123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778 |
- using UnityEngine;
- using UnityEditor;
- namespace RenderHeads.Media.AVProVideo.Editor
- {
- public partial class MediaPlayerEditor : UnityEditor.Editor
- {
- private void OnInspectorGUI_GlobalSettings()
- {
- EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(Application.isPlaying);
- EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Target Platform", EditorUserBuildSettings.selectedBuildTargetGroup.ToString());
- if (EditorUserBuildSettings.selectedBuildTargetGroup != BuildTargetGroup.Standalone)
- {
- EditorHelper.IMGUI.NoticeBox(MessageType.Warning, "These global options only affect the current target platform so will not apply in-editor unless you change your Build Target and reapply them.");
- }
- EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(GUI.skin.box);
- GUILayout.Label("Video Capture", EditorStyles.boldLabel);
- {
- const string TimeScaleDefine = "AVPROVIDEO_BETA_SUPPORT_TIMESCALE";
- if (EditorHelper.IMGUI.ToggleScriptDefine("TimeScale Support", TimeScaleDefine))
- {
- EditorHelper.IMGUI.NoticeBox(MessageType.Warning, "This will affect performance if you change Time.timeScale or Time.captureFramerate. This feature is useful for supporting video capture system that adjust time scale during capturing.");
- }
- }
- EditorGUILayout.EndVertical();
- EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(GUI.skin.box);
- GUILayout.Label("Other", EditorStyles.boldLabel);
- {
- const string DisableLogging = "AVPROVIDEO_DISABLE_LOGGING";
- EditorHelper.IMGUI.ToggleScriptDefine("Disable Logging", DisableLogging);
- }
- {
- const string ShowUltraOptions = "AVPROVIDEO_SHOW_ULTRA_OPTIONS";
- EditorHelper.IMGUI.ToggleScriptDefine("Show Ultra Options", ShowUltraOptions);
- }
- _allowDeveloperMode = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(new GUIContent("Developer Mode", "Enables some additional information useful for debugging"), _allowDeveloperMode);
- if (_allowDeveloperMode)
- {
- EditorGUI.indentLevel++;
- EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(GUI.skin.box);
- GUILayout.Label("BETA / Experimental", EditorStyles.boldLabel);
- {
- const string SupportBufferedDisplayDefine = "AVPROVIDEO_SUPPORT_BUFFERED_DISPLAY";
- if (!EditorHelper.IMGUI.ToggleScriptDefine("Support Buffered Display", SupportBufferedDisplayDefine))
- {
- EditorHelper.IMGUI.NoticeBox(MessageType.Info, "The Debug GUI can be disabled globally for builds to help reduce garbage generation each frame.");
- }
- }
- EditorGUILayout.EndVertical();
- EditorGUI.indentLevel--;
- }
- EditorGUILayout.EndVertical();
- EditorGUI.EndDisabledGroup();
- }
- }
- }