Walk and Run In Place.FBX.meta 55 KB

  1. fileFormatVersion: 2
  2. guid: b66f8acee7ee641368d5576908507a23
  3. ModelImporter:
  4. serializedVersion: 23
  5. fileIDToRecycleName:
  6. 100000: Bip002 Head
  7. 100002: Bip002 L Calf
  8. 100004: Bip002 L Clavicle
  9. 100006: Bip002 L Finger0
  10. 100008: Bip002 L Foot
  11. 100010: Bip002 L Forearm
  12. 100012: Bip002 L Hand
  13. 100014: Bip002 L Thigh
  14. 100016: Bip002 L Toe0
  15. 100018: Bip002 L Toe01
  16. 100020: Bip002 L Toe02
  17. 100022: Bip002 L UpperArm
  18. 100024: Bip002 Neck
  19. 100026: Bip002 Pelvis
  20. 100028: Bip002 R Calf
  21. 100030: Bip002 R Clavicle
  22. 100032: Bip002 R Finger0
  23. 100034: Bip002 R Foot
  24. 100036: Bip002 R Forearm
  25. 100038: Bip002 R Hand
  26. 100040: Bip002 R Thigh
  27. 100042: Bip002 R Toe0
  28. 100044: Bip002 R Toe01
  29. 100046: Bip002 R Toe02
  30. 100048: Bip002 R UpperArm
  31. 100050: Bip002 Spine
  32. 100052: Bip002 Spine1
  33. 100054: Bip002 Spine2
  34. 100056: Bip002 Spine3
  35. 100058: BipDummy
  36. 100060: BipDummy L Finger01
  37. 100062: BipDummy L Finger02
  38. 100064: BipDummy L Finger1
  39. 100066: BipDummy L Finger11
  40. 100068: BipDummy L Finger12
  41. 100070: BipDummy L Finger2
  42. 100072: BipDummy L Finger21
  43. 100074: BipDummy L Finger22
  44. 100076: BipDummy L Finger3
  45. 100078: BipDummy L Finger31
  46. 100080: BipDummy L Finger32
  47. 100082: BipDummy L Finger4
  48. 100084: BipDummy L Finger41
  49. 100086: BipDummy L Finger42
  50. 100088: BipDummy R Finger01
  51. 100090: BipDummy R Finger02
  52. 100092: BipDummy R Finger1
  53. 100094: BipDummy R Finger11
  54. 100096: BipDummy R Finger12
  55. 100098: BipDummy R Finger2
  56. 100100: BipDummy R Finger21
  57. 100102: BipDummy R Finger22
  58. 100104: BipDummy R Finger3
  59. 100106: BipDummy R Finger31
  60. 100108: BipDummy R Finger32
  61. 100110: BipDummy R Finger4
  62. 100112: BipDummy R Finger41
  63. 100114: BipDummy R Finger42
  64. 100116: //RootNode
  65. 400000: Bip002 Head
  66. 400002: Bip002 L Calf
  67. 400004: Bip002 L Clavicle
  68. 400006: Bip002 L Finger0
  69. 400008: Bip002 L Foot
  70. 400010: Bip002 L Forearm
  71. 400012: Bip002 L Hand
  72. 400014: Bip002 L Thigh
  73. 400016: Bip002 L Toe0
  74. 400018: Bip002 L Toe01
  75. 400020: Bip002 L Toe02
  76. 400022: Bip002 L UpperArm
  77. 400024: Bip002 Neck
  78. 400026: Bip002 Pelvis
  79. 400028: Bip002 R Calf
  80. 400030: Bip002 R Clavicle
  81. 400032: Bip002 R Finger0
  82. 400034: Bip002 R Foot
  83. 400036: Bip002 R Forearm
  84. 400038: Bip002 R Hand
  85. 400040: Bip002 R Thigh
  86. 400042: Bip002 R Toe0
  87. 400044: Bip002 R Toe01
  88. 400046: Bip002 R Toe02
  89. 400048: Bip002 R UpperArm
  90. 400050: Bip002 Spine
  91. 400052: Bip002 Spine1
  92. 400054: Bip002 Spine2
  93. 400056: Bip002 Spine3
  94. 400058: BipDummy
  95. 400060: BipDummy L Finger01
  96. 400062: BipDummy L Finger02
  97. 400064: BipDummy L Finger1
  98. 400066: BipDummy L Finger11
  99. 400068: BipDummy L Finger12
  100. 400070: BipDummy L Finger2
  101. 400072: BipDummy L Finger21
  102. 400074: BipDummy L Finger22
  103. 400076: BipDummy L Finger3
  104. 400078: BipDummy L Finger31
  105. 400080: BipDummy L Finger32
  106. 400082: BipDummy L Finger4
  107. 400084: BipDummy L Finger41
  108. 400086: BipDummy L Finger42
  109. 400088: BipDummy R Finger01
  110. 400090: BipDummy R Finger02
  111. 400092: BipDummy R Finger1
  112. 400094: BipDummy R Finger11
  113. 400096: BipDummy R Finger12
  114. 400098: BipDummy R Finger2
  115. 400100: BipDummy R Finger21
  116. 400102: BipDummy R Finger22
  117. 400104: BipDummy R Finger3
  118. 400106: BipDummy R Finger31
  119. 400108: BipDummy R Finger32
  120. 400110: BipDummy R Finger4
  121. 400112: BipDummy R Finger41
  122. 400114: BipDummy R Finger42
  123. 400116: //RootNode
  124. 7400000: Run In Place
  125. 7400002: Walk In Place
  126. 7400004: SneakF
  127. 9500000: //RootNode
  128. 11100000: //RootNode
  129. 2186277476908879412: ImportLogs
  130. externalObjects: {}
  131. materials:
  132. importMaterials: 0
  133. materialName: 0
  134. materialSearch: 1
  135. materialLocation: 0
  136. animations:
  137. legacyGenerateAnimations: 4
  138. bakeSimulation: 0
  139. resampleCurves: 1
  140. optimizeGameObjects: 0
  141. motionNodeName:
  142. rigImportErrors:
  143. rigImportWarnings: "Copied Avatar Rig Configuration mis-match. Bone length in
  144. copied configuration does not match position in animation file:\n\t'Bip002 L
  145. Thigh' : position error = 2.431027 mm\n\t'Bip002 R Thigh' : position error =
  146. 2.431052 mm\n"
  147. animationImportErrors:
  148. animationImportWarnings: "\nClip 'Take 001' has import animation warnings that
  149. might lower retargeting quality:\nNote: Activate translation DOF on avatar to
  150. improve retargeting quality.\n\t'Bip002 Spine' has translation animation that
  151. will be discarded.\n\t'Bip002 Spine' is inbetween humanoid transforms and has
  152. rotation animation that will be discarded.\n\t'Bip002 Spine3' is inbetween humanoid
  153. transforms and has rotation animation that will be discarded.\n\t'Bip002 Neck'
  154. is inbetween humanoid transforms and has rotation animation that will be discarded.\n\t'Bip002
  155. L Thigh' has translation animation that will be discarded.\n\t'Bip002 R Thigh'
  156. has translation animation that will be discarded.\n"
  157. animationRetargetingWarnings:
  158. animationDoRetargetingWarnings: 0
  159. importAnimatedCustomProperties: 0
  160. importConstraints: 0
  161. animationCompression: 3
  162. animationRotationError: 0.5
  163. animationPositionError: 0.5
  164. animationScaleError: 0.5
  165. animationWrapMode: 0
  166. extraExposedTransformPaths: []
  167. extraUserProperties: []
  168. clipAnimations:
  169. - serializedVersion: 16
  170. name: Run In Place
  171. takeName: Take 001
  172. firstFrame: 738
  173. lastFrame: 755
  174. wrapMode: 2
  175. orientationOffsetY: 0
  176. level: 0
  177. cycleOffset: 0.5
  178. loop: 0
  179. hasAdditiveReferencePose: 0
  180. loopTime: 1
  181. loopBlend: 1
  182. loopBlendOrientation: 1
  183. loopBlendPositionY: 1
  184. loopBlendPositionXZ: 1
  185. keepOriginalOrientation: 1
  186. keepOriginalPositionY: 1
  187. keepOriginalPositionXZ: 1
  188. heightFromFeet: 0
  189. mirror: 0
  190. bodyMask: 01000000010000000100000001000000010000000100000001000000010000000100000001000000010000000100000001000000
  191. curves: []
  192. events: []
  193. transformMask:
  194. - path:
  195. weight: 1
  196. - path: BipDummy
  197. weight: 1
  198. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis
  199. weight: 1
  200. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine
  201. weight: 1
  202. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 L Thigh
  203. weight: 1
  204. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 L Thigh/Bip002 L Calf
  205. weight: 1
  206. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 L Thigh/Bip002 L Calf/Bip002
  207. L Foot
  208. weight: 1
  209. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 L Thigh/Bip002 L Calf/Bip002
  210. L Foot/Bip002 L Toe0
  211. weight: 1
  212. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 L Thigh/Bip002 L Calf/Bip002
  213. L Foot/Bip002 L Toe0/Bip002 L Toe01
  214. weight: 1
  215. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 L Thigh/Bip002 L Calf/Bip002
  216. L Foot/Bip002 L Toe0/Bip002 L Toe01/Bip002 L Toe02
  217. weight: 1
  218. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 R Thigh
  219. weight: 1
  220. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 R Thigh/Bip002 R Calf
  221. weight: 1
  222. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 R Thigh/Bip002 R Calf/Bip002
  223. R Foot
  224. weight: 1
  225. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 R Thigh/Bip002 R Calf/Bip002
  226. R Foot/Bip002 R Toe0
  227. weight: 1
  228. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 R Thigh/Bip002 R Calf/Bip002
  229. R Foot/Bip002 R Toe0/Bip002 R Toe01
  230. weight: 1
  231. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 R Thigh/Bip002 R Calf/Bip002
  232. R Foot/Bip002 R Toe0/Bip002 R Toe01/Bip002 R Toe02
  233. weight: 1
  234. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1
  235. weight: 1
  236. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2
  237. weight: 1
  238. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  239. Spine3
  240. weight: 1
  241. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  242. Spine3/Bip002 Neck
  243. weight: 1
  244. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  245. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 Head
  246. weight: 1
  247. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  248. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 L Clavicle
  249. weight: 1
  250. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  251. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 L Clavicle/Bip002 L UpperArm
  252. weight: 1
  253. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  254. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 L Clavicle/Bip002 L UpperArm/Bip002 L Forearm
  255. weight: 1
  256. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  257. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 L Clavicle/Bip002 L UpperArm/Bip002 L Forearm/Bip002
  258. L Hand
  259. weight: 1
  260. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  261. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 L Clavicle/Bip002 L UpperArm/Bip002 L Forearm/Bip002
  262. L Hand/Bip002 L Finger0
  263. weight: 1
  264. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  265. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 L Clavicle/Bip002 L UpperArm/Bip002 L Forearm/Bip002
  266. L Hand/Bip002 L Finger0/BipDummy L Finger01
  267. weight: 1
  268. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  269. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 L Clavicle/Bip002 L UpperArm/Bip002 L Forearm/Bip002
  270. L Hand/Bip002 L Finger0/BipDummy L Finger01/BipDummy L Finger02
  271. weight: 1
  272. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  273. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 L Clavicle/Bip002 L UpperArm/Bip002 L Forearm/Bip002
  274. L Hand/BipDummy L Finger1
  275. weight: 1
  276. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  277. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 L Clavicle/Bip002 L UpperArm/Bip002 L Forearm/Bip002
  278. L Hand/BipDummy L Finger1/BipDummy L Finger11
  279. weight: 1
  280. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  281. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 L Clavicle/Bip002 L UpperArm/Bip002 L Forearm/Bip002
  282. L Hand/BipDummy L Finger1/BipDummy L Finger11/BipDummy L Finger12
  283. weight: 1
  284. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  285. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 L Clavicle/Bip002 L UpperArm/Bip002 L Forearm/Bip002
  286. L Hand/BipDummy L Finger2
  287. weight: 1
  288. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  289. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 L Clavicle/Bip002 L UpperArm/Bip002 L Forearm/Bip002
  290. L Hand/BipDummy L Finger2/BipDummy L Finger21
  291. weight: 1
  292. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  293. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 L Clavicle/Bip002 L UpperArm/Bip002 L Forearm/Bip002
  294. L Hand/BipDummy L Finger2/BipDummy L Finger21/BipDummy L Finger22
  295. weight: 1
  296. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  297. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 L Clavicle/Bip002 L UpperArm/Bip002 L Forearm/Bip002
  298. L Hand/BipDummy L Finger3
  299. weight: 1
  300. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  301. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 L Clavicle/Bip002 L UpperArm/Bip002 L Forearm/Bip002
  302. L Hand/BipDummy L Finger3/BipDummy L Finger31
  303. weight: 1
  304. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  305. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 L Clavicle/Bip002 L UpperArm/Bip002 L Forearm/Bip002
  306. L Hand/BipDummy L Finger3/BipDummy L Finger31/BipDummy L Finger32
  307. weight: 1
  308. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  309. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 L Clavicle/Bip002 L UpperArm/Bip002 L Forearm/Bip002
  310. L Hand/BipDummy L Finger4
  311. weight: 1
  312. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  313. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 L Clavicle/Bip002 L UpperArm/Bip002 L Forearm/Bip002
  314. L Hand/BipDummy L Finger4/BipDummy L Finger41
  315. weight: 1
  316. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  317. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 L Clavicle/Bip002 L UpperArm/Bip002 L Forearm/Bip002
  318. L Hand/BipDummy L Finger4/BipDummy L Finger41/BipDummy L Finger42
  319. weight: 1
  320. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  321. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 R Clavicle
  322. weight: 1
  323. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  324. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 R Clavicle/Bip002 R UpperArm
  325. weight: 1
  326. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  327. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 R Clavicle/Bip002 R UpperArm/Bip002 R Forearm
  328. weight: 1
  329. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  330. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 R Clavicle/Bip002 R UpperArm/Bip002 R Forearm/Bip002
  331. R Hand
  332. weight: 1
  333. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  334. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 R Clavicle/Bip002 R UpperArm/Bip002 R Forearm/Bip002
  335. R Hand/Bip002 R Finger0
  336. weight: 1
  337. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  338. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 R Clavicle/Bip002 R UpperArm/Bip002 R Forearm/Bip002
  339. R Hand/Bip002 R Finger0/BipDummy R Finger01
  340. weight: 1
  341. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  342. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 R Clavicle/Bip002 R UpperArm/Bip002 R Forearm/Bip002
  343. R Hand/Bip002 R Finger0/BipDummy R Finger01/BipDummy R Finger02
  344. weight: 1
  345. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  346. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 R Clavicle/Bip002 R UpperArm/Bip002 R Forearm/Bip002
  347. R Hand/BipDummy R Finger1
  348. weight: 1
  349. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  350. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 R Clavicle/Bip002 R UpperArm/Bip002 R Forearm/Bip002
  351. R Hand/BipDummy R Finger1/BipDummy R Finger11
  352. weight: 1
  353. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  354. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 R Clavicle/Bip002 R UpperArm/Bip002 R Forearm/Bip002
  355. R Hand/BipDummy R Finger1/BipDummy R Finger11/BipDummy R Finger12
  356. weight: 1
  357. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  358. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 R Clavicle/Bip002 R UpperArm/Bip002 R Forearm/Bip002
  359. R Hand/BipDummy R Finger2
  360. weight: 1
  361. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  362. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 R Clavicle/Bip002 R UpperArm/Bip002 R Forearm/Bip002
  363. R Hand/BipDummy R Finger2/BipDummy R Finger21
  364. weight: 1
  365. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  366. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 R Clavicle/Bip002 R UpperArm/Bip002 R Forearm/Bip002
  367. R Hand/BipDummy R Finger2/BipDummy R Finger21/BipDummy R Finger22
  368. weight: 1
  369. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  370. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 R Clavicle/Bip002 R UpperArm/Bip002 R Forearm/Bip002
  371. R Hand/BipDummy R Finger3
  372. weight: 1
  373. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  374. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 R Clavicle/Bip002 R UpperArm/Bip002 R Forearm/Bip002
  375. R Hand/BipDummy R Finger3/BipDummy R Finger31
  376. weight: 1
  377. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  378. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 R Clavicle/Bip002 R UpperArm/Bip002 R Forearm/Bip002
  379. R Hand/BipDummy R Finger3/BipDummy R Finger31/BipDummy R Finger32
  380. weight: 1
  381. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  382. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 R Clavicle/Bip002 R UpperArm/Bip002 R Forearm/Bip002
  383. R Hand/BipDummy R Finger4
  384. weight: 1
  385. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  386. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 R Clavicle/Bip002 R UpperArm/Bip002 R Forearm/Bip002
  387. R Hand/BipDummy R Finger4/BipDummy R Finger41
  388. weight: 1
  389. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  390. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 R Clavicle/Bip002 R UpperArm/Bip002 R Forearm/Bip002
  391. R Hand/BipDummy R Finger4/BipDummy R Finger41/BipDummy R Finger42
  392. weight: 1
  393. maskType: 0
  394. maskSource: {instanceID: 0}
  395. additiveReferencePoseFrame: 0
  396. - serializedVersion: 16
  397. name: Walk In Place
  398. takeName: Take 001
  399. firstFrame: 5
  400. lastFrame: 35
  401. wrapMode: 2
  402. orientationOffsetY: 0
  403. level: 0
  404. cycleOffset: 0
  405. loop: 1
  406. hasAdditiveReferencePose: 0
  407. loopTime: 1
  408. loopBlend: 1
  409. loopBlendOrientation: 1
  410. loopBlendPositionY: 1
  411. loopBlendPositionXZ: 1
  412. keepOriginalOrientation: 1
  413. keepOriginalPositionY: 1
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  417. bodyMask: 01000000010000000100000001000000010000000100000001000000010000000100000001000000010000000100000001000000
  418. curves: []
  419. events: []
  420. transformMask:
  421. - path:
  422. weight: 1
  423. - path: BipDummy
  424. weight: 1
  425. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis
  426. weight: 1
  427. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine
  428. weight: 1
  429. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 L Thigh
  430. weight: 1
  431. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 L Thigh/Bip002 L Calf
  432. weight: 1
  433. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 L Thigh/Bip002 L Calf/Bip002
  434. L Foot
  435. weight: 1
  436. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 L Thigh/Bip002 L Calf/Bip002
  437. L Foot/Bip002 L Toe0
  438. weight: 1
  439. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 L Thigh/Bip002 L Calf/Bip002
  440. L Foot/Bip002 L Toe0/Bip002 L Toe01
  441. weight: 1
  442. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 L Thigh/Bip002 L Calf/Bip002
  443. L Foot/Bip002 L Toe0/Bip002 L Toe01/Bip002 L Toe02
  444. weight: 1
  445. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 R Thigh
  446. weight: 1
  447. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 R Thigh/Bip002 R Calf
  448. weight: 1
  449. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 R Thigh/Bip002 R Calf/Bip002
  450. R Foot
  451. weight: 1
  452. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 R Thigh/Bip002 R Calf/Bip002
  453. R Foot/Bip002 R Toe0
  454. weight: 1
  455. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 R Thigh/Bip002 R Calf/Bip002
  456. R Foot/Bip002 R Toe0/Bip002 R Toe01
  457. weight: 1
  458. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 R Thigh/Bip002 R Calf/Bip002
  459. R Foot/Bip002 R Toe0/Bip002 R Toe01/Bip002 R Toe02
  460. weight: 1
  461. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1
  462. weight: 1
  463. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2
  464. weight: 1
  465. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  466. Spine3
  467. weight: 1
  468. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  469. Spine3/Bip002 Neck
  470. weight: 1
  471. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  472. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 Head
  473. weight: 1
  474. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  475. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 L Clavicle
  476. weight: 1
  477. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  478. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 L Clavicle/Bip002 L UpperArm
  479. weight: 1
  480. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  481. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 L Clavicle/Bip002 L UpperArm/Bip002 L Forearm
  482. weight: 1
  483. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  484. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 L Clavicle/Bip002 L UpperArm/Bip002 L Forearm/Bip002
  485. L Hand
  486. weight: 1
  487. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  488. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 L Clavicle/Bip002 L UpperArm/Bip002 L Forearm/Bip002
  489. L Hand/Bip002 L Finger0
  490. weight: 1
  491. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  492. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 L Clavicle/Bip002 L UpperArm/Bip002 L Forearm/Bip002
  493. L Hand/Bip002 L Finger0/BipDummy L Finger01
  494. weight: 1
  495. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  496. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 L Clavicle/Bip002 L UpperArm/Bip002 L Forearm/Bip002
  497. L Hand/Bip002 L Finger0/BipDummy L Finger01/BipDummy L Finger02
  498. weight: 1
  499. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  500. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 L Clavicle/Bip002 L UpperArm/Bip002 L Forearm/Bip002
  501. L Hand/BipDummy L Finger1
  502. weight: 1
  503. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  504. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 L Clavicle/Bip002 L UpperArm/Bip002 L Forearm/Bip002
  505. L Hand/BipDummy L Finger1/BipDummy L Finger11
  506. weight: 1
  507. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  508. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 L Clavicle/Bip002 L UpperArm/Bip002 L Forearm/Bip002
  509. L Hand/BipDummy L Finger1/BipDummy L Finger11/BipDummy L Finger12
  510. weight: 1
  511. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  512. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 L Clavicle/Bip002 L UpperArm/Bip002 L Forearm/Bip002
  513. L Hand/BipDummy L Finger2
  514. weight: 1
  515. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  516. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 L Clavicle/Bip002 L UpperArm/Bip002 L Forearm/Bip002
  517. L Hand/BipDummy L Finger2/BipDummy L Finger21
  518. weight: 1
  519. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  520. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 L Clavicle/Bip002 L UpperArm/Bip002 L Forearm/Bip002
  521. L Hand/BipDummy L Finger2/BipDummy L Finger21/BipDummy L Finger22
  522. weight: 1
  523. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  524. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 L Clavicle/Bip002 L UpperArm/Bip002 L Forearm/Bip002
  525. L Hand/BipDummy L Finger3
  526. weight: 1
  527. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  528. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 L Clavicle/Bip002 L UpperArm/Bip002 L Forearm/Bip002
  529. L Hand/BipDummy L Finger3/BipDummy L Finger31
  530. weight: 1
  531. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  532. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 L Clavicle/Bip002 L UpperArm/Bip002 L Forearm/Bip002
  533. L Hand/BipDummy L Finger3/BipDummy L Finger31/BipDummy L Finger32
  534. weight: 1
  535. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  536. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 L Clavicle/Bip002 L UpperArm/Bip002 L Forearm/Bip002
  537. L Hand/BipDummy L Finger4
  538. weight: 1
  539. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  540. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 L Clavicle/Bip002 L UpperArm/Bip002 L Forearm/Bip002
  541. L Hand/BipDummy L Finger4/BipDummy L Finger41
  542. weight: 1
  543. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  544. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 L Clavicle/Bip002 L UpperArm/Bip002 L Forearm/Bip002
  545. L Hand/BipDummy L Finger4/BipDummy L Finger41/BipDummy L Finger42
  546. weight: 1
  547. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  548. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 R Clavicle
  549. weight: 1
  550. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  551. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 R Clavicle/Bip002 R UpperArm
  552. weight: 1
  553. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  554. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 R Clavicle/Bip002 R UpperArm/Bip002 R Forearm
  555. weight: 1
  556. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  557. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 R Clavicle/Bip002 R UpperArm/Bip002 R Forearm/Bip002
  558. R Hand
  559. weight: 1
  560. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  561. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 R Clavicle/Bip002 R UpperArm/Bip002 R Forearm/Bip002
  562. R Hand/Bip002 R Finger0
  563. weight: 1
  564. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  565. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 R Clavicle/Bip002 R UpperArm/Bip002 R Forearm/Bip002
  566. R Hand/Bip002 R Finger0/BipDummy R Finger01
  567. weight: 1
  568. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  569. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 R Clavicle/Bip002 R UpperArm/Bip002 R Forearm/Bip002
  570. R Hand/Bip002 R Finger0/BipDummy R Finger01/BipDummy R Finger02
  571. weight: 1
  572. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  573. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 R Clavicle/Bip002 R UpperArm/Bip002 R Forearm/Bip002
  574. R Hand/BipDummy R Finger1
  575. weight: 1
  576. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  577. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 R Clavicle/Bip002 R UpperArm/Bip002 R Forearm/Bip002
  578. R Hand/BipDummy R Finger1/BipDummy R Finger11
  579. weight: 1
  580. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  581. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 R Clavicle/Bip002 R UpperArm/Bip002 R Forearm/Bip002
  582. R Hand/BipDummy R Finger1/BipDummy R Finger11/BipDummy R Finger12
  583. weight: 1
  584. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  585. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 R Clavicle/Bip002 R UpperArm/Bip002 R Forearm/Bip002
  586. R Hand/BipDummy R Finger2
  587. weight: 1
  588. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  589. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 R Clavicle/Bip002 R UpperArm/Bip002 R Forearm/Bip002
  590. R Hand/BipDummy R Finger2/BipDummy R Finger21
  591. weight: 1
  592. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  593. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 R Clavicle/Bip002 R UpperArm/Bip002 R Forearm/Bip002
  594. R Hand/BipDummy R Finger2/BipDummy R Finger21/BipDummy R Finger22
  595. weight: 1
  596. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  597. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 R Clavicle/Bip002 R UpperArm/Bip002 R Forearm/Bip002
  598. R Hand/BipDummy R Finger3
  599. weight: 1
  600. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  601. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 R Clavicle/Bip002 R UpperArm/Bip002 R Forearm/Bip002
  602. R Hand/BipDummy R Finger3/BipDummy R Finger31
  603. weight: 1
  604. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  605. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 R Clavicle/Bip002 R UpperArm/Bip002 R Forearm/Bip002
  606. R Hand/BipDummy R Finger3/BipDummy R Finger31/BipDummy R Finger32
  607. weight: 1
  608. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  609. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 R Clavicle/Bip002 R UpperArm/Bip002 R Forearm/Bip002
  610. R Hand/BipDummy R Finger4
  611. weight: 1
  612. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  613. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 R Clavicle/Bip002 R UpperArm/Bip002 R Forearm/Bip002
  614. R Hand/BipDummy R Finger4/BipDummy R Finger41
  615. weight: 1
  616. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  617. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 R Clavicle/Bip002 R UpperArm/Bip002 R Forearm/Bip002
  618. R Hand/BipDummy R Finger4/BipDummy R Finger41/BipDummy R Finger42
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  661. human:
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  663. humanName: Hips
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  672. limit:
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  684. length: 0
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  834. max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  835. value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  836. length: 0
  837. modified: 0
  838. - boneName: BipDummy L Finger02
  839. humanName: Left Thumb Distal
  840. limit:
  841. min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  842. max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  843. value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  844. length: 0
  845. modified: 0
  846. - boneName: BipDummy L Finger1
  847. humanName: Left Index Proximal
  848. limit:
  849. min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  850. max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  851. value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  852. length: 0
  853. modified: 0
  854. - boneName: BipDummy L Finger11
  855. humanName: Left Index Intermediate
  856. limit:
  857. min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  858. max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  859. value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  860. length: 0
  861. modified: 0
  862. - boneName: BipDummy L Finger12
  863. humanName: Left Index Distal
  864. limit:
  865. min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  866. max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  867. value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  868. length: 0
  869. modified: 0
  870. - boneName: BipDummy L Finger2
  871. humanName: Left Middle Proximal
  872. limit:
  873. min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  874. max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  875. value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  876. length: 0
  877. modified: 0
  878. - boneName: BipDummy L Finger21
  879. humanName: Left Middle Intermediate
  880. limit:
  881. min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  882. max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  883. value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  884. length: 0
  885. modified: 0
  886. - boneName: BipDummy L Finger22
  887. humanName: Left Middle Distal
  888. limit:
  889. min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  890. max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  891. value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  892. length: 0
  893. modified: 0
  894. - boneName: BipDummy L Finger3
  895. humanName: Left Ring Proximal
  896. limit:
  897. min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  898. max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  899. value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  900. length: 0
  901. modified: 0
  902. - boneName: BipDummy L Finger31
  903. humanName: Left Ring Intermediate
  904. limit:
  905. min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  906. max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  907. value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  908. length: 0
  909. modified: 0
  910. - boneName: BipDummy L Finger32
  911. humanName: Left Ring Distal
  912. limit:
  913. min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  914. max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  915. value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  916. length: 0
  917. modified: 0
  918. - boneName: BipDummy L Finger4
  919. humanName: Left Little Proximal
  920. limit:
  921. min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  922. max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  923. value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  924. length: 0
  925. modified: 0
  926. - boneName: BipDummy L Finger41
  927. humanName: Left Little Intermediate
  928. limit:
  929. min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  930. max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  931. value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  932. length: 0
  933. modified: 0
  934. - boneName: BipDummy L Finger42
  935. humanName: Left Little Distal
  936. limit:
  937. min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  938. max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  939. value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  940. length: 0
  941. modified: 0
  942. - boneName: Bip002 R Finger0
  943. humanName: Right Thumb Proximal
  944. limit:
  945. min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  946. max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  947. value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  948. length: 0
  949. modified: 0
  950. - boneName: BipDummy R Finger01
  951. humanName: Right Thumb Intermediate
  952. limit:
  953. min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  954. max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  955. value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  956. length: 0
  957. modified: 0
  958. - boneName: BipDummy R Finger02
  959. humanName: Right Thumb Distal
  960. limit:
  961. min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  962. max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  963. value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  964. length: 0
  965. modified: 0
  966. - boneName: BipDummy R Finger1
  967. humanName: Right Index Proximal
  968. limit:
  969. min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  970. max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  971. value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  972. length: 0
  973. modified: 0
  974. - boneName: BipDummy R Finger11
  975. humanName: Right Index Intermediate
  976. limit:
  977. min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  978. max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  979. value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  980. length: 0
  981. modified: 0
  982. - boneName: BipDummy R Finger12
  983. humanName: Right Index Distal
  984. limit:
  985. min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  986. max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  987. value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  988. length: 0
  989. modified: 0
  990. - boneName: BipDummy R Finger2
  991. humanName: Right Middle Proximal
  992. limit:
  993. min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  994. max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  995. value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  996. length: 0
  997. modified: 0
  998. - boneName: BipDummy R Finger21
  999. humanName: Right Middle Intermediate
  1000. limit:
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  1002. max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  1003. value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  1004. length: 0
  1005. modified: 0
  1006. - boneName: BipDummy R Finger22
  1007. humanName: Right Middle Distal
  1008. limit:
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  1010. max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  1011. value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  1012. length: 0
  1013. modified: 0
  1014. - boneName: BipDummy R Finger3
  1015. humanName: Right Ring Proximal
  1016. limit:
  1017. min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  1018. max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  1019. value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  1020. length: 0
  1021. modified: 0
  1022. - boneName: BipDummy R Finger31
  1023. humanName: Right Ring Intermediate
  1024. limit:
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  1026. max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  1027. value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  1028. length: 0
  1029. modified: 0
  1030. - boneName: BipDummy R Finger32
  1031. humanName: Right Ring Distal
  1032. limit:
  1033. min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  1034. max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  1035. value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  1036. length: 0
  1037. modified: 0
  1038. - boneName: BipDummy R Finger4
  1039. humanName: Right Little Proximal
  1040. limit:
  1041. min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  1042. max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  1043. value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  1044. length: 0
  1045. modified: 0
  1046. - boneName: BipDummy R Finger41
  1047. humanName: Right Little Intermediate
  1048. limit:
  1049. min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  1050. max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  1051. value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  1052. length: 0
  1053. modified: 0
  1054. - boneName: BipDummy R Finger42
  1055. humanName: Right Little Distal
  1056. limit:
  1057. min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  1058. max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  1059. value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  1060. length: 0
  1061. modified: 0
  1062. skeleton:
  1063. - name: DummyHumanoid(Clone)
  1064. parentName:
  1065. position: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  1066. rotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1}
  1067. scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}
  1068. - name: BipDummy
  1069. parentName:
  1070. position: {x: 1.3775536e-18, y: 0.89922386, z: -0.029839283}
  1071. rotation: {x: 0.5, y: -0.5, z: -0.5, w: -0.5}
  1072. scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}
  1073. - name: Bip002 Pelvis
  1074. parentName:
  1075. position: {x: 0, y: -1.234051e-14, z: 0.028160214}
  1076. rotation: {x: -0.49999928, y: 0.5000007, z: 0.49999937, w: 0.5000007}
  1077. scale: {x: 0.9999999, y: 1, z: 1}
  1078. - name: Bip002 Spine
  1079. parentName:
  1080. position: {x: -0.09316266, y: -0.000083809755, z: 1.1734097e-10}
  1081. rotation: {x: -0.0000020861623, y: 0.000000059604638, z: -0.000000059604638,
  1082. w: 1}
  1083. scale: {x: 1.0000001, y: 0.99999994, z: 1}
  1084. - name: Bip002 L Thigh
  1085. parentName:
  1086. position: {x: 0.093162894, y: 0.00008359344, z: 0.096502215}
  1087. rotation: {x: -0.005138248, y: 0.9999868, z: 0.0000013560057, w: 0.000000014901161}
  1088. scale: {x: 1, y: 1.0000002, z: 1.0000001}
  1089. - name: Bip002 L Calf
  1090. parentName:
  1091. position: {x: -0.42230663, y: 0.00000007497171, z: -0.00000007093637}
  1092. rotation: {x: -0.00000008940697, y: 0, z: 0.014341444, w: 0.99989724}
  1093. scale: {x: 0.9999998, y: 0.99999976, z: 0.9999999}
  1094. - name: Bip002 L Foot
  1095. parentName:
  1096. position: {x: -0.41098928, y: -0.00000006612389, z: -0.00000007465544}
  1097. rotation: {x: 0.000000119209275, y: 0, z: -0.009203493, w: 0.9999577}
  1098. scale: {x: 1.0000001, y: 1, z: 0.9999999}
  1099. - name: Bip002 L Toe0
  1100. parentName:
  1101. position: {x: -0.067168415, y: 0.13374837, z: -0.000000024240492}
  1102. rotation: {x: 0.00000044703472, y: 0.0000004326868, z: -0.7071069, w: 0.7071067}
  1103. scale: {x: 1.0000005, y: 1.0000001, z: 1.0000001}
  1104. - name: Bip002 L Toe01
  1105. parentName:
  1106. position: {x: -0.012151627, y: 0, z: 0}
  1107. rotation: {x: 0, y: -9.407548e-16, z: -0, w: 1}
  1108. scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}
  1109. - name: Bip002 L Toe02
  1110. parentName:
  1111. position: {x: -0.01215166, y: 0.00000002111079, z: -0.000000040276696}
  1112. rotation: {x: -0.0000000229817, y: -1.817697e-15, z: 0.000000083167755, w: 1}
  1113. scale: {x: 1.0000001, y: 1, z: 1}
  1114. - name: Bip002 R Thigh
  1115. parentName:
  1116. position: {x: 0.09316297, y: 0.0000841267, z: -0.09650221}
  1117. rotation: {x: -0.005138263, y: 0.9999869, z: 0.0000013560057, w: 0.00000008940697}
  1118. scale: {x: 0.9999998, y: 1.0000004, z: 1}
  1119. - name: Bip002 R Calf
  1120. parentName:
  1121. position: {x: -0.4223065, y: 0.000000044703505, z: 0.00000007394767}
  1122. rotation: {x: 0, y: 0.000000029802319, z: 0.0143415015, w: 0.99989724}
  1123. scale: {x: 0.99999994, y: 0.99999964, z: 1}
  1124. - name: Bip002 R Foot
  1125. parentName:
  1126. position: {x: -0.41098946, y: 0.00000004656613, z: -0.00000004192601}
  1127. rotation: {x: -0.000000059604645, y: 0.000000029802322, z: -0.009203613, w: 0.9999577}
  1128. scale: {x: 0.9999999, y: 1.0000002, z: 0.99999976}
  1129. - name: Bip002 R Toe0
  1130. parentName:
  1131. position: {x: -0.06716851, y: 0.13374832, z: -0.0000000077897795}
  1132. rotation: {x: 0.00000044703484, y: 0.00000046248903, z: -0.7071068, w: 0.7071068}
  1133. scale: {x: 1.0000004, y: 1, z: 1.0000001}
  1134. - name: Bip002 R Toe01
  1135. parentName:
  1136. position: {x: -0.012151627, y: 0, z: 0}
  1137. rotation: {x: 0, y: -1.0418551e-15, z: -0, w: 1}
  1138. scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}
  1139. - name: Bip002 R Toe02
  1140. parentName:
  1141. position: {x: -0.012151634, y: -0.000000092304155, z: -0.00000003691771}
  1142. rotation: {x: -0.00000006384074, y: -3.531438e-18, z: 1.6161023e-10, w: 1}
  1143. scale: {x: 1.0000001, y: 1, z: 1}
  1144. - name: Bip002 Spine1
  1145. parentName:
  1146. position: {x: -0.1053141, y: -0.0000000044125947, z: -0.000000012554314}
  1147. rotation: {x: 0, y: -0.000000059604645, z: 0, w: 1}
  1148. scale: {x: 1.0000001, y: 1, z: 1}
  1149. - name: Bip002 Spine2
  1150. parentName:
  1151. position: {x: -0.10531449, y: 0.0000000037252903, z: -1.8889751e-13}
  1152. rotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1}
  1153. scale: {x: 0.9999997, y: 1, z: 0.9999999}
  1154. - name: Bip002 Spine3
  1155. parentName:
  1156. position: {x: -0.10531366, y: 0.000000009313226, z: -1.9923646e-13}
  1157. rotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1}
  1158. scale: {x: 1.0000001, y: 0.99999994, z: 1.0000001}
  1159. - name: Bip002 Neck
  1160. parentName:
  1161. position: {x: -0.105314255, y: -0.000025039539, z: -6.995869e-11}
  1162. rotation: {x: 0.000000029802322, y: -0.000000029802322, z: -0.000000074505806,
  1163. w: 1}
  1164. scale: {x: 1.0000002, y: 1.0000001, z: 1.0000001}
  1165. - name: Bip002 Head
  1166. parentName:
  1167. position: {x: -0.13677299, y: 0.00010888476, z: 0.00000000845112}
  1168. rotation: {x: 0, y: 0.000000059604645, z: 0.000000059604645, w: 1}
  1169. scale: {x: 0.9999999, y: 1.0000001, z: 0.99999976}
  1170. - name: Bip002 L Clavicle
  1171. parentName:
  1172. position: {x: 0.0000000067438557, y: 0.000108820546, z: 0.028353821}
  1173. rotation: {x: -0.69798297, y: -0.0000010202639, z: 0.7161144, w: 0.00000089546666}
  1174. scale: {x: 0.9999998, y: 1, z: 0.9999998}
  1175. - name: Bip002 L UpperArm
  1176. parentName:
  1177. position: {x: -0.17969485, y: -7.0730266e-10, z: -0.00000007171184}
  1178. rotation: {x: 0.04997661, y: 0.0153191, z: -0.000514911, w: 0.99863285}
  1179. scale: {x: 1.0000002, y: 1.0000004, z: 1}
  1180. - name: Bip002 L Forearm
  1181. parentName:
  1182. position: {x: -0.24303278, y: 0.000000038882717, z: -0.000000023283064}
  1183. rotation: {x: 0.000000008767529, y: 0.000000037252903, z: 0.023115458, w: 0.99973285}
  1184. scale: {x: 1.0000001, y: 0.9999999, z: 0.99999994}
  1185. - name: Bip002 L Hand
  1186. parentName:
  1187. position: {x: -0.24303298, y: 0.000000053085397, z: 0.000000588287}
  1188. rotation: {x: 0.76991737, y: 0.00000008102504, z: 0.000000029802315, w: -0.6381436}
  1189. scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}
  1190. - name: Bip002 L Finger0
  1191. parentName:
  1192. position: {x: -0.042638622, y: 0.010434511, z: -0.028118435}
  1193. rotation: {x: 0.40822387, y: -0.37375808, z: 0.07384077, w: 0.82958174}
  1194. scale: {x: 0.99999994, y: 0.9999999, z: 0.9999999}
  1195. - name: BipDummy L Finger01
  1196. parentName:
  1197. position: {x: -0.028966324, y: -0.0000001816079, z: 0.0000000041909516}
  1198. rotation: {x: 0.025261857, y: 0.031693295, z: -0.016615905, w: 0.99904025}
  1199. scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 0.99999994}
  1200. - name: BipDummy L Finger02
  1201. parentName:
  1202. position: {x: -0.03290889, y: 0.00000004263711, z: 0.00000020395964}
  1203. rotation: {x: -0.000000057567362, y: -0.00000007450579, z: -0.027279561, w: 0.9996278}
  1204. scale: {x: 1, y: 1.0000001, z: 1.0000002}
  1205. - name: BipDummy L Finger1
  1206. parentName:
  1207. position: {x: -0.1003982, y: -0.00328667, z: -0.022276811}
  1208. rotation: {x: -0.00039205045, y: 0.015487867, z: -0.0015621347, w: 0.9998788}
  1209. scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1.0000001}
  1210. - name: BipDummy L Finger11
  1211. parentName:
  1212. position: {x: -0.047266383, y: 0.00000061072694, z: 0.000000035390258}
  1213. rotation: {x: -0.000000136817, y: 0.0000011511138, z: -0.039486133, w: 0.99922013}
  1214. scale: {x: 1.0000002, y: 1.0000004, z: 1}
  1215. - name: BipDummy L Finger12
  1216. parentName:
  1217. position: {x: -0.018763227, y: -0.00000032549724, z: -0.000000059545535}
  1218. rotation: {x: 0.000000037718547, y: -0.000000059604616, z: 0.0043388214, w: 0.9999906}
  1219. scale: {x: 0.99999976, y: 0.9999998, z: 0.9999999}
  1220. - name: BipDummy L Finger2
  1221. parentName:
  1222. position: {x: -0.108389005, y: -0.0052063162, z: -0.00035918684}
  1223. rotation: {x: 0.0008863581, y: 0.031677734, z: -0.0417851, w: 0.99862397}
  1224. scale: {x: 1, y: 1.0000001, z: 1.0000002}
  1225. - name: BipDummy L Finger21
  1226. parentName:
  1227. position: {x: -0.044976473, y: 0.00000034043592, z: 0.00000010780059}
  1228. rotation: {x: 0.00000021344736, y: 0.0000011054792, z: -0.040317133, w: 0.99918693}
  1229. scale: {x: 1.0000001, y: 1, z: 1.0000001}
  1230. - name: BipDummy L Finger22
  1231. parentName:
  1232. position: {x: -0.023578681, y: -0.0000003974419, z: -0.0000000771354}
  1233. rotation: {x: -0.00000017957056, y: -0.000000003259628, z: -0.01604634, w: 0.9998713}
  1234. scale: {x: 0.99999976, y: 1.0000004, z: 1}
  1235. - name: BipDummy L Finger3
  1236. parentName:
  1237. position: {x: -0.10328616, y: 0.0010222234, z: 0.020135377}
  1238. rotation: {x: -0.00042975077, y: 0.046028804, z: -0.0032574218, w: 0.9989347}
  1239. scale: {x: 0.99999994, y: 1, z: 1}
  1240. - name: BipDummy L Finger31
  1241. parentName:
  1242. position: {x: -0.040773798, y: -0.00000026302587, z: -0.00000019185245}
  1243. rotation: {x: 0.00000029802308, y: -0.0000049341447, z: -0.03775913, w: 0.9992869}
  1244. scale: {x: 0.9999998, y: 1.0000002, z: 1.0000001}
  1245. - name: BipDummy L Finger32
  1246. parentName:
  1247. position: {x: -0.02278581, y: 0.0000002807938, z: 0.00000022004927}
  1248. rotation: {x: -0.000000013038513, y: 0.000000052154054, z: -0.11640226, w: 0.99320215}
  1249. scale: {x: 1.0000001, y: 0.99999976, z: 1}
  1250. - name: BipDummy L Finger4
  1251. parentName:
  1252. position: {x: -0.093846455, y: 0.0090998, z: 0.039979618}
  1253. rotation: {x: -0.0004194345, y: 0.046407018, z: -0.0036935555, w: 0.99891573}
  1254. scale: {x: 0.99999994, y: 1, z: 0.9999998}
  1255. - name: BipDummy L Finger41
  1256. parentName:
  1257. position: {x: -0.03211991, y: 0.00000063631137, z: 0.00000018929131}
  1258. rotation: {x: -0.00000006216574, y: 0.000004058701, z: -0.038738087, w: 0.9992494}
  1259. scale: {x: 0.9999998, y: 0.9999999, z: 1.0000002}
  1260. - name: BipDummy L Finger42
  1261. parentName:
  1262. position: {x: -0.018896252, y: -0.0000005122274, z: -0.00000014168522}
  1263. rotation: {x: 0.000000015366815, y: 0.000000051222717, z: -0.11640221, w: 0.99320215}
  1264. scale: {x: 0.99999976, y: 1.0000006, z: 1}
  1265. - name: Bip002 R Clavicle
  1266. parentName:
  1267. position: {x: -0.00000012091556, y: 0.000108973814, z: -0.02835383}
  1268. rotation: {x: -0.697983, y: 0.000000923872, z: -0.71611434, w: 0.000001013279}
  1269. scale: {x: 0.9999997, y: 1.0000001, z: 0.9999998}
  1270. - name: Bip002 R UpperArm
  1271. parentName:
  1272. position: {x: -0.17969492, y: -0.00000012507189, z: 0.000000633765}
  1273. rotation: {x: -0.049976587, y: -0.01531902, z: -0.0005149093, w: 0.9986328}
  1274. scale: {x: 1.0000005, y: 1.0000001, z: 1}
  1275. - name: Bip002 R Forearm
  1276. parentName:
  1277. position: {x: -0.2430325, y: 0.00000022316817, z: -0.0000006793998}
  1278. rotation: {x: 0, y: 0.0000000010477378, z: 0.023115417, w: 0.99973285}
  1279. scale: {x: 0.9999998, y: 0.9999999, z: 0.9999995}
  1280. - name: Bip002 R Hand
  1281. parentName:
  1282. position: {x: -0.2430327, y: -0.00000004377216, z: -0.00000017326947}
  1283. rotation: {x: -0.7699173, y: 0.00000009778885, z: -0.00000007264315, w: -0.6381436}
  1284. scale: {x: 0.9999999, y: 1.0000004, z: 1}
  1285. - name: Bip002 R Finger0
  1286. parentName:
  1287. position: {x: -0.042638727, y: 0.010434786, z: 0.028118793}
  1288. rotation: {x: -0.40822393, y: 0.37376046, z: 0.07384118, w: 0.8295805}
  1289. scale: {x: 1, y: 1.0000001, z: 1}
  1290. - name: BipDummy R Finger01
  1291. parentName:
  1292. position: {x: -0.02896633, y: -0.000000008381903, z: -0.00000012805685}
  1293. rotation: {x: -0.025262266, y: -0.031689078, z: -0.016617805, w: 0.99904037}
  1294. scale: {x: 1, y: 1.0000001, z: 1}
  1295. - name: BipDummy R Finger02
  1296. parentName:
  1297. position: {x: -0.032908842, y: -0.000000073137926, z: -0.0000007255003}
  1298. rotation: {x: -0.00000011920932, y: 0.00000007450582, z: -0.02727971, w: 0.9996279}
  1299. scale: {x: 0.9999999, y: 1.0000001, z: 1}
  1300. - name: BipDummy R Finger1
  1301. parentName:
  1302. position: {x: -0.10039827, y: -0.0032863962, z: 0.022277057}
  1303. rotation: {x: 0.00039203465, y: -0.015487777, z: -0.0015621311, w: 0.9998788}
  1304. scale: {x: 0.9999999, y: 1.0000002, z: 1.0000001}
  1305. - name: BipDummy R Finger11
  1306. parentName:
  1307. position: {x: -0.04726722, y: 0.00000001750766, z: -0.000000086496584}
  1308. rotation: {x: 0.00000008568165, y: -0.0000019725405, z: -0.03946158, w: 0.9992211}
  1309. scale: {x: 1.0000004, y: 1, z: 1}
  1310. - name: BipDummy R Finger12
  1311. parentName:
  1312. position: {x: -0.018762572, y: 0.00000028405339, z: 0.000000089274444}
  1313. rotation: {x: 0, y: 0.000000083819025, z: 0.004338693, w: 0.99999064}
  1314. scale: {x: 0.99999994, y: 0.99999976, z: 1.0000002}
  1315. - name: BipDummy R Finger2
  1316. parentName:
  1317. position: {x: -0.10838908, y: -0.0052060615, z: 0.000359183}
  1318. rotation: {x: -0.00088624656, y: -0.03167766, z: -0.041785095, w: 0.99862397}
  1319. scale: {x: 1.0000002, y: 1.0000002, z: 1.0000002}
  1320. - name: BipDummy R Finger21
  1321. parentName:
  1322. position: {x: -0.04497662, y: -0.000000009086307, z: 0.000000016065314}
  1323. rotation: {x: -0.000000040978183, y: -0.00000006984918, z: -0.04029264, w: 0.99918795}
  1324. scale: {x: 1, y: 0.99999994, z: 0.99999994}
  1325. - name: BipDummy R Finger22
  1326. parentName:
  1327. position: {x: -0.023578305, y: 0.00000041304156, z: 0.000000020974165}
  1328. rotation: {x: -0.00000002235174, y: 0.000000052386888, z: -0.016046211, w: 0.99987125}
  1329. scale: {x: 0.9999999, y: 1.0000002, z: 0.99999994}
  1330. - name: BipDummy R Finger3
  1331. parentName:
  1332. position: {x: -0.10328612, y: 0.0010222457, z: -0.020135341}
  1333. rotation: {x: 0.00042974198, y: -0.04602872, z: -0.0032574278, w: 0.9989347}
  1334. scale: {x: 1.0000001, y: 1.0000001, z: 1.0000004}
  1335. - name: BipDummy R Finger31
  1336. parentName:
  1337. position: {x: -0.040773865, y: -0.000000026494035, z: 0.00000008800998}
  1338. rotation: {x: 0.00000010803342, y: 0.0000003427267, z: -0.037773162, w: 0.99928635}
  1339. scale: {x: 1, y: 1.0000004, z: 0.99999994}
  1340. - name: BipDummy R Finger32
  1341. parentName:
  1342. position: {x: -0.022785772, y: -0.00000017508864, z: 0.000000023302835}
  1343. rotation: {x: -0.000000022351742, y: 0.000000014901161, z: -0.11640229, w: 0.9932022}
  1344. scale: {x: 1.0000002, y: 1.0000001, z: 0.99999994}
  1345. - name: BipDummy R Finger4
  1346. parentName:
  1347. position: {x: -0.09384682, y: 0.009099855, z: -0.039979562}
  1348. rotation: {x: 0.00041951978, y: -0.04640693, z: -0.0036935704, w: 0.9989157}
  1349. scale: {x: 0.9999999, y: 1.0000001, z: 1.0000001}
  1350. - name: BipDummy R Finger41
  1351. parentName:
  1352. position: {x: -0.032119773, y: 0.0000004210351, z: -0.000000005355105}
  1353. rotation: {x: -0.000000230968, y: 0.000000949949, z: -0.038713846, w: 0.99925035}
  1354. scale: {x: 1.0000001, y: 0.99999976, z: 1}
  1355. - name: BipDummy R Finger42
  1356. parentName:
  1357. position: {x: -0.018896157, y: 0.00000022724272, z: -0.00000007629675}
  1358. rotation: {x: -0.0000000037252903, y: 0.00000012665987, z: -0.1164022, w: 0.9932022}
  1359. scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 0.9999999}
  1360. - name: Dummy
  1361. parentName:
  1362. position: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  1363. rotation: {x: 0.000000021855694, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1}
  1364. scale: {x: 1.9103826, y: 1.9103826, z: 1.9103826}
  1365. armTwist: 0.5
  1366. foreArmTwist: 0.5
  1367. upperLegTwist: 0.5
  1368. legTwist: 0.5
  1369. armStretch: 0.05
  1370. legStretch: 0.05
  1371. feetSpacing: 0
  1372. rootMotionBoneName:
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  1374. hasExtraRoot: 0
  1375. skeletonHasParents: 0
  1376. lastHumanDescriptionAvatarSource: {fileID: 9000000, guid: 959d14bf134f54a6e993fe6ca6e063c0,
  1377. type: 3}
  1378. animationType: 3
  1379. humanoidOversampling: 1
  1380. additionalBone: 0
  1381. userData:
  1382. assetBundleName:
  1383. assetBundleVariant: