using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
// Copyright 2012-2022 RenderHeads Ltd. All rights reserved.
namespace RenderHeads.Media.AVProMovieCapture
/// Plays an AudioSource (which should only have a single mono channel) for ambisonic encoding
[AddComponentMenu("AVPro Movie Capture/Audio/Ambisonic Source", 601)]
public partial class AmbisonicSource : MonoBehaviour
[SerializeField] AmbisonicWavWriter _sink = null;
[Tooltip("Listener is optional but allows positions to be calculated relative to a transform. This is useful if the listener is not located at 0,0,0.")]
[SerializeField] Transform _listener = null;
private Vector3 _position =;
private AmbisonicOrder _order;
private AmbisonicChannelOrder _channelOrder;
private AmbisonicNormalisation _normalisation;
private System.IntPtr _sourceInstance = System.IntPtr.Zero;
private int _activeSampleIndex = 0;
private float[] _activeSamples = null;
private Queue _fullBuffers = new Queue(8);
private Queue _emptyBuffers = new Queue(8);
void OnEnable()
AudioSource audioSource = this.GetComponent();
if (audioSource && audioSource.clip)
audioSource.PlayOneShot(audioSource.clip, 0f);
Debug.Assert(_sourceInstance == System.IntPtr.Zero);
_sourceInstance = NativePlugin.AddAmbisonicSourceInstance(Ambisonic.MaxCoeffs);
_position = this.transform.position;
if (_sink)
void OnDisable()
lock (this)
if (_sink)
if (_sourceInstance != System.IntPtr.Zero)
_sourceInstance = System.IntPtr.Zero;
internal void Setup(AmbisonicOrder order, AmbisonicChannelOrder channelOrder, AmbisonicNormalisation normalisation, int bufferCount)
Debug.Assert(bufferCount > 1 && bufferCount < 100);
lock (this)
_order = order;
_channelOrder = channelOrder;
_normalisation = normalisation;
int sampleCount = Ambisonic.GetCoeffCount(order) * AudioSettings.outputSampleRate / 10; // 1/10 second buffer
_activeSampleIndex = 0;
_activeSamples = null;
for (int i = 0; i < bufferCount; i++)
float[] buffer = new float[sampleCount];
void OnDrawGizmos()
Gizmos.color =;
Gizmos.DrawWireSphere(_position, 1.2f);
if (_listener)
Gizmos.DrawLine(this.transform.position, _listener.position);
void LateUpdate()
// Convert position relative to listener
Vector3 p = this.transform.position;
if (_listener)
p = (p - _listener.position);
//Debug.Log( + ": " + p + " " + _listener.position + " - " + this.transform.position);
// If the relative audiosource position has changed
if (p != _position)
void SetListenerRelativePosition(Vector3 position)
// Optionally smooth out the motion
//_position = Vector3.MoveTowards(_position, position, Time.deltaTime * 10f);
_position = position;
void UpdateCoefficients()
Ambisonic.PolarCoord p = new Ambisonic.PolarCoord();
lock (this)
float[] normaliseWeights = Ambisonic.GetNormalisationWeights(_normalisation);
NativePlugin.UpdateAmbisonicWeights(_sourceInstance, p.azimuth, p.elevation, _order, _channelOrder, normaliseWeights);
void OnAudioFilterRead(float[] samples, int channelCount)
lock (this)
int coeffCount = Ambisonic.GetCoeffCount(_order);
if (_sink != null && coeffCount > 0)
int samplesOffset = 0;
// While there are sample to process
while (samplesOffset < samples.Length)
// If the pending buffer is full, move it to the full ist
if (_activeSamples != null && _activeSamples.Length == _activeSampleIndex)
_activeSamples = null;
_activeSampleIndex = 0;
// Assign a new pending queue
if (_activeSamples == null && _emptyBuffers.Count > 0)
_activeSamples = _emptyBuffers.Dequeue();
if (_activeSamples == null)
// Remaining samples are lost!
int remainingFrameCount = (samples.Length - samplesOffset) / channelCount;
int generatedSampleCount = remainingFrameCount * coeffCount;
int remainingSampleSpace = (_activeSamples.Length - _activeSampleIndex);
int samplesToProcess = Mathf.Min(remainingSampleSpace, generatedSampleCount);
// TODO: should we specify Floor/Ceil rounding behaviour?
int framesToProcess = samplesToProcess / coeffCount;
generatedSampleCount = framesToProcess * coeffCount;
if (framesToProcess > 0)
NativePlugin.EncodeMonoToAmbisonic(_sourceInstance, samples, samplesOffset, framesToProcess, channelCount, _activeSamples, _activeSampleIndex, _activeSamples.Length, _order);
_activeSampleIndex += generatedSampleCount;
samplesOffset += framesToProcess * channelCount;
Debug.Log(coeffCount + " " + framesToProcess + " " + remainingSampleSpace + " >> " + samplesOffset + " / " + samples.Length);
internal void FlushBuffers()
lock (this)
_activeSampleIndex = 0;
foreach (float[] buffer in _fullBuffers)
if (_activeSamples != null)
_activeSamples = null;
internal int GetFullBufferCount()
return _fullBuffers.Count;
internal void SendSamplesToSink(bool isAdditive, bool isDraining)
lock (this)
float[] samples = null;
if (_fullBuffers.Count > 0)
// Send a full buffer
samples = _fullBuffers.Dequeue();
_sink.MixSamples(samples, samples.Length, isAdditive);
else if (isDraining)
// Send partial of the active buffer
samples = _activeSamples;
_sink.MixSamples(_activeSamples, _activeSampleIndex, isAdditive);
_activeSampleIndex = 0;
_activeSamples = null;
if (samples != null)