using UnityEngine; using System.Collections.Generic; #if !UNITY_FLASH && !UNITY_PS3 && !UNITY_METRO && !UNITY_WP8 using System.Threading; #endif [AddComponentMenu("MegaFlow/Particle Moving")] public class MegaFlowParticleMoving : MonoBehaviour { public MegaFlowMovingSource msource; MegaFlowFrame frame; public int framenum; [Range(0.01f, 2.0f)] public float mass = 0.02f; public float area = 0.2f; public ParticleSystem particle; public float dt = 0.01f; public float scale = 1.0f; public int maxparticles = 1000; ParticleSystem.Particle[] particles; Matrix4x4 tm; Matrix4x4 invtm; float tdt; float coef; float oomass; int Cores = 0; float usedt = 0.0f; public float speed = 0.0f; public float gravity = 0.0f; [ContextMenu("Help")] public void Help() { Application.OpenURL(""); } public void SetFrame(int f) { if ( msource && msource.source ) { if ( f >= 0 && f < msource.source.frames.Count ) { frame = msource.source.frames[f]; framenum = f; } } } // Flow source should be normalized void RunSim(int start, int end) { Vector3 tvel; Vector3 acc; Vector3 dir; float fvel = 0.0f; float falloff = 0.0f; int mframe = 0; Matrix4x4 ftm = invtm; Vector3 flowpos =; for ( int i = start; i < end; i++ ) { Vector3 pos = particles[i].position; Vector3 vel = particles[i].velocity; float duration = tdt; bool inbounds = true; // Not really correct to do here but it is close enough and will save a lot of cpu time //flowpos = msource.FindFlowPos(pos, ref inbounds, ref ftm, ref fvel); flowpos = msource.FindFlowPos(pos, ref inbounds, ref ftm, ref fvel, ref mframe, ref falloff); while ( duration > 0.0001f ) { if ( inbounds ) { Vector3 airvel = ftm.MultiplyVector(frame.GetGridVel(flowpos, ref inbounds)); if ( inbounds ) { float scl = scale * fvel * falloff; airvel.x *= scl; airvel.y *= scl; airvel.z *= scl; if ( airvel.sqrMagnitude > 0.1f ) { tvel.x = airvel.x - vel.x; tvel.y = airvel.y - vel.y; tvel.z = airvel.z - vel.z; float l = (tvel.x * tvel.x) + (tvel.y * tvel.y) + (tvel.z * tvel.z); if ( l != 0.0f ) { l = Mathf.Sqrt(l); float df = coef * l; l = 1.0f / l; dir.x = tvel.x * l; dir.y = tvel.y * l; dir.z = tvel.z * l; float dfm = df * oomass; acc.x = dir.x * dfm; acc.y = dir.y * dfm + gravity; acc.z = dir.z * dfm; vel.x += acc.x * usedt; vel.y += acc.y * usedt; vel.z += acc.z * usedt; pos.x += vel.x * usedt; pos.y += vel.y * usedt; pos.z += vel.z * usedt; } } else { vel.y += gravity * usedt; pos.y += vel.y * usedt; } } else { vel.y += gravity * usedt; pos.y += vel.y * usedt; } } else { vel.y += gravity * usedt; pos.y += vel.y * usedt; } duration -= usedt; } particles[i].position = pos; particles[i].velocity = vel; } } void Start() { if ( Cores == 0 ) Cores = SystemInfo.processorCount - 1; if ( particle == null ) particle = GetComponent(); particles = new ParticleSystem.Particle[maxparticles]; } #if !UNITY_FLASH && !UNITY_PS3 && !UNITY_METRO && !UNITY_WP8 public bool UseThreading = false; public MegaFlowTaskInfo[] tasks; void MakeThreads() { if ( Cores > 0 ) { isRunning = true; tasks = new MegaFlowTaskInfo[Cores]; for ( int i = 0; i < Cores; i++ ) { tasks[i] = new MegaFlowTaskInfo(); tasks[i].pauseevent = new AutoResetEvent(false); tasks[i]._thread = new Thread(DoWork); tasks[i]._thread.Start(tasks[i]); } } } void Update() { if ( msource && msource.source && particle ) { msource.framenum = framenum; framenum = Mathf.Clamp(framenum, 0, msource.source.frames.Count - 1); frame = msource.source.frames[framenum]; msource.source.Prepare(); tdt = Time.deltaTime; Matrix4x4 offtm = Matrix4x4.TRS(frame.size * 0.5f, Quaternion.identity,; tm = offtm * msource.source.transform.worldToLocalMatrix; invtm = tm.inverse; float p = msource.source.Density; float A = area; float Re = msource.source.Reynolds; oomass = 1.0f / mass; coef = 1.0f * p * A * Mathf.Pow(Re, -0.5f); usedt = dt; if ( usedt > tdt ) usedt = tdt; int count = particle.GetParticles(particles); if ( !UseThreading || Cores < 1 || !Application.isPlaying ) RunSim(0, count); else { if ( Cores == 0 ) Cores = SystemInfo.processorCount - 1; if ( tasks == null ) MakeThreads(); int step = count / (Cores + 1); if ( Cores > 0 ) { int index = step; for ( int i = 0; i < tasks.Length; i++ ) { tasks[i].start = index; tasks[i].end = index + step; index += step; } tasks[Cores - 1].end = count; for ( int i = 0; i < tasks.Length; i++ ) tasks[i].pauseevent.Set(); } RunSim(0, step); WaitJobs(); } particle.SetParticles(particles, count); } } void WaitJobs() { if ( Cores > 0 ) { int count = 0; bool wait = false; do { wait = false; for ( int i = 0; i < tasks.Length; i++ ) { if ( tasks[i].end > 0 ) { wait = true; break; } } if ( wait ) { count++; Thread.Sleep(0); } } while ( wait ); } } void OnApplicationQuit() { if ( Application.isPlaying ) { isRunning = false; if ( tasks != null ) { for ( int i = 0; i < tasks.Length; i++ ) { tasks[i].pauseevent.Set(); while ( tasks[i]._thread.IsAlive ) { } } } tasks = null; } } static bool isRunning = true; void DoWork(object info) { MegaFlowTaskInfo inf = (MegaFlowTaskInfo)info; while ( isRunning ) { inf.pauseevent.WaitOne(Timeout.Infinite, false); RunSim(inf.start, inf.end); inf.end = 0; } } #else void Update() { if ( msource && msource.source && particle ) { msource.framenum = framenum; framenum = Mathf.Clamp(framenum, 0, msource.source.frames.Count - 1); frame = msource.source.frames[framenum]; msource.source.Prepare(); tdt = Time.deltaTime; Matrix4x4 offtm = Matrix4x4.TRS(frame.size * 0.5f, Quaternion.identity,; tm = offtm * msource.source.transform.worldToLocalMatrix; invtm = tm.inverse; float p = msource.source.Density; float A = area; float Re = msource.source.Reynolds; oomass = 1.0f / mass; coef = 1.0f * p * A * Mathf.Pow(Re, -0.5f); usedt = dt; if ( usedt > tdt ) usedt = tdt; int count = particle.GetParticles(particles); RunSim(0, count); particle.SetParticles(particles, count); } } #endif }