#!/bin/bash -eu if [ ! -e "$(pwd)/depot_tools" ] then git clone --depth 1 https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/tools/depot_tools.git fi export COMMAND_DIR=$(cd $(dirname $0); pwd) export PATH="$(pwd)/depot_tools:$PATH" export WEBRTC_VERSION=4515 export OUTPUT_DIR="$(pwd)/out" export ARTIFACTS_DIR="$(pwd)/artifacts" if [ ! -e "$(pwd)/src" ] then fetch --nohooks webrtc cd src sudo sh -c 'echo $(hostname) >> /etc/hosts' sudo git config --system core.longpaths true git checkout "refs/remotes/branch-heads/$WEBRTC_VERSION" cd .. gclient sync -f fi # add jsoncpp patch -N "src/BUILD.gn" < "$COMMAND_DIR/patches/add_jsoncpp.patch" # add objc library to use videotoolbox patch -N "src/sdk/BUILD.gn" < "$COMMAND_DIR/patches/add_objc_deps.patch" # avoid crashes when using Full HD resolution with HWA enabled # workaround referred from this discussion: https://groups.google.com/g/discuss-webrtc/c/AVeyMXnM0gY patch -N "src/sdk/objc/components/video_codec/RTCVideoEncoderH264.mm" < "$COMMAND_DIR/patches/avoid_crashusingvideoencoderh264.patch" mkdir -p "$ARTIFACTS_DIR/lib" for is_debug in "true" "false" do for target_cpu in "x64" "arm64" do # generate ninja files gn gen "$OUTPUT_DIR" --root="src" \ --args="is_debug=${is_debug} \ target_os=\"mac\" \ target_cpu=\"${target_cpu}\" \ rtc_include_tests=false \ rtc_build_examples=false \ rtc_use_h264=false \ symbol_level=0 \ enable_iterator_debugging=false \ is_component_build=false \ use_rtti=true \ rtc_use_x11=false \ libcxx_abi_unstable=false" # build static library ninja -C "$OUTPUT_DIR" webrtc # copy static library mkdir -p "$ARTIFACTS_DIR/lib/${target_cpu}" cp "$OUTPUT_DIR/obj/libwebrtc.a" "$ARTIFACTS_DIR/lib/${target_cpu}/" done filename="libwebrtc.a" if [ $is_debug = "true" ]; then filename="libwebrtcd.a" fi # make universal binary lipo -create -output \ "$ARTIFACTS_DIR/lib/${filename}" \ "$ARTIFACTS_DIR/lib/arm64/libwebrtc.a" \ "$ARTIFACTS_DIR/lib/x64/libwebrtc.a" rm -r "$ARTIFACTS_DIR/lib/arm64" rm -r "$ARTIFACTS_DIR/lib/x64" done # fix error when generate license patch -N "./src/tools_webrtc/libs/generate_licenses.py" < \ "$COMMAND_DIR/patches/generate_licenses.patch" vpython "./src/tools_webrtc/libs/generate_licenses.py" \ --target //:default "$OUTPUT_DIR" "$OUTPUT_DIR" cd src find . -name "*.h" -print | cpio -pd "$ARTIFACTS_DIR/include" cp "$OUTPUT_DIR/LICENSE.md" "$ARTIFACTS_DIR" # create zip cd "$ARTIFACTS_DIR" zip -r webrtc-mac.zip lib include LICENSE.md