using UnityEngine; using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; public class SvrOverlay : MonoBehaviour, IComparable { public static List Instances = new List(); public enum eSide { Left = 1, Right = 2, Both = 3, [HideInInspector] Count = Both }; public enum eType { RenderTexture = 0, StandardTexture = 1, EglTexture = 2, }; public delegate void OnPostRenderCallback(int sideMask, int layerMask); public OnPostRenderCallback OnPostRenderListener; public delegate void OnPreRenderCallback(int sideMask, int textureId, int previousId); public OnPreRenderCallback OnPreRenderListener; [Tooltip("Layer depth stack")] public int layerDepth = 0; [Tooltip("Image display transform")] public Camera imageCamera; [Tooltip("Image type: 0/Camera render target, 1/Texture 2d, 2/External egl")] public eType imageType = eType.RenderTexture; [Tooltip("Image texture used when ImageType is StandardTexture")] public Texture imageTexture; [Tooltip("Image transform for scale, rotation and position (optional)")] public Transform imageTransform; [Tooltip("Image display region (camera clip space)")] public Vector4 clipLowerLeft = new Vector4(-1, -1, 0, 1); public Vector4 clipUpperLeft = new Vector4(-1, 1, 0, 1); public Vector4 clipUpperRight = new Vector4(1, 1, 0, 1); public Vector4 clipLowerRight = new Vector4(1, -1, 0, 1); [Tooltip("Image source region (texture uv space)")] public Vector2 uvLowerLeft = new Vector2(0, 0); public Vector2 uvUpperLeft = new Vector2(0, 1); public Vector2 uvUpperRight = new Vector2(1, 1); public Vector2 uvLowerRight = new Vector2(1, 0); [Tooltip("Side mask")] public eSide side = eSide.Both; private RenderTextureFormat format = RenderTextureFormat.Default; private Vector2 resolution = new Vector2(1920, 1080); private float resolutionScaleFactor = 1.0f; private int antiAliasing = 1; private int depth = 24; private int frustumType = 0; private const int bufferCount = 3; private RenderTexture[] overlayTextures = new RenderTexture[bufferCount]; private int[] overlayTextureIds = new int[bufferCount]; private int currentTextureIndex = 0; private Camera[] mainCameras = null; private bool dirty = false; private Coroutine recreateBuffersCoroutine = null; public int CompareTo(SvrOverlay that) { return this.layerDepth.CompareTo(that.layerDepth); } public int FrustumType { get { return frustumType; } set { frustumType = value; } } public void SetImage(Texture2D texture) { imageTexture = texture; InitializeBuffers(); } public eType ImageType { get { return imageType; } set { imageType = value; } } public eSide Side { get { return side; } set { side = value; } } public RenderTextureFormat Format { get { return format; } set { SetDirty(format != value); format = value; } } public int AntiAliasing { get { return antiAliasing; } set { SetDirty(antiAliasing != value); antiAliasing = value; } } public int Depth { get { return depth; } set { SetDirty(depth != value); depth = value; } } public Vector2 Resolution { get { return resolution; } set { SetDirty(!Mathf.Approximately(resolution.x, value.x) || !Mathf.Approximately(resolution.y, value.y)); resolution = value; } } public float ResolutionScaleFactor { get { return resolutionScaleFactor; } set { SetDirty(!Mathf.Approximately(resolutionScaleFactor, value)); resolutionScaleFactor = value; } } void SetDirty(bool value) { dirty = dirty == true ? true : value; } public int TextureId { get { return overlayTextureIds[currentTextureIndex]; } set { overlayTextureIds[currentTextureIndex] = value; } } public int PreviousId { get { return overlayTextureIds[(currentTextureIndex + bufferCount - 1) % bufferCount]; } } public Texture TexturePtr { get { return (imageTexture != null ? imageTexture : (Texture)overlayTextures[currentTextureIndex]); } } void Awake() { Instances.Add(this); AcquireComponents(); InitializeCoords(); } void OnDestroy() { Instances.Remove(this); } void AcquireComponents() { if (imageCamera == null) imageCamera = gameObject.GetComponent(); Debug.Assert(imageCamera != null, "ImageCamera object required"); mainCameras = imageCamera.GetComponentsInChildren(); } void Start() { //Initialize(); Called by SvrManager.InitializeOverlays() } void LateUpdate() { UpdateCoords(); } public void Initialize() { InitializeBuffers(); InitializeCameras(); } void InitializeBuffers() { for (int i = 0; i < bufferCount; ++i) { if (overlayTextures[i] != null) overlayTextures[i].Release(); switch (imageType) { case eType.RenderTexture: overlayTextures[i] = new RenderTexture((int)(resolution.x * resolutionScaleFactor), (int)(resolution.y * resolutionScaleFactor), depth, format); overlayTextures[i].antiAliasing = antiAliasing; overlayTextures[i].Create(); overlayTextureIds[i] = overlayTextures[i].GetNativeTexturePtr().ToInt32(); //Debug.Log("Create Render Texture with ID: " + overlayTextureIds[i] + " Width: " + overlayTextures[i].width + " Height: " + overlayTextures[i].height + " AA: " + overlayTextures[i].antiAliasing); break; case eType.StandardTexture: if (imageTexture) overlayTextureIds[i] = imageTexture.GetNativeTexturePtr().ToInt32(); break; case eType.EglTexture: overlayTextureIds[i] = 0; break; } } dirty = false; } void InitializeCameras() { var deviceInfo = SvrPlugin.Instance.deviceInfo; var deviceFov = new Vector2(deviceInfo.targetFovXRad, deviceInfo.targetFovYRad) * Mathf.Rad2Deg; var frustum = side == eSide.Right ? deviceInfo.targetFrustumRight : deviceInfo.targetFrustumLeft; foreach (var mainCamera in mainCameras) { mainCamera.fieldOfView = deviceFov.y; mainCamera.aspect = deviceFov.x / deviceFov.y; if (frustumType == (int)SvrManager.SvrSettings.eFrustumType.Device) { mainCamera.projectionMatrix = SvrManager.Perspective(frustum.left, frustum.right, frustum.bottom,, frustum.near, mainCamera.farClipPlane); } } } void InitializeCoords() { //clipLowerLeft.Set(-1, -1, 0, 1); //clipUpperLeft.Set(-1, 1, 0, 1); //clipUpperRight.Set(1, 1, 0, 1); //clipLowerRight.Set(1, -1, 0, 1); } void UpdateCoords() { if (imageTransform == null) return; var viewCamera = mainCameras[0]; if (viewCamera == null) return; var extents = 0.5f *; var center =; var worldLowerLeft = new Vector4(center.x - extents.x, center.y - extents.y, 0, 1); var worldUpperLeft = new Vector4(center.x - extents.x, center.y + extents.y, 0, 1); var worldUpperRight = new Vector4(center.x + extents.x, center.y + extents.y, 0, 1); var worldLowerRight = new Vector4(center.x + extents.x, center.y - extents.y, 0, 1); Matrix4x4 MVP = viewCamera.projectionMatrix * viewCamera.worldToCameraMatrix * imageTransform.localToWorldMatrix; clipLowerLeft = MVP * worldLowerLeft; clipUpperLeft = MVP * worldUpperLeft; clipUpperRight = MVP * worldUpperRight; clipLowerRight = MVP * worldLowerRight; } void OnPreRender() { if (imageType != eType.RenderTexture) return; SwapBuffers(); if (OnPreRenderListener != null) { OnPreRenderListener((int)side, TextureId, PreviousId); } } void SwapBuffers() { if (imageType != eType.RenderTexture) return; currentTextureIndex = ++currentTextureIndex % bufferCount; var targetTexture = overlayTextures[currentTextureIndex]; if (targetTexture == null) return; for (int i = 0; i < mainCameras.Length; i++) { mainCameras[i].targetTexture = targetTexture; } targetTexture.DiscardContents(); } void OnPostRender() { RecreateBuffersIfDirty(); if (OnPostRenderListener != null) { OnPostRenderListener((int)side, 0x1/*kLayerFlagHeadLocked*/); } } void RecreateBuffersIfDirty() { if (dirty) { if (recreateBuffersCoroutine != null) { StopCoroutine(recreateBuffersCoroutine); recreateBuffersCoroutine = null; } recreateBuffersCoroutine = StartCoroutine(RecreateBuffersDeferred()); dirty = false; } } IEnumerator RecreateBuffersDeferred() { int i = 0; while (i < bufferCount) { int index = currentTextureIndex - 1; index = index >= 0 ? index : bufferCount - 1; if (overlayTextures[index] != null) overlayTextures[index].Release(); switch (imageType) { case eType.RenderTexture: overlayTextures[index] = new RenderTexture((int)(resolution.x * resolutionScaleFactor), (int)(resolution.y * resolutionScaleFactor), depth, format); overlayTextures[index].antiAliasing = antiAliasing; overlayTextures[index].Create(); overlayTextureIds[index] = overlayTextures[index].GetNativeTexturePtr().ToInt32(); Debug.Log("Re-create Render Texture with ID: " + overlayTextureIds[index] + " Width: " + overlayTextures[index].width + " Height: " + overlayTextures[index].height + " AA: " + overlayTextures[index].antiAliasing); break; case eType.StandardTexture: if (imageTexture) overlayTextureIds[index] = imageTexture.GetNativeTexturePtr().ToInt32(); break; case eType.EglTexture: overlayTextureIds[index] = 0; break; } int prevTextureIndex = currentTextureIndex; yield return new WaitUntil(() => currentTextureIndex != prevTextureIndex); i++; } yield break; } }