using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class RotateLogic
private Vector3 startHandlebar;
private Quaternion startRotation;
/// Setup the rotation logic.
/// Array with positions of down pointers
public void Setup(Transform[] handsPressedArray, Transform t)
startHandlebar = GetHandlebarDirection(handsPressedArray);
startRotation = t.rotation;
/// Update the rotation based on input.
/// Array with positions of down pointers, order should be the same as handsPressedArray provided in Setup
/// Desired rotation
public Quaternion Update(Transform[] handsPressedArray, Quaternion currentRotation)
var handlebarDirection = GetHandlebarDirection(handsPressedArray);
return Quaternion.FromToRotation(startHandlebar, handlebarDirection) * startRotation;
private static Vector3 GetHandlebarDirection(Transform[] handsPressedArray)
Debug.Assert(handsPressedArray.Length > 1);
return handsPressedArray[1].position - handsPressedArray[0].position;