using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using udSDK; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using JetBrains.Annotations; using System; using Microsoft.Win32; using UnityEngine.Networking; public class udProjectNodeUnity : MonoBehaviour { public udProjectNodeType itemType; public string itemTypeString; public UDProjectNode projectNode; public udProjectGeometryType geometryType; public string URI; GameObject firstChild; GameObject nextSibling; // keeps track of all coordinates in the nodedata double[] positions = new double[3]; private UDProjectUnity project; Vector3 DoublesToVector3(double[] doubles) { return new Vector3((float)doubles[0], (float)doubles[1], (float)doubles[2]); } double[] GetReorderedPosition(double[] positions, int i) { double[] position = new double[3]; position[0] = -positions[3 * i]; position[2] = -positions[3 * i + 1]; position[1] = -positions[3 * i + 2]; return position; } IEnumerator LoadMediaImage(SpriteRenderer sprite) { string targetURI = URI; if (!URI.StartsWith("http") && !URI.StartsWith("www")) URI = "file://" + Application.dataPath + "/" + URI; // warning : this syntax changes somewhat in later versions of Unity using (UnityWebRequest uwr = UnityWebRequestTexture.GetTexture(URI)) { yield return uwr.SendWebRequest(); if (uwr.isNetworkError || uwr.isHttpError) { Debug.Log(uwr.error); } else { // Get downloaded asset bundle var tex = DownloadHandlerTexture.GetContent(uwr); sprite.sprite = Sprite.Create(tex, new Rect(0.0f, 0.0f, tex.width, tex.height), new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f), 100.0f); } } yield return null; } GameObject PlaceChildSphere(double[] position, float size) { Vector3 positionVector = DoublesToVector3(position); var sphereGO = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Sphere); var renderer = sphereGO.GetComponent(); var shader = Shader.Find("udSDK/Demo/DepthOffsetSprite"); if (shader == null) throw new Exception("Required shader is missing : udSDK/Demo/DepthOffsetSprite"); renderer.material = new Material(shader); renderer.material.SetFloat("_ZOffset", 0 + size*0.01f); renderer.material.color = project.appearance.interestColor; sphereGO.transform.parent = transform; sphereGO.transform.position = positionVector; sphereGO.transform.localScale = * size; return sphereGO; } public void LoadTree(IntPtr pNode) { project = GetComponentInParent(); projectNode = new UDProjectNode(pNode); if (projectNode.nodeData.pName != IntPtr.Zero) = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(projectNode.nodeData.pName); if (projectNode.nodeData.pURI != IntPtr.Zero) URI = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(projectNode.nodeData.pURI); if (projectNode.nodeData.pCoordinates != IntPtr.Zero) { if (!(projectNode.nodeData.geomCount == 0)) { positions = new double[projectNode.nodeData.geomCount * 3]; Marshal.Copy(projectNode.nodeData.pCoordinates, positions, 0, projectNode.nodeData.geomCount * 3); } else { positions = new double[3]; Marshal.Copy(projectNode.nodeData.pCoordinates, positions, 0, 3); } } this.itemType = projectNode.nodeData.itemtype; this.geometryType = projectNode.nodeData.geomtype; switch (itemType) { case udProjectNodeType.udPNT_Custom://!(); gameObject.tag = "UDSModel"; model.path = this.URI; break; case udProjectNodeType.udPNT_PointOfInterest: if (geometryType != udProjectGeometryType.udPGT_LineString) { double[] pointPosition = GetReorderedPosition(positions, 0); pointPosition = project.CheckPosition(pointPosition); var sphereGO = PlaceChildSphere(pointPosition, project.appearance.pointSize); = "Point of Interest"; } break; case udProjectNodeType.udPNT_Folder: //!(); var shader = Shader.Find("udSDK/Demo/SpriteBillboard"); if (shader == null) throw new Exception("Required shader is missing : udSDK/Demo/SpriteBillboard"); sprite.material = new Material(shader); sprite.material.SetFloat("_ZOffset", 0.5f); Texture2D tex = Texture2D.blackTexture; sprite.sprite = Sprite.Create(tex, new Rect(0.0f, 0.0f, tex.width, tex.height), new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f), 100.0f); icon.transform.parent = transform; double[] spritePosition = GetReorderedPosition(positions, 0); spritePosition = project.CheckPosition(spritePosition); Vector3 positionVector = DoublesToVector3(spritePosition); icon.transform.position = positionVector; icon.transform.localScale = * project.appearance.imageMediaSize; // load the image in a coroutine = "Media : " + URI; StartCoroutine(LoadMediaImage(sprite)); break; case udProjectNodeType.udPNT_Viewpoint: break; case udProjectNodeType.udPNT_VisualisationSettings: //!(); var shader = Shader.Find("udSDK/Demo/DepthOffsetSprite"); if (shader == null) throw new Exception("Required shader is missing : udSDK/Demo/DepthOffsetSprite"); lr.material = new Material(shader); lr.material.SetFloat("_ZOffset", 0 + project.appearance.lineSize * 0.01f); lr.material.color = project.appearance.interestColor; lr.useWorldSpace = false; // this gives us more tangible editor controls lr.positionCount = projectNode.nodeData.geomCount; Vector3[] verts = new Vector3[projectNode.nodeData.geomCount]; if (!(projectNode.nodeData.geomCount==0)) { //create a child object for each geometry object for(int i = 0; i < projectNode.nodeData.geomCount; i++) { double[] position = GetReorderedPosition(positions, i); position = project.CheckPosition(position); var sphereGO = PlaceChildSphere(position, project.appearance.lineSize); verts[i] = sphereGO.transform.position; = "Point "+i; } } lr.SetPositions(verts); lr.startWidth = lr.endWidth = project.appearance.lineSize; break; case(udProjectGeometryType.udPGT_MultiLineString): //!(); nextSiblingData.LoadTree(projectNode.nodeData.pNextSibling); } //create a child (if exists) if(projectNode.nodeData.pFirstChild != System.IntPtr.Zero) { firstChild = new GameObject(); firstChild.transform.parent = transform; var firstChildData = firstChild.AddComponent(); firstChildData.LoadTree(projectNode.nodeData.pFirstChild); } } }