using Minio; using Minio.DataModel.Args; using Minio.Exceptions; using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Networking; public class MinIoXR { IMinioClient minio; MinIOConfig minioconfig; int projectId; Thread thread; private void Start() { thread = new Thread(DoSomeWork); thread.Start(); } int miao = 0; bool isminioUpdate; bool isUpdate; void DoSomeWork() { while (true) { if (minio == null) { } else { if (Nowfd != null && !isUpdate) { isUpdate = true; Run().Wait(); } if ( gfdQueue.Count > 0 && !isDownLoad) { isDownLoad = true; nowgfd = gfdQueue.Dequeue(); RunFile().Wait(); } } Thread.Sleep(1000); miao++; if(miao>2400) { miao = 0; minio = null; } } } public class MinIOConfig { public string token; public string tmpSecretId; public string tmpSecretKey; public string host; public string bucket; public string path; } void initMinIo(MinIOConfig d,Action isSuccess) { minioconfig = d; try { bool isHttps ="https"); var endpoint ="//")[1]; var accessKey = d.tmpSecretId;//"tr6Nh5D8bnlGaLJE6vb5"; var secretKey = d.tmpSecretKey;// "aVOYdXLnX4MCiKbit8aomZNWvAx8YSpzhiwzFhrI"; minio = new MinioClient() .WithEndpoint(endpoint) .WithCredentials(accessKey, secretKey) .WithSessionToken(d.token) .WithSSL(isHttps) .Build(); isSuccess.Invoke(true); } catch { isSuccess.Invoke(false); } } Queue fdQueue = new Queue(); void putFile(string filePath, string fileName, Action callBack) { FileData fd = new FileData(); fd.filePath = filePath; fd.fileName = fileName; fd.callBack = callBack; fdQueue.Enqueue(fd); } string DicName = "XunJian"; public void saveFile(byte[] bytes, int projectId, string Index, int imgIndex, Action callBack) { this.projectId = projectId; if (!Directory.Exists(Application.persistentDataPath + "/" + DicName)) Directory.CreateDirectory(Application.persistentDataPath + "/" + DicName); string fileName = DicName + "_" + projectId + "_" + Index + "_" + imgIndex + ".png"; string filePathname = Application.persistentDataPath + "/" + DicName + "/" + fileName; // if (File.Exists(filePathname)) // File.Delete(filePathname); File.WriteAllBytes(filePathname, bytes); // PlayerPrefs.SetString(fileName, filePathname); putFile(filePathname, fileName, callBack); } /// /// 运行模式下Texture转换成Texture2D /// /// /// private Texture2D TextureToTexture2D(Texture texture) { Texture2D texture2D = new Texture2D(texture.width, texture.height, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false); RenderTexture currentRT =; RenderTexture renderTexture = RenderTexture.GetTemporary(texture.width, texture.height, 32); Graphics.Blit(texture, renderTexture); = renderTexture; texture2D.ReadPixels(new Rect(0, 0, renderTexture.width, renderTexture.height), 0, 0); texture2D.Apply(); = currentRT; RenderTexture.ReleaseTemporary(renderTexture); return texture2D; } /// /// 获取文件 /// /// 巡检ID /// 步骤ID /// 步骤ID内图片ID /// public void getFile(int projectId, string Index, int imgIndex, Action callBack)//, string path { this.projectId = projectId; string fileName = DicName + "_" + projectId + "_" + Index + "_" + imgIndex + ".png"; string filePathname = PlayerPrefs.GetString(fileName); if (filePathname != "") { // StartCoroutine(_GetTexture(filePathname, callBack)); } else { GetFileData gfd = new GetFileData(); gfd.bucket = minioconfig.bucket; gfd.objectName = DicName + "_" + projectId + "_" + Index + "_" + imgIndex + ".png"; gfd.callBack = callBack; gfdQueue.Enqueue(gfd); } } GetFileData nowgfd; Queue backQueue = new Queue(); Queue gfdQueue = new Queue(); // File uploader task. private async Task RunFile() { try { StatObjectArgs statObjectArgs = new StatObjectArgs() .WithBucket(minioconfig.bucket) .WithObject(minioconfig.path + "/" + nowgfd.objectName); await minio.StatObjectAsync(statObjectArgs); // Get input stream to have content of 'my-objectname' from 'my-bucketname' GetObjectArgs getObjectArgs = new GetObjectArgs() .WithBucket(minioconfig.bucket) .WithObject(minioconfig.path + "/" + nowgfd.objectName) // .WithHeaders(metaData) .WithCallbackStream(async (stream) => { backQueue.Enqueue(StreamToBytes(stream)); }); await minio.GetObjectAsync(getObjectArgs); } catch { backQueue.Enqueue(null); } } static byte[] StreamToBytes(Stream stream) { byte[] bytes = new byte[stream.Length]; stream.Read(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); return bytes; } /// /// 请求图片 /// /// 图片地址,like ' ' /// 请求发起后处理回调结果的委托,处理请求结果的图片 /// IEnumerator _GetTexture(string url, Action actionResult) { #if UNITY_ANDROID //Debug.LogError("请求图片:"+url); WWW w = new WWW("file://" + url); yield return w; if (w.isDone) actionResult?.Invoke(w.texture); #else UnityWebRequest uwr = new UnityWebRequest(url); DownloadHandlerTexture downloadTexture = new DownloadHandlerTexture(true); uwr.downloadHandler = downloadTexture; yield return uwr.SendWebRequest(); Texture2D t = null; if (!(uwr.isNetworkError || uwr.isHttpError)) { t = downloadTexture.texture; } else { Debug.Log("下载失败,请检查网络,或者下载地址是否正确: " + uwr.error); } if (actionResult != null) { actionResult(t); } #endif } // File uploader task. private async Task Run() { try { var getListBucketsTask = await minio.ListBucketsAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); var bucketName = minioconfig.bucket; var objectName = minioconfig.path + "/" + Nowfd.fileName; var filePath = Nowfd.filePath; var contentType = "application/octet-stream"; // Make a bucket on the server, if not already present. // Upload a file to bucket. var putObjectArgs = new PutObjectArgs() .WithBucket(bucketName) .WithObject(objectName) .WithFileName(filePath) .WithContentType(contentType); await minio.PutObjectAsync(putObjectArgs).ConfigureAwait(false); Debug.Log("33333333333333333"); PlayerPrefs.SetString(Nowfd.fileName, Nowfd.filePath); isUpdate = false; Nowfd.callBack?.Invoke(Nowfd.fileName); Nowfd = null; } catch { Nowfd.callBack?.Invoke(null); isUpdate = false; Nowfd = null; } } bool isDownLoad; FileData Nowfd; private void Update() { if (fdQueue.Count > 0 && Nowfd == null) { Nowfd = fdQueue.Dequeue(); } if (minio == null) { if (projectId != 0 && !isminioUpdate) { isminioUpdate = true; initMinIo(minioconfig,(bool b) => { isminioUpdate = false; }); } } if(backQueue.Count>0) { byte[] bytes = backQueue.Dequeue(); if(bytes!=null) { Debug.Log("444444444444"); Texture2D t2d = new Texture2D(10, 10); t2d.LoadImage(bytes); t2d.Apply(); nowgfd.callBack?.Invoke(t2d); }else { Debug.Log("55555555555555"); nowgfd.callBack?.Invoke(null); } isDownLoad = false; nowgfd = null; } } public class FileData { public string filePath; public string fileName; public Action callBack; } public class GetFileData { public string bucket; public string objectName; public Action callBack; } }