compile-package.yml 1.1 KB

  1. {% metadata_file .yamato/package.metafile %}
  2. ---
  3. {% for editor in editors %}
  4. compile_test_{{ editor.version }}:
  5. name: Compilation Test {{ editor.version }}
  6. agent:
  7. type: Unity::VM
  8. flavor: b1.large
  9. image: package-ci/win10:v4
  10. variables:
  11. PACKAGE_VERSION: 2.4.0-exp.11
  12. commands:
  13. # When unity-config will be part of the image, this will turn into a no-op
  14. - |
  15. where /q unity-config
  16. if ERRORLEVEL 1 (
  17. %GSUDO% choco install unity-config -y -s
  18. )
  19. - unity-downloader-cli -c editor -u {{ editor.version }} --wait
  20. - .Editor\Unity.exe -createProject CompilationTestProject -logFile logs\CreateProject.log -batchmode -quit
  21. - |
  22. unity-config project set registry --project-path CompilationTestProject candidates
  23. unity-config project add dependency --project-path CompilationTestProject com.unity.webrtc@%PACKAGE_VERSION%
  24. - .Editor\Unity.exe -projectPath CompilationTestProject -logFile logs\CompilePackage.log -batchmode -quit
  25. artifacts:
  26. logs:
  27. paths:
  28. - logs/*
  29. {% endfor %}