using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using UnityEngine; namespace udSDK { [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct udSessionInfo { public uint isOffline; //!< Is not 0 if this is an offline session (dongle or other offline license) public uint isDomain; //!< If this is not 0 then this is a domain session (0 is non-domain session) public uint isPremium; //!< If this session will have access to premium features public double expiresTimestamp; //!< The timestamp in UTC when the session will automatically end [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 1024)] public char[] displayName; //!< The null terminated display name of the user }; /* Unity serializable version of udSessionInfo */ public struct UDSessionInfo { public bool isOffline; //!< Is not 0 if this is an offline session (dongle or other offline license) public bool isDomain; //!< If this is not 0 then this is a domain session (0 is non-domain session) public bool isPremium; //!< If this session will have access to premium features public float expiresTimestamp; //!< The timestamp in UTC when the session will automatically end public string displayName; //!< The null terminated display name of the user }; public class udContext { public IntPtr pContext = IntPtr.Zero; public udSessionInfo pInfo = new udSessionInfo(); public udContext() { if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.Android) { AndroidJavaClass jc = new AndroidJavaClass("com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer"); AndroidJavaObject jo = jc.GetStatic("currentActivity"); AndroidJavaClass jcsdk = new AndroidJavaClass("com.euclideon.udSDK"); jcsdk.CallStatic("setupJNI", jo); } } ~udContext() { if (pContext != IntPtr.Zero) { //this does not need to be called currently: //Disconnect(); } } public void IgnoreCertificateVerification(bool ignore) { if (ignore) Debug.LogWarning("WARNING: Certificate verification disabled"); udConfig_IgnoreCertificateVerification(ignore); } public void Connect(string pURL, string pApplicationName, string pUsername, string pPassword) { udError error = udContext.udContext_TryResume(ref pContext, pURL, pApplicationName, pUsername, true); if (error != udError.udE_Success) error = udContext_Connect(ref pContext, pURL, pApplicationName, pUsername, pPassword); if (error == udError.udE_ServerError) throw new Exception("Could not connect to server."); else if (error == udError.udE_AuthError) throw new Exception("Username or Password incorrect."); else if (error == udError.udE_OutOfSync) throw new Exception("Your clock doesn't match the remote server clock."); else if (error == udError.udE_DecryptionKeyRequired || error == udError.udE_DecryptionKeyMismatch ) throw new Exception("A decryption key is required, or not matching"); else if (error == udError.udE_SignatureMismatch ) throw new Exception("Server not accepting digital signature."); else if (error != udError.udE_Success) throw new Exception("Unknown error occurred: " + error.ToString() + ", please try again later."); } public void Try_Resume(string pURL, string pApplicationName, string pUsername, bool tryDongle) { udError error = udContext_TryResume(ref pContext, pURL, pApplicationName, pUsername, tryDongle); if (error != udError.udE_Success) { throw new Exception("Unable to keep session alive: " + error.ToString()); } } public void Disconnect(bool endSession = false) { udError error = udContext_Disconnect(ref pContext, endSession); if (error != udSDK.udError.udE_Success) throw new Exception("udContext.Disconnect failed."); } public UDSessionInfo GetSessionInfo() { udError error = udContext_GetSessionInfo(pContext, ref pInfo); if (error != udSDK.udError.udE_Success) throw new Exception("udContext.Disconnect failed."); udSessionInfo sessionInfo = pInfo; UDSessionInfo formattedInfo = new UDSessionInfo(); System.DateTime epochStart = new System.DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0); ulong cur_time = (ulong)(System.DateTime.UtcNow - epochStart).TotalSeconds; formattedInfo.expiresTimestamp = (float)(sessionInfo.expiresTimestamp - cur_time); formattedInfo.displayName = new string(sessionInfo.displayName); formattedInfo.displayName = formattedInfo.displayName.Trim('\0'); formattedInfo.isDomain = sessionInfo.isDomain != 0 ? true : false; formattedInfo.isOffline = sessionInfo.isOffline != 0 ? true : false; formattedInfo.isPremium = sessionInfo.isPremium != 0 ? true : false; return formattedInfo; } [DllImport(] private static extern udError udContext_TryResume(ref IntPtr ppContext, string pURL, string pApplicationName, string pUsername, bool tryDongle); [DllImport(] private static extern udError udContext_Connect(ref IntPtr ppContext, string pURL, string pApplicationName, string pUsername, string pPassword); [DllImport(] private static extern udError udContext_Disconnect(ref IntPtr ppContext, bool endSession); [DllImport(] private static extern udError udContext_GetSessionInfo(IntPtr pContext, ref udSessionInfo pInfo); [DllImport(] private static extern udError udConfig_IgnoreCertificateVerification(bool ignore); // this ought to be in udConfig - but we don't implement any other part of that } }