123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126 |
- // Pcx - Point cloud importer & renderer for Unity
- // https://github.com/keijiro/Pcx
- #include "UnityCG.cginc"
- #include "Common.cginc"
- // Uniforms
- half4 _Tint;
- half _PointSize;
- float4x4 _Transform;
- StructuredBuffer<float4> _PointBuffer;
- #endif
- // Vertex input attributes
- struct Attributes
- {
- uint vertexID : SV_VertexID;
- #else
- float4 position : POSITION;
- half3 color : COLOR;
- #endif
- };
- // Fragment varyings
- struct Varyings
- {
- float4 position : SV_POSITION;
- half3 color : COLOR;
- #endif
- };
- // Vertex phase
- Varyings Vertex(Attributes input)
- {
- // Retrieve vertex attributes.
- float4 pt = _PointBuffer[input.vertexID];
- float4 pos = mul(_Transform, float4(pt.xyz, 1));
- half3 col = PcxDecodeColor(asuint(pt.w));
- #else
- float4 pos = input.position;
- half3 col = input.color;
- #endif
- // Color space convertion & applying tint
- col *= _Tint.rgb * 2;
- #else
- col *= LinearToGammaSpace(_Tint.rgb) * 2;
- col = GammaToLinearSpace(col);
- #endif
- #endif
- // Set vertex output.
- Varyings o;
- o.position = UnityObjectToClipPos(pos);
- o.color = col;
- UNITY_TRANSFER_FOG(o, o.position);
- #endif
- return o;
- }
- // Geometry phase
- [maxvertexcount(36)]
- void Geometry(point Varyings input[1], inout TriangleStream<Varyings> outStream)
- {
- float4 origin = input[0].position;
- float2 extent = abs(UNITY_MATRIX_P._11_22 * _PointSize);
- // Copy the basic information.
- Varyings o = input[0];
- // Determine the number of slices based on the radius of the
- // point on the screen.
- float radius = extent.y / origin.w * _ScreenParams.y;
- uint slices = min((radius + 1) / 5, 4) + 2;
- // Slightly enlarge quad points to compensate area reduction.
- // Hopefully this line would be complied without branch.
- if (slices == 2) extent *= 1.2;
- // Top vertex
- o.position.y = origin.y + extent.y;
- o.position.xzw = origin.xzw;
- outStream.Append(o);
- UNITY_LOOP for (uint i = 1; i < slices; i++)
- {
- float sn, cs;
- sincos(UNITY_PI / slices * i, sn, cs);
- // Right side vertex
- o.position.xy = origin.xy + extent * float2(sn, cs);
- outStream.Append(o);
- // Left side vertex
- o.position.x = origin.x - extent.x * sn;
- outStream.Append(o);
- }
- // Bottom vertex
- o.position.x = origin.x;
- o.position.y = origin.y - extent.y;
- outStream.Append(o);
- outStream.RestartStrip();
- }
- half4 Fragment(Varyings input) : SV_Target
- {
- return 0;
- #else
- half4 c = half4(input.color, _Tint.a);
- UNITY_APPLY_FOG(input.fogCoord, c);
- return c;
- #endif
- }