/* INFINITY CODE 2013-2019 */
/* http://www.infinity-code.com */
using System;
using InfinityCode.RealWorldTerrain.ExtraTypes;
namespace InfinityCode.RealWorldTerrain.Webservices
/// The base class for working with the web services.
public abstract class RealWorldTerrainWebServiceBase
/// Event that occurs when the current request instance is disposed.
public Action OnDispose;
/// Event that occurs after OnComplete, when the response from webservice processed.
public Action OnFinish;
/// In this variable you can put any data that you need to work with requests.
public object customData;
protected RequestStatus _status;
protected RealWorldTerrainWWW www;
/// Gets the current status of the request to webservice.
/// The status.
public RequestStatus status
get { return _status; }
/// Destroys the current request to webservice.
public abstract void Destroy();
public enum RequestStatus