltaTime;
- }
- }
- UpdateChildAmount();
- }
- public void InstantiateGroup(){
- if(_groupTransform != null) return;
- GameObject g = new GameObject();
- _groupTransform = g.transform;
- _groupTransform.position = _thisT.position;
- if(_groupName != ""){
- g.name = _groupName;
- return;
- }
- g.name = _thisT.name + " Fish Container";
- }
- public void UpdateChildAmount(){
- if(_childAmount>= 0 && _childAmount < _roamers.Count){
- RemoveChild(1);
- return;
- }
- if (_childAmount > _roamers.Count){
- AddChild(1);
- }
- }
- public void OnDrawGizmos() {
- if(_thisT == null) _thisT = transform;
- if(!Application.isPlaying && _posBuffer != _thisT.position+_startPosOffset){
- _posBuffer = _thisT.position+_startPosOffset;
- }
- if(_positionSphereDepth == -1){
- _positionSphereDepth = _positionSphere;
- }
- if(_spawnSphereDepth == -1){
- _spawnSphereDepth = _spawnSphere;
- }
- Gizmos.color = Color.blue;
- Gizmos.DrawWireCube (_posBuffer, new Vector3(_spawnSphere*2, _spawnSphereHeight*2 ,_spawnSphereDepth*2));
- Gizmos.color = Color.cyan;
- Gizmos.DrawWireCube (_thisT.position, new Vector3((_positionSphere*2)+_spawnSphere*2, (_positionSphereHeight*2)+_spawnSphereHeight*2 ,(_positionSphereDepth*2)+_spawnSphereDepth*2));
- }
- //Set waypoint randomly inside box
- public void SetFlockRandomPosition() {
- Vector3 t = Vector3.zero;
- t.x = Random.Range(-_positionSphere, _positionSphere) + _thisT.position.x;
- t.z = Random.Range(-_positionSphereDepth, _positionSphereDepth) + _thisT.position.z;
- t.y = Random.Range(-_positionSphereHeight, _positionSphereHeight) + _thisT.position.y;
- // var hit : RaycastHit;
- // if (Physics.Raycast(_posBuffer, t, hit, Vector3.Distance(_posBuffer, t))){
- // _posBuffer.LookAt(hit.point);
- // t = hit.point - (_thisT.forward*-3);
- // }
- _posBuffer = t;
- if(_forceChildWaypoints){
- for(int i = 0; i < _roamers.Count; i++) {
- (_roamers[i]).Wander(Random.value*_forcedRandomDelay);
- }
- }
- }
- //Instantly destroys all birds
- public void destroyBirds() {
- for(int i = 0; i < _roamers.Count; i++) {
- Destroy((_roamers[i]).gameObject);
- }
- _childAmount = 0;
- _roamers.Clear();
- }
- }