123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340 |
- using UnityEngine;
- using System.Collections;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using System;
- namespace DigitalOpus.MB.Core
- {
- public class TextureBlenderStandardMetallic : TextureBlender
- {
- static Color NeutralNormalMap = new Color(.5f, .5f, 1f);
- private enum Prop{
- doColor,
- doMetallic,
- doEmission,
- doBump,
- doNone,
- }
- // This is used to cache the non texture property values. If all non-texutre property values are the same for a property for all source textures
- // then the source value will be re-used
- TextureBlenderMaterialPropertyCacheHelper sourceMaterialPropertyCache = new TextureBlenderMaterialPropertyCacheHelper();
- // These are cached values read in OnBeforeTintTexture and used when blending pixels.
- Color m_tintColor;
- float m_glossiness;
- float m_glossMapScale;
- float m_metallic;
- bool m_hasMetallicGlossMap;
- float m_bumpScale;
- bool m_shaderDoesEmission;
- Color m_emissionColor;
- // This just makes things more efficient so we arn't doing a string comparison for each pixel.
- Prop propertyToDo = Prop.doNone;
- // These are the property values that will be assigned to the result material if
- // generating an atlas for those properties.
- Color m_generatingTintedAtlasColor = Color.white;
- float m_generatingTintedAtlasMetallic = 0f;
- float m_generatingTintedAtlasGlossiness = 1f;
- float m_generatingTintedAtlasGlossMapScale = 1f;
- float m_generatingTintedAtlasBumpScale = 1f;
- Color m_generatingTintedAtlasEmission = Color.white;
- // These are the default property values that will be assigned to the result materials if
- // none of the source materials have a value for these properties.
- Color m_notGeneratingAtlasDefaultColor = Color.white;
- float m_notGeneratingAtlasDefaultMetallic = 0;
- float m_notGeneratingAtlasDefaultGlossiness = .5f;
- Color m_notGeneratingAtlasDefaultEmisionColor = Color.black;
- public bool DoesShaderNameMatch(string shaderName)
- {
- return shaderName.Equals("Standard");
- }
- public void OnBeforeTintTexture(Material sourceMat, string shaderTexturePropertyName)
- {
- if (shaderTexturePropertyName.Equals("_MainTex"))
- {
- propertyToDo = Prop.doColor;
- if (sourceMat.HasProperty("_Color"))
- {
- m_tintColor = sourceMat.GetColor("_Color");
- } else
- {
- m_tintColor = m_generatingTintedAtlasColor;
- }
- } else if (shaderTexturePropertyName.Equals("_MetallicGlossMap"))
- {
- propertyToDo = Prop.doMetallic;
- m_metallic = m_generatingTintedAtlasMetallic;
- if (sourceMat.GetTexture("_MetallicGlossMap") != null)
- {
- m_hasMetallicGlossMap = true;
- } else
- {
- m_hasMetallicGlossMap = false;
- }
- if (sourceMat.HasProperty("_Metallic"))
- {
- m_metallic = sourceMat.GetFloat("_Metallic");
- } else
- {
- m_metallic = 0f;
- }
- if (sourceMat.HasProperty("_GlossMapScale"))
- {
- m_glossMapScale = sourceMat.GetFloat("_GlossMapScale");
- } else
- {
- m_glossMapScale = 1f;
- }
- if (sourceMat.HasProperty("_Glossiness"))
- {
- m_glossiness = sourceMat.GetFloat("_Glossiness");
- } else
- {
- m_glossiness = 0f;
- }
- } else if (shaderTexturePropertyName.Equals("_BumpMap"))
- {
- propertyToDo = Prop.doBump;
- if (sourceMat.HasProperty(shaderTexturePropertyName))
- {
- if (sourceMat.HasProperty("_BumpScale"))
- m_bumpScale = sourceMat.GetFloat("_BumpScale");
- }
- else
- {
- m_bumpScale = m_generatingTintedAtlasBumpScale;
- }
- } else if (shaderTexturePropertyName.Equals("_EmissionMap"))
- {
- propertyToDo = Prop.doEmission;
- m_shaderDoesEmission = sourceMat.IsKeywordEnabled("_EMISSION");
- if (sourceMat.HasProperty("_EmissionColor")) {
- m_emissionColor = sourceMat.GetColor("_EmissionColor");
- } else
- {
- m_emissionColor = m_notGeneratingAtlasDefaultEmisionColor;
- }
- } else
- {
- propertyToDo = Prop.doNone;
- }
- }
- public Color OnBlendTexturePixel(string propertyToDoshaderPropertyName, Color pixelColor)
- {
- if (propertyToDo == Prop.doColor)
- {
- return new Color(pixelColor.r * m_tintColor.r, pixelColor.g * m_tintColor.g, pixelColor.b * m_tintColor.b, pixelColor.a * m_tintColor.a);
- }
- else if (propertyToDo == Prop.doMetallic)
- {
- if (m_hasMetallicGlossMap)
- {
- return pixelColor = new Color(pixelColor.r, pixelColor.g, pixelColor.b, pixelColor.a * m_glossMapScale);
- }
- else
- {
- return new Color(m_metallic, 0, 0, m_glossiness);
- }
- }
- else if (propertyToDo == Prop.doBump)
- {
- return Color.Lerp(NeutralNormalMap, pixelColor, m_bumpScale);
- }
- else if (propertyToDo == Prop.doEmission)
- {
- if (m_shaderDoesEmission)
- {
- return new Color(pixelColor.r * m_emissionColor.r, pixelColor.g * m_emissionColor.g, pixelColor.b * m_emissionColor.b, pixelColor.a * m_emissionColor.a);
- }
- else
- {
- return Color.black;
- }
- }
- return pixelColor;
- }
- public bool NonTexturePropertiesAreEqual(Material a, Material b)
- {
- if (!TextureBlenderFallback._compareColor(a, b, m_notGeneratingAtlasDefaultColor, "_Color"))
- {
- return false;
- }
- if (!TextureBlenderFallback._compareFloat(a, b, m_notGeneratingAtlasDefaultGlossiness, "_Glossiness"))
- {
- return false;
- }
- bool aHasMetallicTex = a.HasProperty("_MetallicGlossMap") && a.GetTexture("_MetallicGlossMap") != null;
- bool bHasMetallicTex = b.HasProperty("_MetallicGlossMap") && b.GetTexture("_MetallicGlossMap") != null;
- if (aHasMetallicTex && bHasMetallicTex)
- {
- if (!TextureBlenderFallback._compareFloat(a, b, m_notGeneratingAtlasDefaultMetallic, "_GlossMapScale"))
- {
- return false;
- }
- } else if (!aHasMetallicTex && !bHasMetallicTex)
- {
- if (!TextureBlenderFallback._compareFloat(a, b, m_notGeneratingAtlasDefaultMetallic, "_Metallic"))
- {
- return false;
- }
- } else
- {
- return false;
- }
- if (a.IsKeywordEnabled("_EMISSION") != b.IsKeywordEnabled("_EMISSION"))
- {
- return false;
- }
- if (a.IsKeywordEnabled("_EMISSION"))
- {
- if (!TextureBlenderFallback._compareColor(a, b, m_notGeneratingAtlasDefaultEmisionColor, "_EmissionColor"))
- {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- public void SetNonTexturePropertyValuesOnResultMaterial(Material resultMaterial)
- {
- if (resultMaterial.GetTexture("_MainTex") != null)
- {
- resultMaterial.SetColor("_Color", m_generatingTintedAtlasColor);
- } else {
- resultMaterial.SetColor("_Color", (Color) sourceMaterialPropertyCache.GetValueIfAllSourceAreTheSameOrDefault("_Color", m_notGeneratingAtlasDefaultColor));
- }
- if (resultMaterial.GetTexture("_MetallicGlossMap") != null)
- {
- resultMaterial.SetFloat("_Metallic", m_generatingTintedAtlasMetallic);
- resultMaterial.SetFloat("_GlossMapScale", m_generatingTintedAtlasGlossMapScale);
- resultMaterial.SetFloat("_Glossiness", m_generatingTintedAtlasGlossiness);
- } else
- {
- resultMaterial.SetFloat("_Metallic", (float) sourceMaterialPropertyCache.GetValueIfAllSourceAreTheSameOrDefault("_Metallic", m_notGeneratingAtlasDefaultMetallic));
- resultMaterial.SetFloat("_Glossiness", (float) sourceMaterialPropertyCache.GetValueIfAllSourceAreTheSameOrDefault("_Glossiness", m_notGeneratingAtlasDefaultGlossiness));
- }
- if (resultMaterial.GetTexture("_BumpMap") != null)
- {
- resultMaterial.SetFloat("_BumpScale", m_generatingTintedAtlasBumpScale);
- }
- if (resultMaterial.GetTexture("_EmissionMap") != null)
- {
- resultMaterial.EnableKeyword("_EMISSION");
- resultMaterial.SetColor("_EmissionColor", m_generatingTintedAtlasEmission);
- }
- else {
- resultMaterial.DisableKeyword("_EMISSION");
- resultMaterial.SetColor("_EmissionColor", (Color) sourceMaterialPropertyCache.GetValueIfAllSourceAreTheSameOrDefault("_EmissionColor", m_notGeneratingAtlasDefaultEmisionColor));
- }
- }
- public Color GetColorIfNoTexture(Material mat, ShaderTextureProperty texPropertyName)
- {
- if (texPropertyName.name.Equals("_BumpMap"))
- {
- return new Color(.5f, .5f, 1f);
- }
- else if (texPropertyName.name.Equals("_MainTex"))
- {
- if (mat != null && mat.HasProperty("_Color"))
- {
- try
- { //need try because can't garantee _Color is a color
- Color c = mat.GetColor("_Color");
- sourceMaterialPropertyCache.CacheMaterialProperty(mat, "_Color", c);
- }
- catch (Exception) { }
- return Color.white;
- }
- }
- else if (texPropertyName.name.Equals("_MetallicGlossMap"))
- {
- if (mat != null && mat.HasProperty("_Metallic"))
- {
- try
- { //need try because can't garantee _Metallic is a float
- float v = mat.GetFloat("_Metallic");
- Color c = new Color(v, v, v);
- if (mat.HasProperty("_Glossiness"))
- {
- try
- {
- c.a = mat.GetFloat("_Glossiness");
- }
- catch (Exception) { }
- }
- sourceMaterialPropertyCache.CacheMaterialProperty(mat, "_Metallic", v);
- sourceMaterialPropertyCache.CacheMaterialProperty(mat, "_Glossiness", c.a);
- }
- catch (Exception) { }
- return new Color(0f, 0f, 0f, .5f);
- } else
- {
- return new Color(0f,0f,0f,.5f);
- }
- }
- else if (texPropertyName.name.Equals("_ParallaxMap"))
- {
- return new Color(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f);
- }
- else if (texPropertyName.name.Equals("_OcclusionMap"))
- {
- return new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 1f);
- }
- else if (texPropertyName.name.Equals("_EmissionMap"))
- {
- if (mat != null)
- {
- if (mat.IsKeywordEnabled("_EMISSION"))
- {
- if (mat.HasProperty("_EmissionColor"))
- {
- try
- {
- Color c = mat.GetColor("_EmissionColor");
- sourceMaterialPropertyCache.CacheMaterialProperty(mat, "_EmissionColor", c);
- }
- catch (Exception) { }
- }
- else
- {
- return Color.black;
- }
- } else
- {
- return Color.black;
- }
- }
- }
- else if (texPropertyName.name.Equals("_DetailMask"))
- {
- return new Color(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f);
- }
- return new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0f);
- }
- }
- }