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/// /// Get the file cache size /// public int Size => entriesByKey.Count; /// /// Add a new cache value with the given timeout into the file cache /// /// Key to add /// Value to add /// Cache timeout (default is 0 - no timeout) /// 'true' if the cache value was added, 'false' if the given key was not added public bool Add(string key, byte[] value, TimeSpan timeout = new TimeSpan()) { using (new WriteLock(lockEx)) { // Try to find and remove the previous key entriesByKey.Remove(key); // Update the cache entry entriesByKey.Add(key, new MemCacheEntry(value, timeout)); return true; } } /// /// Try to find the cache value by the given key /// /// Key to find /// /// 'true' and cache value if the cache value was found, 'false' if the given key was not found public bool Find(string key, out byte[] data) { using (new ReadLock(lockEx)) { // Try to find the given key if (!entriesByKey.TryGetValue(key, out var cacheValue)) { data = null; return false; } data = cacheValue.Value; return true; } } /// /// Remove the cache value with the given key from the file cache /// /// Key to remove /// 'true' if the cache value was removed, 'false' if the given key was not found public bool Remove(string key) { using (new WriteLock(lockEx)) { return entriesByKey.Remove(key); } } #endregion Cache items access #region Cache management methods /// /// Insert a new cache path with the given timeout into the file cache /// /// Path to insert /// Cache prefix (default is "/") /// Cache filter (default is "*.*") /// Cache timeout (default is 0 - no timeout) /// Cache insert handler (default is 'return cache.Add(key, value, timeout)') /// 'true' if the cache path was setup, 'false' if failed to setup the cache path public bool InsertPath(string path, string prefix = "/", string filter = "*.*", TimeSpan timeout = new TimeSpan(), InsertHandler handler = null) { handler ??= (FileCachePool cache, string key, byte[] value, TimeSpan timespan) => cache.Add(key, value, timespan); // Try to find and remove the previous path RemovePathInternal(path); using (new WriteLock(lockEx)) { // Add the given path to the cache pathsByKey.Add(path, new FileCacheEntry(this, prefix, path, filter, handler, timeout)); // Create entries by path map entriesByPath[path] = new HashSet(); } // Insert the cache path if (!InsertPathInternal(path, path, prefix, timeout, handler)) return false; return true; } /// /// Try to find the cache path /// /// Path to find /// 'true' if the cache path was found, 'false' if the given path was not found public bool FindPath(string path) { using (new ReadLock(lockEx)) { // Try to find the given key return pathsByKey.ContainsKey(path); } } /// /// Remove the cache path from the file cache /// /// Path to remove /// 'true' if the cache path was removed, 'false' if the given path was not found public bool RemovePath(string path) { return RemovePathInternal(path); } /// /// Clear the memory cache /// public void Clear() { using (new WriteLock(lockEx)) { // Stop all file system watchers foreach (var fileCacheEntry in pathsByKey) fileCacheEntry.Value.StopWatcher(); // Clear all cache entries entriesByKey.Clear(); entriesByPath.Clear(); pathsByKey.Clear(); } } #endregion Cache management methods #region Cache implementation private readonly ReaderWriterLockSlim lockEx = new ReaderWriterLockSlim(); private readonly Dictionary entriesByKey = new Dictionary(); private readonly Dictionary> entriesByPath = new Dictionary>(); private readonly Dictionary pathsByKey = new Dictionary(); private class MemCacheEntry { private readonly byte[] _value; private readonly TimeSpan _timespan; public byte[] Value => _value; public TimeSpan Timespan => _timespan; public MemCacheEntry(byte[] value, TimeSpan timespan = new TimeSpan()) { _value = value; _timespan = timespan; } public MemCacheEntry(string value, TimeSpan timespan = new TimeSpan()) { _value = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(value); _timespan = timespan; } }; private class FileCacheEntry { private readonly string _prefix; private readonly string _path; private readonly InsertHandler _handler; private readonly TimeSpan _timespan; private readonly FileSystemWatcher _watcher; public FileCacheEntry(FileCachePool cache, string prefix, string path, string filter, InsertHandler handler, TimeSpan timespan) { _prefix = prefix; _path = path; _handler = handler; _timespan = timespan; _watcher = new FileSystemWatcher(); // Start the filesystem watcher StartWatcher(cache, path, filter); } private void StartWatcher(FileCachePool cache, string path, string filter) { FileCacheEntry entry = this; // Initialize a new filesystem watcher _watcher.Created += (sender, e) => OnCreated(sender, e, cache, entry); _watcher.Changed += (sender, e) => OnChanged(sender, e, cache, entry); _watcher.Deleted += (sender, e) => OnDeleted(sender, e, cache, entry); _watcher.Renamed += (sender, e) => OnRenamed(sender, e, cache, entry); _watcher.Path = path; _watcher.IncludeSubdirectories = true; _watcher.Filter = filter; _watcher.NotifyFilter = NotifyFilters.FileName | NotifyFilters.LastWrite; _watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true; } public void StopWatcher() { _watcher.Dispose(); } private static bool IsDirectory(string path) { try { // Skip directory updates if (File.GetAttributes(path).HasFlag(FileAttributes.Directory)) return true; } catch (Exception) { } return false; } private static void OnCreated(object sender, FileSystemEventArgs e, FileCachePool cache, FileCacheEntry entry) { var key = e.FullPath.Replace(entry._path, entry._prefix); var file = e.FullPath; // Skip missing files if (!File.Exists(file)) return; // Skip directory updates if (IsDirectory(file)) return; cache.InsertFileInternal(entry._path, file, key, entry._timespan, entry._handler); } private static void OnChanged(object sender, FileSystemEventArgs e, FileCachePool cache, FileCacheEntry entry) { if (e.ChangeType != WatcherChangeTypes.Changed) return; var key = e.FullPath.Replace(entry._path, entry._prefix); var file = e.FullPath; // Skip missing files if (!File.Exists(file)) return; // Skip directory updates if (IsDirectory(file)) return; cache.InsertFileInternal(entry._path, file, key, entry._timespan, entry._handler); } private static void OnDeleted(object sender, FileSystemEventArgs e, FileCachePool cache, FileCacheEntry entry) { var key = e.FullPath.Replace(entry._path, entry._prefix); var file = e.FullPath; cache.RemoveFileInternal(entry._path, key); } private static void OnRenamed(object sender, RenamedEventArgs e, FileCachePool cache, FileCacheEntry entry) { var oldKey = e.OldFullPath.Replace(entry._path, entry._prefix); var oldFile = e.OldFullPath; var newKey = e.FullPath.Replace(entry._path, entry._prefix); var newFile = e.FullPath; // Skip missing files if (!File.Exists(newFile)) return; // Skip directory updates if (IsDirectory(newFile)) return; cache.RemoveFileInternal(entry._path, oldKey); cache.InsertFileInternal(entry._path, newFile, newKey, entry._timespan, entry._handler); } }; private bool InsertFileInternal(string path, string file, string key, TimeSpan timeout, InsertHandler handler) { try { key = key.Replace('\\', '/'); file = file.Replace('\\', '/'); // Load the cache file content var content = File.ReadAllBytes(file); if (!handler(this, key, content, timeout)) return false; using (new WriteLock(lockEx)) { // Update entries by path map entriesByPath[path].Add(key); } return true; } catch (Exception) { return false; } } private bool RemoveFileInternal(string path, string key) { try { key = key.Replace('\\', '/'); using (new WriteLock(lockEx)) { // Update entries by path map entriesByPath[path].Remove(key); } return Remove(key); } catch (Exception) { return false; } } private bool InsertPathInternal(string root, string path, string prefix, TimeSpan timeout, InsertHandler handler) { try { string keyPrefix = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(prefix) || (prefix == "/")) ? "/" : (prefix + "/"); // Iterate through all directory entries foreach (var item in Directory.GetDirectories(path)) { string key = keyPrefix /*+ HttpUtility.UrlDecode(Path.GetFileName(item))*/; // Recursively insert sub-directory if (!InsertPathInternal(root, item, key, timeout, handler)) return false; } foreach (var item in Directory.GetFiles(path)) { string key = keyPrefix /*+ HttpUtility.UrlDecode(Path.GetFileName(item))*/; // Insert file into the cache if (!InsertFileInternal(root, item, key, timeout, handler)) return false; } return true; } catch (Exception) { return false; } } private bool RemovePathInternal(string path) { using (new WriteLock(lockEx)) { // Try to find the given path if (!pathsByKey.TryGetValue(path, out var cacheValue)) return false; // Stop the file system watcher cacheValue.StopWatcher(); // Remove path entries foreach (var entryKey in entriesByPath[path]) entriesByKey.Remove(entryKey); entriesByPath.Remove(path); // Remove cache path pathsByKey.Remove(path); return true; } } #endregion Cache implementation #region IDisposable implementation /// /// 释放 /// /// protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { Clear(); base.Dispose(disposing); } /// /// 析构函数 /// ~FileCachePool() { // Simply call Dispose(false). Dispose(false); } #endregion IDisposable implementation } }