using UnityEngine; using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace DynamicFogAndMist { [ExecuteInEditMode] [HelpURL ("")] public class DynamicFogManager : MonoBehaviour { [Range (0, 1)] public float alpha = 1f; [Range (0, 1)] public float noiseStrength = 0.5f; [Range (0, 0.999f)] public float distance = 0.2f; [Range (0, 2f)] public float distanceFallOff = 1f; [Range (0, 500)] public float height = 1f; [Range (0, 1)] public float heightFallOff = 1f; public float baselineHeight = 0; public Color color = new Color (0.89f, 0.89f, 0.89f, 1); public GameObject sun; Light sunLight; Vector3 sunDirection =; Color sunColor = Color.white; float sunIntensity = 1f; // Creates a private material used to the effect void OnEnable () { UpdateMaterialProperties (); } void Reset () { UpdateMaterialProperties (); } // Check possible alpha transition void Update () { // Updates sun illumination if (sun != null) { bool needFogColorUpdate = false; if (sun.transform.forward != sunDirection) { needFogColorUpdate = true; } if (sunLight != null) { if (sunLight.color != sunColor || sunLight.intensity != sunIntensity) { needFogColorUpdate = true; } } if (needFogColorUpdate) UpdateFogColor (); } UpdateFogData(); } public void UpdateMaterialProperties () { UpdateFogData(); UpdateFogColor (); } void UpdateFogData() { Vector4 data = new Vector4 (height + 0.001f, baselineHeight, Camera.main.farClipPlane * distance, heightFallOff); Shader.SetGlobalVector ("_FogData", data); Shader.SetGlobalFloat ("_FogData2", distanceFallOff * data.z + 0.0001f); } void UpdateFogColor () { if (sun != null) { if (sunLight == null) sunLight = sun.GetComponent (); if (sunLight != null && sunLight.transform != sun.transform) { sunLight = sun.GetComponent (); } sunDirection = sun.transform.forward; if (sunLight != null) { sunColor = sunLight.color; sunIntensity = sunLight.intensity; } } float fogIntensity = sunIntensity * Mathf.Clamp01 (1.0f - sunDirection.y); Color fogColor = color * sunColor * fogIntensity; fogColor.a = alpha; Shader.SetGlobalColor ("_FogColor", fogColor); } } }