udError.cs 5.1 KB

  1. using System;
  2. using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
  3. using UnityEngine;
  4. namespace udSDK
  5. {
  6. public enum udError
  7. {
  8. udE_Success, //!< Indicates the operation was successful
  9. udE_Failure, //!< A catch-all value that is rarely used, internally the below values are favored
  10. udE_NothingToDo, //!< The operation didn't specifically fail but it also didn't do anything
  11. udE_InternalError, //!< There was an internal error that could not be handled
  12. udE_NotInitialized, //!< The request can't be processed because an object hasn't been configured yet
  13. udE_InvalidConfiguration, //!< Something in the request is not correctly configured or has conflicting settings
  14. udE_InvalidParameter, //!< One or more parameters is not of the expected format
  15. udE_OutstandingReferences, //!< The requested operation failed because there are still references to this object
  16. udE_MemoryAllocationFailure, //!< udSDK wasn't able to allocate enough memory for the requested feature
  17. udE_CountExceeded, //!< An internal count was exceeded by the request, generally going beyond the end of a buffer or internal limit
  18. udE_NotFound, //!< The requested item wasn't found or isn't currently available
  19. udE_BufferTooSmall, //!< Either the provided buffer or an internal one wasn't big enough to fufill the request
  20. udE_FormatVariationNotSupported, //!< The supplied item is an unsupported variant of a supported format
  21. udE_ObjectTypeMismatch, //!< There was a mismatch between what was expected and what was found
  22. udE_CorruptData, //!< The data/file was corrupt
  23. udE_InputExhausted, //!< The input buffer was exhausted so no more processing can occur
  24. udE_OutputExhausted, //!< The output buffer was exhausted so no more processing can occur
  25. udE_CompressionError, //!< There was an error in compression or decompression
  26. udE_Unsupported, //!< This functionality has not yet been implemented (usually some combination of inputs isn't compatible yet)
  27. udE_Timeout, //!< The requested operation timed out. Trying again later may be successful
  28. udE_AlignmentRequired, //!< Memory alignment was required for the operation
  29. udE_DecryptionKeyRequired, //!< A decryption key is required and wasn't provided
  30. udE_DecryptionKeyMismatch, //!< The provided decryption key wasn't the required one
  31. udE_SignatureMismatch, //!< The digital signature did not match the expected signature
  32. udE_ObjectExpired, //!< The supplied object has expired
  33. udE_ParseError, //!< A requested resource or input was unable to be parsed
  34. udE_InternalCryptoError, //!< There was a low level cryptography issue
  35. udE_OutOfOrder, //!< There were inputs that were provided out of order
  36. udE_OutOfRange, //!< The inputs were outside the expected range
  37. udE_CalledMoreThanOnce, //!< This function was already called
  38. udE_ImageLoadFailure, //!< An image was unable to be parsed. This is usually an indication of either a corrupt or unsupported image format
  39. udE_StreamerNotInitialised, //!< The streamer needs to be initialised before this function can be called
  40. udE_OpenFailure, //!< The requested resource was unable to be opened
  41. udE_CloseFailure, //!< The resource was unable to be closed
  42. udE_ReadFailure, //!< A requested resource was unable to be read
  43. udE_WriteFailure, //!< A requested resource was unable to be written
  44. udE_SocketError, //!< There was an issue with a socket problem
  45. udE_DatabaseError, //!< A database error occurred
  46. udE_ServerError, //!< The server reported an error trying to complete the request
  47. udE_AuthError, //!< The provided credentials were declined (usually email or password issue)
  48. udE_NotAllowed, //!< The requested operation is not allowed (usually this is because the operation isn't allowed in the current state)
  49. udE_InvalidLicense, //!< The required license isn't available or has expired
  50. udE_Pending, //!< A requested operation is pending.
  51. udE_Cancelled, //!< The requested operation was cancelled (usually by the user)
  52. udE_OutOfSync, //!< There is an inconsistency between the internal udSDK state and something external. This is usually because of a time difference between the local machine and a remote server
  53. udE_SessionExpired, //!< The udServer has terminated your session
  54. udE_ProxyError, //!< There was some issue with the provided proxy information (either a proxy is in the way or the provided proxy info wasn't correct)
  55. udE_ProxyAuthRequired, //!< A proxy has requested authentication
  56. udE_ExceededAllowedLimit, //!< The requested operation failed because it would exceed the allowed limits (generally used for exceeding server limits like number of projects)
  57. udE_RateLimited, //!< This functionality is currently being rate limited or has exhausted a shared resource. Trying again later may be successful
  58. udE_PremiumOnly, //!< The requested operation failed because the current session is not for a premium user
  59. udE_Count //!< Internally used to verify return values
  60. };
  61. }