using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; using System; using System.Text; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine.SceneManagement; namespace CompassNavigatorPro { public partial class CompassPro : MonoBehaviour { [NonSerialized] public bool needFogOfWarUpdate, needFogOfWarTextureUpdate; const string FOG_OF_WAR_LAYER = "FogOfWarLayer"; Texture2D fogOfWarTexture; Color32[] fogOfWarColorBuffer; Material fogOfWarMaterial; int fogOfWarAutoClearLastPosX, fogOfWarAutoClearLastPosZ; #region Fog Of War void UpdateFogOfWarOnLoadScene(Scene scene, LoadSceneMode loadMode) { if (loadMode == LoadSceneMode.Single) { UpdateFogOfWar (); } } void UpdateFogOfWarTexture () { if (miniMapCamera == null) return; Transform fogOfWarLayer = transform.Find (FOG_OF_WAR_LAYER); if (fogOfWarLayer != null) { DestroyImmediate (fogOfWarLayer.gameObject); } if (!_fogOfWarEnabled) return; if (fogOfWarTexture == null || fogOfWarTexture.width != _fogOfWarTextureSize || fogOfWarTexture.height != _fogOfWarTextureSize) { fogOfWarTexture = new Texture2D (_fogOfWarTextureSize, _fogOfWarTextureSize, TextureFormat.Alpha8, false); fogOfWarTexture.hideFlags = HideFlags.DontSave; fogOfWarTexture.filterMode = FilterMode.Bilinear; fogOfWarTexture.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp; } // Update bounds ResetFogOfWar (_fogOfWarDefaultAlpha); CompassProFogVolume[] fv = FindObjectsOfType (); Array.Sort (fv, VolumeComparer); for (int k = 0; k < fv.Length; k++) { Collider collider = fv [k].GetComponent (); if (collider != null && collider.gameObject.activeInHierarchy) { SetFogOfWarAlpha (collider.bounds, fv [k].alpha, fv [k].border); } } needFogOfWarTextureUpdate = true; } void UpdateFogOfWarPosition () { if (!_fogOfWarEnabled) return; if (needFogOfWarUpdate) { needFogOfWarUpdate = false; UpdateFogOfWarTexture (); } if (_fogOfWarAutoClear && miniMapFollow != null) { Vector3 pos = miniMapFollow.transform.position; int x = (int)pos.x; int z = (int)pos.z; if (x != fogOfWarAutoClearLastPosX || z != fogOfWarAutoClearLastPosZ) { fogOfWarAutoClearLastPosX = x; fogOfWarAutoClearLastPosZ = z; SetFogOfWarAlpha (pos, _fogOfWarAutoClearRadius, 0, 1f); } } if (needFogOfWarTextureUpdate) { needFogOfWarTextureUpdate = false; if (fogOfWarTexture != null) { fogOfWarTexture.SetPixels32(fogOfWarColorBuffer); fogOfWarTexture.Apply (); miniMapMaterialRefresh = true; } } } int VolumeComparer (CompassProFogVolume v1, CompassProFogVolume v2) { if (v1.order < v2.order) { return -1; } else if (v1.order > v2.order) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } /// /// Changes the alpha value of the fog of war at world position creating a transition from current alpha value to specified target alpha. It takes into account FogOfWarCenter and FogOfWarSize. /// Note that only x and z coordinates are used. Y (vertical) coordinate is ignored. /// /// in world space coordinates. /// radius of application in world units. /// target alpha value. /// value that determines the hardness of the border. public void SetFogOfWarAlpha (Vector3 worldPosition, float radius, float fogNewAlpha, float border) { if (fogOfWarTexture == null) return; float tx = (worldPosition.x - _fogOfWarCenter.x) / _fogOfWarSize.x + 0.5f; if (tx < 0 || tx > 1f) return; float tz = (worldPosition.z - _fogOfWarCenter.z) / _fogOfWarSize.z + 0.5f; if (tz < 0 || tz > 1f) return; int tw = fogOfWarTexture.width; int th = fogOfWarTexture.height; int px = Mathf.Clamp ((int)(tx * tw), 0, tw - 1); int pz = Mathf.Clamp ((int)(tz * th), 0, th - 1); int colorBufferPos = pz * tw + px; byte newAlpha8 = (byte)(fogNewAlpha * 255); float tr = radius / _fogOfWarSize.z; int delta = (int)(th * tr); int deltaSqr = delta * delta; for (int r = pz - delta; r <= pz + delta; r++) { if (r >= 0 && r < th) { for (int c = px - delta; c <= px + delta; c++) { if (c >= 0 && c < tw) { int distanceSqr = (pz - r) * (pz - r) + (px - c) * (px - c); if (distanceSqr <= deltaSqr) { colorBufferPos = r * tw + c; Color32 colorBuffer = fogOfWarColorBuffer [colorBufferPos]; float t = distanceSqr * border / deltaSqr; if (t > 1f) { t = 1f; } byte targetAlpha = (byte)(newAlpha8 * (1.0 - t) + colorBuffer.a * t); // Mathf.Lerp (newAlpha8, colorBuffer.a, t); colorBuffer.a = targetAlpha; fogOfWarColorBuffer [colorBufferPos] = colorBuffer; needFogOfWarTextureUpdate = true; } } } } } } /// /// Changes the alpha value of the fog of war within bounds creating a transition from current alpha value to specified target alpha. It takes into account FogOfWarCenter and FogOfWarSize. /// Note that only x and z coordinates are used. Y (vertical) coordinate is ignored. /// /// in world space coordinates. /// target alpha value. /// value that determines the hardness of the border. public void SetFogOfWarAlpha (Bounds bounds, float fogNewAlpha, float border) { if (fogOfWarTexture == null) return; Vector3 worldPosition =; float tx = (worldPosition.x - _fogOfWarCenter.x) / _fogOfWarSize.x + 0.5f; if (tx < 0 || tx > 1f) return; float tz = (worldPosition.z - _fogOfWarCenter.z) / _fogOfWarSize.z + 0.5f; if (tz < 0 || tz > 1f) return; int tw = fogOfWarTexture.width; int th = fogOfWarTexture.height; int px = Mathf.Clamp ((int)(tx * tw), 0, tw - 1); int pz = Mathf.Clamp ((int)(tz * th), 0, th - 1); int colorBufferPos = pz * tw + px; byte newAlpha8 = (byte)(fogNewAlpha * 255); float trx = bounds.extents.x / _fogOfWarSize.x; float trz = bounds.extents.z / _fogOfWarSize.z; int deltax = (int)(tw * trx); int deltaz = (int)(th * trz); for (int r = pz - deltaz; r <= pz + deltaz; r++) { if (r >= 0 && r < th) { int distancez = pz - r; if (distancez < 0) distancez = -distancez; if (distancez > deltaz) continue; float dz = (deltaz - distancez + 1) / (deltaz * border + 0.0001f); for (int c = px - deltax; c <= px + deltax; c++) { if (c >= 0 && c < tw) { int distancex = px - c; if (distancex < 0) distancex = -distancex; if (distancex <= deltax) { colorBufferPos = r * tw + c; Color32 colorBuffer = fogOfWarColorBuffer [colorBufferPos]; float dx = (deltax - distancex + 1) / (deltax * border + 0.0001f); float t = dx * dz; if (t > 1f) { t = 1f; } byte targetAlpha = (byte)(colorBuffer.a * (1f - t) + newAlpha8 * t); // Mathf.Lerp (colorBuffer.a, newAlpha8, t); colorBuffer.a = targetAlpha; fogOfWarColorBuffer [colorBufferPos] = colorBuffer; needFogOfWarTextureUpdate = true; } } } } } } /// /// Fill fog of war with a value /// public void ResetFogOfWar (float alpha = 1f) { if (fogOfWarTexture == null) return; int h = fogOfWarTexture.height; int w = fogOfWarTexture.width; int newLength = h * w; if (fogOfWarColorBuffer == null || fogOfWarColorBuffer.Length != newLength) { fogOfWarColorBuffer = new Color32[newLength]; } byte a8 = (byte)(alpha * 255f); Color32 opaque = new Color32 (a8, a8, a8, a8); for (int k = 0; k < newLength; k++) { fogOfWarColorBuffer [k] = opaque; } isDirty = true; } /// /// Gets the current alpha value of the Fog of War at a given world position /// /// The fog of war alpha. /// World position. public float GetFogOfWarAlpha (Vector3 worldPosition) { if (fogOfWarColorBuffer == null) return 1f; float tx = (worldPosition.x - _fogOfWarCenter.x) / _fogOfWarSize.x + 0.5f; if (tx < 0 || tx > 1f) return 1f; float tz = (worldPosition.z - _fogOfWarCenter.z) / _fogOfWarSize.z + 0.5f; if (tz < 0 || tz > 1f) return 1f; int tw = fogOfWarTexture.width; int th = fogOfWarTexture.height; int px = (int)(tx * tw); int pz = (int)(tz * th); int colorBufferPos = pz * tw + px; if (colorBufferPos < 0 || colorBufferPos >= fogOfWarColorBuffer.Length) return 1f; return fogOfWarColorBuffer [colorBufferPos].a / 255f; } #endregion } }