using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; using UnityEngine.Events; using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using AOT; public class SvrManager : MonoBehaviour { public static SvrManager Instance; //{ // get // { // if (instance == null) instance = FindObjectOfType(); // if (instance == null) Debug.LogError("SvrManager object component not found"); // return instance; // } //} //private static SvrManager instance; static public int EyeLayerMax = 8; // svrApi SVR_MAX_EYE_LAYERS static public int OverlayLayerMax = 8; // svrApi SVR_MAX_OVERLAY_LAYERS static public int RenderLayersMax = 16; // svrApi SVR_MAX_RENDER_LAYERS public Action SvrInitializedCallBack; public enum svrEventType { kEventNone = 0, kEventSdkServiceStarting = 1, kEventSdkServiceStarted = 2, kEventSdkServiceStopped = 3, kEventControllerConnecting = 4, kEventControllerConnected = 5, kEventControllerDisconnected = 6, kEventThermal = 7, kEventVrModeStarted = 8, kEventVrModeStopping = 9, kEventVrModeStopped = 10, kEventSensorError = 11, kEventMagnometerUncalibrated = 12, kEventBoundarySystemCollision = 13, kEvent6dofRelocation = 14, kEvent6dofWarningFeatureCount = 15, kEvent6dofWarningLowLight = 16, kEvent6dofWarningBrightLight = 17, kEvent6dofWarningCameraCalibration = 18 }; [Serializable] public class SvrSettings { public enum eAntiAliasing { k1 = 1, k2 = 2, k4 = 4, }; public enum eDepth { k16 = 16, k24 = 24 }; public enum eChromaticAberrationCorrection { kDisable = 0, kEnable = 1 }; public enum eVSyncCount { k0 = 0, k1 = 1, k2 = 2, }; public enum eMasterTextureLimit { k0 = 0, // full size k1 = 1, // half size k2 = 2, // quarter size k3 = 3, // ... k4 = 4 // ... }; public enum ePerfLevel { Minimum = 1, Medium = 2, Maximum = 3 }; public enum eFrustumType { Camera = 0, Device = 1, } public enum eEyeBufferType { //Mono = 0, StereoSeperate = 1, //StereoSingle = 2, //Array = 3, } [Tooltip("If head tracking lost, fade the display")] public bool poseStatusFade = true; [Tooltip("Use eye tracking (if available)")] public bool trackEyes = true; [Tooltip("Use position tracking (if available)")] public bool trackPosition = true; [Tooltip("Track position conversion from meters")] public float trackPositionScale = 1; [Tooltip("Height of the eyes from base of head")] public float headHeight = 0.0750f; [Tooltip("Depth of the eyes from center of head")] public float headDepth = 0.0805f; [Tooltip("Distance between the eyes")] public float interPupilDistance = 0.064f; //[Tooltip("Distance of line-of-sight convergence (0 disabled)")] //public float stereoConvergence = 0; //[Tooltip("Pitch angle to the horizon in degrees")] //public float horizonElevation = 0; [Tooltip("Eye field of view render target reprojection margin (% of fov) [0..]")] public float eyeFovMargin = 0.0f; [Tooltip("Eye render target scale factor")] public float eyeResolutionScaleFactor = 1.0f; [Tooltip("Eye render target depth buffer")] public eDepth eyeDepth = eDepth.k24; [Tooltip("Eye render target MSAA value")] public eAntiAliasing eyeAntiAliasing = eAntiAliasing.k2; [Tooltip("Overlay render target scale factor")] public float overlayResolutionScaleFactor = 1.0f; [Tooltip("Overlay render target depth buffer")] public eDepth overlayDepth = eDepth.k16; [Tooltip("Overlay render target MSAA value")] public eAntiAliasing overlayAntiAliasing = eAntiAliasing.k1; [Tooltip("Limit refresh rate")] public eVSyncCount vSyncCount = eVSyncCount.k1; [Tooltip("Chromatic Aberration Correction")] public eChromaticAberrationCorrection chromaticAberationCorrection = eChromaticAberrationCorrection.kEnable; [Tooltip("QualitySettings TextureQuality FullRes, HalfRes, etc.")] public eMasterTextureLimit masterTextureLimit = eMasterTextureLimit.k0; [Tooltip("CPU performance level")] public ePerfLevel cpuPerfLevel = ePerfLevel.Medium; [Tooltip("GPU performance level")] public ePerfLevel gpuPerfLevel = ePerfLevel.Medium; [Tooltip("Foveated render gain [1..], 0/feature disabled")] public Vector2 foveationGain = new Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f); [Tooltip("Foveated render hires area [0..]")] public float foveationArea = 0.0f; [Tooltip("Foveated render min pixel density [1/16..1]")] public float foveationMinimum = 0.25f; [Tooltip("Use perspective of unity camera or device frustum data")] public eFrustumType frustumType = eFrustumType.Camera; [Tooltip("Display buffer type (default stereo seperate)")] public eEyeBufferType displayType = eEyeBufferType.StereoSeperate; [Tooltip("Should Use Optics Calibration")] public bool activeOpticsCalib = false; } [SerializeField] public SvrSettings settings; [Serializable] public class SvrStatus { [Tooltip("SnapdragonVR SDK Initialized")] public bool initialized = false; [Tooltip("SnapdragonVR SDK Running")] public bool running = false; [Tooltip("SnapdragonVR SDK Pose Status: 0/None, 1/Rotation, 2/Position, 3/RotationAndPosition")] public int pose = 0; public int poseModify = 0; } [SerializeField] public SvrStatus status; public enum eFadeState { FadeIn, FadeOut } [NonSerialized] public eFadeState fadeState = eFadeState.FadeIn; [NonSerialized] public float fadeDuration = 2f; [Header("Camera Rig")] public Transform head; public Transform gaze; public Camera monoCamera; public Camera leftCamera; public Camera rightCamera; public Camera leftOverlay; public Camera rightOverlay; public Camera monoOverlay; public SvrOverlay fadeOverlay; public SvrOverlay reticleOverlay; public Vector3 leftCameraOffsetPostion= new Vector3 (0,0,0); public Vector3 leftCameraOffsetAngles= new Vector3 (0,2.5f,0); public Vector3 rightCameraOffsetPostion= new Vector3 (0,0,0); public Vector3 rightCameraOffsetAngles= new Vector3 (0,-2.5f,0); public static bool init; public Vector2 FocalPoint { get; set; } // Foveated Rendering Focal Point public int FrameCount { get { return frameCount; } } private int frameCount = 0; private static WaitForEndOfFrame waitForEndOfFrame = new WaitForEndOfFrame(); public SvrPlugin plugin = null; private float sensorWarmupDuration = 0.25f; private List eyes = new List(EyeLayerMax); private List overlays = new List(OverlayLayerMax); private bool disableInput = false; private Coroutine onResume = null; private Coroutine submitFrame = null; /// /// Svr event listener. /// public interface SvrEventListener { /// /// Raises the svr event event. /// /// Ev. void OnSvrEvent (SvrEvent ev); }; public enum svrThermalLevel { kSafe, kLevel1, kLevel2, kLevel3, kCritical, kNumThermalLevels }; public enum svrThermalZone { kCpu, kGpu, kSkin, kNumThermalZones }; public struct svrEventData_Thermal { public svrThermalZone zone; //!< Thermal zone public svrThermalLevel level; //!< Indication of the current zone thermal level }; [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit)] public struct svrEventData { [FieldOffset(0)] public svrEventData_Thermal thermal; //[FieldOffset(0)] //public svrEventData_New newData; } public struct SvrEvent { public svrEventType eventType; //!< Type of event public uint deviceId; //!< An identifier for the device that generated the event (0 == HMD) public float eventTimeStamp; //!< Time stamp for the event in seconds since the last svrBeginVr call public svrEventData eventData; //!< Event specific data payload }; private List eventListeners = new List(); public bool Initialized { get { return status.initialized; } } public bool IsRunning { get { return status.running; } } public bool DisableInput { get { return disableInput; } set { disableInput = value; } } void Awake() { if(Instance) { DestroyImmediate(gameObject); return; } Instance = this; if (!ValidateReferencedComponents ()) { enabled = false; return; } RegisterListeners(); Input.backButtonLeavesApp = true; Screen.sleepTimeout = SleepTimeout.NeverSleep; Application.targetFrameRate = -1; } void OnGUI() { } bool ValidateReferencedComponents() { plugin = SvrPlugin.Instance; if(plugin == null) { Debug.LogError("Svr Plugin failed to load. Disabling..."); return false; } if(head == null) { Debug.LogError("Required head gameobject not found! Disabling..."); return false; } if(monoCamera == null && (leftCamera == null || rightCamera == null)) { Debug.LogError("Required eye components are missing! Disabling..."); return false; } return true; } #if UNITY_2018 void OnEnable() { if (UnityEngine.Rendering.GraphicsSettings.renderPipelineAsset) { UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RenderPipeline.beginCameraRendering += OnPreRenderEvent; } } void OnDisable() { if (UnityEngine.Rendering.GraphicsSettings.renderPipelineAsset) { UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RenderPipeline.beginCameraRendering -= OnPreRenderEvent; } } private void OnPreRenderEvent(Camera camera) { camera.SendMessage("OnPreRenderEvent", SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); } #endif IEnumerator Start () { yield return StartCoroutine(Initialize()); status.initialized = plugin.IsInitialized(); SetOverlayFade(eFadeState.FadeIn); yield return StartCoroutine(plugin.BeginVr((int)settings.cpuPerfLevel, (int)settings.gpuPerfLevel)); if (!plugin.IsRunning()) { Debug.LogError("Svr failed!"); Application.Quit(); yield return null; // Wait one frame } float recenterTimeout = 1f; while (!plugin.RecenterTracking() && recenterTimeout > 0f) { yield return null; // Wait one frame recenterTimeout -= Time.deltaTime; } yield return new WaitForSecondsRealtime(sensorWarmupDuration); submitFrame = StartCoroutine(SubmitFrame()); status.running = true; SvrInitializedCallBack?.Invoke(); plugin.SetGlassDisconnectedCallBack(GlassDisconnetedCallBack); Debug.Log("Svr initialized!"); } [MonoPInvokeCallback(typeof(SvrPlugin.GlassDisconnectedCallBack))] private static void GlassDisconnetedCallBack() { Debug.Log("GlassDisconnetedCallBack"); Application.Quit(); } IEnumerator Initialize() { // Plugin must be initialized OnStart in order to properly // get a valid surface // GameObject mainCameraGo = GameObject.FindWithTag("MainCamera"); // if (mainCameraGo) // { // mainCameraGo.SetActive(false); // // Debug.Log("Camera with MainCamera tag found."); // if (!disableInput) // { // Debug.Log("Will use translation and orientation from the MainCamera."); // transform.position = mainCameraGo.transform.position; // transform.rotation = mainCameraGo.transform.rotation; // } // // Debug.Log("Disabling Camera with MainCamera tag"); // } GL.Clear(false, true,; yield return StartCoroutine(plugin.Initialize()); InitializeCameras(); InitializeEyes(); InitializeOverlays(); int trackingMode = (int)SvrPlugin.TrackingMode.kTrackingOrientation; if (settings.trackPosition) trackingMode |= (int)SvrPlugin.TrackingMode.kTrackingPosition; if (settings.trackEyes) trackingMode |= (int)SvrPlugin.TrackingMode.kTrackingEye; plugin.SetTrackingMode(trackingMode); plugin.SetVSyncCount((int)settings.vSyncCount); QualitySettings.vSyncCount = (int)settings.vSyncCount; } Matrix4x4 invertZ = new Matrix4x4( new Vector4(1, 0, 0, 0), new Vector4(0, 1, 0, 0), new Vector4(0, 0, -1, 0), new Vector4(0, 0, 0, 1)); private void InitializeCameras() { float stereoConvergence = plugin.deviceInfo.targetFrustumConvergence; //settings.stereoConvergence float horizonElevation = plugin.deviceInfo.targetFrustumPitch; //settings.horizonElevation float convergenceAngle = 0f; if (stereoConvergence > Mathf.Epsilon) convergenceAngle = Mathf.Rad2Deg * Mathf.Atan2(0.5f * settings.interPupilDistance, stereoConvergence); else if (stereoConvergence < -Mathf.Epsilon) convergenceAngle = -Mathf.Rad2Deg * Mathf.Atan2(0.5f * settings.interPupilDistance, -stereoConvergence); // left Vector3 eyePos; eyePos.x = -0.5f * settings.interPupilDistance; eyePos.y = (!settings.trackPosition ? settings.headHeight : 0); eyePos.z = (!settings.trackPosition ? settings.headDepth : 0); eyePos += head.transform.localPosition; Quaternion eyeRot; eyeRot = Quaternion.Euler(horizonElevation, convergenceAngle, 0); if (leftCamera != null) { leftCamera.transform.localPosition = eyePos+leftCameraOffsetPostion; leftCamera.transform.localRotation = eyeRot; leftCamera.transform.localEulerAngles = leftCamera.transform.localEulerAngles+leftCameraOffsetAngles; } if (leftOverlay != null) { leftOverlay.transform.localPosition = eyePos; leftOverlay.transform.localRotation = eyeRot; } // right eyePos.x *= -1; eyeRot = Quaternion.Euler(horizonElevation, -convergenceAngle, 0); if (rightCamera != null) { rightCamera.transform.localPosition = eyePos+rightCameraOffsetPostion; rightCamera.transform.localRotation = eyeRot; rightCamera.transform.localEulerAngles = rightCamera.transform.localEulerAngles+rightCameraOffsetAngles; } if (rightOverlay != null) { rightOverlay.transform.localPosition = eyePos; rightOverlay.transform.localRotation = eyeRot; } // mono eyePos.x = 0.0f; eyeRot = Quaternion.Euler(horizonElevation, 0, 0); if (monoCamera != null) { monoCamera.transform.localPosition = eyePos; monoCamera.transform.localRotation = eyeRot; } if (monoOverlay != null) { monoOverlay.transform.localPosition = eyePos; monoOverlay.transform.localRotation = eyeRot; } } private void AddEyes(Camera cam, SvrEye.eSide side) { bool enableCamera = false; var eyesFound = cam.gameObject.GetComponents(); for (int i = 0; i < eyesFound.Length; i++) { eyesFound[i].Side = side; if (eyesFound[i].imageType == SvrEye.eType.RenderTexture) enableCamera = true; } eyes.AddRange(eyesFound); if (eyesFound.Length == 0) { var eye = cam.gameObject.AddComponent(); eye.Side = side; eyes.Add(eye); enableCamera = true; } #if UNITY_5_4 || UNITY_5_5 cam.hdr = false; #else // UNITY_5_6 plus cam.allowHDR = false; cam.allowMSAA = false; #endif cam.enabled = enableCamera; } private void InitializeEyes() { eyes.Clear(); if (monoCamera != null && monoCamera.gameObject.activeSelf) { AddEyes(monoCamera, SvrEye.eSide.Both); } if (leftCamera != null && leftCamera.gameObject.activeSelf) { AddEyes(leftCamera, SvrEye.eSide.Left); } if (rightCamera != null && rightCamera.gameObject.activeSelf) { AddEyes(rightCamera, SvrEye.eSide.Right); } for (int i = 0; i < SvrEye.Instances.Count; i++) { var eye = SvrEye.Instances[i]; if (!eyes.Contains(eye)) { eyes.Add(eye); // Add eyes found outside of svr camera hierarchy } } SvrPlugin.DeviceInfo info = plugin.deviceInfo; foreach(SvrEye eye in eyes) { if (eye == null) continue; eye.FovMargin = settings.eyeFovMargin; eye.Format = RenderTextureFormat.Default; eye.Resolution = new Vector2(info.targetEyeWidthPixels, info.targetEyeHeightPixels); eye.ResolutionScaleFactor = settings.eyeResolutionScaleFactor; eye.Depth = (int)settings.eyeDepth; eye.AntiAliasing = (int)settings.eyeAntiAliasing; // hdr not supported with antialiasing eye.FrustumType = (int)settings.frustumType; eye.OnPreRenderListener = OnPreRenderListener; eye.OnPostRenderListener = OnPostRenderListener; eye.Initialize(); } } private void AddOverlays(Camera cam, SvrOverlay.eSide side) { bool enableCamera = false; var overlaysFound = cam.gameObject.GetComponents(); for (int i = 0; i < overlaysFound.Length; i++) { overlaysFound[i].Side = side; if (overlaysFound[i].imageType == SvrOverlay.eType.RenderTexture) enableCamera = true; } overlays.AddRange(overlaysFound); if (overlaysFound.Length == 0) { var overlay = cam.gameObject.AddComponent(); overlay.Side = side; overlays.Add(overlay); enableCamera = true; } #if UNITY_5_4 || UNITY_5_5 cam.hdr = false; #else // UNITY_5_6 plus cam.allowHDR = false; cam.allowMSAA = false; #endif cam.enabled = enableCamera; } private void InitializeOverlays() { overlays.Clear(); if (leftOverlay != null && leftOverlay.gameObject.activeSelf) { AddOverlays(leftOverlay, SvrOverlay.eSide.Left); } if (rightOverlay != null && rightOverlay.gameObject.activeSelf) { AddOverlays(rightOverlay, SvrOverlay.eSide.Right); } if (monoOverlay != null && monoOverlay.gameObject.activeSelf) { AddOverlays(monoOverlay, SvrOverlay.eSide.Both); } for (int i = 0; i < SvrOverlay.Instances.Count; i++) { var overlay = SvrOverlay.Instances[i]; if (!overlays.Contains(overlay)) { overlays.Add(overlay); // Add overlays found outside of svr camera hierarchy } } SvrPlugin.DeviceInfo info = plugin.deviceInfo; foreach (SvrOverlay overlay in overlays) { if (overlay == null) continue; overlay.Format = RenderTextureFormat.Default; overlay.Resolution = new Vector2(info.targetEyeWidthPixels, info.targetEyeHeightPixels); overlay.ResolutionScaleFactor = settings.overlayResolutionScaleFactor; overlay.Depth = (int)settings.overlayDepth; overlay.AntiAliasing = (int)settings.overlayAntiAliasing; // hdr not supported with antialiasing overlay.FrustumType = (int)settings.frustumType; overlay.OnPreRenderListener = OnPreRenderListener; overlay.OnPostRenderListener = OnPostRenderListener; overlay.Initialize(); } } public void SetOverlayFade(eFadeState fadeValue) { fadeState = fadeValue; var startAlpha = fadeState == eFadeState.FadeIn ? 1f : 0f; UpdateOverlayFade(startAlpha); } public bool IsOverlayFading() { return !Mathf.Approximately((float)fadeState, fadeAlpha); } private float fadeAlpha = 0f; private void UpdateOverlayFade(float targetAlpha, float rate = 0) { if (fadeOverlay == null) return; fadeAlpha = rate > 0 ? Mathf.MoveTowards(fadeAlpha, targetAlpha, rate) : targetAlpha; var fadeTexture = fadeOverlay.imageTexture as Texture2D; if (fadeTexture != null) { var fadeColors = fadeTexture.GetPixels(); for (int i = 0; i < fadeColors.Length; ++i) { fadeColors[i].a = fadeAlpha; } fadeTexture.SetPixels(fadeColors); fadeTexture.Apply(false); } var isActive = fadeAlpha > 0.0f; if (fadeOverlay.enabled != isActive) { fadeOverlay.enabled = isActive; } } IEnumerator SubmitFrame () { Vector3 frustumSize =; frustumSize.x = 0.5f * (plugin.deviceInfo.targetFrustumLeft.right - plugin.deviceInfo.targetFrustumLeft.left); frustumSize.y = 0.5f * ( - plugin.deviceInfo.targetFrustumLeft.bottom); frustumSize.z = plugin.deviceInfo.targetFrustumLeft.near; //Debug.LogFormat("SubmitFrame: Frustum Size ({0:F2}, {1:F2}, {2:F2})", frustumSize.x, frustumSize.y, frustumSize.z); while (true) { yield return waitForEndOfFrame; if ((plugin.GetTrackingMode() & (int)SvrPlugin.TrackingMode.kTrackingEye) != 0) // Request eye pose { status.pose |= plugin.GetEyePose(ref eyePose); } var eyePoint =; if ((status.pose & (int)SvrPlugin.TrackingMode.kTrackingEye) != 0) // Valid eye pose { //Debug.LogFormat("Left Eye Position: {0}, Direction: {1}", eyePose.leftPosition.ToString(), eyePose.leftDirection.ToString()); //Debug.LogFormat("Right Eye Position: {0}, Direction: {1}", eyePose.rightPosition.ToString(), eyePose.rightDirection.ToString()); //Debug.LogFormat("Combined Eye Position: {0}, Direction: {1}", eyePose.combinedPosition.ToString(), eyePose.combinedDirection.ToString()); var combinedDirection =; if ((eyePose.leftStatus & (int)SvrPlugin.EyePoseStatus.kGazeVectorValid) != 0) combinedDirection += eyePose.leftDirection; if ((eyePose.rightStatus & (int)SvrPlugin.EyePoseStatus.kGazeVectorValid) != 0) combinedDirection += eyePose.rightDirection; //if ((eyePose.combinedStatus & (int)SvrPlugin.EyePoseStatus.kGazeVectorValid) != 0) combinedDirection += eyePose.combinedDirection; if (combinedDirection.sqrMagnitude > 0f) { combinedDirection.Normalize(); //Debug.LogFormat("Eye Direction: ({0:F2}, {1:F2}, {2:F2})", combinedDirection.x, combinedDirection.y, combinedDirection.z); float denominator = Vector3.Dot(combinedDirection, Vector3.forward); if (denominator > float.Epsilon) { // eye direction intersection with frustum near plane (left) eyePoint = combinedDirection * frustumSize.z / denominator; eyePoint.x /= frustumSize.x; // [-1..1] eyePoint.y /= frustumSize.y; // [-1..1] //Debug.LogFormat("Eye Point: ({0:F2}, {1:F2})", eyePoint.x, eyePoint.y); } } } var currentGain = SvrOverrideSettings.FoveateGain == ? settings.foveationGain : SvrOverrideSettings.FoveateGain; var currentArea = SvrOverrideSettings.FoveateArea == 0f ? settings.foveationArea : SvrOverrideSettings.FoveateArea; var currentMinimum = SvrOverrideSettings.FoveateMinimum == 0f ? settings.foveationMinimum : SvrOverrideSettings.FoveateMinimum; for (int i = 0; i < eyes.Count; i++) { var eye = eyes[i]; if (eye.TextureId > 0 && eye.ImageType == SvrEye.eType.RenderTexture) { plugin.SetFoveationParameters(eye.TextureId, eye.PreviousId, eyePoint.x, eyePoint.y, currentGain.x, currentGain.y, currentArea, currentMinimum); plugin.ApplyFoveation(); } } var horizontalFieldOfView = 0f; if (settings.eyeFovMargin > 0f) { horizontalFieldOfView = (monoCamera.enabled ? monoCamera.fieldOfView / monoCamera.aspect : leftCamera.fieldOfView / leftCamera.aspect) * Mathf.Deg2Rad; } plugin.SubmitFrame(frameCount, horizontalFieldOfView, (int)settings.displayType); frameCount++; } } public bool RecenterTracking() { if (!Initialized) return false; return plugin.RecenterTracking(); } void OnPreRenderListener (int sideMask, int textureId, int previousId) { if (!IsRunning) return; var currentGain = SvrOverrideSettings.FoveateGain == ? settings.foveationGain : SvrOverrideSettings.FoveateGain; var currentArea = SvrOverrideSettings.FoveateArea == 0f ? settings.foveationArea : SvrOverrideSettings.FoveateArea; var currentMinimum = SvrOverrideSettings.FoveateMinimum == 0f ? settings.foveationMinimum : SvrOverrideSettings.FoveateMinimum; plugin.SetFoveationParameters(textureId, previousId, FocalPoint.x, FocalPoint.y, currentGain.x, currentGain.y, currentArea, currentMinimum); plugin.BeginEye(sideMask, frameDelta); } void OnPostRenderListener (int sideMask, int layerMask) { if (!IsRunning) return; plugin.EndEye (sideMask, layerMask); } public void SetPause(bool pause) { if (!Initialized) return; if (pause) { OnPause(); } else { onResume = StartCoroutine(OnResume()); } } void OnPause() { //Debug.Log("SvrManager.OnPause()"); status.running = false; if (onResume != null) { StopCoroutine(onResume); onResume = null; } if (submitFrame != null) { StopCoroutine(submitFrame); submitFrame = null; } if (plugin.IsRunning()) plugin.EndVr(); } IEnumerator OnResume() { //Debug.Log("SvrManager.OnResume()"); SetOverlayFade(eFadeState.FadeIn); yield return StartCoroutine(plugin.BeginVr((int)settings.cpuPerfLevel, (int)settings.gpuPerfLevel)); float recenterTimeout = 1f; while (!plugin.RecenterTracking() && recenterTimeout > 0f) { yield return null; // Wait one frame recenterTimeout -= Time.deltaTime; } yield return new WaitForSecondsRealtime(sensorWarmupDuration); submitFrame = StartCoroutine (SubmitFrame ()); status.running = plugin.IsRunning(); onResume = null; } [NonSerialized] public SvrPlugin.HeadPose headPose; [NonSerialized] public SvrPlugin.EyePose eyePose; [NonSerialized] public Vector3 eyeDirection = Vector3.forward; [NonSerialized] public Vector2 eyeFocus =; [NonSerialized] public float eyeSmoother = 0.2f; [NonSerialized] public float[] frameDelta = new float[9]; public Vector3 modifyPosition =; public Quaternion modifyOrientation = Quaternion.identity; bool outBload = false; float[] outTransformArray = new float[32]; Matrix4x4 leftcalib, rightCalib; void LateUpdate() { if (!IsRunning) { return; } int trackingMode = plugin.GetTrackingMode(); var prevOrientation = headPose.orientation; //status.poseModify = plugin.GetPredictedPoseModify(ref modifyOrientation, ref modifyPosition, frameCount); status.pose = plugin.GetHeadPose(ref headPose, frameCount); if ((trackingMode & (int)SvrPlugin.TrackingMode.kTrackingEye) != 0) { status.pose |= plugin.GetEyePose(ref eyePose, frameCount); } if (!disableInput) { if ((status.pose & (int)SvrPlugin.TrackingMode.kTrackingOrientation) != 0) { head.transform.localRotation = headPose.orientation; // delta orientation screen space x, y offset for foveated rendering var deltaOrientation = Quaternion.Inverse(prevOrientation) * headPose.orientation; var lookDirection = deltaOrientation * Vector3.forward; //Debug.LogFormat("Look Direction: {0}", lookDirection.ToString()); lookDirection *= plugin.deviceInfo.targetFrustumLeft.near / lookDirection.z; float xTotal = 0.5f * (plugin.deviceInfo.targetFrustumLeft.right - plugin.deviceInfo.targetFrustumLeft.left); float xAdjust = (xTotal != 0.0f) ? lookDirection.x / xTotal : 0.0f; float yTotal = 0.5f * ( - plugin.deviceInfo.targetFrustumLeft.bottom); float yAdjust = (yTotal != 0.0f) ? lookDirection.y / yTotal : 0.0f; //xAdjust *= 0.5f * plugin.deviceInfo.targetEyeWidthPixels; //yAdjust *= 0.5f * plugin.deviceInfo.targetEyeHeightPixels; // rotation around z [cos(z), sin(z), 0], [-sin(z), cos(z), 0], [0, 0, 1] Vector3 deltaEulers = deltaOrientation.eulerAngles; float cosZ = Mathf.Cos(deltaEulers.z * Mathf.Deg2Rad); float sinZ = Mathf.Sin(deltaEulers.z * Mathf.Deg2Rad); // Output rotation and translation frameDelta[0] = cosZ; frameDelta[1] = sinZ; frameDelta[2] = 0.0f; frameDelta[3] = -sinZ; frameDelta[4] = cosZ; frameDelta[5] = 0.0f; frameDelta[6] = xAdjust; frameDelta[7] = yAdjust; frameDelta[8] = 1.0f; } if (settings.trackPosition && (status.pose & (int)SvrPlugin.TrackingMode.kTrackingPosition) != 0) { head.transform.localPosition = headPose.position * settings.trackPositionScale; } if ((status.pose & (int)SvrPlugin.TrackingMode.kTrackingEye) != 0) { //Debug.LogFormat("Left Eye Position: {0}, Direction: {1}", eyePose.leftPosition.ToString(), eyePose.leftDirection.ToString()); //Debug.LogFormat("Right Eye Position: {0}, Direction: {1}", eyePose.rightPosition.ToString(), eyePose.rightDirection.ToString()); //Debug.LogFormat("Combined Eye Position: {0}, Direction: {1}", eyePose.combinedPosition.ToString(), eyePose.combinedDirection.ToString()); var combinedDirection =; if ((eyePose.leftStatus & (int)SvrPlugin.EyePoseStatus.kGazeVectorValid) != 0) combinedDirection += eyePose.leftDirection; if ((eyePose.rightStatus & (int)SvrPlugin.EyePoseStatus.kGazeVectorValid) != 0) combinedDirection += eyePose.rightDirection; //if ((eyePose.combinedStatus & (int)SvrPlugin.EyePoseStatus.kGazeVectorValid) != 0) combinedDirection += eyePose.combinedDirection; if (combinedDirection.sqrMagnitude > 0f) { combinedDirection.Normalize(); //Debug.LogFormat("Eye Direction: ({0:F2}, {1:F2}, {2:F2})", combinedDirection.x, combinedDirection.y, combinedDirection.z); eyeDirection = eyeSmoother > 0.001f ? Vector3.Lerp(eyeDirection, combinedDirection, eyeSmoother) : combinedDirection; //var combinedPosition =; //if ((eyePose.leftStatus & (int)SvrPlugin.EyePoseStatus.kGazePointValid) != 0) combinedPosition += eyePose.leftPosition; //if ((eyePose.rightStatus & (int)SvrPlugin.EyePoseStatus.kGazePointValid) != 0) combinedPosition += eyePose.rightPosition; ////if ((eyePose.combinedStatus & (int)SvrPlugin.EyePoseStatus.kGazePointValid) != 0) combinedPosition += eyePose.combinedPosition; gaze.localPosition = monoCamera.transform.localPosition; gaze.localRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(eyeDirection, Vector3.up); float denominator = Vector3.Dot(eyeDirection, Vector3.forward); if (denominator > float.Epsilon) { // eye direction intersection with frustum near plane (left) var eyePoint = eyeDirection * plugin.deviceInfo.targetFrustumLeft.near / denominator; // size of the frustum near plane (left) var nearSize = new Vector2(0.5f*(plugin.deviceInfo.targetFrustumLeft.right - plugin.deviceInfo.targetFrustumLeft.left), 0.5f*( - plugin.deviceInfo.targetFrustumLeft.bottom)); eyeFocus.Set(eyePoint.x / nearSize.x, eyePoint.y / nearSize.y); // Normalized [-1,1] //Debug.LogFormat("Eye Focus: {0}", eyeFocus.ToString()); FocalPoint = eyeFocus; // Cache for foveated rendering } } } } var isValid = true; if (settings.poseStatusFade) { isValid = !settings.trackPosition || ((trackingMode & (int)SvrPlugin.TrackingMode.kTrackingPosition) == 0) || (status.pose & (int)SvrPlugin.TrackingMode.kTrackingPosition) != 0; } var targetAlpha = fadeState == eFadeState.FadeOut || !isValid ? 1f : 0f; UpdateOverlayFade(targetAlpha, Time.deltaTime / fadeDuration); if (settings.activeOpticsCalib) { plugin.SVRGetTransformMatrix(ref outBload, outTransformArray); } if (outBload) { leftcalib.SetColumn(0, new Vector4(outTransformArray[0], outTransformArray[1], outTransformArray[2], outTransformArray[3])); leftcalib.SetColumn(1, new Vector4(outTransformArray[4], outTransformArray[5], outTransformArray[6], outTransformArray[7])); leftcalib.SetColumn(2, new Vector4(outTransformArray[8], outTransformArray[9], outTransformArray[10], outTransformArray[11])); leftcalib.SetColumn(3, new Vector4(outTransformArray[12], outTransformArray[13], outTransformArray[14], outTransformArray[15])); rightCalib.SetColumn(0, new Vector4(outTransformArray[16], outTransformArray[17], outTransformArray[18], outTransformArray[19])); rightCalib.SetColumn(1, new Vector4(outTransformArray[20], outTransformArray[21], outTransformArray[22], outTransformArray[23])); rightCalib.SetColumn(2, new Vector4(outTransformArray[24], outTransformArray[25], outTransformArray[26], outTransformArray[27])); rightCalib.SetColumn(3, new Vector4(outTransformArray[28], outTransformArray[29], outTransformArray[30], outTransformArray[31])); leftCamera.worldToCameraMatrix = leftcalib * invertZ * Matrix4x4.Inverse(Matrix4x4.TRS(leftCamera.transform.position, leftCamera.transform.rotation, leftCamera.transform.lossyScale)); rightCamera.worldToCameraMatrix = rightCalib * invertZ * Matrix4x4.Inverse(Matrix4x4.TRS(rightCamera.transform.position, rightCamera.transform.rotation, rightCamera.transform.lossyScale)); //if (Input.GetMouseButton(0)) { // leftCamera.worldToCameraMatrix = leftcalibration * invertZ * Matrix4x4.Inverse(Matrix4x4.TRS(leftCamera.transform.position, leftCamera.transform.rotation, leftCamera.transform.lossyScale)); // rightCamera.worldToCameraMatrix = rightcalibration * invertZ * Matrix4x4.Inverse(Matrix4x4.TRS(rightCamera.transform.position, rightCamera.transform.rotation, rightCamera.transform.lossyScale)); //Matrix4x4 FLIP_Z = Matrix4x4.Scale(new Vector3(1, 1, -1)); //Matrix4x4 transformLeft = Matrix4x4.Translate(new Vector3(0.032f, 0, 0)); //Matrix4x4 transformRight = Matrix4x4.Translate(new Vector3(-0.032f, 0, 0)); //Matrix4x4 rotation = Matrix4x4.Rotate(headPose.orientation); //Matrix4x4 position = Matrix4x4.Translate(headPose.position); //leftCamera.worldToCameraMatrix = leftcalibration * transformLeft * rotation * position * FLIP_Z; //rightCamera.worldToCameraMatrix = rightcalibration * transformRight * rotation * position * FLIP_Z; //Debug.Log("NEW:" + leftCamera.transform.localEulerAngles.x + " " + leftCamera.transform.localEulerAngles.y + " " + leftCamera.transform.localEulerAngles.z); //Debug.Log("NEW:" + rightCamera.transform.localEulerAngles.x + " " + rightCamera.transform.localEulerAngles.y + " " + rightCamera.transform.localEulerAngles.z); //Debug.Log("Head NEW:" + head.transform.eulerAngles.x + " " + head.transform.eulerAngles.y + " " + head.transform.eulerAngles.z); //leftCamera.worldToCameraMatrix = leftcalibration * leftPD * initView;//leftcalibration * leftPD * initView; //rightCamera.worldToCameraMatrix = rightcalibration * rightPD * initView;// rightcalibration * rightPD * initView; //leftCamera.worldToCameraMatrix = leftXIE;//leftcalibration * leftPD * initView; //rightCamera.worldToCameraMatrix = rigthXIE;// rightcalibration * rightPD * initView; //Debug.Log(leftcalibration * leftPD * initView); //Debug.Log(rightcalibration * rightPD * initView); //leftCamera.worldToCameraMatrix = initView; //rightCamera.worldToCameraMatrix = initView; // Debug.Log($"leftCamera worldToCameraMatrix=[{leftCamera.worldToCameraMatrix.m00}, {leftCamera.worldToCameraMatrix.m01}, {leftCamera.worldToCameraMatrix.m02}, {leftCamera.worldToCameraMatrix.m03};" + //$"{leftCamera.worldToCameraMatrix.m10}, {leftCamera.worldToCameraMatrix.m11}, {leftCamera.worldToCameraMatrix.m12}, {leftCamera.worldToCameraMatrix.m13};" + //$"{leftCamera.worldToCameraMatrix.m20}, {leftCamera.worldToCameraMatrix.m21}, {leftCamera.worldToCameraMatrix.m22}, {leftCamera.worldToCameraMatrix.m23};" + //$"{leftCamera.worldToCameraMatrix.m30}, {leftCamera.worldToCameraMatrix.m31}, {leftCamera.worldToCameraMatrix.m32}, {leftCamera.worldToCameraMatrix.m33}]"); // Debug.Log($"rightCamera worldToCameraMatrix=[{rightCamera.worldToCameraMatrix.m00}, {rightCamera.worldToCameraMatrix.m01}, {rightCamera.worldToCameraMatrix.m02}, {rightCamera.worldToCameraMatrix.m03};" + // $"{rightCamera.worldToCameraMatrix.m10}, {rightCamera.worldToCameraMatrix.m11}, {rightCamera.worldToCameraMatrix.m12}, {rightCamera.worldToCameraMatrix.m13};" + // $"{rightCamera.worldToCameraMatrix.m20}, {rightCamera.worldToCameraMatrix.m21}, {rightCamera.worldToCameraMatrix.m22}, {rightCamera.worldToCameraMatrix.m23};" + // $"{rightCamera.worldToCameraMatrix.m30}, {rightCamera.worldToCameraMatrix.m31}, {rightCamera.worldToCameraMatrix.m32}, {rightCamera.worldToCameraMatrix.m33}]"); //} else if (Input.GetMouseButton(0) == false) { //Matrix4x4 FLIP_Z = Matrix4x4.Scale(new Vector3(1, 1, -1)); //Matrix4x4 transformLeft = Matrix4x4.Translate(new Vector3(0.032f, 0, 0)); //Matrix4x4 transformRight = Matrix4x4.Translate(new Vector3(-0.032f, 0, 0)); //Matrix4x4 rotation = Matrix4x4.Rotate(headPose.orientation); //Matrix4x4 position = Matrix4x4.Translate(headPose.position); //leftCamera.worldToCameraMatrix = transformLeft * rotation * position * FLIP_Z; //rightCamera.worldToCameraMatrix = transformRight * rotation * position * FLIP_Z; //Debug.Log("OLD:"+ leftCamera.transform.localEulerAngles.x + " "+ leftCamera.transform.localEulerAngles.y +" "+ leftCamera.transform.localEulerAngles.z); //Debug.Log("OLD:" + rightCamera.transform.localEulerAngles.x + " " + rightCamera.transform.localEulerAngles.y + " " + rightCamera.transform.localEulerAngles.z); ////leftCamera.worldToCameraMatrix = leftcalibration * leftPD * initView;//leftcalibration * leftPD * initView; ////rightCamera.worldToCameraMatrix = rightcalibration * rightPD * initView;// rightcalibration * rightPD * initView; ////leftCamera.worldToCameraMatrix = leftcalibration * invertZ * Matrix4x4.Inverse(Matrix4x4.TRS(leftCamera.transform.position, leftCamera.transform.rotation, leftCamera.transform.lossyScale)); ////rightCamera.worldToCameraMatrix = rightcalibration * invertZ * Matrix4x4.Inverse(Matrix4x4.TRS(rightCamera.transform.position, rightCamera.transform.rotation, rightCamera.transform.lossyScale)); //leftCamera.ResetWorldToCameraMatrix(); //rightCamera.ResetWorldToCameraMatrix(); //Debug.Log(leftCamera.worldToCameraMatrix); //Debug.Log(rightCamera.worldToCameraMatrix); //Debug.Log("Head OLD:" + head.transform.eulerAngles.x + " " + head.transform.eulerAngles.y + " " + head.transform.eulerAngles.z); //} } else { leftCamera.ResetWorldToCameraMatrix(); rightCamera.ResetWorldToCameraMatrix(); // if (Input.GetMouseButton(0)) { // //leftCamera.worldToCameraMatrix = leftcalibration * invertZ * Matrix4x4.Inverse(Matrix4x4.TRS(leftCamera.transform.position, leftCamera.transform.rotation, leftCamera.transform.lossyScale)); // //rightCamera.worldToCameraMatrix = rightcalibration * invertZ * Matrix4x4.Inverse(Matrix4x4.TRS(rightCamera.transform.position, rightCamera.transform.rotation, rightCamera.transform.lossyScale)); // Matrix4x4 FLIP_Z = Matrix4x4.Scale(new Vector3(1, 1, -1)); // Matrix4x4 transformLeft = Matrix4x4.Translate(new Vector3(0.032f, 0, 0)); // Matrix4x4 transformRight = Matrix4x4.Translate(new Vector3(-0.032f, 0, 0)); // Matrix4x4 rotation = Matrix4x4.Rotate(headPose.orientation); // Matrix4x4 position = Matrix4x4.Translate(headPose.position); // leftCamera.worldToCameraMatrix = leftcalibration * transformLeft * rotation * position * FLIP_Z; // rightCamera.worldToCameraMatrix = rightcalibration * transformRight * rotation * position * FLIP_Z; // //leftCamera.worldToCameraMatrix = leftcalibration * leftPD * initView;//leftcalibration * leftPD * initView; // //rightCamera.worldToCameraMatrix = rightcalibration * rightPD * initView;// rightcalibration * rightPD * initView; // //leftCamera.worldToCameraMatrix = leftXIE;//leftcalibration * leftPD * initView; // //rightCamera.worldToCameraMatrix = rigthXIE;// rightcalibration * rightPD * initView; // //Debug.Log(leftcalibration * leftPD * initView); // //Debug.Log(rightcalibration * rightPD * initView); // //leftCamera.worldToCameraMatrix = initView; // //rightCamera.worldToCameraMatrix = initView; // Debug.Log($"leftCamera worldToCameraMatrix=[{leftCamera.worldToCameraMatrix.m00}, {leftCamera.worldToCameraMatrix.m01}, {leftCamera.worldToCameraMatrix.m02}, {leftCamera.worldToCameraMatrix.m03};" + //$"{leftCamera.worldToCameraMatrix.m10}, {leftCamera.worldToCameraMatrix.m11}, {leftCamera.worldToCameraMatrix.m12}, {leftCamera.worldToCameraMatrix.m13};" + //$"{leftCamera.worldToCameraMatrix.m20}, {leftCamera.worldToCameraMatrix.m21}, {leftCamera.worldToCameraMatrix.m22}, {leftCamera.worldToCameraMatrix.m23};" + //$"{leftCamera.worldToCameraMatrix.m30}, {leftCamera.worldToCameraMatrix.m31}, {leftCamera.worldToCameraMatrix.m32}, {leftCamera.worldToCameraMatrix.m33}]"); // Debug.Log($"rightCamera worldToCameraMatrix=[{rightCamera.worldToCameraMatrix.m00}, {rightCamera.worldToCameraMatrix.m01}, {rightCamera.worldToCameraMatrix.m02}, {rightCamera.worldToCameraMatrix.m03};" + // $"{rightCamera.worldToCameraMatrix.m10}, {rightCamera.worldToCameraMatrix.m11}, {rightCamera.worldToCameraMatrix.m12}, {rightCamera.worldToCameraMatrix.m13};" + // $"{rightCamera.worldToCameraMatrix.m20}, {rightCamera.worldToCameraMatrix.m21}, {rightCamera.worldToCameraMatrix.m22}, {rightCamera.worldToCameraMatrix.m23};" + // $"{rightCamera.worldToCameraMatrix.m30}, {rightCamera.worldToCameraMatrix.m31}, {rightCamera.worldToCameraMatrix.m32}, {rightCamera.worldToCameraMatrix.m33}]"); // } else if (Input.GetMouseButton(0) == false) { // //leftCamera.ResetWorldToCameraMatrix(); // //rightCamera.ResetWorldToCameraMatrix(); // //leftCamera.worldToCameraMatrix = leftcalibration * leftPD * initView;//leftcalibration * leftPD * initView; // //rightCamera.worldToCameraMatrix = rightcalibration * rightPD * initView;// rightcalibration * rightPD * initView; // leftCamera.worldToCameraMatrix = leftcalibration * invertZ * Matrix4x4.Inverse(Matrix4x4.TRS(leftCamera.transform.position, leftCamera.transform.rotation, leftCamera.transform.lossyScale)); // rightCamera.worldToCameraMatrix = rightcalibration * invertZ * Matrix4x4.Inverse(Matrix4x4.TRS(rightCamera.transform.position, rightCamera.transform.rotation, rightCamera.transform.lossyScale)); // Debug.Log(leftCamera.worldToCameraMatrix); // Debug.Log(rightCamera.worldToCameraMatrix); // leftCamera.ResetWorldToCameraMatrix(); // rightCamera.ResetWorldToCameraMatrix(); // } } } public void Shutdown() { Debug.Log("SvrManager.Shutdown()"); status.running = false; if (submitFrame != null) { StopCoroutine(submitFrame); submitFrame = null; } if (plugin.IsRunning()) plugin.EndVr(); if (plugin.IsInitialized()) plugin.Shutdown(); status.initialized = false; } void OnDestroy() { if (Instance != this) return; Debug.Log("SvrManager.OnDestroy()"); UnregisterListeners(); Shutdown(); } public delegate void OnApplicationPauseDele(bool pause); public static event OnApplicationPauseDele onApplicationPauseDele; void OnApplicationPause(bool pause) { Debug.LogFormat("SvrManager.OnApplicationPause({0})",pause); onApplicationPauseDele?.Invoke(pause); SetPause(pause); } void OnApplicationQuit() { //Debug.Log("SvrManager.OnApplicationQuit()"); //Shutdown(); } static public Matrix4x4 Perspective(float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float near, float far) { float x = 2.0F * near / (right - left); float y = 2.0F * near / (top - bottom); float a = (right + left) / (right - left); float b = (top + bottom) / (top - bottom); float c = -(far + near) / (far - near); float d = -(2.0F * far * near) / (far - near); float e = -1.0F; Matrix4x4 m = new Matrix4x4(); m[0, 0] = x; m[0, 1] = 0; m[0, 2] = a; m[0, 3] = 0; m[1, 0] = 0; m[1, 1] = y; m[1, 2] = b; m[1, 3] = 0; m[2, 0] = 0; m[2, 1] = 0; m[2, 2] = c; m[2, 3] = d; m[3, 0] = 0; m[3, 1] = 0; m[3, 2] = e; m[3, 3] = 0; return m; } void RegisterListeners() { SvrOverrideSettings.OnEyeAntiAliasingChangedEvent += OnEyeAntiAliasingChanged; SvrOverrideSettings.OnEyeDepthChangedEvent += OnEyeDepthChanged; SvrOverrideSettings.OnEyeResolutionScaleFactorChangedEvent += OnEyeResolutionScaleFactorChanged; SvrOverrideSettings.OnOverlayAntiAliasingChangedEvent += OnOverlayAntiAliasingChanged; SvrOverrideSettings.OnOverlayDepthChangedEvent += OnOverlayDepthChanged; SvrOverrideSettings.OnOverlayResolutionScaleFactorChangedEvent += OnOverlayResolutionScaleFactorChanged; SvrOverrideSettings.OnChromaticAberrationCorrectionChangedEvent += OnChromaticAberrationCorrectionChanged; SvrOverrideSettings.OnVSyncCountChangedEvent += OnVSyncCountChanged; SvrOverrideSettings.OnMasterTextureLimitChangedEvent += OnMasterTextureLimitChanged; SvrOverrideSettings.OnPerfLevelChangedEvent += OnPerfLevelChanged; SvrOverrideSettings.OnFoveateChangedEvent += OnFoveateChanged; } void UnregisterListeners() { SvrOverrideSettings.OnEyeAntiAliasingChangedEvent -= OnEyeAntiAliasingChanged; SvrOverrideSettings.OnEyeDepthChangedEvent -= OnEyeDepthChanged; SvrOverrideSettings.OnEyeResolutionScaleFactorChangedEvent -= OnEyeResolutionScaleFactorChanged; SvrOverrideSettings.OnOverlayAntiAliasingChangedEvent -= OnOverlayAntiAliasingChanged; SvrOverrideSettings.OnOverlayDepthChangedEvent -= OnOverlayDepthChanged; SvrOverrideSettings.OnOverlayResolutionScaleFactorChangedEvent -= OnOverlayResolutionScaleFactorChanged; SvrOverrideSettings.OnChromaticAberrationCorrectionChangedEvent -= OnChromaticAberrationCorrectionChanged; SvrOverrideSettings.OnVSyncCountChangedEvent -= OnVSyncCountChanged; SvrOverrideSettings.OnMasterTextureLimitChangedEvent -= OnMasterTextureLimitChanged; SvrOverrideSettings.OnPerfLevelChangedEvent -= OnPerfLevelChanged; SvrOverrideSettings.OnFoveateChangedEvent -= OnFoveateChanged; } void OnEyeAntiAliasingChanged(SvrOverrideSettings.eAntiAliasing antiAliasing) { foreach (SvrEye eye in eyes) { eye.AntiAliasing = antiAliasing == SvrOverrideSettings.eAntiAliasing.NoOverride ? (int)settings.eyeAntiAliasing : (int)antiAliasing; } } void OnEyeDepthChanged(SvrOverrideSettings.eDepth depth) { foreach (SvrEye eye in eyes) { eye.Depth = depth == SvrOverrideSettings.eDepth.NoOverride ? (int)settings.eyeDepth : (int)depth; } } void OnEyeResolutionScaleFactorChanged(float scaleFactor) { foreach (SvrEye eye in eyes) { eye.ResolutionScaleFactor = scaleFactor <= 0 ? settings.eyeResolutionScaleFactor : scaleFactor; } } void OnOverlayAntiAliasingChanged(SvrOverrideSettings.eAntiAliasing antiAliasing) { foreach (SvrOverlay overlay in overlays) { overlay.AntiAliasing = antiAliasing == SvrOverrideSettings.eAntiAliasing.NoOverride ? (int)settings.overlayAntiAliasing : (int)antiAliasing; } } void OnOverlayDepthChanged(SvrOverrideSettings.eDepth depth) { foreach (SvrOverlay overlay in overlays) { overlay.Depth = depth == SvrOverrideSettings.eDepth.NoOverride ? (int)settings.overlayDepth : (int)depth; } } void OnOverlayResolutionScaleFactorChanged(float scaleFactor) { foreach (SvrOverlay overlay in overlays) { overlay.ResolutionScaleFactor = scaleFactor <= 0 ? settings.overlayResolutionScaleFactor : scaleFactor; } } void OnChromaticAberrationCorrectionChanged(SvrOverrideSettings.eChromaticAberrationCorrection aberrationCorrection) { if(aberrationCorrection == SvrOverrideSettings.eChromaticAberrationCorrection.kDisable) { plugin.SetFrameOption(SvrPlugin.FrameOption.kDisableChromaticCorrection); } else { plugin.UnsetFrameOption(SvrPlugin.FrameOption.kDisableChromaticCorrection); } } void OnVSyncCountChanged(SvrOverrideSettings.eVSyncCount vSyncCount) { if (vSyncCount == SvrOverrideSettings.eVSyncCount.NoOverride) { plugin.SetVSyncCount((int)settings.vSyncCount); QualitySettings.vSyncCount = (int)settings.vSyncCount; } else { plugin.SetVSyncCount((int)vSyncCount); QualitySettings.vSyncCount = (int)settings.vSyncCount; } } void OnMasterTextureLimitChanged(SvrOverrideSettings.eMasterTextureLimit masterTextureLimit) { QualitySettings.masterTextureLimit = masterTextureLimit == SvrOverrideSettings.eMasterTextureLimit.NoOverride ? (int)settings.masterTextureLimit : (int)masterTextureLimit; } void OnPerfLevelChanged(SvrOverrideSettings.ePerfLevel cpuPerfLevel, SvrOverrideSettings.ePerfLevel gpuPerfLevel) { int currentCpuPerfLevel = cpuPerfLevel == SvrOverrideSettings.ePerfLevel.NoOverride ? (int)settings.cpuPerfLevel : (int)SvrOverrideSettings.CpuPerfLevel; int currentGpuPerfLevel = gpuPerfLevel == SvrOverrideSettings.ePerfLevel.NoOverride ? (int)settings.gpuPerfLevel : (int)SvrOverrideSettings.GpuPerfLevel; plugin.SetPerformanceLevels(currentCpuPerfLevel, currentGpuPerfLevel); } void OnFoveateChanged(Vector2 gain, float area, float minPixelDensity) { var point =; var currentGain = gain == ? settings.foveationGain : SvrOverrideSettings.FoveateGain; var currentArea = area == 0f ? settings.foveationArea : SvrOverrideSettings.FoveateArea; var currentMinimum = minPixelDensity == 0f ? settings.foveationMinimum : SvrOverrideSettings.FoveateMinimum; plugin.SetFoveationParameters(0, 0, point.x, point.y, currentGain.x, currentGain.y, currentArea, currentMinimum); } /// /// Update this instance. /// //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Update() { SvrEvent frameEvent = new SvrEvent (); while (plugin.PollEvent(ref frameEvent)) { Debug.LogFormat("SvrEvent: {0}", frameEvent.eventType.ToString()); for (int i = 0; i < eventListeners.Count; i++) { eventListeners [i].OnSvrEvent (frameEvent); } } } /// /// Adds the event listener. /// /// Listener. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public void AddEventListener(SvrEventListener listener) { if (listener != null) { eventListeners.Insert (0, listener); } } /// /// Start Tracking /// /// Handle to the controller /// Desc. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public int ControllerStartTracking(string desc) { return plugin.ControllerStartTracking(desc); } /// /// Stop Tracking /// /// Handle. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public void ControllerStopTracking(int handle) { plugin.ControllerStopTracking(handle); } /// /// Get current state /// /// Controller State. /// Handle. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public SvrControllerState ControllerGetState(int handle, int space = 0) { return plugin.ControllerGetState(handle, space); } /// /// Send an event to the controller /// /// Handle. /// What. /// Arg1. /// Arg2. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public void ControllerSendMessage(int handle, SvrController.svrControllerMessageType what, int arg1, int arg2) { plugin.ControllerSendMessage (handle, what, arg1, arg2); } /// /// Controllers the query. /// /// The query. /// Handle. /// What. /// Mem. /// Size. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public object ControllerQuery(int handle, SvrController.svrControllerQueryType what) { return plugin.ControllerQuery (handle, what); } }