upm-ci-publish-github-release.yml 2.0 KB

  1. {% metadata_file .yamato/package.metafile -%}
  2. platforms:
  3. - name: win
  4. artifact_filename: webrtc-win.zip
  5. - name: linux
  6. artifact_filename: webrtc-linux.zip
  7. - name: macos
  8. artifact_filename: webrtc-mac.zip
  9. - name: ios
  10. artifact_filename: webrtc-ios.zip
  11. - name: android
  12. artifact_filename: webrtc-android.zip
  13. ---
  14. publish_com.unity.webrtc_github_release:
  15. name: Publish com.unity.webrtc to Github Release
  16. agent:
  17. type: Unity::VM
  18. image: package-ci/ubuntu:v2.0.0-947481
  19. flavor: b1.large
  20. variables:
  21. GIT_TAG: You need to change this parameter on Yamato UI
  22. commands:
  23. # see https://github.com/cli/cli/blob/trunk/docs/install_linux.md
  24. - sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --recv-key 23F3D4EA75716059
  25. - sudo apt-add-repository https://cli.github.com/packages
  26. - sudo apt update
  27. - sudo apt install gh
  28. - |
  29. file=`find upm-ci~/packages -name "*.tgz" -print`
  30. gh release upload $GIT_TAG $file --clobber -R Unity-Technologies/com.unity.webrtc
  31. triggers:
  32. tags:
  33. only:
  34. - /^(v|V)?\d+\.\d+\.\d+(-preview(\.\d+)?)?$/
  35. dependencies:
  36. - .yamato/upm-ci-webrtc-packages.yml#pack_webrtc
  37. publish_libwebrtc_github_release:
  38. name: Publish libwebrtc {{ webrtc_version.name }} to Github Release
  39. agent:
  40. type: Unity::VM
  41. image: package-ci/ubuntu:v2.0.0-947481
  42. flavor: b1.large
  43. variables:
  44. GIT_TAG: You need to change this parameter on Yamato UI
  45. commands:
  46. # see https://github.com/cli/cli/blob/trunk/docs/install_linux.md
  47. - sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --recv-key 23F3D4EA75716059
  48. - sudo apt-add-repository https://cli.github.com/packages
  49. - sudo apt update
  50. - sudo apt install gh
  51. {% for platform in platforms %}
  52. - gh release upload $GIT_TAG artifacts/{{ platform.artifact_filename }} --clobber -R Unity-Technologies/com.unity.webrtc
  53. {% endfor %}
  54. dependencies:
  55. {% for platform in platforms %}
  56. - .yamato/upm-ci-libwebrtc.yml#build_{{ platform.name }}
  57. {% endfor %}