using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright 2012-2022 RenderHeads Ltd. All rights reserved. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace RenderHeads.Media.AVProMovieCapture.Demos { public class ScreenCaptureDemo : MonoBehaviour { [SerializeField] AudioClip _audioBG = null; [SerializeField] AudioClip _audioHit = null; [SerializeField] float _speed = 1.0f; [SerializeField] CaptureBase _capture = null; [SerializeField] GUISkin _guiSkin = null; [SerializeField] bool _spinCamera = true; // State private float _timer; private List _fileWritingHandlers = new List(4); private IEnumerator Start() { #if UNITY_IOS Application.targetFrameRate = 60; #endif // Play music track if (_audioBG != null) { // AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(_audioBG,; AudioSource source = gameObject.AddComponent(); source.clip = _audioBG; source.loop = true; source.Play(); } if (_capture != null) { _capture.BeginFinalFileWritingAction += OnBeginFinalFileWriting; _capture.CompletedFileWritingAction += OnCompleteFinalFileWriting; #if (UNITY_STANDALONE_OSX || UNITY_IOS) && !UNITY_EDITOR CaptureBase.PhotoLibraryAccessLevel photoLibraryAccessLevel = CaptureBase.PhotoLibraryAccessLevel.AddOnly; // If we're trying to write to the photo library, make sure we have permission if (_capture.OutputFolder == CaptureBase.OutputPath.PhotoLibrary) { // Album creation (album name is taken from the output folder path) requires read write access. if (_capture.OutputFolderPath != null && _capture.OutputFolderPath.Length > 0) photoLibraryAccessLevel = CaptureBase.PhotoLibraryAccessLevel.ReadWrite; switch (CaptureBase.HasUserAuthorisationToAccessPhotos(photoLibraryAccessLevel)) { case CaptureBase.PhotoLibraryAuthorisationStatus.Authorised: // All good, nothing to do break; case CaptureBase.PhotoLibraryAuthorisationStatus.Unavailable: Debug.LogWarning("The photo library is unavailable, will use RelativeToPeristentData instead"); _capture.OutputFolder = CaptureBase.OutputPath.RelativeToPeristentData; break; case CaptureBase.PhotoLibraryAuthorisationStatus.Denied: // User has denied access, change output path Debug.LogWarning("User has denied access to the photo library, will use RelativeToPeristentData instead"); _capture.OutputFolder = CaptureBase.OutputPath.RelativeToPeristentData; break; case CaptureBase.PhotoLibraryAuthorisationStatus.NotDetermined: // Need to ask permission yield return CaptureBase.RequestUserAuthorisationToAccessPhotos(photoLibraryAccessLevel); // Nested switch, everbodies favourite switch (CaptureBase.HasUserAuthorisationToAccessPhotos(photoLibraryAccessLevel)) { case CaptureBase.PhotoLibraryAuthorisationStatus.Authorised: // All good, nothing to do break; case CaptureBase.PhotoLibraryAuthorisationStatus.Denied: // User has denied access, change output path Debug.LogWarning("User has denied access to the photo library, will use RelativeToPeristentData instead"); _capture.OutputFolder = CaptureBase.OutputPath.RelativeToPeristentData; break; case CaptureBase.PhotoLibraryAuthorisationStatus.NotDetermined: // We were unable to request access for some reason, check the logs for any error information Debug.LogWarning("Authorisation to access the photo library is still undetermined, will use RelativeToPeristentData instead"); _capture.OutputFolder = CaptureBase.OutputPath.RelativeToPeristentData; break; } break; } } #endif #if UNITY_EDITOR_OSX || (!UNITY_EDITOR && (UNITY_STANDALONE_OSX || UNITY_IOS || UNITY_ANDROID)) // Make sure we're authorised for using the microphone. On iOS the OS will forcibly // close the application if authorisation has not been granted. Make sure the // "Microphone Usage Description" field has been filled in the player settings. // Todo: handle late selection of microphone if (_capture.AudioCaptureSource == AudioCaptureSource.Microphone) { Debug.Log("Checking user has authorization to use the Microphone"); switch (CaptureBase.HasUserAuthorisationToCaptureAudio()) { case CaptureBase.AudioCaptureDeviceAuthorisationStatus.Unavailable: Debug.LogWarning("Audio capture is unavailable, no audio will captured"); break; case CaptureBase.AudioCaptureDeviceAuthorisationStatus.NotDetermined: Debug.Log("Audio capture status is not determined, requesting access"); yield return CaptureBase.RequestAudioCaptureDeviceUserAuthorisation(); switch (CaptureBase.HasUserAuthorisationToCaptureAudio()) { case CaptureBase.AudioCaptureDeviceAuthorisationStatus.Unavailable: Debug.LogWarning("Audio capture is unavailable, no audio will captured"); break; case CaptureBase.AudioCaptureDeviceAuthorisationStatus.NotDetermined: Debug.LogWarning("Audio capture status is still not determined, no audio will captured"); break; case CaptureBase.AudioCaptureDeviceAuthorisationStatus.Denied: Debug.LogWarning("Audio capture status denied, no audio will be captured"); break; case CaptureBase.AudioCaptureDeviceAuthorisationStatus.Authorised: Debug.Log("Audio capture is authorised"); break; } break; case CaptureBase.AudioCaptureDeviceAuthorisationStatus.Denied: Debug.LogWarning("Audio capture status denied, no audio will be captured"); break; case CaptureBase.AudioCaptureDeviceAuthorisationStatus.Authorised: Debug.Log("Audio capture is authorised"); break; } } #endif } yield return null; } private void OnBeginFinalFileWriting(FileWritingHandler handler) { _fileWritingHandlers.Add(handler); } private void OnCompleteFinalFileWriting(FileWritingHandler handler) { Debug.Log("Completed capture '" + handler.Path + "' with status: " + handler.Status.ToString()); } private void Update() { #if (!ENABLE_INPUT_SYSTEM || ENABLE_LEGACY_INPUT_MANAGER) // Press the S key to trigger audio and background color change - useful for testing A/V sync #if (UNITY_IOS || UNITY_ANDROID) && !UNITY_EDITOR bool bTouch = (Input.touchCount > 0 && Input.GetTouch(0).phase == TouchPhase.Ended); if (bTouch) #else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.S)) #endif { if (_audioHit != null && _capture != null && _capture.IsCapturing()) { AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(_audioHit,; Camera.main.backgroundColor = new Color(Random.value, Random.value, Random.value, 0); } } // ESC to stop capture and quit if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape)) { if (_capture != null && _capture.IsCapturing()) { _capture.StopCapture(); } else { Application.Quit(); } } #endif // Spin the camera around if (_spinCamera && Camera.main != null) { Camera.main.transform.RotateAround(, Vector3.up, 20f * Time.deltaTime * _speed); } if (FileWritingHandler.Cleanup(_fileWritingHandlers)) { if (_fileWritingHandlers.Count == 0) { Debug.Log("All pending file writes completed"); } } } void OnDestroy() { foreach (FileWritingHandler handler in _fileWritingHandlers) { handler.Dispose(); } } private void OnGUI() { = _guiSkin; Rect r = new Rect(Screen.width - 108, 64, 128, 28); GUI.Label(r, "Frame " + Time.frameCount); } } }