# Samples The package contains the following samples. | Scene | Details | | ----- | ------- | | PeerConnection | Checking the process of connecting to a peer | | DataChannel | Sending and receiving text | | Audio | Sending and receiving audio stream | | MediaStream | Sending and receiving video/audio | | MultiPeers | Instantiating multiple peers and streaming video/audio | | Stats | Checking the process of getting stats | | MungeSDP | Checking effects with mungring SDP parameters | | VideoReceive | Sending and receiving video stream | | MultiVideoReceive | Receiving multiple video streams with one peer | | MultiplePeerConnections | Receiving video stream with multiple peers | | ChangeCodecs | Controlling codecs of the video sender | | TricleIce | Checking the trickle ICE functionality | | RestartIce | Checking do an ICE restart | | PerfectNegotiation | Demonstrating [Perfect Negotiation Pattern](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebRTC_API/Perfect_negotiation) | | Latency | Measuring a latency of video streaming | | ReplaceTrack | Change another video track without stopping video streaming | ## Import samples in project To get these samples, Push the `Import into Project` button on the Package Manager. ![Download package sample](images/download_package_sample.png) ## Sample menu `Menu` scene is helpful for checking multiple sample scenes. You can find the scene `Example/Menu/Menu.scene`. ![Sample menu](images/sample_menu.png) Open `Menu` scene and press `Play` button, as you can see the menu for sample scenes. ![Sample menu](images/sample_menu_scene.png) ## Install samples into mobile devices It's easy to try all samples on mobile devices if only you put sample scenes into `Scenes in Build` in Build Settings Window. `Menu` scene should be loaded as a first one so you need to rearrange scenes. ![Build Settings](images/sample_buildsettings.png) > [!NOTE] > If building app for iOS, you need to add description for `CameraUsageDescription` and `MicrophoneUsageDescription` on PlayerSettings. > `VideoReceive` sample use Camera and Microphone. (If not add description, build is failed.) ![Camera&Microphone Usage Description in PlayerSettings](images/playersetting_camera_microphone_usagedescription_for_ios.png)