DAISY.h 5.6 KB

  1. //
  2. // This file is auto-generated. Please don't modify it!
  3. //
  4. #pragma once
  5. #ifdef __cplusplus
  6. //#import "opencv.hpp"
  7. #import "opencv2/xfeatures2d.hpp"
  8. #else
  9. #define CV_EXPORTS
  10. #endif
  11. #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
  12. #import "Feature2D.h"
  13. @class Mat;
  14. // C++: enum NormalizationType (cv.xfeatures2d.DAISY.NormalizationType)
  15. typedef NS_ENUM(int, NormalizationType) {
  20. };
  22. // C++: class DAISY
  23. /**
  24. * Class implementing DAISY descriptor, described in CITE: Tola10
  25. *
  26. * radius radius of the descriptor at the initial scale
  27. * q_radius amount of radial range division quantity
  28. * q_theta amount of angular range division quantity
  29. * q_hist amount of gradient orientations range division quantity
  30. * norm choose descriptors normalization type, where
  31. * DAISY::NRM_NONE will not do any normalization (default),
  32. * DAISY::NRM_PARTIAL mean that histograms are normalized independently for L2 norm equal to 1.0,
  33. * DAISY::NRM_FULL mean that descriptors are normalized for L2 norm equal to 1.0,
  34. * DAISY::NRM_SIFT mean that descriptors are normalized for L2 norm equal to 1.0 but no individual one is bigger than 0.154 as in SIFT
  35. * H optional 3x3 homography matrix used to warp the grid of daisy but sampling keypoints remains unwarped on image
  36. * interpolation switch to disable interpolation for speed improvement at minor quality loss
  37. * use_orientation sample patterns using keypoints orientation, disabled by default.
  38. *
  39. * Member of `Xfeatures2d`
  40. */
  41. CV_EXPORTS @interface DAISY : Feature2D
  42. #ifdef __cplusplus
  43. @property(readonly)cv::Ptr<cv::xfeatures2d::DAISY> nativePtrDAISY;
  44. #endif
  45. #ifdef __cplusplus
  46. - (instancetype)initWithNativePtr:(cv::Ptr<cv::xfeatures2d::DAISY>)nativePtr;
  47. + (instancetype)fromNative:(cv::Ptr<cv::xfeatures2d::DAISY>)nativePtr;
  48. #endif
  49. #pragma mark - Methods
  50. //
  51. // static Ptr_DAISY cv::xfeatures2d::DAISY::create(float radius = 15, int q_radius = 3, int q_theta = 8, int q_hist = 8, NormalizationType norm = cv::xfeatures2d::DAISY::NRM_NONE, Mat H = Mat(), bool interpolation = true, bool use_orientation = false)
  52. //
  53. + (DAISY*)create:(float)radius q_radius:(int)q_radius q_theta:(int)q_theta q_hist:(int)q_hist norm:(NormalizationType)norm H:(Mat*)H interpolation:(BOOL)interpolation use_orientation:(BOOL)use_orientation NS_SWIFT_NAME(create(radius:q_radius:q_theta:q_hist:norm:H:interpolation:use_orientation:));
  54. + (DAISY*)create:(float)radius q_radius:(int)q_radius q_theta:(int)q_theta q_hist:(int)q_hist norm:(NormalizationType)norm H:(Mat*)H interpolation:(BOOL)interpolation NS_SWIFT_NAME(create(radius:q_radius:q_theta:q_hist:norm:H:interpolation:));
  55. + (DAISY*)create:(float)radius q_radius:(int)q_radius q_theta:(int)q_theta q_hist:(int)q_hist norm:(NormalizationType)norm H:(Mat*)H NS_SWIFT_NAME(create(radius:q_radius:q_theta:q_hist:norm:H:));
  56. + (DAISY*)create:(float)radius q_radius:(int)q_radius q_theta:(int)q_theta q_hist:(int)q_hist norm:(NormalizationType)norm NS_SWIFT_NAME(create(radius:q_radius:q_theta:q_hist:norm:));
  57. + (DAISY*)create:(float)radius q_radius:(int)q_radius q_theta:(int)q_theta q_hist:(int)q_hist NS_SWIFT_NAME(create(radius:q_radius:q_theta:q_hist:));
  58. + (DAISY*)create:(float)radius q_radius:(int)q_radius q_theta:(int)q_theta NS_SWIFT_NAME(create(radius:q_radius:q_theta:));
  59. + (DAISY*)create:(float)radius q_radius:(int)q_radius NS_SWIFT_NAME(create(radius:q_radius:));
  60. + (DAISY*)create:(float)radius NS_SWIFT_NAME(create(radius:));
  61. + (DAISY*)create NS_SWIFT_NAME(create());
  62. //
  63. // void cv::xfeatures2d::DAISY::setRadius(float radius)
  64. //
  65. - (void)setRadius:(float)radius NS_SWIFT_NAME(setRadius(radius:));
  66. //
  67. // float cv::xfeatures2d::DAISY::getRadius()
  68. //
  69. - (float)getRadius NS_SWIFT_NAME(getRadius());
  70. //
  71. // void cv::xfeatures2d::DAISY::setQRadius(int q_radius)
  72. //
  73. - (void)setQRadius:(int)q_radius NS_SWIFT_NAME(setQRadius(q_radius:));
  74. //
  75. // int cv::xfeatures2d::DAISY::getQRadius()
  76. //
  77. - (int)getQRadius NS_SWIFT_NAME(getQRadius());
  78. //
  79. // void cv::xfeatures2d::DAISY::setQTheta(int q_theta)
  80. //
  81. - (void)setQTheta:(int)q_theta NS_SWIFT_NAME(setQTheta(q_theta:));
  82. //
  83. // int cv::xfeatures2d::DAISY::getQTheta()
  84. //
  85. - (int)getQTheta NS_SWIFT_NAME(getQTheta());
  86. //
  87. // void cv::xfeatures2d::DAISY::setQHist(int q_hist)
  88. //
  89. - (void)setQHist:(int)q_hist NS_SWIFT_NAME(setQHist(q_hist:));
  90. //
  91. // int cv::xfeatures2d::DAISY::getQHist()
  92. //
  93. - (int)getQHist NS_SWIFT_NAME(getQHist());
  94. //
  95. // void cv::xfeatures2d::DAISY::setNorm(int norm)
  96. //
  97. - (void)setNorm:(int)norm NS_SWIFT_NAME(setNorm(norm:));
  98. //
  99. // int cv::xfeatures2d::DAISY::getNorm()
  100. //
  101. - (int)getNorm NS_SWIFT_NAME(getNorm());
  102. //
  103. // void cv::xfeatures2d::DAISY::setH(Mat H)
  104. //
  105. - (void)setH:(Mat*)H NS_SWIFT_NAME(setH(H:));
  106. //
  107. // Mat cv::xfeatures2d::DAISY::getH()
  108. //
  109. - (Mat*)getH NS_SWIFT_NAME(getH());
  110. //
  111. // void cv::xfeatures2d::DAISY::setInterpolation(bool interpolation)
  112. //
  113. - (void)setInterpolation:(BOOL)interpolation NS_SWIFT_NAME(setInterpolation(interpolation:));
  114. //
  115. // bool cv::xfeatures2d::DAISY::getInterpolation()
  116. //
  117. - (BOOL)getInterpolation NS_SWIFT_NAME(getInterpolation());
  118. //
  119. // void cv::xfeatures2d::DAISY::setUseOrientation(bool use_orientation)
  120. //
  121. - (void)setUseOrientation:(BOOL)use_orientation NS_SWIFT_NAME(setUseOrientation(use_orientation:));
  122. //
  123. // bool cv::xfeatures2d::DAISY::getUseOrientation()
  124. //
  125. - (BOOL)getUseOrientation NS_SWIFT_NAME(getUseOrientation());
  126. //
  127. // String cv::xfeatures2d::DAISY::getDefaultName()
  128. //
  129. - (NSString*)getDefaultName NS_SWIFT_NAME(getDefaultName());
  130. @end