using System;
using System.Diagnostics;

using Org.BouncyCastle.Math.Raw;

namespace Org.BouncyCastle.Math.EC.Custom.Sec
    internal class SecT571Field
        private const ulong M59 = ulong.MaxValue >> 5;

        private const ulong RM = 0xEF7BDEF7BDEF7BDEUL;

        private static readonly ulong[] ROOT_Z = new ulong[]{ 0x2BE1195F08CAFB99UL, 0x95F08CAF84657C23UL, 0xCAF84657C232BE11UL, 0x657C232BE1195F08UL,
            0xF84657C2308CAF84UL, 0x7C232BE1195F08CAUL, 0xBE1195F08CAF8465UL, 0x5F08CAF84657C232UL, 0x784657C232BE119UL };

        public static void Add(ulong[] x, ulong[] y, ulong[] z)
            for (int i = 0; i < 9; ++i)
                z[i] = x[i] ^ y[i]; 

        private static void Add(ulong[] x, int xOff, ulong[] y, int yOff, ulong[] z, int zOff)
            for (int i = 0; i < 9; ++i)
                z[zOff + i] = x[xOff + i] ^ y[yOff + i];

        private static void AddBothTo(ulong[] x, int xOff, ulong[] y, int yOff, ulong[] z, int zOff)
            for (int i = 0; i < 9; ++i)
                z[zOff + i] ^= x[xOff + i] ^ y[yOff + i];

        public static void AddExt(ulong[] xx, ulong[] yy, ulong[] zz)
            for (int i = 0; i < 18; ++i)
                zz[i] = xx[i] ^ yy[i]; 

        public static void AddOne(ulong[] x, ulong[] z)
            z[0] = x[0] ^ 1UL;
            for (int i = 1; i < 9; ++i)
                z[i] = x[i];

        public static ulong[] FromBigInteger(BigInteger x)
            ulong[] z = Nat576.FromBigInteger64(x);
            Reduce5(z, 0);
            return z;

        public static void Invert(ulong[] x, ulong[] z)
            if (Nat576.IsZero64(x))
                throw new InvalidOperationException();

            // Itoh-Tsujii inversion with bases { 2, 3, 5 }

            ulong[] t0 = Nat576.Create64();
            ulong[] t1 = Nat576.Create64();
            ulong[] t2 = Nat576.Create64();

            Square(x, t2);

            // 5 | 570
            Square(t2, t0);
            Square(t0, t1);
            Multiply(t0, t1, t0);
            SquareN(t0, 2, t1);
            Multiply(t0, t1, t0);
            Multiply(t0, t2, t0);

            // 3 | 114
            SquareN(t0, 5, t1);
            Multiply(t0, t1, t0);
            SquareN(t1, 5, t1);
            Multiply(t0, t1, t0);

            // 2 | 38
            SquareN(t0, 15, t1);
            Multiply(t0, t1, t2);

            // ! {2,3,5} | 19
            SquareN(t2, 30, t0);
            SquareN(t0, 30, t1);
            Multiply(t0, t1, t0);

            // 3 | 9
            SquareN(t0, 60, t1);
            Multiply(t0, t1, t0);
            SquareN(t1, 60, t1);
            Multiply(t0, t1, t0);

            // 3 | 3
            SquareN(t0, 180, t1);
            Multiply(t0, t1, t0);
            SquareN(t1, 180, t1);
            Multiply(t0, t1, t0);

            Multiply(t0, t2, z);

        public static void Multiply(ulong[] x, ulong[] y, ulong[] z)
            ulong[] tt = Nat576.CreateExt64();
            ImplMultiply(x, y, tt);
            Reduce(tt, z);

        public static void MultiplyAddToExt(ulong[] x, ulong[] y, ulong[] zz)
            ulong[] tt = Nat576.CreateExt64();
            ImplMultiply(x, y, tt);
            AddExt(zz, tt, zz);

        public static void Reduce(ulong[] xx, ulong[] z)
            ulong xx09 = xx[9];
            ulong u = xx[17], v = xx09;

            xx09  = v ^ (u >> 59) ^ (u >> 57) ^ (u >> 54) ^ (u >> 49);
            v = xx[8] ^ (u <<  5) ^ (u <<  7) ^ (u << 10) ^ (u << 15);

            for (int i = 16; i >= 10; --i)
                u = xx[i];
                z[i - 8]  = v ^ (u >> 59) ^ (u >> 57) ^ (u >> 54) ^ (u >> 49);
                v = xx[i - 9] ^ (u <<  5) ^ (u <<  7) ^ (u << 10) ^ (u << 15);

            u = xx09;
            z[1]  = v ^ (u >> 59) ^ (u >> 57) ^ (u >> 54) ^ (u >> 49);
            v = xx[0] ^ (u <<  5) ^ (u <<  7) ^ (u << 10) ^ (u << 15);

            ulong x08 = z[8];
            ulong t   = x08 >> 59;
            z[0]      = v ^ t ^ (t << 2) ^ (t << 5) ^ (t << 10);
            z[8]      = x08 & M59;

        public static void Reduce5(ulong[] z, int zOff)
            ulong z8     = z[zOff + 8], t = z8 >> 59;
            z[zOff    ] ^= t ^ (t << 2) ^ (t << 5) ^ (t << 10);
            z[zOff + 8]  = z8 & M59;

        public static void Sqrt(ulong[] x, ulong[] z)
            ulong[] evn = Nat576.Create64(), odd = Nat576.Create64();

            int pos = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
                ulong u0 = Interleave.Unshuffle(x[pos++]);
                ulong u1 = Interleave.Unshuffle(x[pos++]);
                evn[i] = (u0 & 0x00000000FFFFFFFFUL) | (u1 << 32);
                odd[i] = (u0 >> 32) | (u1 & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000UL);
                ulong u0 = Interleave.Unshuffle(x[pos]);
                evn[4] = (u0 & 0x00000000FFFFFFFFUL);
                odd[4] = (u0 >> 32);

            Multiply(odd, ROOT_Z, z);
            Add(z, evn, z);

        public static void Square(ulong[] x, ulong[] z)
            ulong[] tt = Nat576.CreateExt64();
            ImplSquare(x, tt);
            Reduce(tt, z);

        public static void SquareAddToExt(ulong[] x, ulong[] zz)
            ulong[] tt = Nat576.CreateExt64();
            ImplSquare(x, tt);
            AddExt(zz, tt, zz);

        public static void SquareN(ulong[] x, int n, ulong[] z)
            Debug.Assert(n > 0);

            ulong[] tt = Nat576.CreateExt64();
            ImplSquare(x, tt);
            Reduce(tt, z);

            while (--n > 0)
                ImplSquare(z, tt);
                Reduce(tt, z);

        public static uint Trace(ulong[] x)
            // Non-zero-trace bits: 0, 561, 569
            return (uint)(x[0] ^ (x[8] >> 49) ^ (x[8] >> 57)) & 1U;

        protected static void ImplMultiply(ulong[] x, ulong[] y, ulong[] zz)
            //for (int i = 0; i < 9; ++i)
            //    ImplMulwAcc(x, y[i], zz, i);

             * Precompute table of all 4-bit products of y
            ulong[] T0 = new ulong[9 << 4];
            Array.Copy(y, 0, T0, 9, 9);
    //        Reduce5(T0, 9);
            int tOff = 0;
            for (int i = 7; i > 0; --i)
                tOff += 18;
                Nat.ShiftUpBit64(9, T0, tOff >> 1, 0UL, T0, tOff);
                Reduce5(T0, tOff);
                Add(T0, 9, T0, tOff, T0, tOff + 9);

             * Second table with all 4-bit products of B shifted 4 bits
            ulong[] T1 = new ulong[T0.Length];
            Nat.ShiftUpBits64(T0.Length, T0, 0, 4, 0L, T1, 0);

            uint MASK = 0xF;

             * Lopez-Dahab algorithm

            for (int k = 56; k >= 0; k -= 8)
                for (int j = 1; j < 9; j += 2)
                    uint aVal = (uint)(x[j] >> k);
                    uint u = aVal & MASK;
                    uint v = (aVal >> 4) & MASK;
                    AddBothTo(T0, (int)(9 * u), T1, (int)(9 * v), zz, j - 1);
                Nat.ShiftUpBits64(16, zz, 0, 8, 0L);

            for (int k = 56; k >= 0; k -= 8)
                for (int j = 0; j < 9; j += 2)
                    uint aVal = (uint)(x[j] >> k);
                    uint u = aVal & MASK;
                    uint v = (aVal >> 4) & MASK;
                    AddBothTo(T0, (int)(9 * u), T1, (int)(9 * v), zz, j);
                if (k > 0)
                    Nat.ShiftUpBits64(18, zz, 0, 8, 0L);

        protected static void ImplMulwAcc(ulong[] xs, ulong y, ulong[] z, int zOff)
            ulong[] u = new ulong[32];
            //u[0] = 0;
            u[1] = y;
            for (int i = 2; i < 32; i += 2)
                u[i    ] = u[i >> 1] << 1;
                u[i + 1] = u[i     ] ^  y;

            ulong l = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < 9; ++i)
                ulong x = xs[i];

                uint j = (uint)x;

                l ^= u[j & 31];

                ulong g, h = 0;
                int k = 60;
                    j  = (uint)(x >> k);
                    g  = u[j & 31];
                    l ^= (g <<  k);
                    h ^= (g >> -k);
                while ((k -= 5) > 0);

                for (int p = 0; p < 4; ++p)
                    x = (x & RM) >> 1;
                    h ^= x & (ulong)(((long)y << p) >> 63);

                z[zOff + i] ^= l;

                l = h;
            z[zOff + 9] ^= l;

        protected static void ImplSquare(ulong[] x, ulong[] zz)
            for (int i = 0; i < 9; ++i)
                Interleave.Expand64To128(x[i], zz, i << 1);
