using System; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using UnityEngine; #if UNITY_2018_4_OR_NEWER && !NATIVE_GALLERY_DISABLE_ASYNC_FUNCTIONS using System.Threading.Tasks; using Unity.Collections; using UnityEngine.Networking; #endif #if UNITY_ANDROID || UNITY_IOS using NativeGalleryNamespace; #endif using Object = UnityEngine.Object; public static class NativeGallery { public struct ImageProperties { public readonly int width; public readonly int height; public readonly string mimeType; public readonly ImageOrientation orientation; public ImageProperties( int width, int height, string mimeType, ImageOrientation orientation ) { this.width = width; this.height = height; this.mimeType = mimeType; this.orientation = orientation; } } public struct VideoProperties { public readonly int width; public readonly int height; public readonly long duration; public readonly float rotation; public VideoProperties( int width, int height, long duration, float rotation ) { this.width = width; this.height = height; this.duration = duration; this.rotation = rotation; } } public enum PermissionType { Read = 0, Write = 1 }; public enum Permission { Denied = 0, Granted = 1, ShouldAsk = 2 }; [Flags] public enum MediaType { Image = 1, Video = 2, Audio = 4 }; // EXIF orientation: (indices are reordered) public enum ImageOrientation { Unknown = -1, Normal = 0, Rotate90 = 1, Rotate180 = 2, Rotate270 = 3, FlipHorizontal = 4, Transpose = 5, FlipVertical = 6, Transverse = 7 }; public delegate void MediaSaveCallback( bool success, string path ); public delegate void MediaPickCallback( string path ); public delegate void MediaPickMultipleCallback( string[] paths ); #region Platform Specific Elements #if !UNITY_EDITOR && UNITY_ANDROID private static AndroidJavaClass m_ajc = null; private static AndroidJavaClass AJC { get { if( m_ajc == null ) m_ajc = new AndroidJavaClass( "com.yasirkula.unity.NativeGallery" ); return m_ajc; } } private static AndroidJavaObject m_context = null; private static AndroidJavaObject Context { get { if( m_context == null ) { using( AndroidJavaObject unityClass = new AndroidJavaClass( "com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer" ) ) { m_context = unityClass.GetStatic( "currentActivity" ); } } return m_context; } } #elif !UNITY_EDITOR && UNITY_IOS [System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport( "__Internal" )] private static extern int _NativeGallery_CheckPermission( int readPermission, int permissionFreeMode ); [System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport( "__Internal" )] private static extern int _NativeGallery_RequestPermission( int readPermission, int permissionFreeMode ); [System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport( "__Internal" )] private static extern void _NativeGallery_ShowLimitedLibraryPicker(); [System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport( "__Internal" )] private static extern int _NativeGallery_CanOpenSettings(); [System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport( "__Internal" )] private static extern void _NativeGallery_OpenSettings(); [System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport( "__Internal" )] private static extern int _NativeGallery_CanPickMultipleMedia(); [System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport( "__Internal" )] private static extern int _NativeGallery_GetMediaTypeFromExtension( string extension ); [System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport( "__Internal" )] private static extern void _NativeGallery_ImageWriteToAlbum( string path, string album, int permissionFreeMode ); [System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport( "__Internal" )] private static extern void _NativeGallery_VideoWriteToAlbum( string path, string album, int permissionFreeMode ); [System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport( "__Internal" )] private static extern void _NativeGallery_PickMedia( string mediaSavePath, int mediaType, int permissionFreeMode, int selectionLimit ); [System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport( "__Internal" )] private static extern string _NativeGallery_GetImageProperties( string path ); [System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport( "__Internal" )] private static extern string _NativeGallery_GetVideoProperties( string path ); [System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport( "__Internal" )] private static extern string _NativeGallery_GetVideoThumbnail( string path, string thumbnailSavePath, int maxSize, double captureTimeInSeconds ); [System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport( "__Internal" )] private static extern string _NativeGallery_LoadImageAtPath( string path, string temporaryFilePath, int maxSize ); #endif #if !UNITY_EDITOR && ( UNITY_ANDROID || UNITY_IOS ) private static string m_temporaryImagePath = null; private static string TemporaryImagePath { get { if( m_temporaryImagePath == null ) { m_temporaryImagePath = Path.Combine( Application.temporaryCachePath, "tmpImg" ); Directory.CreateDirectory( Application.temporaryCachePath ); } return m_temporaryImagePath; } } private static string m_selectedMediaPath = null; private static string SelectedMediaPath { get { if( m_selectedMediaPath == null ) { m_selectedMediaPath = Path.Combine( Application.temporaryCachePath, "pickedMedia" ); Directory.CreateDirectory( Application.temporaryCachePath ); } return m_selectedMediaPath; } } #endif #endregion #region Runtime Permissions // PermissionFreeMode was initially planned to be a toggleable setting on iOS but it has its own issues when set to false, so its value is forced to true. // These issues are: // - Presented permission dialog will have a "Select Photos" option on iOS 14+ but clicking it will freeze and eventually crash the app (I'm guessing that // this is caused by how permissions are handled synchronously in NativeGallery) // - While saving images/videos to Photos, iOS 14+ users would see the "Select Photos" option (which is irrelevant in this context, hence confusing) and // the user must grant full Photos access in order to save the image/video to a custom album // The only downside of having PermissionFreeMode = true is that, on iOS 14+, images/videos will be saved to the default Photos album rather than the // provided custom album private const bool PermissionFreeMode = true; public static Permission CheckPermission( PermissionType permissionType, MediaType mediaTypes ) { #if !UNITY_EDITOR && UNITY_ANDROID Permission result = (Permission) AJC.CallStatic( "CheckPermission", Context, permissionType == PermissionType.Read, (int) mediaTypes ); if( result == Permission.Denied && (Permission) PlayerPrefs.GetInt( "NativeGalleryPermission", (int) Permission.ShouldAsk ) == Permission.ShouldAsk ) result = Permission.ShouldAsk; return result; #elif !UNITY_EDITOR && UNITY_IOS // result == 3: LimitedAccess permission on iOS, no need to handle it when PermissionFreeMode is set to true int result = _NativeGallery_CheckPermission( permissionType == PermissionType.Read ? 1 : 0, PermissionFreeMode ? 1 : 0 ); return result == 3 ? Permission.Granted : (Permission) result; #else return Permission.Granted; #endif } public static Permission RequestPermission( PermissionType permissionType, MediaType mediaTypes ) { #if !UNITY_EDITOR && UNITY_ANDROID object threadLock = new object(); lock( threadLock ) { NGPermissionCallbackAndroid nativeCallback = new NGPermissionCallbackAndroid( threadLock ); AJC.CallStatic( "RequestPermission", Context, nativeCallback, permissionType == PermissionType.Read, (int) mediaTypes, PlayerPrefs.GetInt( "NativeGalleryPermission", (int) Permission.ShouldAsk ) ); if( nativeCallback.Result == -1 ) System.Threading.Monitor.Wait( threadLock ); if( (Permission) nativeCallback.Result != Permission.ShouldAsk && PlayerPrefs.GetInt( "NativeGalleryPermission", -1 ) != nativeCallback.Result ) { PlayerPrefs.SetInt( "NativeGalleryPermission", nativeCallback.Result ); PlayerPrefs.Save(); } return (Permission) nativeCallback.Result; } #elif !UNITY_EDITOR && UNITY_IOS // result == 3: LimitedAccess permission on iOS, no need to handle it when PermissionFreeMode is set to true int result = _NativeGallery_RequestPermission( permissionType == PermissionType.Read ? 1 : 0, PermissionFreeMode ? 1 : 0 ); return result == 3 ? Permission.Granted : (Permission) result; #else return Permission.Granted; #endif } // This function isn't needed when PermissionFreeMode is set to true private static void TryExtendLimitedAccessPermission() { if( IsMediaPickerBusy() ) return; #if !UNITY_EDITOR && UNITY_IOS _NativeGallery_ShowLimitedLibraryPicker(); #endif } public static bool CanOpenSettings() { #if !UNITY_EDITOR && UNITY_IOS return _NativeGallery_CanOpenSettings() == 1; #else return true; #endif } public static void OpenSettings() { #if !UNITY_EDITOR && UNITY_ANDROID AJC.CallStatic( "OpenSettings", Context ); #elif !UNITY_EDITOR && UNITY_IOS _NativeGallery_OpenSettings(); #endif } #endregion #region Save Functions public static Permission SaveImageToGallery( byte[] mediaBytes, string album, string filename, MediaSaveCallback callback = null ) { return SaveToGallery( mediaBytes, album, filename, MediaType.Image, callback ); } public static Permission SaveImageToGallery( string existingMediaPath, string album, string filename, MediaSaveCallback callback = null ) { return SaveToGallery( existingMediaPath, album, filename, MediaType.Image, callback ); } public static Permission SaveImageToGallery( Texture2D image, string album, string filename, MediaSaveCallback callback = null ) { if( image == null ) throw new ArgumentException( "Parameter 'image' is null!" ); if( filename.EndsWith( ".jpeg", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase ) || filename.EndsWith( ".jpg", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase ) ) return SaveToGallery( GetTextureBytes( image, true ), album, filename, MediaType.Image, callback ); else if( filename.EndsWith( ".png", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase ) ) return SaveToGallery( GetTextureBytes( image, false ), album, filename, MediaType.Image, callback ); else return SaveToGallery( GetTextureBytes( image, false ), album, filename + ".png", MediaType.Image, callback ); } public static Permission SaveVideoToGallery( byte[] mediaBytes, string album, string filename, MediaSaveCallback callback = null ) { return SaveToGallery( mediaBytes, album, filename, MediaType.Video, callback ); } public static Permission SaveVideoToGallery( string existingMediaPath, string album, string filename, MediaSaveCallback callback = null ) { return SaveToGallery( existingMediaPath, album, filename, MediaType.Video, callback ); } private static Permission SaveAudioToGallery( byte[] mediaBytes, string album, string filename, MediaSaveCallback callback = null ) { return SaveToGallery( mediaBytes, album, filename, MediaType.Audio, callback ); } private static Permission SaveAudioToGallery( string existingMediaPath, string album, string filename, MediaSaveCallback callback = null ) { return SaveToGallery( existingMediaPath, album, filename, MediaType.Audio, callback ); } #endregion #region Load Functions public static bool CanSelectMultipleFilesFromGallery() { #if !UNITY_EDITOR && UNITY_ANDROID return AJC.CallStatic( "CanSelectMultipleMedia" ); #elif !UNITY_EDITOR && UNITY_IOS return _NativeGallery_CanPickMultipleMedia() == 1; #else return false; #endif } public static bool CanSelectMultipleMediaTypesFromGallery() { #if UNITY_EDITOR return true; #elif UNITY_ANDROID return AJC.CallStatic( "CanSelectMultipleMediaTypes" ); #elif UNITY_IOS return true; #else return false; #endif } public static Permission GetImageFromGallery( MediaPickCallback callback, string title = "", string mime = "image/*" ) { return GetMediaFromGallery( callback, MediaType.Image, mime, title ); } public static Permission GetVideoFromGallery( MediaPickCallback callback, string title = "", string mime = "video/*" ) { return GetMediaFromGallery( callback, MediaType.Video, mime, title ); } public static Permission GetAudioFromGallery( MediaPickCallback callback, string title = "", string mime = "audio/*" ) { return GetMediaFromGallery( callback, MediaType.Audio, mime, title ); } public static Permission GetMixedMediaFromGallery( MediaPickCallback callback, MediaType mediaTypes, string title = "" ) { return GetMediaFromGallery( callback, mediaTypes, "*/*", title ); } public static Permission GetImagesFromGallery( MediaPickMultipleCallback callback, string title = "", string mime = "image/*" ) { return GetMultipleMediaFromGallery( callback, MediaType.Image, mime, title ); } public static Permission GetVideosFromGallery( MediaPickMultipleCallback callback, string title = "", string mime = "video/*" ) { return GetMultipleMediaFromGallery( callback, MediaType.Video, mime, title ); } public static Permission GetAudiosFromGallery( MediaPickMultipleCallback callback, string title = "", string mime = "audio/*" ) { return GetMultipleMediaFromGallery( callback, MediaType.Audio, mime, title ); } public static Permission GetMixedMediasFromGallery( MediaPickMultipleCallback callback, MediaType mediaTypes, string title = "" ) { return GetMultipleMediaFromGallery( callback, mediaTypes, "*/*", title ); } public static bool IsMediaPickerBusy() { #if !UNITY_EDITOR && UNITY_IOS return NGMediaReceiveCallbackiOS.IsBusy; #else return false; #endif } public static MediaType GetMediaTypeOfFile( string path ) { if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( path ) ) return (MediaType) 0; string extension = Path.GetExtension( path ); if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( extension ) ) return (MediaType) 0; if( extension[0] == '.' ) { if( extension.Length == 1 ) return (MediaType) 0; extension = extension.Substring( 1 ); } #if UNITY_EDITOR extension = extension.ToLowerInvariant(); if( extension == "png" || extension == "jpg" || extension == "jpeg" || extension == "gif" || extension == "bmp" || extension == "tiff" ) return MediaType.Image; else if( extension == "mp4" || extension == "mov" || extension == "wav" || extension == "avi" ) return MediaType.Video; else if( extension == "mp3" || extension == "aac" || extension == "flac" ) return MediaType.Audio; return (MediaType) 0; #elif UNITY_ANDROID string mime = AJC.CallStatic( "GetMimeTypeFromExtension", extension.ToLowerInvariant() ); if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( mime ) ) return (MediaType) 0; else if( mime.StartsWith( "image/" ) ) return MediaType.Image; else if( mime.StartsWith( "video/" ) ) return MediaType.Video; else if( mime.StartsWith( "audio/" ) ) return MediaType.Audio; else return (MediaType) 0; #elif UNITY_IOS return (MediaType) _NativeGallery_GetMediaTypeFromExtension( extension.ToLowerInvariant() ); #else return (MediaType) 0; #endif } #endregion #region Internal Functions private static Permission SaveToGallery( byte[] mediaBytes, string album, string filename, MediaType mediaType, MediaSaveCallback callback ) { Permission result = RequestPermission( PermissionType.Write, mediaType ); if( result == Permission.Granted ) { if( mediaBytes == null || mediaBytes.Length == 0 ) throw new ArgumentException( "Parameter 'mediaBytes' is null or empty!" ); if( album == null || album.Length == 0 ) throw new ArgumentException( "Parameter 'album' is null or empty!" ); if( filename == null || filename.Length == 0 ) throw new ArgumentException( "Parameter 'filename' is null or empty!" ); if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( Path.GetExtension( filename ) ) ) Debug.LogWarning( "'filename' doesn't have an extension, this might result in unexpected behaviour!" ); string path = GetTemporarySavePath( filename ); #if UNITY_EDITOR Debug.Log( "SaveToGallery called successfully in the Editor" ); #else File.WriteAllBytes( path, mediaBytes ); #endif SaveToGalleryInternal( path, album, mediaType, callback ); } return result; } private static Permission SaveToGallery( string existingMediaPath, string album, string filename, MediaType mediaType, MediaSaveCallback callback ) { Permission result = RequestPermission( PermissionType.Write, mediaType ); if( result == Permission.Granted ) { if( !File.Exists( existingMediaPath ) ) throw new FileNotFoundException( "File not found at " + existingMediaPath ); if( album == null || album.Length == 0 ) throw new ArgumentException( "Parameter 'album' is null or empty!" ); if( filename == null || filename.Length == 0 ) throw new ArgumentException( "Parameter 'filename' is null or empty!" ); if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( Path.GetExtension( filename ) ) ) { string originalExtension = Path.GetExtension( existingMediaPath ); if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( originalExtension ) ) Debug.LogWarning( "'filename' doesn't have an extension, this might result in unexpected behaviour!" ); else filename += originalExtension; } string path = GetTemporarySavePath( filename ); #if UNITY_EDITOR Debug.Log( "SaveToGallery called successfully in the Editor" ); #else File.Copy( existingMediaPath, path, true ); #endif SaveToGalleryInternal( path, album, mediaType, callback ); } return result; } private static void SaveToGalleryInternal( string path, string album, MediaType mediaType, MediaSaveCallback callback ) { #if !UNITY_EDITOR && UNITY_ANDROID string savePath = AJC.CallStatic( "SaveMedia", Context, (int) mediaType, path, album ); File.Delete( path ); if( callback != null ) callback( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( savePath ), savePath ); #elif !UNITY_EDITOR && UNITY_IOS if( mediaType == MediaType.Audio ) { Debug.LogError( "Saving audio files is not supported on iOS" ); if( callback != null ) callback( false, null ); return; } Debug.Log( "Saving to Pictures: " + Path.GetFileName( path ) ); NGMediaSaveCallbackiOS.Initialize( callback ); if( mediaType == MediaType.Image ) _NativeGallery_ImageWriteToAlbum( path, album, PermissionFreeMode ? 1 : 0 ); else if( mediaType == MediaType.Video ) _NativeGallery_VideoWriteToAlbum( path, album, PermissionFreeMode ? 1 : 0 ); #else if( callback != null ) callback( true, null ); #endif } private static string GetTemporarySavePath( string filename ) { string saveDir = Path.Combine( Application.persistentDataPath, "NGallery" ); Directory.CreateDirectory( saveDir ); #if !UNITY_EDITOR && UNITY_IOS // Ensure a unique temporary filename on iOS: // iOS internally copies images/videos to Photos directory of the system, // but the process is async. The redundant file is deleted by objective-c code // automatically after the media is saved but while it is being saved, the file // should NOT be overwritten. Therefore, always ensure a unique filename on iOS string path = Path.Combine( saveDir, filename ); if( File.Exists( path ) ) { int fileIndex = 0; string filenameWithoutExtension = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension( filename ); string extension = Path.GetExtension( filename ); do { path = Path.Combine( saveDir, string.Concat( filenameWithoutExtension, ++fileIndex, extension ) ); } while( File.Exists( path ) ); } return path; #else return Path.Combine( saveDir, filename ); #endif } private static Permission GetMediaFromGallery( MediaPickCallback callback, MediaType mediaType, string mime, string title ) { Permission result = RequestPermission( PermissionType.Read, mediaType ); if( result == Permission.Granted && !IsMediaPickerBusy() ) { #if UNITY_EDITOR System.Collections.Generic.List editorFilters = new System.Collections.Generic.List( 4 ); if( ( mediaType & MediaType.Image ) == MediaType.Image ) { editorFilters.Add( "Image files" ); editorFilters.Add( "png,jpg,jpeg" ); } if( ( mediaType & MediaType.Video ) == MediaType.Video ) { editorFilters.Add( "Video files" ); editorFilters.Add( "mp4,mov,wav,avi" ); } if( ( mediaType & MediaType.Audio ) == MediaType.Audio ) { editorFilters.Add( "Audio files" ); editorFilters.Add( "mp3,aac,flac" ); } editorFilters.Add( "All files" ); editorFilters.Add( "*" ); string pickedFile = UnityEditor.EditorUtility.OpenFilePanelWithFilters( "Select file", "", editorFilters.ToArray() ); if( callback != null ) callback( pickedFile != "" ? pickedFile : null ); #elif UNITY_ANDROID AJC.CallStatic( "PickMedia", Context, new NGMediaReceiveCallbackAndroid( callback, null ), (int) mediaType, false, SelectedMediaPath, mime, title ); #elif UNITY_IOS if( mediaType == MediaType.Audio ) { Debug.LogError( "Picking audio files is not supported on iOS" ); if( callback != null ) // Selecting audio files is not supported on iOS callback( null ); } else { NGMediaReceiveCallbackiOS.Initialize( callback, null ); _NativeGallery_PickMedia( SelectedMediaPath, (int) ( mediaType & ~MediaType.Audio ), PermissionFreeMode ? 1 : 0, 1 ); } #else if( callback != null ) callback( null ); #endif } return result; } private static Permission GetMultipleMediaFromGallery( MediaPickMultipleCallback callback, MediaType mediaType, string mime, string title ) { Permission result = RequestPermission( PermissionType.Read, mediaType ); if( result == Permission.Granted && !IsMediaPickerBusy() ) { if( CanSelectMultipleFilesFromGallery() ) { #if !UNITY_EDITOR && UNITY_ANDROID AJC.CallStatic( "PickMedia", Context, new NGMediaReceiveCallbackAndroid( null, callback ), (int) mediaType, true, SelectedMediaPath, mime, title ); #elif !UNITY_EDITOR && UNITY_IOS if( mediaType == MediaType.Audio ) { Debug.LogError( "Picking audio files is not supported on iOS" ); if( callback != null ) // Selecting audio files is not supported on iOS callback( null ); } else { NGMediaReceiveCallbackiOS.Initialize( null, callback ); _NativeGallery_PickMedia( SelectedMediaPath, (int) ( mediaType & ~MediaType.Audio ), PermissionFreeMode ? 1 : 0, 0 ); } #else if( callback != null ) callback( null ); #endif } else if( callback != null ) callback( null ); } return result; } private static byte[] GetTextureBytes( Texture2D texture, bool isJpeg ) { try { return isJpeg ? texture.EncodeToJPG( 100 ) : texture.EncodeToPNG(); } catch( UnityException ) { return GetTextureBytesFromCopy( texture, isJpeg ); } catch( ArgumentException ) { return GetTextureBytesFromCopy( texture, isJpeg ); } #pragma warning disable 0162 return null; #pragma warning restore 0162 } private static byte[] GetTextureBytesFromCopy( Texture2D texture, bool isJpeg ) { // Texture is marked as non-readable, create a readable copy and save it instead Debug.LogWarning( "Saving non-readable textures is slower than saving readable textures" ); Texture2D sourceTexReadable = null; RenderTexture rt = RenderTexture.GetTemporary( texture.width, texture.height ); RenderTexture activeRT =; try { Graphics.Blit( texture, rt ); = rt; sourceTexReadable = new Texture2D( texture.width, texture.height, isJpeg ? TextureFormat.RGB24 : TextureFormat.RGBA32, false ); sourceTexReadable.ReadPixels( new Rect( 0, 0, texture.width, texture.height ), 0, 0, false ); sourceTexReadable.Apply( false, false ); } catch( Exception e ) { Debug.LogException( e ); Object.DestroyImmediate( sourceTexReadable ); return null; } finally { = activeRT; RenderTexture.ReleaseTemporary( rt ); } try { return isJpeg ? sourceTexReadable.EncodeToJPG( 100 ) : sourceTexReadable.EncodeToPNG(); } catch( Exception e ) { Debug.LogException( e ); return null; } finally { Object.DestroyImmediate( sourceTexReadable ); } } #if UNITY_2018_4_OR_NEWER && !NATIVE_GALLERY_DISABLE_ASYNC_FUNCTIONS private static async Task TryCallNativeAndroidFunctionOnSeparateThread( Func function ) { T result = default( T ); bool hasResult = false; await Task.Run( () => { if( AndroidJNI.AttachCurrentThread() != 0 ) Debug.LogWarning( "Couldn't attach JNI thread, calling native function on the main thread" ); else { try { result = function(); hasResult = true; } finally { AndroidJNI.DetachCurrentThread(); } } } ); return hasResult ? result : function(); } #endif #endregion #region Utility Functions public static Texture2D LoadImageAtPath( string imagePath, int maxSize = -1, bool markTextureNonReadable = true, bool generateMipmaps = true, bool linearColorSpace = false ) { if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( imagePath ) ) throw new ArgumentException( "Parameter 'imagePath' is null or empty!" ); if( !File.Exists( imagePath ) ) throw new FileNotFoundException( "File not found at " + imagePath ); if( maxSize <= 0 ) maxSize = SystemInfo.maxTextureSize; #if !UNITY_EDITOR && UNITY_ANDROID string loadPath = AJC.CallStatic( "LoadImageAtPath", Context, imagePath, TemporaryImagePath, maxSize ); #elif !UNITY_EDITOR && UNITY_IOS string loadPath = _NativeGallery_LoadImageAtPath( imagePath, TemporaryImagePath, maxSize ); #else string loadPath = imagePath; #endif string extension = Path.GetExtension( imagePath ).ToLowerInvariant(); TextureFormat format = ( extension == ".jpg" || extension == ".jpeg" ) ? TextureFormat.RGB24 : TextureFormat.RGBA32; Texture2D result = new Texture2D( 2, 2, format, generateMipmaps, linearColorSpace ); try { if( !result.LoadImage( File.ReadAllBytes( loadPath ), markTextureNonReadable ) ) { Debug.LogWarning( "Couldn't load image at path: " + loadPath ); Object.DestroyImmediate( result ); return null; } } catch( Exception e ) { Debug.LogException( e ); Object.DestroyImmediate( result ); return null; } finally { if( loadPath != imagePath ) { try { File.Delete( loadPath ); } catch { } } } return result; } #if UNITY_2018_4_OR_NEWER && !NATIVE_GALLERY_DISABLE_ASYNC_FUNCTIONS public static async Task LoadImageAtPathAsync( string imagePath, int maxSize = -1, bool markTextureNonReadable = true, bool generateMipmaps = true, bool linearColorSpace = false ) { if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( imagePath ) ) throw new ArgumentException( "Parameter 'imagePath' is null or empty!" ); if( !File.Exists( imagePath ) ) throw new FileNotFoundException( "File not found at " + imagePath ); if( maxSize <= 0 ) maxSize = SystemInfo.maxTextureSize; #if !UNITY_EDITOR && UNITY_ANDROID string temporaryImagePath = TemporaryImagePath; // Must be accessed from main thread string loadPath = await TryCallNativeAndroidFunctionOnSeparateThread( () => AJC.CallStatic( "LoadImageAtPath", Context, imagePath, temporaryImagePath, maxSize ) ); #elif !UNITY_EDITOR && UNITY_IOS string temporaryImagePath = TemporaryImagePath; // Must be accessed from main thread string loadPath = await Task.Run( () => _NativeGallery_LoadImageAtPath( imagePath, temporaryImagePath, maxSize ) ); #else string loadPath = imagePath; #endif Texture2D result = null; if( !linearColorSpace ) { using( UnityWebRequest www = UnityWebRequestTexture.GetTexture( "file://" + loadPath, markTextureNonReadable && !generateMipmaps ) ) { UnityWebRequestAsyncOperation asyncOperation = www.SendWebRequest(); while( !asyncOperation.isDone ) await Task.Yield(); #if UNITY_2020_1_OR_NEWER if( www.result != UnityWebRequest.Result.Success ) #else if( www.isNetworkError || www.isHttpError ) #endif { Debug.LogWarning( "Couldn't use UnityWebRequest to load image, falling back to LoadImage: " + www.error ); } else { Texture2D texture = DownloadHandlerTexture.GetContent( www ); if( !generateMipmaps ) result = texture; else { Texture2D mipmapTexture = null; try { // Generate a Texture with mipmaps enabled // Credits: NativeArray textureData = texture.GetRawTextureData(); mipmapTexture = new Texture2D( texture.width, texture.height, texture.format, true ); #if UNITY_2019_3_OR_NEWER mipmapTexture.SetPixelData( textureData, 0 ); #else NativeArray mipmapTextureData = mipmapTexture.GetRawTextureData(); NativeArray.Copy( textureData, mipmapTextureData, textureData.Length ); mipmapTexture.LoadRawTextureData( mipmapTextureData ); #endif mipmapTexture.Apply( true, markTextureNonReadable ); result = mipmapTexture; } catch( Exception e ) { Debug.LogException( e ); if( mipmapTexture ) Object.DestroyImmediate( mipmapTexture ); } finally { Object.DestroyImmediate( texture ); } } } } } if( !result ) // Fallback to Texture2D.LoadImage if something goes wrong { string extension = Path.GetExtension( imagePath ).ToLowerInvariant(); TextureFormat format = ( extension == ".jpg" || extension == ".jpeg" ) ? TextureFormat.RGB24 : TextureFormat.RGBA32; result = new Texture2D( 2, 2, format, generateMipmaps, linearColorSpace ); try { if( !result.LoadImage( File.ReadAllBytes( loadPath ), markTextureNonReadable ) ) { Debug.LogWarning( "Couldn't load image at path: " + loadPath ); Object.DestroyImmediate( result ); return null; } } catch( Exception e ) { Debug.LogException( e ); Object.DestroyImmediate( result ); return null; } finally { if( loadPath != imagePath ) { try { File.Delete( loadPath ); } catch { } } } } return result; } #endif public static Texture2D GetVideoThumbnail( string videoPath, int maxSize = -1, double captureTimeInSeconds = -1.0, bool markTextureNonReadable = true, bool generateMipmaps = true, bool linearColorSpace = false ) { if( maxSize <= 0 ) maxSize = SystemInfo.maxTextureSize; #if !UNITY_EDITOR && UNITY_ANDROID string thumbnailPath = AJC.CallStatic( "GetVideoThumbnail", Context, videoPath, TemporaryImagePath + ".png", false, maxSize, captureTimeInSeconds ); #elif !UNITY_EDITOR && UNITY_IOS string thumbnailPath = _NativeGallery_GetVideoThumbnail( videoPath, TemporaryImagePath + ".png", maxSize, captureTimeInSeconds ); #else string thumbnailPath = null; #endif if( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( thumbnailPath ) ) return LoadImageAtPath( thumbnailPath, maxSize, markTextureNonReadable, generateMipmaps, linearColorSpace ); else return null; } #if UNITY_2018_4_OR_NEWER && !NATIVE_GALLERY_DISABLE_ASYNC_FUNCTIONS public static async Task GetVideoThumbnailAsync( string videoPath, int maxSize = -1, double captureTimeInSeconds = -1.0, bool markTextureNonReadable = true, bool generateMipmaps = true, bool linearColorSpace = false ) { if( maxSize <= 0 ) maxSize = SystemInfo.maxTextureSize; #if !UNITY_EDITOR && UNITY_ANDROID string temporaryImagePath = TemporaryImagePath; // Must be accessed from main thread string thumbnailPath = await TryCallNativeAndroidFunctionOnSeparateThread( () => AJC.CallStatic( "GetVideoThumbnail", Context, videoPath, temporaryImagePath + ".png", false, maxSize, captureTimeInSeconds ) ); #elif !UNITY_EDITOR && UNITY_IOS string temporaryImagePath = TemporaryImagePath; // Must be accessed from main thread string thumbnailPath = await Task.Run( () => _NativeGallery_GetVideoThumbnail( videoPath, temporaryImagePath + ".png", maxSize, captureTimeInSeconds ) ); #else string thumbnailPath = null; #endif if( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( thumbnailPath ) ) return await LoadImageAtPathAsync( thumbnailPath, maxSize, markTextureNonReadable, generateMipmaps, linearColorSpace ); else return null; } #endif public static ImageProperties GetImageProperties( string imagePath ) { if( !File.Exists( imagePath ) ) throw new FileNotFoundException( "File not found at " + imagePath ); #if !UNITY_EDITOR && UNITY_ANDROID string value = AJC.CallStatic( "GetImageProperties", Context, imagePath ); #elif !UNITY_EDITOR && UNITY_IOS string value = _NativeGallery_GetImageProperties( imagePath ); #else string value = null; #endif int width = 0, height = 0; string mimeType = null; ImageOrientation orientation = ImageOrientation.Unknown; if( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( value ) ) { string[] properties = value.Split( '>' ); if( properties != null && properties.Length >= 4 ) { if( !int.TryParse( properties[0].Trim(), out width ) ) width = 0; if( !int.TryParse( properties[1].Trim(), out height ) ) height = 0; mimeType = properties[2].Trim(); if( mimeType.Length == 0 ) { string extension = Path.GetExtension( imagePath ).ToLowerInvariant(); if( extension == ".png" ) mimeType = "image/png"; else if( extension == ".jpg" || extension == ".jpeg" ) mimeType = "image/jpeg"; else if( extension == ".gif" ) mimeType = "image/gif"; else if( extension == ".bmp" ) mimeType = "image/bmp"; else mimeType = null; } int orientationInt; if( int.TryParse( properties[3].Trim(), out orientationInt ) ) orientation = (ImageOrientation) orientationInt; } } return new ImageProperties( width, height, mimeType, orientation ); } public static VideoProperties GetVideoProperties( string videoPath ) { if( !File.Exists( videoPath ) ) throw new FileNotFoundException( "File not found at " + videoPath ); #if !UNITY_EDITOR && UNITY_ANDROID string value = AJC.CallStatic( "GetVideoProperties", Context, videoPath ); #elif !UNITY_EDITOR && UNITY_IOS string value = _NativeGallery_GetVideoProperties( videoPath ); #else string value = null; #endif int width = 0, height = 0; long duration = 0L; float rotation = 0f; if( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( value ) ) { string[] properties = value.Split( '>' ); if( properties != null && properties.Length >= 4 ) { if( !int.TryParse( properties[0].Trim(), out width ) ) width = 0; if( !int.TryParse( properties[1].Trim(), out height ) ) height = 0; if( !long.TryParse( properties[2].Trim(), out duration ) ) duration = 0L; if( !float.TryParse( properties[3].Trim().Replace( ',', '.' ), NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out rotation ) ) rotation = 0f; } } if( rotation == -90f ) rotation = 270f; return new VideoProperties( width, height, duration, rotation ); } #endregion }