/* INFINITY CODE 2013-2019 */
/* http://www.infinity-code.com */
using System;
using System.Text;
using InfinityCode.RealWorldTerrain.ExtraTypes;
using UnityEngine;
namespace InfinityCode.RealWorldTerrain.Webservices
/// The Place Photo service, part of the Google Places API Web Service, is a read-only API that allows you to add high quality photographic content to your application. \n
/// The Place Photo service gives you access to the millions of photos stored in the Places and Google+ Local database. \n
/// When you get place information using a Place Details request, photo references will be returned for relevant photographic content. \n
/// The Nearby Search and Text Search requests also return a single photo reference per place, when relevant. \n
/// Using the Photo service you can then access the referenced photos and resize the image to the optimal size for your application.
public class RealWorldTerrainGooglePlacePhoto : RealWorldTerrainWebServiceBase
/// Event that occurs when a response is received from Google API.
public Action OnComplete;
private RealWorldTerrainGooglePlacePhoto(string key, string photo_reference, int? maxWidth, int? maxHeight)
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/photo?key=").Append(key);
if (maxWidth.HasValue) builder.Append("&maxwidth=").Append(maxWidth);
if (maxHeight.HasValue) builder.Append("&maxheight=").Append(maxHeight);
if (!maxWidth.HasValue && !maxHeight.HasValue) builder.Append("&maxwidth=").Append(800);
www = new RealWorldTerrainWWW(builder.ToString());
www.OnComplete += OnRequestComplete;
private void OnRequestComplete(RealWorldTerrainWWW www)
if (www != null && www.isDone)
_status = string.IsNullOrEmpty(www.error) ? RequestStatus.success : RequestStatus.error;
if (OnComplete != null)
if (_status == RequestStatus.success)
Texture2D texture = new Texture2D(1, 1);
else OnComplete(null);
if (OnFinish != null) OnFinish(this);
_status = RequestStatus.disposed;
customData = null;
this.www = null;
/// Download photo from Google Places.
/// Google Maps API Key
/// String used to identify the photo when you perform a Photo request.
/// Specifies the maximum desired width, in pixels, of the image returned by the Place Photos service. \n
/// If the image is smaller than the values specified, the original image will be returned. \n
/// If the image is larger in either dimension, it will be scaled to match the smaller of the two dimensions, restricted to its original aspect ratio. \n
/// maxWidth accept an integer between 1 and 1600.
/// Specifies the maximum desired height, in pixels, of the image returned by the Place Photos service. \n
/// If the image is smaller than the values specified, the original image will be returned. \n
/// If the image is larger in either dimension, it will be scaled to match the smaller of the two dimensions, restricted to its original aspect ratio. \n
/// maxHeight accept an integer between 1 and 1600.\n
public static RealWorldTerrainGooglePlacePhoto Download(string key, string photo_reference, int? maxWidth = null, int? maxHeight = null)
return new RealWorldTerrainGooglePlacePhoto(key, photo_reference, maxWidth, maxHeight);
public override void Destroy()
if (OnDispose != null) OnDispose(this);
www = null;
_status = RequestStatus.disposed;
customData = null;
OnComplete = null;
OnFinish = null;