using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using UnityEngine; namespace udSDK { public enum udRenderContextPointMode { udRCPM_Rectangles, udRCPM_Cubes, udRCPM_Points, udRCPM_Count } public enum udRenderContextFlags { udRCF_None = 0, //!< Render the points using the default configuration. udRCF_PreserveBuffers = 1 << 0, //!< The colour and depth buffers won't be cleared before drawing and existing depth will be respected udRCF_ComplexIntersections = 1 << 1, //!< This flag is required in some scenes where there is a very large amount of intersecting point clouds //!< It will internally batch rendering with the udRCF_PreserveBuffers flag after the first render. udRCF_BlockingStreaming = 1 << 2, //!< This forces the streamer to load as much of the pointcloud as required to give an accurate representation in the current view. A small amount of further refinement may still occur. udRCF_LogarithmicDepth = 1 << 3, //!< Calculate the depth as a logarithmic distribution. udRCF_ManualStreamerUpdate = 1 << 4, //!< The streamer won't be updated internally but a render call without this flag or a manual streamer update will be required udRCF_ZeroAlphaSkip = 1 << 5, //!< If the voxel has 0 alpha (upper 8 bits) after the voxel shader then the voxel will not be drawn to the buffers (effectively skipped) udRCF_2PixelOpt = 1 << 6, //!< Optimisation that allows the renderer to resolve the last 2 pixels simulataneously, this can result in slight inaccuracies (generally a few pixels) in the final image for a huge performance improvement. udRCF_DisableOrthographic = 1 << 7, //!< Disables the renderer entering high-performance orthographic mode } /*Contains information returned by the picking system */ [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] unsafe public struct udRenderPicking { public UInt32 x;//view space mouse x public UInt32 y;//view space mouse y public UInt32 hit;//true if voxel was hit by this pick public UInt32 isHighestLOD;//true if hit was as accurate as possible public UInt32 modelIndex; //index of the model in the array hit by this pick public fixed double pointCenter[3]; //location of the point hit by the pick public udVoxelID voxelID; //ID of the hit voxel } /*Unity serializable equivalent of udRenderPicking */ public struct udPick { public int x; // view space mouse x public int y; // view space mouse y public int hit; // true if voxel was hit by this pick public int isHighestLOD; // true if his was as accurate as possible public int modelIndex; // the index of the model in the array hit by this pick public UnityEngine.Vector3 pointCenter; // the position of the point hit by the pick public udVoxelID voxelID; // ID of the hit voxel } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct udRenderSettings { public udRenderContextFlags flags; // optional flags providing information on how to perform the render public IntPtr pPick; public udRenderContextPointMode pointMode; public IntPtr pFilter; // pointer to a udQueryFilter } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct udRenderInstance { public IntPtr pointCloud; [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 16)] public double[] worldMatrix; public IntPtr filter; public IntPtr voxelShader; public IntPtr voxelUserData; } public class udRenderContext { public IntPtr pRenderer = IntPtr.Zero; private udContext context; ~udRenderContext() { Destroy(); } public void Create(udContext context) { //ensure we destroy the existing context if we are creating a new one: if (pRenderer != IntPtr.Zero) Destroy(); if (context.pContext == IntPtr.Zero) throw new Exception("context not instantiatiated"); udError error = udRenderContext_Create(context.pContext, ref pRenderer); if (error != udSDK.udError.udE_Success) throw new Exception("udRenderContext.Create failed: " + error.ToString()); this.context = context; } public void Destroy() { if (pRenderer == IntPtr.Zero) { return; } udError error = udRenderContext_Destroy(ref pRenderer); if (error != udSDK.udError.udE_Success) throw new Exception("udRenderContext.Destroy failed: " + error.ToString()); pRenderer = IntPtr.Zero; } public void Render(udRenderTarget renderView, udRenderInstance[] pModels, int modelCount, RenderOptions options = null ) { if (modelCount == 0) return; if (options == null) options = new RenderOptions(); if (renderView == null) throw new Exception("renderView is null"); if (renderView.pRenderView == IntPtr.Zero) throw new Exception("RenderView not initialised"); if (pRenderer == IntPtr.Zero) throw new Exception("renderContext not initialised"); udError error = udRenderContext_Render(pRenderer, renderView.pRenderView, pModels, modelCount, options.options); if (error != udSDK.udError.udE_Success) { Debug.Log("udRenderContext.Render failed: " + error.ToString()); } options.pickRendered = true; } [DllImport(] private static extern udError udRenderContext_Create(IntPtr pContext, ref IntPtr ppRenderer); [DllImport(] private static extern udError udRenderContext_Destroy(ref IntPtr ppRenderer); [DllImport(] private static extern udError udRenderContext_Render(IntPtr pRenderer, IntPtr pRenderView, udRenderInstance[] pModels, int modelCount, [In, Out] udRenderSettings options); } public class RenderOptions { // this is an interface to the udRenderSettings struct // it provides a safe udPick option for accessing the pick results inside unity component scripts public udRenderSettings options; public bool pickSet = false; public bool pickRendered = false; public udRenderSettings Options { get { return options; } } public RenderOptions(udRenderContextPointMode pointMode, udRenderContextFlags flags) { options.pointMode = pointMode; //this will need to change once support for multiple picks is introduced options.pPick = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf()); options.flags = flags; } public RenderOptions() : this(udRenderContextPointMode.udRCPM_Rectangles, udRenderContextFlags.udRCF_None) { } ~RenderOptions() { Marshal.DestroyStructure(options.pPick); Marshal.FreeHGlobal(options.pPick); } public void setPick(uint x, uint y) { udRenderPicking pick = new udRenderPicking(); pick.x = x; pick.y = y; Marshal.StructureToPtr(pick, options.pPick, false); pickRendered = false; pickSet = true; } public udPick getPick() { UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Getting pick"); if(!pickSet) return new udPick(); udRenderPicking targetPick = this.Pick; udPick newPick = new udPick(); newPick.hit = (int)targetPick.hit; newPick.x = (int)targetPick.x; newPick.y = (int)targetPick.y; unsafe { newPick.pointCenter = new UnityEngine.Vector3((float)targetPick.pointCenter[0], (float)targetPick.pointCenter[1], (float)targetPick.pointCenter[2]); } newPick.isHighestLOD = (int)targetPick.isHighestLOD; newPick.voxelID = targetPick.voxelID; return newPick; } public udRenderPicking Pick { get { if (!pickSet) return new udRenderPicking(); if (!pickRendered) throw new Exception("Render must be called before pick can be read"); return (udRenderPicking)Marshal.PtrToStructure(options.pPick, typeof(udRenderPicking)); } } } }