using UnityEngine; using System.IO; public class MegaFlowFumeFX { public static MegaFlowFrame LoadFrame(string filename, int frame, string namesplit) { int decformat = 0; MegaFlowFrame flow = null; string dir= Path.GetDirectoryName(filename); string file = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename); file = MegaFlowFGA.MakeFileName(file, ref decformat); #if false char[] splits = { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9' }; string[] names; if ( namesplit.Length > 0 ) { names = file.Split(namesplit[0]); names[0] += namesplit[0]; } else names = file.Split(splits); if ( names.Length > 0 ) { string newfname = dir + "/" + names[0] + frame.ToString("0000") + ".fxd"; flow = LoadFrame(newfname); } #else if ( file.Length > 0 ) { string newfname = dir + "/" + file + frame.ToString("D" + decformat) + ".fxd"; flow = LoadFrame(newfname); } #endif return flow; } #if false public static MegaFlowFrame LoadFrame(string filename, int frame) { MegaFlowFrame flow = null; char[] splits = { '_' }; string fname = filename; // use unity get path string[] names = fname.Split(splits); if ( names.Length > 0 ) { string newfname = names[0] + "_" + frame.ToString("0000") + ".fxd"; flow = LoadFrame(newfname); } return flow; } #endif public static MegaFlowFrame LoadFrame(string filename) { MegaFlowFrame flow = null; if ( File.Exists(filename) ) { flow = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance(); Load(flow, filename); } return flow; } static public void Load(MegaFlowFrame flow, string filename) { FileStream fs = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, System.IO.FileShare.Read); BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(fs); if ( br != null ) { flow.Init(); Parse(flow, br); br.Close(); } fs.Close(); } static public void Parse(MegaFlowFrame flow, BinaryReader br) { int head = br.ReadInt16(); // head val flow.framenumber = br.ReadInt32(); flow.fval = br.ReadSingle(); flow.spacing.x = br.ReadSingle(); flow.spacing.y = flow.spacing.x; flow.spacing.z = flow.spacing.x; flow.oos.x = 1.0f / flow.spacing.x; flow.oos.y = 1.0f / flow.spacing.y; flow.oos.z = 1.0f / flow.spacing.z; flow.size.x = br.ReadSingle(); flow.size.z = br.ReadSingle(); flow.size.y = br.ReadSingle(); flow.gsize.x = br.ReadSingle(); flow.gsize.z = br.ReadSingle(); flow.gsize.y = br.ReadSingle(); flow.gridDim[0] = br.ReadInt32(); flow.gridDim[2] = br.ReadInt32(); flow.gridDim[1] = br.ReadInt32(); flow.gridDim1[0] = br.ReadInt32(); flow.gridDim1[2] = br.ReadInt32(); flow.gridDim1[1] = br.ReadInt32(); flow.gridDim2[0] = br.ReadInt32(); flow.gridDim2[2] = br.ReadInt32(); flow.gridDim2[1] = br.ReadInt32(); flow.gridDim2[0] = flow.gridDim[0]; flow.gridDim2[1] = flow.gridDim[1]; flow.gridDim2[2] = flow.gridDim[2]; flow.somebool = br.ReadBoolean(); flow.flags = br.ReadInt32(); if ( head == 31 ) br.ReadInt32(); flow.fval1 = br.ReadSingle(); if ( (flow.flags & 8) != 0 ) ParseSmoke(flow, br); else Debug.Log("No Smoke"); if ( (flow.flags & 0x20) != 0 ) ParseVelocity(flow, br); else Debug.LogWarning("No Velocity Data in FXD file, no flow imported, please ensure FXD file has velocity data present."); ParseGrid(flow, br); } static public bool ReadChunk(BinaryReader br) { uint[] chunk = new uint[4]; chunk[0] = br.ReadUInt32(); chunk[1] = br.ReadUInt32(); chunk[2] = br.ReadUInt32(); chunk[3] = br.ReadUInt32(); if ( chunk[0] == 0xaaaaaaaa && chunk[1] == 0xbbbbbbbb && chunk[2] == 0xcccccccc && chunk[3] == 0xdddddddd ) return true; return false; } static public void ParseSmoke(MegaFlowFrame flow, BinaryReader br) { if ( ReadChunk(br) ) { int count = br.ReadInt32(); while ( count > 0 ) { ushort cw = br.ReadUInt16(); count--; if ( cw == 0xffff ) { ushort zc = br.ReadUInt16(); count--; for ( int i = 0; i < zc; i++ ) flow.smoke.Add(0.0f); } else { float val = (float)cw / 65535.0f; //32768.0f; // / (float)cw; flow.smoke.Add(val); } } br.ReadSingle(); // val1 float } } // ff = do next byte of zeros then read words till // 7fff = do next word of zeros // Guess any shortfall in length is padded with zeroes static public void ParseVelocity(MegaFlowFrame flow, BinaryReader br) { int len = flow.gridDim2[0] * flow.gridDim2[1] * flow.gridDim2[2]; for ( int j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) { if ( ReadChunk(br) ) { int count = br.ReadInt32(); int index = 0; while ( count > 0 ) { ushort data = br.ReadUInt16(); count--; if ( data == 0x7fff ) { ushort zc = br.ReadUInt16(); count--; for ( int z = 0; z < zc; z++ ) { if ( j == 0 ) { flow.vel.Add(; index++; } else { Vector3 v = flow.vel[index]; switch ( j ) { case 0: v.x = 0.0f; break; case 1: v.z = 0.0f; break; case 2: v.y = 0.0f; break; } flow.vel[index++] = v; } } } else { short v = (short)data; float val = (float)v / 32767.0f; //32768.0f if ( j == 0 ) { flow.vel.Add(new Vector3(val, 0.0f, 0.0f)); index++; } else { Vector3 v1 = flow.vel[index]; switch ( j ) { case 0: v1.x = val; break; case 1: v1.z = val; break; case 2: v1.y = val; break; } flow.vel[index++] = v1; } } } for ( int p = index; p < len; p++ ) { if ( j == 0 ) { flow.vel.Add(; index++; } else { Vector3 v1 = flow.vel[index]; switch ( j ) { case 0: v1.x = 0.0f; break; case 1: v1.z = 0.0f; break; case 2: v1.y = 0.0f; break; } flow.vel[index++] = v1; } } } } } static public void ParseForce(MegaFlowFrame flow, BinaryReader br) { } static public void ParseGrid(MegaFlowFrame flow, BinaryReader br) { #if false if ( ReadChunk(br) ) { for ( int i = 0; i < flow.gridDim[0] * flow.gridDim[1] * flow.gridDim[2]; i++ ) flow.grid.Add(0); int length = br.ReadInt32(); byte[] data = br.ReadBytes(length); int index = 0; int si = 0; while ( si < length ) { byte ch = data[si++]; if ( si >= length ) break; if ( ch == 255 ) index += data[si++]; else flow.grid[index] = ch; } } #endif } }