using System; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace SC.XR.Unity { public abstract class SCModule : ISCModule { public string ModuleName { get; set; } public bool IsModuleInit { get; set; } public bool IsModuleStarted { get; set; } public ISCModule FatherModule { get; set; } List subModuleList = new List(); public bool IsMono { get; set; } public SCModulePriority Priority { get; set; } public bool IsEffectGameObject { get; set; } /// /// Module 初始化 =================================== /// public void ModuleInit(bool isEffectGameObject = true, SCModulePriority priority = SCModulePriority.Middle) { if(IsModuleInit) { DebugMy.LogError("ModuleInit Had Invoke", this); return; } IsModuleInit = true; ModuleName = GetType().ToString(); IsMono = false; IsEffectGameObject = isEffectGameObject; Priority = priority; OnSCAwake(); } public virtual void OnSCAwake() { DebugMy.Log("[HashCode: " + GetHashCode() + "] " + "OnSCAwake", this); } /// /// Module 初始化 =================================== /// /// /// ModuleEnable =================================== /// [Obsolete("Should not use the EventFunction")] public void OnSCEnable() { DebugMy.Log("[HashCode: " + GetHashCode() + "] " + "OnSCEnable", this); } /// /// ModuleEnable =================================== /// /// /// Module 启动 =================================== /// public void ModuleStart() { if(!IsModuleInit) { DebugMy.Log("Please Invoke ModuleInit First", this); return; } if(IsModuleStarted) { DebugMy.Log("ModuleStart Had Invoke", this); return; } IsModuleStarted = true; OnSCStart(); } public virtual void OnSCStart() { DebugMy.Log("[HashCode: " + GetHashCode() + "] " + "OnSCStart", this); } /// /// Module 启动 =================================== /// /// /// /// Module Update =================================== /// public void ModuleUpdate() { if(IsModuleInit == false || IsModuleStarted == false) { //DebugMy.Log("Pleaase Invoke ModuleInit First", this); return; } OnSCUpdate(); } public virtual void OnSCUpdate() { lock(subModuleList) { foreach(var Module in subModuleList) { Module.ModuleUpdate(); } } //DebugMy.Log("[HashCode: " + GetHashCode() + "] " + "OnSCUpdate", this); } /// /// Module Update =================================== /// /// /// Module LateUpdate =================================== /// public void ModuleLateUpdate() { if(IsModuleInit == false || IsModuleStarted == false) { //DebugMy.Log("Please Invoke ModuleInit First", this); return; } OnSCLateUpdate(); } public virtual void OnSCLateUpdate() { lock(subModuleList) { foreach(var Module in subModuleList) { Module.ModuleLateUpdate(); } } //DebugMy.Log("[HashCode: " + GetHashCode() + "] " + "OnSCLateUpdate", this); } /// /// Module LateUpdate =================================== /// /// /// ModuleEndOfFrame =================================== /// public void ModuleEndOfFrame() { if(IsModuleInit == false || IsModuleStarted == false) { //DebugMy.Log("Please Invoke ModuleInit First", this); return; } OnSCFuncitonWaitForEndOfFrame(); } public virtual void OnSCFuncitonWaitForEndOfFrame() { lock(subModuleList) { foreach(var Module in subModuleList) { Module.ModuleEndOfFrame(); } } //DebugMy.Log("[HashCode: " + GetHashCode() + "] " + "OnSCFuncitonWaitForEndOfFrame", this); } /// /// ModuleEndOfFrame =================================== /// /// /// ModuleStop =================================== /// public void ModuleStop() { if(IsModuleInit == false) { DebugMy.Log("ModuleStop: Please Invoke ModuleInit First", this); return; } if(IsModuleStarted == false) { DebugMy.Log("ModuleStop: Please Invoke ModuleStart First", this); return; } OnSCDisable(); IsModuleStarted = false; } public virtual void OnSCDisable() { lock(subModuleList) { foreach(var Module in subModuleList) { Module.ModuleStop(); } } DebugMy.Log("[HashCode: " + GetHashCode() + "] " + "OnSCDisable", this); } /// /// ModuleStop =================================== /// /// /// ModuleDestroy =================================== /// public void ModuleDestroy() { if(IsModuleInit == false) { DebugMy.Log("ModuleDestroy: Please Invoke ModuleInit First", this); return; } OnSCDestroy(); IsModuleInit = false; IsModuleStarted = false; FatherModule = null; ModuleName = ""; } public virtual void OnSCDestroy() { lock(subModuleList) { foreach(var Module in subModuleList) { Module.ModuleDestroy(); } } subModuleList.Clear(); DebugMy.Log("[HashCode: " + GetHashCode() + "] " + "OnSCDestroy", this); } /// /// ModuleDestroy =================================== /// public void AddModule(ISCModule Module, bool isEffectGameObject = true, SCModulePriority priority = SCModulePriority.Middle) { if(Module == null) return; Module.FatherModule = this; Module.ModuleInit(isEffectGameObject, priority); DebugMy.Log("[HashCode: " + GetHashCode() + "] " + "Module '" + Module.GetType() + "' [HashCode: " + Module.GetHashCode() + "] Add To Module '" + GetType(), this); lock(subModuleList) { subModuleList.Add(Module); } } public void RemoveModule(ISCModule Module) { if(Module == null) return; DebugMy.Log("[HashCode: " + GetHashCode() + "] " + "Module '" + Module.GetType() + "' [HashCode: " + Module.GetHashCode() + "] Remove From Module '" + GetType(), this); lock(subModuleList) { subModuleList.Remove(Module); } Module.ModuleDestroy(); Module.FatherModule = null; } public void RemoveAllModule() { lock(subModuleList) { foreach(var item in subModuleList) { item.ModuleDestroy(); } } DebugMy.Log("[HashCode: " + GetHashCode() + "] " + "Remove All Module '" + GetType(), this); subModuleList.Clear(); } public virtual T GetSubModule() where T : ISCModule { lock(subModuleList) { foreach(var Module in subModuleList) { if(typeof(T).ToString() == Module.ModuleName) { DebugMy.Log("[HashCode: " + GetHashCode() + "] Module" + typeof(T).ToString() + " Found ", this); return (T)Module; } } } DebugMy.Log("[HashCode: " + GetHashCode() + "] Module" + typeof(T).ToString() + " No Found ", this); return default(T); } /// /// 返回直接父 /// /// /// public virtual T GetFatherModule() where T : ISCModule { ISCModule father = FatherModule; while(father != null) { if(father.ModuleName == typeof(T).ToString()) { DebugMy.Log("[HashCode: " + GetHashCode() + "] FatherModule" + father.ModuleName + " Found ", this); return (T)father; } father = father.FatherModule; } DebugMy.Log("[HashCode: " + GetHashCode() + "] FatherModule" + typeof(T).ToString() + " Found ", this); return default(T); } public T Transition(ISCModule data) where T : class { if((data as T) == null) throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("Invalid type: {0} passed to event expecting {1}", data.GetType(), typeof(T))); return data as T; } } }