using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Threading; using System.IO; namespace TerrainComposer2 { [ExecuteInEditMode] public class TC_Generate : MonoBehaviour { public static TC_Generate instance; public float globalScale = 1; public TC_Area2D area2D; public bool assignTerrainHeightmap; public bool hideHierarchy; public bool generate; public bool generateSplat; public bool generateSplatSingle; public bool generateTree; public bool generateObject; public bool generateGrass; public bool generateColor; public bool resetTrees; public bool generateSingle; public int threadActive = 0; public bool isMesh; public bool resetObjects; public bool autoGenerate; public bool cmdGenerate; public Rect autoGenerateRect = new Rect (0,0,1,1); public bool generateNextFrame; public int generateDone; public int generateDoneOld; public bool isGeneratingHeight; public int jobs = 0; public bool autoGenerateOld; float[] heightsReadback; float[,] heights; int[,] grass; List trees; int restoreAutoGenerateFrame = 0; bool restoreAutoGenerate; public List stackEntry = new List(); public Transform objectParent; [System.NonSerialized] TC_Terrain firstTreeTerrain; [System.NonSerialized] TC_Terrain firstObjectTerrain; // Octree octree; // static public EditorCoroutine co; void Awake() { // octree = new Octree(); autoGenerateOld = autoGenerate; // Debug.Log("Awake " + autoGenerate); autoGenerate = false; restoreAutoGenerate = true; } void OnEnable() { instance = this; isGeneratingHeight = false; #if UNITY_EDITOR UnityEditor.EditorApplication.update += MyUpdate; #if UNITY_5_1 || UNITY_5_2 || UNITY_5_3 || UNITY_5_4 || UNITY_5_5 || UNITY_5_6 || UNITY_2017_1 UnityEditor.EditorApplication.playmodeStateChanged += BeforePlayMode; #else UnityEditor.EditorApplication.playModeStateChanged += BeforePlayMode; #endif if (!UnityEditor.EditorApplication.isPlaying) { restoreAutoGenerate = true; } #endif } #if UNITY_EDITOR #if UNITY_5_1 || UNITY_5_2 || UNITY_5_3 || UNITY_5_4 || UNITY_5_5 || UNITY_5_6 || UNITY_2017_1 void BeforePlayMode() #else void BeforePlayMode(UnityEditor.PlayModeStateChange state) #endif { TC_Settings settings = TC_Settings.instance; if (!UnityEditor.EditorApplication.isPlaying && UnityEditor.EditorApplication.isPlayingOrWillChangePlaymode) { // autoGenerateOld = autoGenerate; // autoGenerate = false; // UnityEditor.EditorUtility.SetDirty(this); // Debug.Log("Start"); if (!area2D.terrainAreas[0]) return; if (settings.isRTPDetected && area2D.terrainAreas[0].IsRTPAddedToTerrains()) { if (settings.autoColormapRTP) ExportColormap(settings.exportPath, true); if (settings.autoColormapRTP) ExportNormalmap(settings.exportPath, true); } } } #endif void OnDisable() { autoGenerateOld = autoGenerate; autoGenerate = false; #if UNITY_EDITOR UnityEditor.EditorApplication.update -= MyUpdate; #if UNITY_5_1 || UNITY_5_2 || UNITY_5_3 || UNITY_5_4 || UNITY_5_5 || UNITY_5_6 || UNITY_2017_1 UnityEditor.EditorApplication.playmodeStateChanged -= BeforePlayMode; #else UnityEditor.EditorApplication.playModeStateChanged -= BeforePlayMode; #endif #endif } void OnDestroy() { instance = null; #if UNITY_EDITOR UnityEditor.EditorApplication.update -= MyUpdate; #if UNITY_5_1 || UNITY_5_2 || UNITY_5_3 || UNITY_5_4 || UNITY_5_5 || UNITY_5_6 || UNITY_2017_1 UnityEditor.EditorApplication.playmodeStateChanged -= BeforePlayMode; #else UnityEditor.EditorApplication.playModeStateChanged -= BeforePlayMode; #endif #endif } int frame = 0; bool updateCamCapture; public void Update() { #if UNITY_EDITOR if (Application.isPlaying) MyUpdate(); #else MyUpdate(); #endif } public void MyUpdate() { TC_Settings settings = TC_Settings.instance; if (settings != null) { if (settings.version == 0) { settings.version = TC.GetVersionNumber(); TC.RefreshOutputReferences(7); TC.AddMessage("TerrainComposer2 is updated to " + TC.GetVersionNumber().ToString()); } } area2D = TC_Area2D.current; if (area2D == null) return; if (area2D.terrainLayer == null) return; if (area2D.terrainLayer.layerGroups[0] == null) TC.RefreshOutputReferences(TC.allOutput); RefreshOutputReferences(TC.GetRefreshOutputReferences(), TC.refreshPreviewImages); if (cmdGenerate) { cmdGenerate = false; if (autoGenerate) { TC_Reporter.Log("Generate from auto", 2); Generate(false, autoGenerateRect); } else TC.autoGenerateCallTimeStart = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; autoGenerateRect = new Rect (0,0,1,1); } if (restoreAutoGenerate) { if (restoreAutoGenerateFrame > 1) { restoreAutoGenerate = false; restoreAutoGenerateFrame = 0; autoGenerate = autoGenerateOld; } ++restoreAutoGenerateFrame; } generate = false; // if (frame >= 0) //{ RunGenerateStack(); // frame = 0; // } ++frame; } public void RefreshOutputReferences(int outputId, bool refreshPreviewImages) { if (outputId >= 0) { TC.refreshPreviewImages = refreshPreviewImages; // Debug.Log("GetItems " + outputId); if (outputId >= 6) area2D.terrainLayer.GetItems(false, true, outputId == 7); else area2D.terrainLayer.GetItem(outputId, true, false); TC.RefreshOutputReferences(-1); TC.refreshPreviewImages = false; TC.repaintNodeWindow = true; } } public void RunGenerateStack() { // if (stack.Count > 0) Debug.Log(stack.Count); if (stackEntry.Count > 0) { if (stackEntry[0].stack.Count == 0) stackEntry.RemoveAt(0); } if (stackEntry.Count > 0 && !generate) { // Debug.Log(stack.Count); List stack = stackEntry[0].stack; GenerateStack curStack = stack[0]; int outputId = curStack.outputId; //TODO Debug.Log ("TC_Generate.RunGenerateStack: Generating ID " + outputId + " in Stack of length " + stackEntry.Count + "/" + stack.Count + "!"); TCUnityTerrain tcTerrain = curStack.tcTerrain; assignTerrainHeightmap = curStack.assignTerrainHeightmap; stack.RemoveAt(0); // Debug.Log(stack[0]; GenerateTerrain(tcTerrain, outputId); Compute(tcTerrain, outputId, curStack.generateRect); } if (stackEntry.Count == 0 && disableHeightOuput) { disableHeightOuput = false; area2D.terrainLayer.layerGroups[TC.heightOutput].visible = false; } } bool disableHeightOuput; public void Compute(TCUnityTerrain tcTerrain, int outputId, Rect generateRect) { //TODO Debug.Log ("TC_Generate.Compute: Computing ID " + outputId + "!"); // Debug.Log(frame); if (outputId == TC.heightOutput) ComputeHeight(generateRect); else if (outputId == TC.splatOutput) ComputeSplat(generateRect); else if (outputId == TC.colorOutput) ComputeColor(); else if (outputId == TC.treeOutput) ComputeTree(); else if (outputId == TC.grassOutput) ComputeGrass(); else if (outputId == TC.objectOutput) ComputeObject(); tcTerrain.generateStatus &= (byte)(255 - Mathw.bit8[outputId]); if (tcTerrain.generateStatus == 0) { if (tcTerrain.tasks > 0) { --tcTerrain.tasks; } // tcTerrain.terrain.Flush(); // Debug.Log("Flush terrain"); if (!tcTerrain.terrain.gameObject.activeSelf) { // tcTerrain.terrain.enabled = true; tcTerrain.terrain.gameObject.SetActive(true); } } TC_Compute.instance.camCapture.DisposeRTCapture(); } public bool CheckForTerrain(bool selectTerrainArea = true) { if (area2D.terrainAreas == null) area2D.terrainAreas = new TC_TerrainArea[1]; else if (area2D.terrainAreas.Length == 0) area2D.terrainAreas = new TC_TerrainArea[1]; if (area2D.terrainAreas[0] == null) { GameObject go = GameObject.Find("Terrain Area"); if (go != null) { TC_TerrainArea terrainArea = go.GetComponent(); if (terrainArea != null) area2D.terrainAreas[0] = terrainArea; else { TC.AddMessage("The Terrain Area GameObject is missing the 'TC_TerrainArea' script."); #if UNITY_EDITOR if (UnityEditor.EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("The Terrain Area GameObject is missing the 'TC_TerrainArea' script.", "Do you want to TC2 to add the 'TC_TerrainArea' script now?", "Yes", "Cancel")) { area2D.terrainAreas[0] = go.AddComponent(); } else return false; #else return false; #endif } } else { TC.AddMessage("No Terrain Area is created."); return false; } } bool hasTerrain = true; if (area2D.terrainAreas[0].terrains.Count == 0) { area2D.terrainAreas[0].terrains.Add(new TCUnityTerrain()); hasTerrain = false; } for (int i = 0; i < area2D.terrainAreas[0].terrains.Count; i++) { if (!area2D.terrainAreas[0].terrains[i].CheckValidUnityTerrain()) { if (selectTerrainArea) TC.AddMessage("Terrain missing on X" + area2D.terrainAreas[0].terrains[i].tileX + "_Y"+area2D.terrainAreas[0].terrains[i].tileZ + "\n\nTC2 has automatically selected the Terrain Area GameObject."); hasTerrain = false; } } if (!hasTerrain) { TC.AddMessage("Please create a terrain first."); #if UNITY_EDITOR if (selectTerrainArea) UnityEditor.Selection.activeGameObject = area2D.terrainAreas[0].gameObject; #endif return false; } return hasTerrain; } public void Generate(bool instantGenerate, int outputId = TC.allOutput) { Generate (instantGenerate, new Rect (0,0,1,1), outputId); } public void Generate(bool instantGenerate, Rect generateRect, int outputId = TC.allOutput) { // Debug.Log("Generate"); if (!CheckForTerrain()) return; area2D = TC_Area2D.current; if (area2D == null) return; if (area2D.terrainLayer == null) return; TC_Settings settings = TC_Settings.instance; if (settings == null) { TC.AddMessage("Settings GameObject not found."); return; } generateRect = Mathw.ClampRect (generateRect, new Rect (0,0,1,1)); if (area2D.terrainAreas[0].terrains[0].texHeight == null) { // TC.AddMessage("The 'Height' output is not generated. Enable 'Height' output for TC2 to regenerate the height textures.", 0, 4); if (!area2D.terrainLayer.layerGroups[TC.heightOutput].visible) { Debug.Log("Not Active"); area2D.terrainLayer.layerGroups[TC.heightOutput].visible = true; area2D.terrainLayer.layerGroups[TC.heightOutput].GetItems(true, false, false); disableHeightOuput = true; } } isMesh = false; bool firstTerrain = true; //TODO Debug.Log ("TC_Generate.Generate: Generating ID " + outputId + " " + (instantGenerate? "instantly" : "delayed") + " in rect " + generateRect.ToString () + "!"); TC_TerrainArea terrainArea = area2D.terrainAreas[0]; for (int i = 0; i < terrainArea.terrains.Count; i++) { TCUnityTerrain tcTerrain = terrainArea.terrains[i]; Vector2 terrainLocalPos = new Vector2 ((float)tcTerrain.tileX/terrainArea.tiles.x, (float)tcTerrain.tileZ/terrainArea.tiles.y); Vector2 terrainLocalSize = new Vector2 (1f/terrainArea.tiles.x, 1f/terrainArea.tiles.y); Rect terrainRect = new Rect (terrainLocalPos, terrainLocalSize); //Debug.Log ("Terrain tile " + tcTerrain.tileX + "/" + tcTerrain.tileZ + " in " + terrainArea.tiles.x + "/" + terrainArea.tiles.y + " tiles has rect " + terrainRect); Rect terrainGenRect; if ( && Mathw.OverlapRect (generateRect, terrainRect, out terrainGenRect)) { Rect relTerrainGenRect = new Rect ((terrainGenRect.x-terrainLocalPos.x)*terrainArea.tiles.x, (terrainGenRect.y-terrainLocalPos.y)*terrainArea.tiles.y, terrainGenRect.width*terrainArea.tiles.x, terrainGenRect.height*terrainArea.tiles.y); relTerrainGenRect = Mathw.ClampRect (relTerrainGenRect, new Rect (0,0,1,1)); //TODO Debug.Log ("Terrain tile " + tcTerrain.tileX + "/" + tcTerrain.tileZ + " generates global rect " + terrainGenRect.ToString () + " and relative rect " + relTerrainGenRect.ToString ()); if (firstTerrain) { if (area2D.terrainLayer.layerGroups[TC.treeOutput].active && (outputId == TC.allOutput || outputId == TC.treeOutput)) firstTreeTerrain = tcTerrain; if (area2D.terrainLayer.layerGroups[TC.objectOutput].active && (outputId == TC.allOutput || outputId == TC.objectOutput)) firstObjectTerrain = tcTerrain; firstTerrain = false; } TC_Compute.instance.camCapture.collisionMask = 0; if (outputId == TC.allOutput) Generate(tcTerrain, instantGenerate, relTerrainGenRect); else { if (outputId == TC.heightOutput) GenerateHeight(tcTerrain, instantGenerate, relTerrainGenRect, false); else GenerateOutput(tcTerrain, outputId, instantGenerate, relTerrainGenRect); } } } } public void GenerateMesh() { isMesh = true; } public void Generate(TCUnityTerrain tcTerrain, bool instantGenerate, int outputId = TC.allOutput) { Generate(tcTerrain, instantGenerate, new Rect(0, 0, 1, 1)); } public void Generate(TCUnityTerrain tcTerrain, bool instantGenerate, Rect generateRect) { // Debug.Log(instantGenerate); // if (disableTerrain) tcTerrain.terrain.enabled = false; //TODO Debug.Log ("TC_Generate.Generate/Terrain: Generating terrain " + tcTerrain.index + "!"); if (area2D.terrainLayer.layerGroups[TC.heightOutput].active || area2D.terrainLayer.layerGroups[TC.objectOutput].active) GenerateHeight(tcTerrain, instantGenerate, generateRect, false); for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i++) { if (area2D.terrainLayer.layerGroups[i].active) GenerateOutput(tcTerrain, i, instantGenerate, generateRect); } // TC.repaintNodeWindow = true; } public void GenerateOutput(TCUnityTerrain tcTerrain, int outputId, bool instantGenerate, Rect generateRect) { if (area2D.terrainLayer.layerGroups[outputId] != null) { // Debug.Log("Generate "+generate+ " +"+instantGenerate); tcTerrain.generateStatus |= (byte)Mathw.bit8[outputId]; if (generate && !instantGenerate) { //TODO Debug.Log ("TC_Generate.GenerateOutput/Terrain: Enqueueing terrain " + tcTerrain.index + " output " + outputId + "!"); bool addToStack = true; if (stackEntry.Count == 0) stackEntry.Add(new GenerateStackEntry(frame)); else { if (stackEntry[0].frame != frame && stackEntry.Count == 1) { stackEntry.Add(new GenerateStackEntry(frame)); } } if (stackEntry.Count == 2) { List stack = stackEntry[1].stack; for (int i = 0; i < stack.Count; i++) { GenerateStack genEntry = stack[i]; if (genEntry.tcTerrain == tcTerrain && genEntry.outputId == outputId && genEntry.assignTerrainHeightmap == assignTerrainHeightmap) { // Ensure generate rect includes the rectangle Mathw.EncapsulteRect (ref genEntry.generateRect, generateRect); addToStack = false; break; } } } if (addToStack) { List stack = stackEntry[stackEntry.Count - 1].stack; stack.Add(new GenerateStack(outputId, tcTerrain, assignTerrainHeightmap, generateRect)); } } else { //TODO Debug.Log ("TC_Generate.GenerateOutput/Terrain: Generating terrain " + tcTerrain.index + " output " + outputId + "!"); // Debug.Log("Generate Output"); ++tcTerrain.tasks; GenerateTerrain(tcTerrain, outputId); Compute(tcTerrain, outputId, generateRect); } } } public void GenerateHeight(TCUnityTerrain tcTerrain, bool instantGenerate, Rect generateRect, bool disableTerrain) { //TODO Debug.Log ("TC_Generate.GenerateHeight/Terrain: Generating terrain " + tcTerrain.index + " height!"); // Debug.Log(instantGenerate); // if (disableTerrain) tcTerrain.terrain.enabled = false; TC_Compute.instance.camCapture.collisionMask = 0; assignTerrainHeightmap = true; if (area2D.terrainLayer.layerGroups[TC.heightOutput].active && area2D.terrainLayer.layerGroups[TC.objectOutput].active) { if (area2D.terrainLayer.layerGroups[TC.heightOutput].ContainsCollisionNode()) assignTerrainHeightmap = false; } if (area2D.terrainLayer.layerGroups[TC.heightOutput].active) GenerateOutput(tcTerrain, TC.heightOutput, instantGenerate, generateRect); if (area2D.terrainLayer.layerGroups[TC.objectOutput].active) GenerateOutput(tcTerrain, TC.objectOutput, instantGenerate, generateRect); if (!assignTerrainHeightmap) { // Debug.Log("Second pass"); assignTerrainHeightmap = true; GenerateOutput(tcTerrain, TC.heightOutput, instantGenerate, generateRect); } if (area2D.terrainLayer.layerGroups[TC.objectOutput].active) GenerateOutput(tcTerrain, TC.objectOutput, instantGenerate, generateRect); // TC.repaintNodeWindow = true; } public bool GenerateStart() { TC_Area2D.current = area2D; // area2D.currentTerrainArea = area2D.terrainAreas[0]; // Debug.Log("Generate Start"); if (area2D.terrainAreas[0] == null) return false; if (area2D.previewArea != null) { if (area2D.previewArea.manual) area2D.SetManualTotalArea(); else if (!area2D.CalcTotalArea()) return false; } else if (!area2D.CalcTotalArea()) return false; area2D.terrainsDone = 0; area2D.terrainsToDo = 0; generate = true; for (int i = 0; i < area2D.terrainAreas.Length; i++) area2D.terrainsToDo += area2D.terrainAreas[i].terrains.Count; return true; } public void GenerateStop() { ++generateDone; } public void ComputeTerrainAreas() { if (!GenerateStart()) return; for (int j = 0; j < area2D.terrainAreas.Length; j++) { area2D.currentTerrainArea = area2D.terrainAreas[j]; for (int i = 0; i < area2D.currentTerrainArea.terrains.Count; i++) { // if (ComputeTerrain(, area2D.currentTerrainArea.terrains[i], false)) ++area2D.terrainsDone; } } // isGeneratingHeight = false; GenerateStop(); } public void ComputeMeshTerrainAreas() { float t = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; if (!GenerateStart()) return; for (int j = 0; j < area2D.meshTerrainAreas.Length; j++) { area2D.currentMeshTerrainArea = area2D.meshTerrainAreas[j]; for (int i = 0; i < area2D.currentMeshTerrainArea.terrains.Count; i++) { area2D.currentMeshTerrainArea.terrains[i].SetNodesActive(true); // area2D.terrainLayer.GetItem(TC.heightOutput); if (ComputeMeshTerrain(TC.heightOutput, area2D.currentMeshTerrainArea.terrains[i], false)) ++area2D.terrainsDone; area2D.currentMeshTerrainArea.terrains[i].SetNodesActive(false); // Debug.Log("MeshTerrain " + i); } } // isGeneratingHeight = false; GenerateStop(); float f = 1 / (Time.realtimeSinceStartup - t); Debug.Log("Mesh Frames " + f); } public bool GenerateTerrain(TCUnityTerrain tcTerrain, int outputId, bool doGenerateStart = true) { if (tcTerrain == null) return false; if (doGenerateStart) { if (!GenerateStart()) return false; } // TC_TerrainLayer.current = area2D.terrainLayer; if (tcTerrain.updateTerrainPos) { tcTerrain.updateTerrainPos = false; tcTerrain.terrain.gameObject.SetActive(false); if (tcTerrain.terrain.terrainData.treeInstanceCount > 0) tcTerrain.terrain.terrainData.treeInstances = new TreeInstance[0]; tcTerrain.terrain.transform.position = tcTerrain.newPos; } area2D.SetCurrentArea(tcTerrain, outputId); // Debug.Log(i); // Debug.Log("resolution " + resolution.x); // ReportArea(); //a Debug.Log("Preview Resolution " + area2D.previewResolution); // area2D.terrainLayer.GetItem(outputId); return true; } public void ReportArea() { Debug.Log("Resolution X " + area2D.resolution.x + " Y " + area2D.resolution.y); Debug.Log("IntResolution " + area2D.intResolution.ToString()); Debug.Log("ResToTerrain X " + area2D.resolutionPM.x + " Y " + area2D.resolutionPM.y); Debug.Log("Bounds " + area2D.bounds); Debug.Log("StartPos X " + area2D.startPos.x + " Y " + area2D.startPos.y); Debug.Log("TerrainSize X " + area2D.terrainSize.x + " Y " + area2D.terrainSize.y); Debug.Log("Preview Resolution " + area2D.previewResolution); Debug.Log("ResToPreview X " + area2D.resToPreview.x + " Y " + area2D.resToPreview.y); Debug.Log("-------------------------------------------------------"); } public bool ComputeMeshTerrain(int outputId, MeshTerrain tcMeshTerrain, bool doGenerateStart = true) { if (doGenerateStart) { if (!GenerateStart()) return false; } area2D.currentMeshTerrain = tcMeshTerrain; // if (! return false; Int2 resolution = new Int2(); Int2 resolution2 = new Int2(); if (outputId == TC.heightOutput) { resolution.x = resolution.y = area2D.terrainLayer.meshResolution + 2; resolution2 = new Int2(resolution.x - 2, resolution.y - 2); } else if (outputId == TC.splatOutput) { resolution.x = resolution.y = area2D.terrainLayer.meshResolution; resolution2 = resolution; } // else if (computeGenerate.GetType() == typeof(ComputeGenerateTrees)) { resolution.x = resolution.y = area2D.layerLevel.meshResolution; resolution2 = resolution; } // else if (computeGenerate.GetType() == typeof(ComputeGenerateGrass)) { resolution.x = resolution.y = terrain.terrainData.detailResolution; resolution2 = resolution; } // else if (computeGenerate.GetType() == typeof(ComputeGenerateObjects)) { resolution.x = resolution.y = area2D.layerLevel.objectResolution; resolution2 = resolution; } else if (outputId == TC.colorOutput) { resolution.x = resolution.y = area2D.terrainLayer.meshResolution; resolution2 = resolution; } area2D.resolution = new Vector2(resolution.x, resolution.y); area2D.intResolution = resolution; TC_Reporter.Log("Resolution" + resolution.ToString()); MeshTerrain meshTerrain = area2D.currentMeshTerrain; Vector2 size = new Vector2(meshTerrain.t.lossyScale.x * 10, meshTerrain.t.lossyScale.z * 10); area2D.resolutionPM = new Vector2(size.x / (resolution2.x), size.y / (resolution2.y)); // Debug.Log("size " + size); // Debug.Log("con" + area2D.resToTerrain); area2D.area = new Rect(meshTerrain.t.position.x - (size.x / 2), meshTerrain.t.position.z - (size.y / 2), resolution.x, resolution.y); area2D.terrainSize = new Vector3(size.x, 4800, size.y); area2D.bounds = new Bounds(new Vector3(meshTerrain.t.position.x, 0, meshTerrain.t.position.z), area2D.terrainSize); area2D.startPos = new Vector3(area2D.area.xMin, meshTerrain.t.position.y, area2D.area.yMin); // Debug.Log(i); return true; } public void ExportHeightmap(string path) { byte[] bytes = null; Color32[] colors; int i = 0; int offset = TC_Area2D.current.resExpandBorder; for (int y = 0; y < area2D.terrainAreas[0].tiles.y; ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < area2D.terrainAreas[0].tiles.x; ++x) { TCUnityTerrain terrain = area2D.terrainAreas[0].terrains[i]; Texture2D texHeight = terrain.texHeight; if (texHeight == null) continue; string filePath = path + "/" + TC_Settings.instance.heightmapFilename + "_x" + x + "_y" + y + ".raw"; FileStream fs = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Create); colors = terrain.texHeight.GetPixels32(); Int2 resolution = new Int2(texHeight.width - (offset * 2), texHeight.height - (offset * 2)); int size = resolution.x * resolution.y; if (bytes == null) bytes = new byte[size * 2]; else if (bytes.Length != size * 2) bytes = new byte[size * 2]; for (int yy = 0; yy < resolution.y; yy++) { for (int xx = 0; xx < resolution.x; xx++) { int index = ((yy * resolution.x) + xx) * 2; int index2 = ((texHeight.height - yy - 1 - offset) * texHeight.width) + xx + offset; bytes[index] = colors[index2].g; bytes[index + 1] = colors[index2].r; } } fs.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); fs.Close(); i++; } } #if UNITY_EDITOR UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.Refresh(); #endif } public void ExportHeightmapCombined(string path) { TC_Settings settings = TC_Settings.instance; byte[] bytes = null; int i = 0; // int offset = TC_Area2D.current.resExpandBorder; string filePath = path + "/" + TC_Settings.instance.heightmapFilename + ".raw"; FileStream fs = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Create); Int2 tiles; if (settings.importSource == TC_Settings.ImportSource.TC2_TerrainArea) tiles = area2D.terrainAreas[0].tiles; else tiles = settings.importTiles; for (int y = 0; y < tiles.y; ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < tiles.x; ++x) { TerrainData terrainData; if (settings.importSource == TC_Settings.ImportSource.TC2_TerrainArea) terrainData = area2D.terrainAreas[0].terrains[i].terrain.terrainData; else terrainData = settings.importTerrains[i]; if (terrainData == null) { TC.AddMessage("TerrainData X" + x + "_Y" + y + " is null"); i++; continue; } //Texture2D texHeight = terrain.texHeight; //if (texHeight == null) continue; //colors = terrain.texHeight.GetPixels32(); //Int2 resolution = new Int2(texHeight.width - (offset * 2), texHeight.height - (offset * 2)); int resolution = terrainData.heightmapResolution; float[,] heights = terrainData.GetHeights(0, 0, resolution, resolution); // int size = resolution.x * resolution.y; if (bytes == null) bytes = new byte[resolution * 2]; else if (bytes.Length != resolution * 2) bytes = new byte[resolution * 2]; fs.Seek((x * resolution * 2) + ((tiles.y - y - 1) * resolution * (resolution * 2 * tiles.x)), SeekOrigin.Begin); for (int yy = 0; yy < resolution; yy++) { int index = 0; for (int xx = 0; xx < resolution; xx++) { int height = (int)(heights[resolution - yy - 1, xx] * 65536); byte hiByte = (byte)(height >> 8); bytes[index++] = (byte)(height - (hiByte << 8)); bytes[index++] = hiByte; } fs.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); fs.Seek(resolution * 2 * (tiles.x - 1), SeekOrigin.Current); } i++; } } fs.Close(); #if UNITY_EDITOR UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.Refresh(); #endif } public void CreateLayerFromExportedHeightmap(string path) { #if UNITY_EDITOR if (!path.Contains("RawFiles")) { TC.AddMessage("You need to save the heightmap in a RawFiles folder for TC2 to make a stamp out of it."); return; } string filePath = path.Replace(Application.dataPath, "Assets"); filePath = filePath.Replace("RawFiles" , "") + TC_Settings.instance.heightmapFilename + ".Jpg"; // Debug.Log(filePath); Texture tex = UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(filePath, typeof(Texture)) as Texture; if (tex == null) { TC.AddMessage("'" + filePath + "' not found."); return; } TC_LayerGroup heightLayerGroup = area2D.terrainLayer.layerGroups[TC.heightOutput]; TC_Layer layer = heightLayerGroup.groupResult.Add("", false) as TC_Layer; layer.GetItems(false, false, false); TC_Node node = layer.selectNodeGroup.itemList[0] as TC_Node; node.DropTextureEditor(tex); #endif } public void ExportNormalmap(string path, bool assignRTP) { Color32[] colors, normalColors = null; int i = 0; int offset = TC_Area2D.current.resExpandBorder; float nx, ny, nz; float normalmapStrength = TC_Settings.instance.normalmapStrength; for (int y = 0; y < area2D.terrainAreas[0].tiles.y; ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < area2D.terrainAreas[0].tiles.x; ++x) { TCUnityTerrain tcTerrain = area2D.terrainAreas[0].terrains[i]; Texture2D texHeight = tcTerrain.texHeight; if (texHeight == null) continue; colors = tcTerrain.texHeight.GetPixels32(); Int2 resolution = new Int2(texHeight.width - (offset * 2), texHeight.height - (offset * 2)); int size = resolution.x * resolution.y; TC_Compute.InitTexture(ref tcTerrain.texNormalmap, TC_Settings.instance.normalmapFilename, resolution.x, true, TextureFormat.RGB24); if (normalColors == null) normalColors = new Color32[size]; else if (normalColors.Length != size) normalColors = new Color32[size]; for (int yy = 0; yy < resolution.y; yy++) { for (int xx = 0; xx < resolution.x; xx++) { int index = ((yy * resolution.x) + xx); int index2 = ((yy + offset) * texHeight.width) + xx + offset; nx = ((((float)colors[index2].b / 255.0f) * 2) - 1) * normalmapStrength; nz = ((((float)colors[index2].a / 255.0f) * 2) - 1) * normalmapStrength; ny = Mathf.Sqrt(1 - nx * nx - nz * nz); normalColors[index].r = colors[index2].b; normalColors[index].g = colors[index2].a; normalColors[index].b = (byte)(ny * 255f); } } tcTerrain.texNormalmap.SetPixels32(normalColors); tcTerrain.texNormalmap.Apply(); #if UNITY_EDITOR string filePath = ExportImage(path + "/" + TC_Settings.instance.normalmapFilename + "_x" + x + "_y" + y, tcTerrain.texNormalmap); filePath = filePath.Replace(Application.dataPath, "Assets"); UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.Refresh(); UnityEditor.TextureImporter textureImporter = (UnityEditor.TextureImporter)UnityEditor.AssetImporter.GetAtPath(filePath); if (textureImporter) { #if UNITY_5_1 || UNITY_5_2 || UNITY_5_3 || UNITY_5_4 textureImporter.normalmap = true; #else textureImporter.textureType = UnityEditor.TextureImporterType.NormalMap; #endif textureImporter.SaveAndReimport(); UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(filePath, UnityEditor.ImportAssetOptions.ForceUpdate); // Debug.Log("Normalmap"); } if (TC_Settings.instance.isRTPDetected && TC_Settings.instance.autoNormalmapRTP && assignRTP) { // Debug.Log(filePath); Texture2D tex = (Texture2D)UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(filePath, typeof(Texture2D)); if (tex != null) { tcTerrain.AssignTextureRTP("NormalGlobal", tex); } } #endif i++; } } #if UNITY_EDITOR UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.Refresh(); #endif } public void ExportColormap(string path, bool assignRTP) { #if UNITY_EDITOR int i = 0; for (int y = 0; y < area2D.terrainAreas[0].tiles.y; ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < area2D.terrainAreas[0].tiles.x; ++x) { TCUnityTerrain tcTerrain = area2D.terrainAreas[0].terrains[i]; if (tcTerrain.texColormap == null) continue; string filePath = ExportImage(path + "/" + TC_Settings.instance.colormapFilename + "_x" + x + "_y" + y, tcTerrain.texColormap); if (TC_Settings.instance.isRTPDetected && TC_Settings.instance.autoColormapRTP && assignRTP) { filePath = filePath.Replace(Application.dataPath, "Assets"); // Debug.Log(filePath); Texture2D tex = (Texture2D)UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(filePath, typeof(Texture2D)); if (tex != null) { tcTerrain.AssignTextureRTP("ColorGlobal", tex); } } ++i; } } UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.Refresh(); #endif } public string ExportImage(string filePath, Texture2D tex) { #if !UNITY_WEBPLAYER byte[] bytes; string extension; if (TC_Settings.instance.imageExportFormat == TC_Settings.ImageExportFormat.PNG) { bytes = tex.EncodeToPNG(); extension = "png"; } else { bytes = tex.EncodeToJPG(); extension = "jpg"; } filePath = filePath + "." + extension; File.WriteAllBytes(filePath, bytes); #endif return filePath; } public void ExportSplatmap(string path) { int i = 0; for (int y = 0; y < area2D.terrainAreas[0].tiles.y; ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < area2D.terrainAreas[0].tiles.x; ++x) { TCUnityTerrain tcTerrain = area2D.terrainAreas[0].terrains[i]; Terrain terrain = tcTerrain.terrain; if (terrain == null) continue; if (terrain.terrainData == null) continue; Texture2D[] texSplatmaps = terrain.terrainData.alphamapTextures; for (int j = 0; j < texSplatmaps.Length; j++) { if (texSplatmaps[j] == null) continue; ExportImage(path + "/" + TC_Settings.instance.splatmapFilename + j + "_x" + x + "_y" + y, texSplatmaps[j]); } ++i; } } #if UNITY_EDITOR UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.Refresh(); #endif } public void ComputeHeight(Rect generateRect) { // Debug.Log("ComputeHeight"); TC_LayerGroup heightLayerGroup = area2D.terrainLayer.layerGroups[TC.heightOutput]; // Debug.Log( + " " + assignTerrainHeightmap); // Debug.Log("ComputeHeight"); if (heightLayerGroup == null) return; if (! return; if (!assignTerrainHeightmap) { area2D.currentTCUnityTerrain.ResetObjects(); area2D.terrainLayer.ResetObjects(); } TC_Compute compute = TC_Compute.instance; // isGeneratingHeight = true; int resolution = area2D.intResolution.x; ComputeBuffer buffer = null; // TC_Reporter.BenchmarkStart(); heightLayerGroup.ComputeSingle(ref buffer, 0, true); // TC_Reporter.BenchmarkStop("Height compute"); if (buffer == null) { TC_Reporter.Log("final buffer is null"); return; } // if (tcGenerate.isMesh) Debug.Log("Frames generate " + + " " + f.ToString("F2")); // else // Debug.Log("Frames generate " + + " " + f.ToString("F2")); // Debug.Log("Is mesh " + isMesh); if (!isMesh) { // Debug.Log(; // Debug.Log(((TCUnityTerrain)area2D.currentTCTerrain); compute.RunTerrainTex(buffer, ref area2D.currentTCTerrain.rtHeight, resolution); // else Debug.Log("Pass"); RenderTexture rtHeight = area2D.currentTCTerrain.rtHeight; TC_Compute.InitTexture(ref area2D.currentTCTerrain.texHeight, "HeightTexture ", rtHeight.width, true); // Debug.Log(area2D.currentTCTerrain.texHeight.mipmapCount); RenderTexture rtActiveOld =; = rtHeight; area2D.currentTCTerrain.texHeight.ReadPixels(new Rect(0, 0, rtHeight.width, rtHeight.height), 0, 0); area2D.currentTCTerrain.texHeight.Apply(); = rtActiveOld; //if (TC_Settings.instance.isRTPDetected && TC_Settings.instance.autoNormalmapRTP) //{ // ExportNormalmap(TC_Settings.instance.exportPath); // area2D.currentTCUnityTerrain.AssignTextureRTP("NormalGlobal"); //} //if (!assignTerrainHeightmap) //{ // // Debug.Log("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"); // compute.DisposeBuffer(ref buffer); // return; //} int offset = area2D.resExpandBorder; int heightResolution = resolution - (offset * 2); generateRect = Mathw.ClampRect (generateRect, new Rect (0,0,1,1)); //TODO Debug.Log ("TC_Generate.ComputeHeight: Computing Height of terrain " + area2D.currentTCUnityTerrain.tileX + "/" + area2D.currentTCUnityTerrain.tileZ + " at " + generateRect.ToString () + "!"); Rect pixelRect = new Rect (Mathf.Floor (heightResolution*generateRect.x), Mathf.Floor (heightResolution*generateRect.y), Mathf.Ceil (heightResolution*generateRect.width), Mathf.Ceil (heightResolution*generateRect.height)); TC.InitArray(ref heights, (int)pixelRect.height, (int)pixelRect.width); TC.InitArray(ref heightsReadback, resolution * resolution); // TODO: Can read directly into heights with rearranging the array buffer.GetData(heightsReadback); compute.DisposeBuffer(ref buffer); // Debug.Log(resolution); // Debug.Log(heightResolution); // Debug.Log(offset); //for (int x = 0; x < 32; x++) //{ // Int2 pixel = new Int2(x, 0); // Color color = area2D.currentTCTerrain.texHeight.GetPixel(pixel.x, pixel.y + 1); // float red = (color.r * 255) * 256; // float green = (color.g * 255); // float height = (red + green); // float height2 = (heightsReadback[x] * 65535); // Debug.Log(height2 + " - " + height + " = " + (height2 - height)); //} int yLength = (int)pixelRect.height; int xLength = (int)pixelRect.width; int pixelRectX = (int)pixelRect.x; int pixelRectY = (int)pixelRect.y; for (int y = 0; y < yLength; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < xLength; x++) { //Debug.Log ("Sampling pixel " + x + "/" + y + " from " + (x + offset + ((y + offset) * resolution))); heights[y, x] = heightsReadback[x + offset + pixelRectX + ((y + offset + pixelRectY) * resolution)]; } } if (area2D.currentTCUnityTerrain.tileX == 0 && area2D.currentTCUnityTerrain.tileZ == 0)// && !exportHeightmap) { area2D.currentTerrainArea.ResetNeighbors(); } area2D.currentTerrain.terrainData.SetHeights(pixelRectX, pixelRectY, heights); if (area2D.currentTCUnityTerrain.tileX == area2D.currentTerrainArea.tiles.x - 1 && area2D.currentTCUnityTerrain.tileZ == area2D.currentTerrainArea.tiles.y - 1) { area2D.currentTerrainArea.SetNeighbors(); } // area2D.currentTerrain.materialTemplate.SetTexture("_NormalMapGlobal", area2D.currentTCUnityTerrain.renderTex); // Debug.Log("Set heights"); } else { // Debug.Log(; // compute.RunTerrainTex(buffer, ref area2D.currentTCTerrain.rtHeight, true); // compute.DisposeBuffer(ref buffer); // Debug.Log(; // Debug.Log("Assign RTP material"); } } //void OnDrawGizmos() //{ // // Debug.Log("help"); // if (octree == null) return; // if (octree.cell != null) octree.cell.Draw(false); //} public void ComputeColor() { if (area2D.terrainLayer.layerGroups[TC.colorOutput] == null) return; TC_Compute compute = TC_Compute.instance; compute.SetPreviewColors(compute.colors); ComputeBuffer maskBuffer = null; TC_Compute.InitRenderTextures(ref compute.rtsColor, "rtsColor", 1); TC_Compute.InitRenderTexture(ref compute.rtResult, "rtResult"); area2D.terrainLayer.layerGroups[TC.colorOutput].ComputeMulti(ref compute.rtsColor, ref maskBuffer, 0); area2D.currentTerrainArea.rtColormap = compute.rtsColor[0]; if (maskBuffer != null) compute.DisposeBuffer(ref maskBuffer); if (!isMesh) { // compute.RunColormap(ref colorRTexture, ref area2D.currentTCUnityTerrain.colormap); RenderTexture rtActiveOld =; TC_Compute.InitTexture(ref area2D.currentTCUnityTerrain.texColormap, "texColormap", -1, true, TextureFormat.RGB24, true, false); Texture2D texColormap = area2D.currentTCUnityTerrain.texColormap; = area2D.currentTerrainArea.rtColormap; texColormap.ReadPixels(new Rect(0, 0, texColormap.width, texColormap.height), 0, 0); texColormap.Apply(); if (TC_Settings.instance.isRTPDetected && TC_Settings.instance.autoColormapRTP) { area2D.currentTCUnityTerrain.AssignTextureRTP("ColorGlobal", area2D.currentTCUnityTerrain.texColormap); } = rtActiveOld; // if (area2D.currentTCUnityTerrain.terrain.materialTemplate != null) area2D.currentTCUnityTerrain.terrain.materialTemplate.SetTexture("_Colormap", area2D.currentTCUnityTerrain.texColormap); // else // { // TC.AddMessage("The TC2 Colormap material is not assigned to the terrain. So it won't show."); // TC.AddMessage("This will be added in the next beta."); // // TC.AddMessage("Please go to the Setting tab in the inspector on Terrain Area GameObject and assign the custom material 'TC2_TerrainMaterial'."); // // TC.AddMessage("The 'TC2_TerrainMaterial' is in the folder TerrainComposer2 -> Shaders -> Terrain."); //#if UNITY_EDITOR // // UnityEditor.Selection.activeTransform = area2D.terrainAreas[0].transform; //#endif // } // Material rtpMat = area2D.currentTerrain.materialTemplate; // rtpMat.SetTexture("_ColorMapGlobal", area2D.currentTCUnityTerrain.colormapTex); // area2D.currentTerrain.GetComponent().ColorGlobal = texColormap; } else { // compute.RunColormap(ref colorRTexture, ref area2D.currentMeshTerrain.colormap); area2D.currentMeshTerrain.rtpMat.SetTexture("_ColorMapGlobal", area2D.currentTerrainArea.rtColormap); } } public void ComputeSplat(Rect generateRect) { if (area2D.terrainLayer.layerGroups[TC.splatOutput] == null) return; int splatLength = area2D.splatLength; int splatmapLength = area2D.splatmapLength; // Debug.Log("Splat Compute " +; if (splatLength == 0) { TC.AddMessage("No splat textures assigned to terrain '" + + "'"); TC.AddMessage("Splat textures can be assigned on the Terrain Area GameObject -> Splat tab.", 2); return; } else if (splatLength > TC.splatLimit) { TC.AddMessage("TC2 supports generating maximum " + TC.splatLimit + " splat textures. There are " + splatLength + " on " + + " assigned.", 0, 4); return; } TC_Compute compute = TC_Compute.instance; ComputeBuffer maskBuffer = null; RenderTexture[] rtSplatmaps; compute.SetPreviewColors(compute.splatColors); if (!isMesh) { TC_Compute.InitRenderTextures(ref area2D.currentTerrainArea.rtSplatmaps, "splatmapRTextures", splatmapLength); } else { // TCCompute.InitRenderTextures(ref area2D.currentTerrainArea.splatmapRTextures, "splatmapRTextures"); // splatmapRTextures = area2D.currentTerrainArea.splatmapRTextures; // area2D.terrainTex = area2D.currentTerrainArea.renderTex; } TC_Compute.InitRenderTextures(ref compute.rtsResult, "resultRTextures", splatmapLength); rtSplatmaps = area2D.currentTerrainArea.rtSplatmaps; area2D.terrainLayer.layerGroups[TC.splatOutput].ComputeMulti(ref rtSplatmaps, ref maskBuffer, 0); if (maskBuffer != null) compute.DisposeBuffer(ref maskBuffer); if (!isMesh) { Texture2D[] texSplatmaps = area2D.currentTerrain.terrainData.alphamapTextures; generateRect = Mathw.ClampRect (generateRect, new Rect (0,0,1,1)); // The rect has to be transformed into pixel-space, accounting for different source(RT) and target (Tex) resolutions // First, rect has to be transformed to tex, then to RT space in order to sync destX/Y and srcRect // This prevents flickering and small sporadic movements of the splatmap on the terrain Int2 dest; Rect srcRect = Mathw.UniformRectToResolution (generateRect, new Int2 (rtSplatmaps[0].width, rtSplatmaps[0].height), new Int2 (texSplatmaps[0].width, texSplatmaps[0].height), out dest); // For some odd reason, y-position has to be inverted srcRect.y = rtSplatmaps[0].width-srcRect.y-srcRect.height; //TODO Debug.Log ("Assigning splats at " + generateRect.ToString () + " from source pixel rect " + srcRect.ToString ()); RenderTexture rtActiveOld =; // Debug.Log( + " " + splatmapRTextures.Length); for (int i = 0; i < rtSplatmaps.Length; i++) { = rtSplatmaps[i]; texSplatmaps[i].ReadPixels(srcRect, dest.x, dest.y); texSplatmaps[i].Apply(); } = rtActiveOld; } else { area2D.currentMeshTerrain.rtpMat.SetTexture("_Control1", rtSplatmaps[0]); area2D.currentMeshTerrain.rtpMat.SetTexture("_Control2", rtSplatmaps[1]); area2D.currentMeshTerrain.rtpMat.SetTexture("_Control3", rtSplatmaps[1]); // Debug.Log("Assign rtp splat"); } // Debug.Log("Frames generate " + + " " + f.ToString("F2")); } // TODO: Same as splat public void ComputeGrass() { if (area2D.terrainLayer.layerGroups[TC.grassOutput] == null) return; int grassLength = area2D.currentTerrain.terrainData.detailPrototypes.Length; if (grassLength == 0) { TC.AddMessage("No grass assigned to terrain '" + + "'"); TC.AddMessage("Grass can be assigned on the Terrain Area GameObject -> Grass tab.", 2); return; } else if (grassLength > TC.grassLimit) { TC.AddMessage("TC2 supports generating maximum " + TC.grassLimit + " grass textures. There are " + grassLength + " on " + + " assigned.", 0, 4); return; } int resolution = area2D.intResolution.x; TC_Compute compute = TC_Compute.instance; compute.SetPreviewColors(compute.splatColors); ComputeBuffer maskBuffer = null; int grassCount = area2D.currentTerrain.terrainData.detailPrototypes.Length; int grassmapCount = Mathf.CeilToInt(grassCount / 4.0f); // Debug.Log(grassCount); // TC_Compute.InitRenderTextures(ref area2D.currentTerrainArea.rtSplatmaps, "splatmapRTextures"); TC_Compute.InitRenderTextures(ref compute.rtsSplatmap, "rtsSplatmap", grassmapCount); TC_Compute.InitRenderTextures(ref compute.rtsResult, "rtsResult", grassmapCount); RenderTexture[] rtGrassmaps = compute.rtsSplatmap; area2D.terrainLayer.layerGroups[TC.grassOutput].ComputeMulti(ref rtGrassmaps, ref maskBuffer, 0); compute.DisposeBuffer(ref maskBuffer); TC_Compute.InitTextures(ref compute.texGrassmaps, "grassTextures", grassmapCount); compute.InitBytesArray(grassmapCount); TC_Compute.BytesArray[] bytesArray = compute.bytesArray; RenderTexture rtActiveOld =; for (int i = 0; i < rtGrassmaps.Length; i++) { = rtGrassmaps[i]; compute.texGrassmaps[i].ReadPixels(new Rect(0, 0, rtGrassmaps[i].width, rtGrassmaps[i].height), 0, 0); bytesArray[i].bytes = compute.texGrassmaps[i].GetRawTextureData(); } = rtActiveOld; TC.InitArray(ref grass, resolution, resolution); int index, colorIndex, byteIndex; for (int i = 0; i < grassCount; ++i) { index = i / 4; colorIndex = (1 + (i - (index * 4))) % 4; for (int y = 0; y < resolution; ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < resolution; ++x) { byteIndex = (y * resolution * 4) + (x * 4) + colorIndex; grass[y, x] = (int)(((float)bytesArray[index].bytes[byteIndex] / 255.0f) * 16.0f); } } area2D.currentTerrain.terrainData.SetDetailLayer(0, 0, i, grass); } } public void ComputeTree() { if (area2D.terrainLayer.layerGroups[TC.treeOutput] == null) return; if (area2D.currentTerrain.terrainData.treePrototypes.Length == 0) { TC.AddMessage("No trees assigned to terrain '" + + "'"); TC.AddMessage("Trees can be assigned on the Terrain Area GameObject -> Trees tab.", 2); return; } if (firstTreeTerrain == area2D.currentTCTerrain) { area2D.terrainLayer.ResetPlaced(); firstTreeTerrain = null; //if (octree == null) octree = new Octree(); //if (octree.cell == null) //{ // octree.cell = new Octree.Cell(null, 0, area2D.totalTerrainBounds); // octree.cell.maxLevels = 8;// Mathf.RoundToInt(octree.cell.bounds.size.x / 32); // //Debug.Log(octree.cell.maxLevels); //} //else if (octree.cell.bounds != area2D.totalTerrainBounds) octree.cell.bounds = area2D.totalTerrainBounds; //Debug.Log(octree.cell.bounds.size); //octree.cell.Reset(); } int resolution = area2D.intResolution.x; TC_Compute compute = TC_Compute.instance; compute.SetPreviewColors(compute.splatColors); ComputeBuffer itemMapBuffer = null; area2D.terrainLayer.layerGroups[TC.treeOutput].ComputeSingle(ref itemMapBuffer, 0, true); // compute.RunItemPositionCompute(itemMapBuffer, TC.treeOutput); ItemMap[] itemMap = new ItemMap[resolution * resolution]; itemMapBuffer.GetData(itemMap); compute.DisposeBuffer(ref itemMapBuffer); if (trees == null) trees = new List(); Vector3 terrainSize = area2D.currentTerrain.terrainData.size; Vector3 terrainPos = area2D.currentTerrain.transform.position; Vector3 outputOffset = area2D.outputOffsetV3; List treeItems = TC_Area2D.current.terrainLayer.treeSelectItems; for (int y = 0; y < resolution; ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < resolution; ++x) { // TODO: Move more to compute shader int index = (y * resolution) + x; float density = itemMap[index].density * itemMap[index].maskValue; if (density == 0) continue; Vector3 pos = new Vector3((float)x / resolution, 0, (float)y / resolution); Vector3 pos2 = pos + itemMap[index].pos; if (pos2.x < 0 || pos2.x > 1 || pos2.z < 0 || pos2.z > 1) { // Debug.Log(position.x + ", "+position.y+", "+position.z); continue; } // Debug.Log("x " + itemMap[index].pos.x + " z " + itemMap[index].pos.z); int id = itemMap[index].index; if (id > treeItems.Count - 1) { TC.AddMessage("Tree index is out of bounds, index = " + id + ". Try the 'Refresh' button."); return; } TC_SelectItem item = treeItems[id]; int treeIndex = item.selectIndex; TC_SelectItem.Tree tree = item.tree; Vector2 posSeed = new Vector2(pos.x * terrainSize.x, pos.z * terrainSize.z) + new Vector2(terrainPos.x - outputOffset.x, terrainPos.z - outputOffset.z); posSeed = Mathw.SnapVector2(posSeed + new Vector2(area2D.resolutionPM.x / 4, area2D.resolutionPM.x / 4), area2D.resolutionPM.x / 2); // pos.y += tree.heightOffset / terrainSize.y; // Debug.Log(id + " " + treeIndex); TreeInstance treeInstance = new TreeInstance(); treeInstance.color = Color.white; treeInstance.lightmapColor = Color.white; treeInstance.position = pos + itemMap[index].pos; treeInstance.prototypeIndex = treeIndex; //#if UNITY_5_0 || UNITY_5_1 || UNITY_5_2 || UNITY_5_3 // Random.seed = (int)posSeed.x + ((int)posSeed.y * resolution); //#else // Random.InitState((int)posSeed.x + ((int)posSeed.z * resolution)); //#endif treeInstance.rotation = RandomPos(posSeed + new Vector2(225.5f, 350.5f)) * 360; Vector2 scaleRange = new Vector2(tree.scaleRange.x * item.parentItem.scaleMinMaxMulti.x, tree.scaleRange.y * item.parentItem.scaleMinMaxMulti.y); float scaleRangeDelta = scaleRange.y - scaleRange.x; if (scaleRangeDelta == 0) scaleRangeDelta = 0.001f; treeInstance.heightScale = (tree.scaleCurve.Evaluate(RandomPos(posSeed)) * scaleRangeDelta) + scaleRange.x; float scaleMulti = tree.scaleMulti * item.parentItem.scaleMulti; treeInstance.heightScale *= scaleMulti; if (item.parentItem.linkScaleToMask) treeInstance.heightScale *= Mathf.Lerp(1, itemMap[index].maskValue, item.parentItem.linkScaleToMaskAmount); if (treeInstance.heightScale < scaleRange.x * scaleMulti) treeInstance.heightScale = scaleRange.x * scaleMulti; treeInstance.widthScale = treeInstance.heightScale * ((RandomPos(posSeed + new Vector2(997.5f, 500.5f)) * tree.nonUniformScale * 2) + (1 - tree.nonUniformScale)); trees.Add(treeInstance); ++item.placed; // Octree.SpawnedObject obj = new Octree.SpawnedObject(index, new Vector3(treeInstance.position.x * terrainSize.x, treeInstance.position.y * terrainSize.y, treeInstance.position.z * terrainSize.z) + terrainPos); // octree.cell.AddObject(obj); } } area2D.currentTerrain.terrainData.treeInstances = trees.ToArray(); float[,] height1 = area2D.currentTerrain.terrainData.GetHeights(0, 0, 1, 1); area2D.currentTerrain.terrainData.SetHeights(0, 0, height1); trees.Clear(); area2D.terrainLayer.CalcTreePlaced(); } public void ComputeObject() { // float minHeight = Mathf.Infinity, maxHeight = 0; if (objectParent != null) DestroyImmediate(objectParent); if (area2D.terrainLayer.layerGroups[TC.objectOutput] == null) return; if (area2D.terrainLayer.objectSelectItems.Count == 0) { TC.AddMessage("No objects nodes are active."); return; } if (firstObjectTerrain == area2D.currentTCTerrain) { area2D.terrainLayer.ResetPlaced(); firstObjectTerrain = null; } int resolution = area2D.intResolution.x; Transform objectsParent = CheckObjectsParent(area2D.currentTCUnityTerrain); if (assignTerrainHeightmap) { area2D.currentTCUnityTerrain.ResetObjects(); area2D.terrainLayer.ResetObjects(); } TC_Compute compute = TC_Compute.instance; compute.SetPreviewColors(compute.splatColors); ComputeBuffer itemMapBuffer = null; area2D.terrainLayer.layerGroups[TC.objectOutput].ComputeSingle(ref itemMapBuffer, 0, true); // compute.RunItemPositionCompute(itemMapBuffer, TC.objectOutput); ItemMap[] itemMap = new ItemMap[resolution * resolution]; itemMapBuffer.GetData(itemMap); compute.DisposeBuffer(ref itemMapBuffer); // Vector2 terrainSize = area2D.area.size; // Vector2 terrainPos = area2D.area.position; Vector3 terrainSize = area2D.currentTerrain.terrainData.size; Vector3 terrainPos = area2D.currentTerrain.transform.position; Vector3 outputOffset = area2D.outputOffsetV3; // tcGenerate.ClearSpawnedObjects(); // for (int i = 0; i < tcGenerate.objectItems.Length; i++) tcGenerate.objectItems[i].objectCount = 0; // Debug.Log(TCLayerLevel.current.objectitems.Count); // return; List objectItems = TC_Area2D.current.terrainLayer.objectSelectItems; for (int y = 0; y < resolution; ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < resolution; ++x) { int index = (y * resolution) + x; float density = itemMap[index].density * itemMap[index].maskValue; if (density == 0) continue; Vector3 pos = new Vector3(((float)x / resolution), 0, ((float)y / resolution)); Vector3 pos2 = pos + itemMap[index].pos; if (pos2.x < 0 || pos2.x > 1 || pos2.z < 0 || pos2.z > 1) { // Debug.Log(position.x + ", "+position.y+", "+position.z); continue; } // Debug.Log("x " + itemMap[index].pos.x + " z " + itemMap[index].pos.z); int id = itemMap[index].index; if (id > objectItems.Count - 1) { // Debug.Log("Object index is out of bounds, index = " + id); TC.AddMessage("Object index is out of bounds, index = " + id + ". Try the 'Refresh' button."); return; } TC_SelectItem item = objectItems[id]; TC_SelectItem.SpawnObject spawnObject = item.spawnObject; // Debug.Log("x " + itemMap[index].pos.x + " z " + itemMap[index].pos.z); // Debug.Log(itemMap[index].pos); pos = new Vector3(pos.x * terrainSize.x, pos.y, pos.z * terrainSize.z) + terrainPos; // - item.t.parent.parent.position; Vector3 posSeed = Mathw.SnapVector3(pos + new Vector3(area2D.resolutionPM.x / 4, 0, area2D.resolutionPM.x / 4), area2D.resolutionPM.x / 2) - outputOffset; pos += new Vector3(itemMap[index].pos.x * terrainSize.x, 0, itemMap[index].pos.z * terrainSize.z); // Debug.Log(itemMap[index].pos.x +", "+itemMap[index].pos.z); if (spawnObject.includeTerrainHeight) pos.y = area2D.currentTerrain.SampleHeight(pos); else pos.y = 0; pos.y += TC_Settings.instance.generateOffset.y; // Debug.Log((posSeed.x - pos.x) + ", " + (posSeed.z - pos.z)); #if UNITY_5_0 || UNITY_5_1 || UNITY_5_2 || UNITY_5_3 Random.seed = (int)posSeed.x + ((int)posSeed.z * resolution); #else Random.InitState((int)posSeed.x + ((int)posSeed.z * resolution)); #endif Vector3 rotation; if (spawnObject.includeTerrainAngle) { Vector3 normal = area2D.currentTerrain.terrainData.GetInterpolatedNormal(pos2.x, pos2.z); rotation.x = normal.z * 90; rotation.y = 0; rotation.z = normal.x * -90; } else rotation =; if (spawnObject.lookAtTarget != null) { rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(spawnObject.lookAtTarget.position - pos).eulerAngles; if (!spawnObject.lookAtX) rotation.x = rotation.z = 0; } #if UNITY_5_0 || UNITY_5_1 || UNITY_5_2 || UNITY_5_3 Random.seed = (int)posSeed.x + ((int)posSeed.z * resolution); #else Random.InitState((int)posSeed.x + ((int)posSeed.z * resolution)); #endif Vector3 scale; float scaleMulti = spawnObject.scaleMulti * item.parentItem.scaleMulti; if (!spawnObject.customScaleRange) { float scaleRangeDelta = spawnObject.scaleRange.y - spawnObject.scaleRange.x; if (scaleRangeDelta == 0) scaleRangeDelta = 0.001f; scale.x = (spawnObject.scaleCurve.Evaluate(Random.value) * scaleRangeDelta) + spawnObject.scaleRange.x; scale.x *= scaleMulti; if (item.parentItem.linkScaleToMask) scale.x *= Mathf.Lerp(1, itemMap[index].maskValue, item.parentItem.linkScaleToMaskAmount); if (scale.x < spawnObject.scaleRange.x * scaleMulti) scale.x = spawnObject.scaleRange.x * scaleMulti; scale.y = scale.x * Random.Range(1 - spawnObject.nonUniformScale, 1 + spawnObject.nonUniformScale); scale.z = scale.x * Random.Range(1 - spawnObject.nonUniformScale, 1 + spawnObject.nonUniformScale); } else { float scaleRangeDeltaX = spawnObject.scaleRangeX.y - spawnObject.scaleRangeX.x; if (scaleRangeDeltaX == 0) scaleRangeDeltaX = 0.001f; float scaleRangeDeltaY = spawnObject.scaleRangeY.y - spawnObject.scaleRangeY.x; if (scaleRangeDeltaY == 0) scaleRangeDeltaY = 0.001f; float scaleRangeDeltaZ = spawnObject.scaleRangeZ.y - spawnObject.scaleRangeZ.x; if (scaleRangeDeltaZ == 0) scaleRangeDeltaZ = 0.001f; scale.x = (spawnObject.scaleCurve.Evaluate(Random.value) * scaleRangeDeltaX) + spawnObject.scaleRangeX.x; scale.y = (spawnObject.scaleCurve.Evaluate(Random.value) * scaleRangeDeltaY) + spawnObject.scaleRangeY.x; scale.z = (spawnObject.scaleCurve.Evaluate(Random.value) * scaleRangeDeltaZ) + spawnObject.scaleRangeZ.x; scale *= scaleMulti; if (item.parentItem.linkScaleToMask) scale *= Mathf.Lerp(1, itemMap[index].maskValue, item.parentItem.linkScaleToMaskAmount); if (scale.x < spawnObject.scaleRangeX.x * scaleMulti) scale.x = spawnObject.scaleRangeX.x * scaleMulti; if (scale.y < spawnObject.scaleRangeY.x * scaleMulti) scale.y = spawnObject.scaleRangeY.x * scaleMulti; if (scale.z < spawnObject.scaleRangeZ.x * scaleMulti) scale.z = spawnObject.scaleRangeZ.x * scaleMulti; } pos.y += spawnObject.heightOffset; if (spawnObject.includeScale) pos.y += Random.Range(spawnObject.heightRange.x, spawnObject.heightRange.y) * scale.y; else pos.y += Random.Range(spawnObject.heightRange.x, spawnObject.heightRange.y); GameObject go; Transform t; #if !UNITY_EDITOR go = (GameObject)Instantiate(spawnObject.go, pos, Quaternion.Euler(rotation)); t = go.transform; #else // TODO rotation can be returned as Quaternion if (!spawnObject.linkToPrefab) { go = (GameObject)Instantiate(spawnObject.go, pos, Quaternion.Euler(rotation)); t = go.transform; } else { go = (GameObject)UnityEditor.PrefabUtility.InstantiatePrefab(spawnObject.go); t = go.transform; t.position = pos; t.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(rotation); } #endif t.Rotate(new Vector3(Random.Range(spawnObject.rotRangeX.x, spawnObject.rotRangeX.y), Random.Range(spawnObject.rotRangeY.x, spawnObject.rotRangeY.y), Random.Range(spawnObject.rotRangeZ.x, spawnObject.rotRangeZ.y)), Space.Self); if (spawnObject.isSnapRot) { if (spawnObject.isSnapRotX) rotation.x = ((int)(rotation.x / spawnObject.snapRotX)) * spawnObject.snapRotX; if (spawnObject.isSnapRotY) rotation.y = ((int)(rotation.y / spawnObject.snapRotY)) * spawnObject.snapRotY; if (spawnObject.isSnapRotZ) rotation.z = ((int)(rotation.z / spawnObject.snapRotZ)) * spawnObject.snapRotZ; } //if (tcObject.spawnList.Count <= tcGenerate.objectItems[objectIndex].objectCount) //{ =; if (spawnObject.parentMode == TC_SelectItem.SpawnObject.ParentMode.Terrain) t.parent = objectsParent; else if (spawnObject.parentMode == TC_SelectItem.SpawnObject.ParentMode.Existing) t.parent = spawnObject.parentT; else if (spawnObject.parentMode == TC_SelectItem.SpawnObject.ParentMode.Create) { if (spawnObject.newParentT == null) { GameObject parentGO = new GameObject(spawnObject.parentName); if (spawnObject.parentToTerrain) parentGO.transform.parent = objectsParent; spawnObject.newParentT = parentGO.transform; } t.parent = spawnObject.newParentT; } t.localScale = Vector3.Scale(spawnObject.go.transform.localScale, scale); ++item.placed; // tcObject.spawnList.Add(go.transform); //} //else //{ // tcObject.spawnList[tcGenerate.objectItems[objectIndex].objectCount].position = position; // tcObject.spawnList[tcGenerate.objectItems[objectIndex].objectCount].rotation = Quaternion.Euler(rotation); // tcObject.spawnList[tcGenerate.objectItems[objectIndex].objectCount].localScale = scale; // tcObject.spawnList[tcGenerate.objectItems[objectIndex].objectCount].gameObject.SetActive(true); //} // ++tcGenerate.objectItems[objectIndex].objectCount; //} // if (pos.y > maxHeight) maxHeight = pos.y; // else if (pos.y < minHeight) minHeight = pos.y; } } // Debug.Log("Min height " + minHeight + " Max height " + maxHeight); area2D.terrainLayer.CalcObjectPlaced(); //for (int j = 0; j < tcGenerate.objectItems.Length; ++j) //{ // for (int i = tcGenerate.objectItems[j].objectCount; i < tcObjects[j].spawnList.Count; i++) tcObjects[j].spawnList[i].gameObject.SetActive(false); //} } public float RandomPos(Vector2 pos) { return Mathw.Frac(Mathf.Sin(Vector2.Dot(pos, new Vector2(12.9898f, 78.233f))) * 43758.5453123f); } public Transform CheckObjectsParent(TCUnityTerrain tcUnityTerrain) { if (tcUnityTerrain.objectsParent == null) { tcUnityTerrain.objectsParent = new GameObject("TerrainComposer Objects").transform; tcUnityTerrain.objectsParent.parent = tcUnityTerrain.terrain.transform; } return tcUnityTerrain.objectsParent; } struct ItemMap { public int index; public float density; public float maskValue; public Vector3 pos; }; [System.Serializable] public class GenerateStackEntry { public List stack = new List(); public int frame; public GenerateStackEntry(int frame) { this.frame = frame; } } [System.Serializable] public class GenerateStack { public TCUnityTerrain tcTerrain; public int outputId; public bool assignTerrainHeightmap; public Rect generateRect; public GenerateStack(int outputId, TCUnityTerrain tcTerrain, bool assignTerrainHeightmap) { this.tcTerrain = tcTerrain; this.outputId = outputId; this.assignTerrainHeightmap = assignTerrainHeightmap; } public GenerateStack(int outputId, TCUnityTerrain tcTerrain, bool assignTerrainHeightmap, Rect generateRect) { this.tcTerrain = tcTerrain; this.outputId = outputId; this.assignTerrainHeightmap = assignTerrainHeightmap; this.generateRect = generateRect; } } } }