half frag_ao (v2f_ao i, int sampleCount, float3 samples[INPUT_SAMPLE_COUNT])
	// read random normal from noise texture
    half3 randN = tex2D (_RandomTexture, i.uvr).xyz * 2.0 - 1.0;    
    // read scene depth/normal
    float4 depthnormal = tex2D (_CameraDepthNormalsTexture, i.uv);
    float3 viewNorm;
    float depth;
    DecodeDepthNormal (depthnormal, depth, viewNorm);
    depth *= _ProjectionParams.z;
    float scale = _Params.x / depth;
    // accumulated occlusion factor
    float occ = 0.0;
    for (int s = 0; s < sampleCount; ++s)
    	// Reflect sample direction around a random vector
        half3 randomDir = reflect(samples[s], randN);
        // Make it point to the upper hemisphere
        half flip = (dot(viewNorm,randomDir)<0) ? 1.0 : -1.0;
        randomDir *= -flip;
        // Add a bit of normal to reduce self shadowing
        randomDir += viewNorm * 0.3;
        float2 offset = randomDir.xy * scale;
        float sD = depth - (randomDir.z * _Params.x);

		// Sample depth at offset location
        float4 sampleND = tex2D (_CameraDepthNormalsTexture, i.uv + offset);
        float sampleD;
        float3 sampleN;
        DecodeDepthNormal (sampleND, sampleD, sampleN);
        sampleD *= _ProjectionParams.z;
        float zd = saturate(sD-sampleD);
        if (zd > _Params.y) {
        	// This sample occludes, contribute to occlusion
	        occ += pow(1-zd,_Params.z); // sc2
	        //occ += 1.0-saturate(pow(1.0 - zd, 11.0) + zd); // nullsq
        	//occ += 1.0/(1.0+zd*zd*10); // iq
    occ /= sampleCount;
    return 1-occ;