using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using UnityEngine; using Unity.WebRTC; using Unity.WebRTC.Samples; using UnityEngine.UI; using Button = UnityEngine.UI.Button; using Toggle = UnityEngine.UI.Toggle; class BandwidthSample : MonoBehaviour { #pragma warning disable 0649 [SerializeField] private Dropdown bandwidthSelector; [SerializeField] private Dropdown scaleResolutionDownSelector; [SerializeField] private Dropdown framerateSelector; [SerializeField] private Button callButton; [SerializeField] private Button hangUpButton; [SerializeField] private InputField statsField; [SerializeField] private Toggle autoScroll; [SerializeField] private Button copyClipboard; [SerializeField] private Camera cam; [SerializeField] private RawImage sourceImage; [SerializeField] private RawImage receiveImage; [SerializeField] private Transform rotateObject; #pragma warning restore 0649 private RTCPeerConnection _pc1, _pc2; private List pc1Senders; private MediaStream videoStream, receiveStream; private DelegateOnIceConnectionChange pc1OnIceConnectionChange; private DelegateOnIceConnectionChange pc2OnIceConnectionChange; private DelegateOnIceCandidate pc1OnIceCandidate; private DelegateOnIceCandidate pc2OnIceCandidate; private DelegateOnTrack pc2Ontrack; private DelegateOnNegotiationNeeded pc1OnNegotiationNeeded; private bool videoUpdateStarted; private Dictionary bandwidthOptions = new Dictionary() { { "undefined", null }, { "10000", 10000 }, { "2000", 2000 }, { "1000", 1000 }, { "500", 500 }, { "250", 250 }, { "125", 125 }, }; private Dictionary scaleResolutionDownOptions = new Dictionary() { { "Not scaling", 1.0f }, { "Down scale by 2.0", 2.0f }, { "Down scale by 4.0", 4.0f }, { "Down scale by 8.0", 8.0f }, { "Down scale by 16.0", 16.0f } }; private Dictionary framerateOptions = new Dictionary { { "undefined", null }, { "90", 90 }, { "60", 60 }, { "30", 30 }, { "20", 20 }, { "10", 10 }, { "5", 5 }, { "0", 0 }, }; private void Awake() { WebRTC.Initialize(WebRTCSettings.LimitTextureSize); bandwidthSelector.options = bandwidthOptions .Select(pair => new Dropdown.OptionData{text = pair.Key }) .ToList(); bandwidthSelector.onValueChanged.AddListener(ChangeBandwitdh); scaleResolutionDownSelector.options = scaleResolutionDownOptions .Select(pair => new Dropdown.OptionData { text = pair.Key }) .ToList(); scaleResolutionDownSelector.onValueChanged.AddListener(ChangeScaleResolutionDown); framerateSelector.options = framerateOptions .Select(pair => new Dropdown.OptionData { text = pair.Key }) .ToList(); framerateSelector.onValueChanged.AddListener(ChangeFramerate); callButton.onClick.AddListener(Call); hangUpButton.onClick.AddListener(HangUp); copyClipboard.onClick.AddListener(CopyClipboard); receiveStream = new MediaStream(); } private void OnDestroy() { WebRTC.Dispose(); } private void Start() { pc1Senders = new List(); callButton.interactable = true; hangUpButton.interactable = false; bandwidthSelector.interactable = false; scaleResolutionDownSelector.interactable = false; pc1OnIceConnectionChange = state => { OnIceConnectionChange(_pc1, state); }; pc2OnIceConnectionChange = state => { OnIceConnectionChange(_pc2, state); }; pc1OnIceCandidate = candidate => { OnIceCandidate(_pc1, candidate); }; pc2OnIceCandidate = candidate => { OnIceCandidate(_pc2, candidate); }; pc2Ontrack = e => { receiveStream.AddTrack(e.Track); }; pc1OnNegotiationNeeded = () => { StartCoroutine(PeerNegotiationNeeded(_pc1)); }; receiveStream.OnAddTrack = e => { if (e.Track is VideoStreamTrack track) { track.OnVideoReceived += OnVideoReceived; } }; } private void OnVideoReceived(Texture tex) { receiveImage.texture = tex; receiveImage.color = Color.white; statsField.text += $"Video resolution: {tex.width}x{tex.height}" + Environment.NewLine; if (autoScroll.isOn) statsField.MoveTextEnd(false); } private void Update() { if (rotateObject != null) { float t = Time.deltaTime; rotateObject.Rotate(100 * t, 200 * t, 300 * t); } } private static RTCConfiguration GetSelectedSdpSemantics() { RTCConfiguration config = default; config.iceServers = new[] {new RTCIceServer {urls = new[] {""}}}; return config; } private void OnIceConnectionChange(RTCPeerConnection pc, RTCIceConnectionState state) { switch (state) { case RTCIceConnectionState.New: Debug.Log($"{GetName(pc)} IceConnectionState: New"); break; case RTCIceConnectionState.Checking: Debug.Log($"{GetName(pc)} IceConnectionState: Checking"); break; case RTCIceConnectionState.Closed: Debug.Log($"{GetName(pc)} IceConnectionState: Closed"); break; case RTCIceConnectionState.Completed: Debug.Log($"{GetName(pc)} IceConnectionState: Completed"); break; case RTCIceConnectionState.Connected: Debug.Log($"{GetName(pc)} IceConnectionState: Connected"); break; case RTCIceConnectionState.Disconnected: Debug.Log($"{GetName(pc)} IceConnectionState: Disconnected"); break; case RTCIceConnectionState.Failed: Debug.Log($"{GetName(pc)} IceConnectionState: Failed"); break; case RTCIceConnectionState.Max: Debug.Log($"{GetName(pc)} IceConnectionState: Max"); break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(state), state, null); } } IEnumerator PeerNegotiationNeeded(RTCPeerConnection pc) { var op = pc.CreateOffer(); yield return op; if (!op.IsError) { if (pc.SignalingState != RTCSignalingState.Stable) { Debug.LogError($"{GetName(pc)} signaling state is not stable."); yield break; } yield return StartCoroutine(OnCreateOfferSuccess(pc, op.Desc)); } else { OnCreateSessionDescriptionError(op.Error); } } private void AddTracks() { foreach (var track in videoStream.GetTracks()) { pc1Senders.Add(_pc1.AddTrack(track, videoStream)); } if (WebRTCSettings.UseVideoCodec != null) { var codecs = new[] {WebRTCSettings.UseVideoCodec}; foreach (var transceiver in _pc1.GetTransceivers()) { if (pc1Senders.Contains(transceiver.Sender)) { transceiver.SetCodecPreferences(codecs); } } } if (!videoUpdateStarted) { StartCoroutine(WebRTC.Update()); StartCoroutine(LoopStatsCoroutine()); videoUpdateStarted = true; } bandwidthSelector.interactable = false; scaleResolutionDownSelector.interactable = false; } private void RemoveTracks() { foreach (var sender in pc1Senders) { _pc1.RemoveTrack(sender); } pc1Senders.Clear(); MediaStreamTrack[] tracks = receiveStream.GetTracks().ToArray(); foreach (var track in tracks) { receiveStream.RemoveTrack(track); track.Dispose(); } } private void Call() { callButton.interactable = false; hangUpButton.interactable = true; bandwidthSelector.interactable = true; scaleResolutionDownSelector.interactable = true; statsField.text = string.Empty; var configuration = GetSelectedSdpSemantics(); _pc1 = new RTCPeerConnection(ref configuration); _pc1.OnIceCandidate = pc1OnIceCandidate; _pc1.OnIceConnectionChange = pc1OnIceConnectionChange; _pc1.OnNegotiationNeeded = pc1OnNegotiationNeeded; _pc2 = new RTCPeerConnection(ref configuration); _pc2.OnIceCandidate = pc2OnIceCandidate; _pc2.OnIceConnectionChange = pc2OnIceConnectionChange; _pc2.OnTrack = pc2Ontrack; if (videoStream == null) { videoStream = cam.CaptureStream(WebRTCSettings.StreamSize.x, WebRTCSettings.StreamSize.y); } sourceImage.texture = cam.targetTexture; sourceImage.color = Color.white; AddTracks(); } private void ChangeBandwitdh(int index) { if (_pc1 == null || _pc2 == null) return; ulong? bandwidth = bandwidthOptions.Values.ElementAt(index); RTCRtpSender sender = _pc1.GetSenders().First(); RTCRtpSendParameters parameters = sender.GetParameters(); if (bandwidth == null) { parameters.encodings[0].maxBitrate = null; parameters.encodings[0].minBitrate = null; } else { parameters.encodings[0].maxBitrate = bandwidth * 1000; parameters.encodings[0].minBitrate = bandwidth * 1000; } RTCError error = sender.SetParameters(parameters); if (error.errorType != RTCErrorType.None) { Debug.LogErrorFormat("RTCRtpSender.SetParameters failed {0}", error.errorType); statsField.text += $"Failed change bandwidth to {bandwidth * 1000}{Environment.NewLine}"; bandwidthSelector.value = 0; } } private void ChangeScaleResolutionDown(int index) { if (_pc1 == null || _pc2 == null) return; double scale = scaleResolutionDownOptions.Values.ElementAt(index); RTCRtpSender sender = _pc1.GetSenders().First(); RTCRtpSendParameters parameters = sender.GetParameters(); parameters.encodings[0].scaleResolutionDownBy = scale; RTCError error = sender.SetParameters(parameters); if (error.errorType != RTCErrorType.None) { Debug.LogErrorFormat("RTCRtpSender.SetParameters failed {0}", error.errorType); statsField.text += $"Failed scale down video resolution to " + $"{(int)(WebRTCSettings.StreamSize.x / scale)}x{(int)(WebRTCSettings.StreamSize.y / scale)}{Environment.NewLine}"; scaleResolutionDownSelector.value = 0; } } private void ChangeFramerate(int index) { if (_pc1 == null || _pc2 == null) return; uint? framerate = framerateOptions.Values.ElementAt(index); RTCRtpSender sender = _pc1.GetSenders().First(); RTCRtpSendParameters parameters = sender.GetParameters(); parameters.encodings[0].maxFramerate = framerate; RTCError error = sender.SetParameters(parameters); if (error.errorType != RTCErrorType.None) { Debug.LogErrorFormat("RTCRtpSender.SetParameters failed {0}", error.errorType); statsField.text += $"Failed maxFramerate to " + $"{framerate}{Environment.NewLine}"; framerateSelector.value = 0; } } private void HangUp() { RemoveTracks(); _pc1.Close(); _pc2.Close(); Debug.Log("Close local/remote peer connection"); _pc1.Dispose(); _pc2.Dispose(); _pc1 = null; _pc2 = null; callButton.interactable = true; hangUpButton.interactable = false; bandwidthSelector.interactable = false; bandwidthSelector.value = 0; scaleResolutionDownSelector.interactable = false; scaleResolutionDownSelector.value = 0; sourceImage.color =; receiveImage.color =; } private void CopyClipboard() { #if UNITY_EDITOR UnityEditor.EditorGUIUtility.systemCopyBuffer = statsField.text; #endif } private void OnIceCandidate(RTCPeerConnection pc, RTCIceCandidate candidate) { GetOtherPc(pc).AddIceCandidate(candidate); Debug.Log($"{GetName(pc)} ICE candidate:\n {candidate.Candidate}"); } private string GetName(RTCPeerConnection pc) { return (pc == _pc1) ? "pc1" : "pc2"; } private RTCPeerConnection GetOtherPc(RTCPeerConnection pc) { return (pc == _pc1) ? _pc2 : _pc1; } private IEnumerator LoopStatsCoroutine() { while (true) { yield return StartCoroutine(UpdateStatsCoroutine()); yield return new WaitForSeconds(1f); } } private IEnumerator UpdateStatsCoroutine() { RTCRtpSender sender = pc1Senders.FirstOrDefault(); if (sender == null) yield break; RTCStatsReportAsyncOperation op = sender.GetStats(); yield return op; if (op.IsError) { Debug.LogErrorFormat("RTCRtpSender.GetStats() is failed {0}", op.Error.errorType); } else { UpdateStatsPacketSize(op.Value); } } private RTCStatsReport lastResult = null; private void UpdateStatsPacketSize(RTCStatsReport res) { foreach (RTCStats stats in res.Stats.Values) { if (!(stats is RTCOutboundRTPStreamStats report)) { continue; } long now = report.Timestamp; ulong bytes = report.bytesSent; if (lastResult != null) { if (!lastResult.TryGetValue(report.Id, out RTCStats last)) continue; var lastStats = last as RTCOutboundRTPStreamStats; var duration = (double)(now - lastStats.Timestamp) / 1000000; ulong bitrate = (ulong)(8 * (bytes - lastStats.bytesSent) / duration); statsField.text += $"Bitrate: {bitrate}" + Environment.NewLine; if (autoScroll.isOn) statsField.MoveTextEnd(false); } } lastResult = res; } private IEnumerator OnCreateOfferSuccess(RTCPeerConnection pc, RTCSessionDescription desc) { Debug.Log($"Offer from {GetName(pc)}\n{desc.sdp}"); Debug.Log($"{GetName(pc)} setLocalDescription start"); var op = pc.SetLocalDescription(ref desc); yield return op; if (!op.IsError) { OnSetLocalSuccess(pc); } else { var error = op.Error; OnSetSessionDescriptionError(ref error); } var otherPc = GetOtherPc(pc); Debug.Log($"{GetName(otherPc)} setRemoteDescription start"); var op2 = otherPc.SetRemoteDescription(ref desc); yield return op2; if (!op2.IsError) { OnSetRemoteSuccess(otherPc); } else { var error = op2.Error; OnSetSessionDescriptionError(ref error); } Debug.Log($"{GetName(otherPc)} createAnswer start"); // Since the 'remote' side has no media stream we need // to pass in the right constraints in order for it to // accept the incoming offer of audio and video. var op3 = otherPc.CreateAnswer(); yield return op3; if (!op3.IsError) { yield return OnCreateAnswerSuccess(otherPc, op3.Desc); } else { OnCreateSessionDescriptionError(op3.Error); } } private void OnSetLocalSuccess(RTCPeerConnection pc) { Debug.Log($"{GetName(pc)} SetLocalDescription complete"); } static void OnSetSessionDescriptionError(ref RTCError error) { Debug.LogError($"Error Detail Type: {error.message}"); } private void OnSetRemoteSuccess(RTCPeerConnection pc) { Debug.Log($"{GetName(pc)} SetRemoteDescription complete"); if (pc == _pc1) { bandwidthSelector.interactable = true; scaleResolutionDownSelector.interactable = true; } } IEnumerator OnCreateAnswerSuccess(RTCPeerConnection pc, RTCSessionDescription desc) { Debug.Log($"Answer from {GetName(pc)}:\n{desc.sdp}"); Debug.Log($"{GetName(pc)} setLocalDescription start"); var op = pc.SetLocalDescription(ref desc); yield return op; if (!op.IsError) { OnSetLocalSuccess(pc); } else { var error = op.Error; OnSetSessionDescriptionError(ref error); } var otherPc = GetOtherPc(pc); Debug.Log($"{GetName(otherPc)} setRemoteDescription start"); var op2 = otherPc.SetRemoteDescription(ref desc); yield return op2; if (!op2.IsError) { OnSetRemoteSuccess(otherPc); } else { var error = op2.Error; OnSetSessionDescriptionError(ref error); } } private static void OnCreateSessionDescriptionError(RTCError error) { Debug.LogError($"Error Detail Type: {error.message}"); } }