using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class FlockScare : MonoBehaviour { public LandingSpotController[] landingSpotControllers; //List of landingspot controllers containing landingspots to scare public float scareInterval = 0.1f; //How often to check the next spot if it is close enough to scare (Every Nth second) public float distanceToScare = 2f; //How far from a landingspot this transform can call scare function public int checkEveryNthLandingSpot = 1; //Skip landingspots to move on to the next controller quicker (All spots will be included before the count restarts completely) public int InvokeAmounts = 1; //How many instances of Invokes to run (Only go above 1 when more controllers than the Interval can handle) //Can not be changed while game is running unless script is disabled then enabled private int lsc; //Counters used to keep track of what landingspots to check for distance private int ls; private LandingSpotController currentController; void CheckProximityToLandingSpots() { IterateLandingSpots(); if (currentController._activeLandingSpots > 0 && CheckDistanceToLandingSpot(landingSpotControllers[lsc])) { landingSpotControllers[lsc].ScareAll(); } Invoke("CheckProximityToLandingSpots", scareInterval); } //Counts trough all the landingspots inside all the controllers (For performance this is not done in a loop) void IterateLandingSpots() { ls += checkEveryNthLandingSpot; currentController = landingSpotControllers[lsc]; int cc = currentController.transform.childCount; if (ls > cc - 1) { ls = ls - cc; if (lsc < landingSpotControllers.Length - 1) lsc++; else lsc = 0; } } //Checks distance to landingspots in the current landingspot controller bool CheckDistanceToLandingSpot(LandingSpotController lc) { Transform lcT = lc.transform; Transform lsT = lcT.GetChild(ls); LandingSpot lcSpot = lsT.GetComponent(); if(lcSpot.landingChild != null){ float d = (lsT.position - transform.position).sqrMagnitude; //Vector3.Distance(lcT.GetChild(ls).position, transform.position) if(d 0) Invoker(); #if UNITY_EDITOR else Debug.Log("Please assign LandingSpotControllers to FlockScare"); #endif } //Stops checking for birds to scare when component is disabled void OnDisable() { CancelInvoke("CheckProximityToLandingSpots"); } #if UNITY_EDITOR //Shows area of scaryness (Only used in editor) void OnDrawGizmos() { Gizmos.color =; Gizmos.DrawWireSphere(transform.position, distanceToScare); if (InvokeAmounts <= 0) InvokeAmounts = 1; } #endif }