using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using System.Threading; using PPTParticleSystem2D; //Generator for the PPT Particle System public class PPTGeneratorImage : MonoBehaviour { //Core of the PPT Particle System private PPTParticleSystem physics; //Texture to make as a particle system //Alpha Channel supported (each alpha = 0 means no particle) public Texture2D image; //Final ressolution for the particle system //Small value mean more resolution [Range(0.1f, 100)] public float resolution = 6; //A minium and maxim value for a random mass for the particles public float minimMassValue = 0.4f; public float maxMassValue = 0.8f; //Values for the spring and damping particles system public float springConstant=0.02f, damping=0.04f; //Alpha cut off value to make the particle system [Range(0, 1)] public float alphaCutOff = 0; //Particle Sistem from unity used to make the render of the particles public ParticleSystem ParticleSystem; //External forces applyied to the system public PPTForceParticle[] externalForces; //Use or not the localTransformPosition from the external forces public bool localPosition = false; //Particle method system to calculate the steps public PPTParticleSystem.IntegratorSystem integratorSystem; //Bolean flag to know if the particle system is loaded public bool isLoaded; //Value to make more viscosity effect [Range(0, 0.7f)] public float somedrag; //Enable or disable the srpings system public bool springsActivated = true; //size of the system public float size = 1; //Internal variables for the map of the texture. private int widthSmall, heightSmall, numPixelsSmall; private PPTParticle[] particles; private PPTSpring[] springs; private PPTParticle[] fixedParticles; private Color[] colors; private float[] forceInstance; private bool[] activeInstance; private PPTParticle[] instances; private PPTAttraction[,] attracts; private UnityEngine.ParticleSystem.Particle[] parts; private bool m_springsActivated=true; //Multi thread for optimitzation private Thread thread; private Mutex mainLoop; void OnApplicationQuit() { //Kill the thread from the PPTParticleSystem thread.Abort(); } void Start() { //Start the loading for the PPTParticleSystem LoadParticles(); } // Use this for initialization public void LoadParticles() { isLoaded = false; //get the final ressolution for the system widthSmall = (int)(image.width / resolution); heightSmall = (int)(image.height / resolution); numPixelsSmall = 0; for (int x = 0; x < widthSmall; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < heightSmall; y++) { //Count each particle from the alpha cut off Color c = image.GetPixel((int)(x * resolution), (int)(y * resolution)); if (c.a > alphaCutOff) numPixelsSmall++; } } //numPixelsSmall had the final number of particles for all the system Debug.Log("Generator : PPTParticleSystem - width : " + widthSmall + " - height : " + heightSmall + " - number of particles : " + numPixelsSmall); //Define an array for the colors of the image colors = new Color[numPixelsSmall]; //Define a PPTParticle system physics = new PPTParticleSystem(0f, somedrag); //Define the integrator system physics.setIntegrator(integratorSystem); //Define one particle array system particles = new PPTParticle[numPixelsSmall]; //Define another array of the particle system for the static position fixedParticles = new PPTParticle[numPixelsSmall]; //Define each spring for each particle springs = new PPTSpring[numPixelsSmall]; //Define each attract for the external force attracts = new PPTAttraction[externalForces.Length, numPixelsSmall]; //Define each external force instance instances = new PPTParticle[externalForces.Length]; forceInstance = new float[externalForces.Length]; activeInstance = new bool[externalForces.Length]; //For each external force, make a fixed particle Vector3 v = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); for (int i = 0; i < externalForces.Length; i++) { if (localPosition) v = externalForces[i].transform.localPosition; else v = externalForces[i].transform.position; //Make a fixed particle instances[i] = physics.makeParticle(1, v.x, v.y, v.z); instances[i].makeFixed(); forceInstance[i] = externalForces[i].forceParticle; activeInstance[i] = externalForces[i].gameObject.activeSelf; } //Now we work with the particle's system int a = 0; for (int x = 0; x < widthSmall; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < heightSmall; y++) { //get the current color of the image Color c = image.GetPixel((int)(x * resolution), (int)(y * resolution)); //if alpha cut off if (c.a > alphaCutOff) { //get the current color colors[a] = image.GetPixel((int)(x * resolution), (int)(y * resolution)); //make a particle particles[a] = physics.makeParticle( Random.Range(minimMassValue, maxMassValue), (x * resolution - widthSmall * resolution / 2)/(60/size), (y * resolution - heightSmall * resolution / 2)/(60/size), 0); //make a static particle fixedParticles[a] = physics.makeParticle( Random.Range(minimMassValue, maxMassValue), (x * resolution - widthSmall * resolution / 2)/(60/size), (y * resolution - heightSmall * resolution / 2)/(60/size), 0); //active the fixed particle for the static particle fixedParticles[a].makeFixed(); int i = 0; //for each force... foreach (PPTParticle p in instances) { //apply the attracttion for each external force attracts[i, a] = physics.makeAttraction(particles[a], p, forceInstance[i], 0.1f); if (!activeInstance[i]) //turn off the current attractot if the external force isn't enabled attracts[i, a].turnOff(); i++; } //Finally make the spring joint between particle and fixed particle springs[a] = physics.makeSpring(particles[a], fixedParticles[a], springConstant, damping, 0); a++; } } } //Particle system loaded isLoaded = true; //Internal array of particles to work with the Unityt particle system parts = new ParticleSystem.Particle[numPixelsSmall]; mainLoop = new Mutex(true); thread = new Thread(runPhysics); //Atart a thread to make the particle system run thread.Start(); //Getting the actual Unity particle system to make the new one if (ParticleSystem != null) { float particleSize = ParticleSystem.startSize; int i = numPixelsSmall; while (--i > -1) { ParticleSystem.Particle particle = new ParticleSystem.Particle(); particle.position = new Vector2(particles[i].position.x,particles[i].position.y); particle.startLifetime = float.MaxValue; particle.remainingLifetime = float.MaxValue; particle.size = particleSize; particle.color = colors[i]; parts[i] = particle; } ParticleSystem.SetParticles(parts, parts.Length); ParticleSystem.Play(); } else { Debug.LogError("Particle system not setted! Please attach one Unity particle system to the PPTParticleSystem."); } } // Update is called once per frame void Update() { //For each force, update the state, force and position updateExternalForces(); //Make the update of the particle system if (physics != null) updateParticleSystem(); //Update the spring relations into the PPT Particle System updateSpringSystem(); mainLoop.ReleaseMutex(); mainLoop.WaitOne(); } private void updateSpringSystem() { //Reload the spring state if (m_springsActivated != springsActivated) { m_springsActivated = springsActivated; foreach (PPTSpring s in springs) if (m_springsActivated) s.turnOn(); else s.turnOff(); } } private void updateExternalForces() { Vector3 v = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); for (int i = 0; i < externalForces.Length; i++) { if (localPosition) v = externalForces[i].transform.localPosition; else v = externalForces[i].transform.position; //Update position for each external force instances[i].position.x = v.x; instances[i].position.y = v.y; if (forceInstance[i] != externalForces[i].forceParticle || activeInstance[i] != externalForces[i].gameObject.activeSelf) { forceInstance[i] = externalForces[i].forceParticle; activeInstance[i] = externalForces[i].gameObject.activeSelf; if (activeInstance[i]) for (int a = 0; a < numPixelsSmall; a++) { //Turn on and setup the force for the external force attracts[i, a].turnOn(); attracts[i, a].setStrength(forceInstance[i]); } else for (int a = 0; a < numPixelsSmall; a++) //Turn off the external force attracts[i, a].turnOff(); } } } public void runPhysics() { while (true) { //Thread to run the core of the PPT Particle System Thread.Sleep(0); physics.tick(); mainLoop.WaitOne(); mainLoop.ReleaseMutex(); } } public void updateParticleSystem() { //Get the current array of particles ParticleSystem.GetParticles(parts); //For each particle of Unity particle system, update the position and life int i = Mathf.Min(numPixelsSmall, particles.Length); while (--i > -1) { parts[i].position = new Vector2(particles[i].position.x, particles[i].position.y); parts[i].remainingLifetime = float.MaxValue; } //Attach the new array to the current Unity particle system ParticleSystem.SetParticles(parts, particles.Length); } }