using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using UnityEngine; namespace udSDK { public enum udStdAttribute { udSA_GPSTime, //!< udATI_float64 udSA_PrimitiveID, //!< udATI_uint32 udSA_ARGB, //!< udATI_color32 udSA_Normal, //!< udATI_normal32 udSA_Red, //!< Legacy 16bit Red channel udSA_Green, //!< Legacy 16bit Green channel udSA_Blue, //!< Legacy 16bit Blue channel udSA_Intensity, //!< udATI_uint16 udSA_NIR, //!< udATI_uint16 udSA_ScanAngle, //!< udATI_uint16 udSA_PointSourceID, //!< udATI_uint16 udSA_Classification, //!< udATI_uint8 udSA_ReturnNumber, //!< udATI_uint8 udSA_NumberOfReturns, //!< udATI_uint8 udSA_ClassificationFlags, //!< udATI_uint8 udSA_ScannerChannel, //!< udATI_uint8 udSA_ScanDirection, //!< udATI_uint8 udSA_EdgeOfFlightLine, //!< udATI_uint8 udSA_ScanAngleRank, //!< udATI_uint8 udSA_LasUserData, //!< Specific LAS User data field (udATI_uint8) udSA_Count, //!< Count helper value to iterate this enum udSA_AllAttributes = udSA_Count, //!< Internal sentinal value used by some functions to indicate getting start of interleaved attributes udSA_First = 0, //!< Generally used to initialise an attribute value for use in loops }; public enum udStdAttributeContent { udSAC_None = (0), udSAC_GPSTime = (1 << udStdAttribute.udSA_GPSTime), udSAC_PrimitiveID = (1 << udStdAttribute.udSA_PrimitiveID), udSAC_ARGB = (1 << udStdAttribute.udSA_ARGB), udSAC_Normal = (1 << udStdAttribute.udSA_Normal), udSAC_Red = (1 << udStdAttribute.udSA_Red), udSAC_Green = (1 << udStdAttribute.udSA_Green), udSAC_Blue = (1 << udStdAttribute.udSA_Blue), udSAC_Intensity = (1 << udStdAttribute.udSA_Intensity), udSAC_NIR = (1 << udStdAttribute.udSA_NIR), udSAC_ScanAngle = (1 << udStdAttribute.udSA_ScanAngle), udSAC_PointSourceID = (1 << udStdAttribute.udSA_PointSourceID), udSAC_Classification = (1 << udStdAttribute.udSA_Classification), udSAC_ReturnNumber = (1 << udStdAttribute.udSA_ReturnNumber), udSAC_NumberOfReturns = (1 << udStdAttribute.udSA_NumberOfReturns), udSAC_ClassificationFlags = (1 << udStdAttribute.udSA_ClassificationFlags), udSAC_ScannerChannel = (1 << udStdAttribute.udSA_ScannerChannel), udSAC_ScanDirection = (1 << udStdAttribute.udSA_ScanDirection), udSAC_EdgeOfFlightLine = (1 << udStdAttribute.udSA_EdgeOfFlightLine), udSAC_ScanAngleRank = (1 << udStdAttribute.udSA_ScanAngleRank), udSAC_LasUserData = (1 << udStdAttribute.udSA_LasUserData), udSAC_AllAttributes = (1 << udStdAttribute.udSA_AllAttributes) - 1, // these are not used, and result in errors otherwise // leaving here for the sake of parity // udSAC_64BitAttributes = udSAC_GPSTime, // udSAC_32BitAttributes = udSAC_PrimitiveID + udSAC_ARGB + udSAC_Normal, // udSAC_16BitAttributes = udSAC_Intensity + udSAC_NIR + udSAC_ScanAngle + udSAC_PointSourceID, }; public enum udAttributeBlendType { udABT_Mean, //!< This blend type merges nearby voxels together and finds the mean value for the attribute on those nodes udABT_FirstChild, //!< This blend type selects the value from one of the nodes and uses that udABT_NoLOD, //!< This blend type has no information in LODs and is only stored in the highest detail level udABT_Count //!< Total number of blend types. Used internally but can be used as an iterator max when checking attribute blend modes. }; public enum udAttributeTypeInfo { udATI_Invalid = 0, udATI_SizeMask = 0x000ff, // Lower 8 bits define the size in bytes - currently the actual maximum is 32 udATI_SizeShift = 0, udATI_ComponentCountMask = 0x0ff00, // Next 8 bits define the number of components, component size is size/componentCount udATI_ComponentCountShift = 8, udATI_Signed = 0x10000, // Set if type is signed (used in blend functions) udATI_Float = 0x20000, // Set if floating point type (signed should always be set) udATI_Color = 0x40000, // Set if type is de-quantized from a color udATI_Normal = 0x80000, // Set if type is encoded normal (32 bit = 16:15:1) // Some keys to define standard types udATI_uint8 = 1, udATI_uint16 = 2, udATI_uint32 = 4, udATI_uint64 = 8, udATI_int8 = 1 | udATI_Signed, udATI_int16 = 2 | udATI_Signed, udATI_int32 = 4 | udATI_Signed, udATI_int64 = 8 | udATI_Signed, udATI_float32 = 4 | udATI_Signed | udATI_Float, udATI_float64 = 8 | udATI_Signed | udATI_Float, udATI_color32 = 4 | udATI_Color, udATI_normal32 = 4 | udATI_Normal, udATI_vec3f32 = 12 | 0x300 | udATI_Signed | udATI_Float }; [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct udAttributeDescriptor { public udAttributeTypeInfo typeInfo; //!< This contains information about the type public udAttributeBlendType blendType; //!< Which blend type this attribute is using [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 64)] public char[] name; //!< Name of the attibute }; [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct udAttributeSet { public udStdAttributeContent standardContent; //!< Which standard attributes are available (used to optimize lookups internally), they still appear in the descriptors public uint count; //!< How many udAttributeDescriptor objects are used in pDescriptors public uint allocated; //!< How many udAttributeDescriptor objects are allocated to be used in pDescriptors public IntPtr pDescriptors; //!< this contains the actual information on the attributes }; public class AttributeSet { private udAttributeSet set; int GetStandardOffset(udStdAttribute attribute) { IntPtr pOffset = new IntPtr(); udAttributeSet_GetOffsetOfStandardAttribute(ref set, attribute, pOffset); unsafe { return *((int*)pOffset.ToPointer()); } } int GetNamedOffset(string name) { IntPtr pOffset = new IntPtr(); udAttributeSet_GetOffsetOfNamedAttribute(ref set, name, pOffset); unsafe { return *((int*)pOffset.ToPointer()); } } [DllImport(] private static extern udError udAttributeSet_GetOffsetOfStandardAttribute(ref udAttributeSet pAttributeSet, udStdAttribute attribute, IntPtr pOffset); [DllImport(] private static extern udError udAttributeSet_GetOffsetOfNamedAttribute(ref udAttributeSet pAttributeSet, string pName, IntPtr pOffset); } }