using UnityEngine; using System.IO; [System.Serializable] public class MegaBezFloatKey { public float val; public float intan; public float outtan; public float intanx; public float outtanx; public float coef0; public float coef1; public float coef2; public float coef3; } [System.Serializable] public class MegaBezFloatKeyControl : MegaControl { public MegaBezFloatKey[] Keys; private const float SCALE = 4800.0f; public float f; //public float[] Times; //[HideInInspector] //public int lastkey = 0; //[HideInInspector] //public float lasttime = 0.0f; //public virtual float GetFloat(float time) { return 0.0f; } #if false int BinSearch(float t, int low, int high) { int probe = 0; while ( high - low > 1 ) { probe = (high + low) / 2; if ( t < Times[probe] ) high = probe; else { if ( t > Times[probe + 1] ) low = probe; else break; // found } } return probe; } // get index // do a range check, anim code should keep the t in range public int GetKey(float t) { if ( t <= Times[1] ) return 0; if ( t >= Times[Times.Length - 1] ) return Times.Length - 2; // Cache result and then do a bin search int key = lastkey; if ( t >= Times[key] && t < Times[key + 1] ) return key; // we get past this if out of time range of whole anim return BinSearch(t, -1, Times.Length - 1); } #endif public void InitKeys() { for ( int i = 0; i < Keys.Length - 1; i++ ) { float dt = Times[i + 1] - Times[i]; float hout = Keys[i].val + (Keys[i].outtan * SCALE) * (dt / 3.0f); float hin = Keys[i + 1].val + (Keys[i + 1].intan * SCALE) * (dt / 3.0f); Keys[i].coef1 = Keys[i + 1].val + 3.0f * (hout - hin) - Keys[i].val; Keys[i].coef2 = 3.0f * (hin - 2.0f * hout + Keys[i].val); Keys[i].coef3 = 3.0f * (hout - Keys[i].val); } } public void InitKeys(float scale) { for ( int i = 0; i < Keys.Length - 1; i++ ) { float dt = Times[i + 1] - Times[i]; float hout = Keys[i].val + (Keys[i].outtan * scale) * (dt / 3.0f); float hin = Keys[i + 1].val + (Keys[i + 1].intan * scale) * (dt / 3.0f); Keys[i].coef1 = Keys[i + 1].val + 3.0f * (hout - hin) - Keys[i].val; Keys[i].coef2 = 3.0f * (hin - 2.0f * hout + Keys[i].val); Keys[i].coef3 = 3.0f * (hout - Keys[i].val); } } public void InitKeysMaya() { for ( int i = 0; i < Keys.Length - 1; i++ ) { float x0 = Times[i]; float x1 = Times[i] + Keys[i].outtanx; float x2 = Times[i + 1] - Keys[i + 1].intanx; float x3 = Times[i + 1]; float y0 = Keys[i].val; float y1 = Keys[i].val + Keys[i].outtan; float y2 = Keys[i + 1].val - Keys[i + 1].intan; float y3 = Keys[i + 1].val; float dx = x3 - x0; float dy = y3 - y0; float tan_x = x1 - x0; float m1 = 0.0f; float m2 = 0.0f; if ( tan_x != 0.0f ) m1 = (y1 - y0) / tan_x; tan_x = x3 - x2; if ( tan_x != 0.0f ) m2 = (y3 - y2) / tan_x; float length = 1.0f / (dx * dx); float d1 = dx * m1; float d2 = dx * m2; Keys[i].coef0 = (d1 + d2 - dy - dy) * length / dx; Keys[i].coef1 = (dy + dy + dy - d1 - d1 - d2) * length; Keys[i].coef2 = m1; Keys[i].coef3 = y0; } } public float GetHermiteFloat(float tt) { if ( Times.Length == 1 ) return Keys[0].val; int key = GetKey(tt); float t = Mathf.Clamp01((tt - Times[key]) / (Times[key + 1] - Times[key])); t = Mathf.Lerp(Times[key], Times[key + 1], t) - Times[key]; return (t * (t * (t * Keys[key].coef0 + Keys[key].coef1) + Keys[key].coef2) + Keys[key].coef3); } public void MakeKey(MegaBezFloatKey key, Vector2 pco, Vector2 pleft, Vector2 pright, Vector2 co, Vector2 left, Vector2 right) { float f1 = pco.y * 100.0f; float f2 = pright.y * 100.0f; float f3 = left.y * 100.0f; float f4 = co.y * 100.0f; key.val = f1; key.coef3 = 3.0f * (f2 - f1); key.coef2 = 3.0f * (f1 - 2.0f * f2 + f3); key.coef1 = f4 - f1 + 3.0f * (f2 - f3); } #if false public bool Parse(BinaryReader br, string id) { switch ( id ) { case "Num": int num = br.ReadInt32(); Keys = new MegaBezFloatKey[num]; Times = new float[num]; break; case "Keys": for ( int i = 0; i < Keys.Length; i++ ) { Keys[i] = new MegaBezFloatKey(); Keys[i].val = br.ReadSingle(); Keys[i].intan = br.ReadSingle(); Keys[i].outtan = br.ReadSingle(); Times[i] = br.ReadSingle(); } InitKeys(); break; case "BKeys": // Blender keys Vector2 co =; Vector2 left =; Vector3 right =; Vector2 pco =; Vector2 pleft =; Vector3 pright =; for ( int i = 0; i < Keys.Length; i++ ) { Keys[i] = new MegaBezFloatKey(); co.x = br.ReadSingle(); co.y = br.ReadSingle(); left.x = br.ReadSingle(); left.y = br.ReadSingle(); right.x = br.ReadSingle(); right.y = br.ReadSingle(); if ( i > 0 ) MakeKey(Keys[i - 1], pco, pleft, pright, co, left, right); pco = co; pleft = left; pright = right; Times[i] = co.x / 30.0f; } break; } return true; } #endif //public override void Interp(float alpha, int key) public void Interp(float alpha, int key) { if ( alpha == 0.0f ) f = Keys[key].val; else { if ( alpha == 1.0f ) f = Keys[key + 1].val; else { float tp2 = alpha * alpha; float tp3 = tp2 * alpha; f = Keys[key].coef1 * tp3 + Keys[key].coef2 * tp2 + Keys[key].coef3 * alpha + Keys[key].val; } } } public override float GetFloat(float t) { if ( Times.Length == 1 ) { return Keys[0].val; } int key = GetKey(t); float alpha = (t - Times[key]) / (Times[key + 1] - Times[key]); if ( alpha < 0.0f ) alpha = 0.0f; else { if ( alpha > 1.0f ) alpha = 1.0f; } // Do ease and hermite here maybe Interp(alpha, key); lastkey = key; lasttime = t; return f; } }