// pages/exampleDetail/index.js Page({ data: { type: '', envId: '', showTip: false, title:"", content:"", haveGetOpenId: false, openId: '', haveGetCodeSrc: false, codeSrc: '', haveGetRecord: false, record: '', haveGetImgSrc: false, imgSrc: '', }, onLoad(options) { this.setData({ type: options?.type, envId: options?.envId }); }, getOpenId() { wx.showLoading({ title: '', }); wx.cloud.callFunction({ name: 'quickstartFunctions', data: { type: 'getOpenId' } }).then((resp) => { this.setData({ haveGetOpenId: true, openId: resp.result.openid }); wx.hideLoading(); }).catch((e) => { wx.hideLoading(); const {errCode,errMsg}=e if(errMsg.includes('Environment not found')){ this.setData({ showTip: true, title:"云开发环境未找到", content:"如果已经开通云开发,请检查环境ID与 `miniprogram/app.js` 中的 `env` 参数是否一致。" }); return } if(errMsg.includes('FunctionName parameter could not be found')){ this.setData({ showTip: true, title:"请上传云函数", content:"在'cloudfunctions/quickstartFunctions'目录右键,选择【上传并部署-云端安装依赖】,等待云函数上传完成后重试。" }); return } }); }, clearOpenId() { this.setData({ haveGetOpenId: false, openId: '' }); }, getCodeSrc() { wx.showLoading({ title: '', }); wx.cloud.callFunction({ name: 'quickstartFunctions', data: { type: 'getMiniProgramCode' } }).then((resp) => { this.setData({ haveGetCodeSrc: true, codeSrc: resp.result }); wx.hideLoading(); }).catch((e) => { wx.hideLoading(); const {errCode,errMsg}=e if(errMsg.includes('Environment not found')){ this.setData({ showTip: true, title:"云开发环境未找到", content:"如果已经开通云开发,请检查环境ID与 `miniprogram/app.js` 中的 `env` 参数是否一致。" }); return } if(errMsg.includes('FunctionName parameter could not be found')){ this.setData({ showTip: true, title:"请上传云函数", content:"在'cloudfunctions/quickstartFunctions'目录右键,选择【上传并部署-云端安装依赖】,等待云函数上传完成后重试。" }); return } }); }, clearCodeSrc() { this.setData({ haveGetCodeSrc: false, codeSrc: '' }); }, getRecord() { wx.showLoading({ title: '', }); wx.cloud.callFunction({ name: 'quickstartFunctions', data: { type: 'selectRecord' } }).then((resp) => { this.setData({ haveGetRecord: true, record: resp.result.data }); wx.hideLoading(); }).catch((e) => { this.setData({ showTip: true }); wx.hideLoading(); }); }, clearRecord() { this.setData({ haveGetRecord: false, record: '' }); }, uploadImg() { wx.showLoading({ title: '', }); // 让用户选择一张图片 wx.chooseImage({ count: 1, success: chooseResult => { // 将图片上传至云存储空间 wx.cloud.uploadFile({ // 指定上传到的云路径 cloudPath: 'my-photo.png', // 指定要上传的文件的小程序临时文件路径 filePath: chooseResult.tempFilePaths[0], }).then(res => { this.setData({ haveGetImgSrc: true, imgSrc: res.fileID }); wx.hideLoading(); }).catch((e) => { wx.hideLoading(); }); }, }); }, clearImgSrc() { this.setData({ haveGetImgSrc: false, imgSrc: '' }); }, goOfficialWebsite() { const url = 'https://docs.cloudbase.net/toolbox/quick-start'; wx.navigateTo({ url: `../web/index?url=${url}`, }); }, })