Swing Right Loop.FBX.meta 57 KB

  1. fileFormatVersion: 2
  2. guid: 687c90bad30a015408181d40c120d2c6
  3. ModelImporter:
  4. serializedVersion: 23
  5. fileIDToRecycleName:
  6. 100000: Bip002 Head
  7. 100002: Bip002 L Calf
  8. 100004: Bip002 L Clavicle
  9. 100006: Bip002 L Finger0
  10. 100008: Bip002 L Foot
  11. 100010: Bip002 L Forearm
  12. 100012: Bip002 L Hand
  13. 100014: Bip002 L Thigh
  14. 100016: Bip002 L Toe0
  15. 100018: Bip002 L Toe01
  16. 100020: Bip002 L Toe02
  17. 100022: Bip002 L UpperArm
  18. 100024: Bip002 Neck
  19. 100026: Bip002 Pelvis
  20. 100028: Bip002 R Calf
  21. 100030: Bip002 R Clavicle
  22. 100032: Bip002 R Finger0
  23. 100034: Bip002 R Foot
  24. 100036: Bip002 R Forearm
  25. 100038: Bip002 R Hand
  26. 100040: Bip002 R Thigh
  27. 100042: Bip002 R Toe0
  28. 100044: Bip002 R Toe01
  29. 100046: Bip002 R Toe02
  30. 100048: Bip002 R UpperArm
  31. 100050: Bip002 Spine
  32. 100052: Bip002 Spine1
  33. 100054: Bip002 Spine2
  34. 100056: Bip002 Spine3
  35. 100058: BipDummy
  36. 100060: BipDummy L Finger01
  37. 100062: BipDummy L Finger02
  38. 100064: BipDummy L Finger1
  39. 100066: BipDummy L Finger11
  40. 100068: BipDummy L Finger12
  41. 100070: BipDummy L Finger2
  42. 100072: BipDummy L Finger21
  43. 100074: BipDummy L Finger22
  44. 100076: BipDummy L Finger3
  45. 100078: BipDummy L Finger31
  46. 100080: BipDummy L Finger32
  47. 100082: BipDummy L Finger4
  48. 100084: BipDummy L Finger41
  49. 100086: BipDummy L Finger42
  50. 100088: BipDummy R Finger01
  51. 100090: BipDummy R Finger02
  52. 100092: BipDummy R Finger1
  53. 100094: BipDummy R Finger11
  54. 100096: BipDummy R Finger12
  55. 100098: BipDummy R Finger2
  56. 100100: BipDummy R Finger21
  57. 100102: BipDummy R Finger22
  58. 100104: BipDummy R Finger3
  59. 100106: BipDummy R Finger31
  60. 100108: BipDummy R Finger32
  61. 100110: BipDummy R Finger4
  62. 100112: BipDummy R Finger41
  63. 100114: BipDummy R Finger42
  64. 100116: //RootNode
  65. 400000: Bip002 Head
  66. 400002: Bip002 L Calf
  67. 400004: Bip002 L Clavicle
  68. 400006: Bip002 L Finger0
  69. 400008: Bip002 L Foot
  70. 400010: Bip002 L Forearm
  71. 400012: Bip002 L Hand
  72. 400014: Bip002 L Thigh
  73. 400016: Bip002 L Toe0
  74. 400018: Bip002 L Toe01
  75. 400020: Bip002 L Toe02
  76. 400022: Bip002 L UpperArm
  77. 400024: Bip002 Neck
  78. 400026: Bip002 Pelvis
  79. 400028: Bip002 R Calf
  80. 400030: Bip002 R Clavicle
  81. 400032: Bip002 R Finger0
  82. 400034: Bip002 R Foot
  83. 400036: Bip002 R Forearm
  84. 400038: Bip002 R Hand
  85. 400040: Bip002 R Thigh
  86. 400042: Bip002 R Toe0
  87. 400044: Bip002 R Toe01
  88. 400046: Bip002 R Toe02
  89. 400048: Bip002 R UpperArm
  90. 400050: Bip002 Spine
  91. 400052: Bip002 Spine1
  92. 400054: Bip002 Spine2
  93. 400056: Bip002 Spine3
  94. 400058: BipDummy
  95. 400060: BipDummy L Finger01
  96. 400062: BipDummy L Finger02
  97. 400064: BipDummy L Finger1
  98. 400066: BipDummy L Finger11
  99. 400068: BipDummy L Finger12
  100. 400070: BipDummy L Finger2
  101. 400072: BipDummy L Finger21
  102. 400074: BipDummy L Finger22
  103. 400076: BipDummy L Finger3
  104. 400078: BipDummy L Finger31
  105. 400080: BipDummy L Finger32
  106. 400082: BipDummy L Finger4
  107. 400084: BipDummy L Finger41
  108. 400086: BipDummy L Finger42
  109. 400088: BipDummy R Finger01
  110. 400090: BipDummy R Finger02
  111. 400092: BipDummy R Finger1
  112. 400094: BipDummy R Finger11
  113. 400096: BipDummy R Finger12
  114. 400098: BipDummy R Finger2
  115. 400100: BipDummy R Finger21
  116. 400102: BipDummy R Finger22
  117. 400104: BipDummy R Finger3
  118. 400106: BipDummy R Finger31
  119. 400108: BipDummy R Finger32
  120. 400110: BipDummy R Finger4
  121. 400112: BipDummy R Finger41
  122. 400114: BipDummy R Finger42
  123. 400116: //RootNode
  124. 7400000: Swing Right Loop (Event)
  125. 7400002: Swing Right Loop
  126. 9500000: //RootNode
  127. 2186277476908879412: ImportLogs
  128. externalObjects: {}
  129. materials:
  130. importMaterials: 1
  131. materialName: 0
  132. materialSearch: 1
  133. materialLocation: 0
  134. animations:
  135. legacyGenerateAnimations: 4
  136. bakeSimulation: 0
  137. resampleCurves: 1
  138. optimizeGameObjects: 0
  139. motionNodeName:
  140. rigImportErrors:
  141. rigImportWarnings: "Copied Avatar Rig Configuration mis-match. Bone length in
  142. copied configuration does not match position in animation file:\n\t'Bip002 L
  143. Thigh' : position error = 45.777073 mm\n\t'Bip002 R Thigh' : position error
  144. = 9.240638 mm\n"
  145. animationImportErrors:
  146. animationImportWarnings: "\nClip 'Take 001' has import animation warnings that
  147. might lower retargeting quality:\nNote: Activate translation DOF on avatar to
  148. improve retargeting quality.\n\t'Bip002 Spine' has translation animation that
  149. will be discarded.\n\t'Bip002 Spine' is inbetween humanoid transforms and has
  150. rotation animation that will be discarded.\n\t'Bip002 Spine3' is inbetween humanoid
  151. transforms and has rotation animation that will be discarded.\n\t'Bip002 Neck'
  152. is inbetween humanoid transforms and has rotation animation that will be discarded.\n\t'Bip002
  153. L Clavicle' has translation animation that will be discarded.\n\t'Bip002 R Clavicle'
  154. has translation animation that will be discarded.\n\t'Bip002 L Thigh' has translation
  155. animation that will be discarded.\n\t'Bip002 R Thigh' has translation animation
  156. that will be discarded.\n"
  157. animationRetargetingWarnings:
  158. animationDoRetargetingWarnings: 0
  159. importAnimatedCustomProperties: 0
  160. importConstraints: 0
  161. animationCompression: 3
  162. animationRotationError: 0.5
  163. animationPositionError: 0.5
  164. animationScaleError: 0.5
  165. animationWrapMode: 0
  166. extraExposedTransformPaths: []
  167. extraUserProperties: []
  168. clipAnimations:
  169. - serializedVersion: 16
  170. name: Swing Right Loop (Event)
  171. takeName: Take 001
  172. firstFrame: 0
  173. lastFrame: 80
  174. wrapMode: 0
  175. orientationOffsetY: 0
  176. level: 0
  177. cycleOffset: 0
  178. loop: 0
  179. hasAdditiveReferencePose: 0
  180. loopTime: 1
  181. loopBlend: 0
  182. loopBlendOrientation: 1
  183. loopBlendPositionY: 1
  184. loopBlendPositionXZ: 1
  185. keepOriginalOrientation: 1
  186. keepOriginalPositionY: 1
  187. keepOriginalPositionXZ: 1
  188. heightFromFeet: 0
  189. mirror: 0
  190. bodyMask: 01000000010000000100000001000000010000000100000001000000010000000100000001000000010000000100000001000000
  191. curves:
  192. - name: MotionAbsorbWeight
  193. curve:
  194. serializedVersion: 2
  195. curve:
  196. - serializedVersion: 3
  197. time: 0
  198. value: 0
  199. inSlope: 0
  200. outSlope: 0
  201. tangentMode: 0
  202. weightedMode: 0
  203. inWeight: 0.33333334
  204. outWeight: 0.33333334
  205. - serializedVersion: 3
  206. time: 0.33554083
  207. value: 0
  208. inSlope: 0
  209. outSlope: 0
  210. tangentMode: 0
  211. weightedMode: 0
  212. inWeight: 0.33333334
  213. outWeight: 0.33333334
  214. - serializedVersion: 3
  215. time: 0.36865342
  216. value: 1
  217. inSlope: 0
  218. outSlope: 0
  219. tangentMode: 0
  220. weightedMode: 0
  221. inWeight: 0.33333334
  222. outWeight: 0.33333334
  223. - serializedVersion: 3
  224. time: 0.48565122
  225. value: 1
  226. inSlope: 0
  227. outSlope: 0
  228. tangentMode: 0
  229. weightedMode: 0
  230. inWeight: 0.33333334
  231. outWeight: 0.33333334
  232. - serializedVersion: 3
  233. time: 1
  234. value: 0
  235. inSlope: 0
  236. outSlope: 0
  237. tangentMode: 0
  238. weightedMode: 0
  239. inWeight: 0.33333334
  240. outWeight: 0.33333334
  241. preInfinity: 2
  242. postInfinity: 2
  243. rotationOrder: 4
  244. events:
  245. - time: 0
  246. functionName: SwingStart
  247. data:
  248. objectReferenceParameter: {instanceID: 0}
  249. floatParameter: 0
  250. intParameter: 0
  251. messageOptions: 0
  252. transformMask:
  253. - path:
  254. weight: 1
  255. - path: BipDummy
  256. weight: 1
  257. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis
  258. weight: 1
  259. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine
  260. weight: 1
  261. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 L Thigh
  262. weight: 1
  263. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 L Thigh/Bip002 L Calf
  264. weight: 1
  265. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 L Thigh/Bip002 L Calf/Bip002
  266. L Foot
  267. weight: 1
  268. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 L Thigh/Bip002 L Calf/Bip002
  269. L Foot/Bip002 L Toe0
  270. weight: 1
  271. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 L Thigh/Bip002 L Calf/Bip002
  272. L Foot/Bip002 L Toe0/Bip002 L Toe01
  273. weight: 0
  274. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 L Thigh/Bip002 L Calf/Bip002
  275. L Foot/Bip002 L Toe0/Bip002 L Toe01/Bip002 L Toe02
  276. weight: 0
  277. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 R Thigh
  278. weight: 1
  279. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 R Thigh/Bip002 R Calf
  280. weight: 1
  281. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 R Thigh/Bip002 R Calf/Bip002
  282. R Foot
  283. weight: 1
  284. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 R Thigh/Bip002 R Calf/Bip002
  285. R Foot/Bip002 R Toe0
  286. weight: 1
  287. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 R Thigh/Bip002 R Calf/Bip002
  288. R Foot/Bip002 R Toe0/Bip002 R Toe01
  289. weight: 0
  290. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 R Thigh/Bip002 R Calf/Bip002
  291. R Foot/Bip002 R Toe0/Bip002 R Toe01/Bip002 R Toe02
  292. weight: 0
  293. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1
  294. weight: 1
  295. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2
  296. weight: 1
  297. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  298. Spine3
  299. weight: 1
  300. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  301. Spine3/Bip002 Neck
  302. weight: 1
  303. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  304. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 Head
  305. weight: 1
  306. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  307. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 L Clavicle
  308. weight: 1
  309. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  310. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 L Clavicle/Bip002 L UpperArm
  311. weight: 1
  312. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  313. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 L Clavicle/Bip002 L UpperArm/Bip002 L Forearm
  314. weight: 1
  315. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  316. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 L Clavicle/Bip002 L UpperArm/Bip002 L Forearm/Bip002
  317. L Hand
  318. weight: 1
  319. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  320. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 L Clavicle/Bip002 L UpperArm/Bip002 L Forearm/Bip002
  321. L Hand/Bip002 L Finger0
  322. weight: 1
  323. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  324. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 L Clavicle/Bip002 L UpperArm/Bip002 L Forearm/Bip002
  325. L Hand/Bip002 L Finger0/BipDummy L Finger01
  326. weight: 1
  327. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  328. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 L Clavicle/Bip002 L UpperArm/Bip002 L Forearm/Bip002
  329. L Hand/Bip002 L Finger0/BipDummy L Finger01/BipDummy L Finger02
  330. weight: 1
  331. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  332. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 L Clavicle/Bip002 L UpperArm/Bip002 L Forearm/Bip002
  333. L Hand/BipDummy L Finger1
  334. weight: 1
  335. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  336. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 L Clavicle/Bip002 L UpperArm/Bip002 L Forearm/Bip002
  337. L Hand/BipDummy L Finger1/BipDummy L Finger11
  338. weight: 1
  339. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  340. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 L Clavicle/Bip002 L UpperArm/Bip002 L Forearm/Bip002
  341. L Hand/BipDummy L Finger1/BipDummy L Finger11/BipDummy L Finger12
  342. weight: 1
  343. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  344. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 L Clavicle/Bip002 L UpperArm/Bip002 L Forearm/Bip002
  345. L Hand/BipDummy L Finger2
  346. weight: 1
  347. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  348. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 L Clavicle/Bip002 L UpperArm/Bip002 L Forearm/Bip002
  349. L Hand/BipDummy L Finger2/BipDummy L Finger21
  350. weight: 1
  351. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  352. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 L Clavicle/Bip002 L UpperArm/Bip002 L Forearm/Bip002
  353. L Hand/BipDummy L Finger2/BipDummy L Finger21/BipDummy L Finger22
  354. weight: 1
  355. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  356. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 L Clavicle/Bip002 L UpperArm/Bip002 L Forearm/Bip002
  357. L Hand/BipDummy L Finger3
  358. weight: 1
  359. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  360. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 L Clavicle/Bip002 L UpperArm/Bip002 L Forearm/Bip002
  361. L Hand/BipDummy L Finger3/BipDummy L Finger31
  362. weight: 1
  363. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  364. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 L Clavicle/Bip002 L UpperArm/Bip002 L Forearm/Bip002
  365. L Hand/BipDummy L Finger3/BipDummy L Finger31/BipDummy L Finger32
  366. weight: 1
  367. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  368. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 L Clavicle/Bip002 L UpperArm/Bip002 L Forearm/Bip002
  369. L Hand/BipDummy L Finger4
  370. weight: 1
  371. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  372. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 L Clavicle/Bip002 L UpperArm/Bip002 L Forearm/Bip002
  373. L Hand/BipDummy L Finger4/BipDummy L Finger41
  374. weight: 1
  375. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  376. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 L Clavicle/Bip002 L UpperArm/Bip002 L Forearm/Bip002
  377. L Hand/BipDummy L Finger4/BipDummy L Finger41/BipDummy L Finger42
  378. weight: 1
  379. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  380. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 R Clavicle
  381. weight: 1
  382. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  383. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 R Clavicle/Bip002 R UpperArm
  384. weight: 1
  385. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  386. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 R Clavicle/Bip002 R UpperArm/Bip002 R Forearm
  387. weight: 1
  388. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  389. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 R Clavicle/Bip002 R UpperArm/Bip002 R Forearm/Bip002
  390. R Hand
  391. weight: 1
  392. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  393. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 R Clavicle/Bip002 R UpperArm/Bip002 R Forearm/Bip002
  394. R Hand/Bip002 R Finger0
  395. weight: 1
  396. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  397. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 R Clavicle/Bip002 R UpperArm/Bip002 R Forearm/Bip002
  398. R Hand/Bip002 R Finger0/BipDummy R Finger01
  399. weight: 1
  400. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  401. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 R Clavicle/Bip002 R UpperArm/Bip002 R Forearm/Bip002
  402. R Hand/Bip002 R Finger0/BipDummy R Finger01/BipDummy R Finger02
  403. weight: 1
  404. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  405. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 R Clavicle/Bip002 R UpperArm/Bip002 R Forearm/Bip002
  406. R Hand/BipDummy R Finger1
  407. weight: 1
  408. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  409. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 R Clavicle/Bip002 R UpperArm/Bip002 R Forearm/Bip002
  410. R Hand/BipDummy R Finger1/BipDummy R Finger11
  411. weight: 1
  412. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  413. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 R Clavicle/Bip002 R UpperArm/Bip002 R Forearm/Bip002
  414. R Hand/BipDummy R Finger1/BipDummy R Finger11/BipDummy R Finger12
  415. weight: 1
  416. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  417. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 R Clavicle/Bip002 R UpperArm/Bip002 R Forearm/Bip002
  418. R Hand/BipDummy R Finger2
  419. weight: 1
  420. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  421. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 R Clavicle/Bip002 R UpperArm/Bip002 R Forearm/Bip002
  422. R Hand/BipDummy R Finger2/BipDummy R Finger21
  423. weight: 1
  424. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  425. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 R Clavicle/Bip002 R UpperArm/Bip002 R Forearm/Bip002
  426. R Hand/BipDummy R Finger2/BipDummy R Finger21/BipDummy R Finger22
  427. weight: 1
  428. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  429. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 R Clavicle/Bip002 R UpperArm/Bip002 R Forearm/Bip002
  430. R Hand/BipDummy R Finger3
  431. weight: 1
  432. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  433. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 R Clavicle/Bip002 R UpperArm/Bip002 R Forearm/Bip002
  434. R Hand/BipDummy R Finger3/BipDummy R Finger31
  435. weight: 1
  436. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  437. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 R Clavicle/Bip002 R UpperArm/Bip002 R Forearm/Bip002
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  439. weight: 1
  440. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  441. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 R Clavicle/Bip002 R UpperArm/Bip002 R Forearm/Bip002
  442. R Hand/BipDummy R Finger4
  443. weight: 1
  444. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  445. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 R Clavicle/Bip002 R UpperArm/Bip002 R Forearm/Bip002
  446. R Hand/BipDummy R Finger4/BipDummy R Finger41
  447. weight: 1
  448. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  449. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 R Clavicle/Bip002 R UpperArm/Bip002 R Forearm/Bip002
  450. R Hand/BipDummy R Finger4/BipDummy R Finger41/BipDummy R Finger42
  451. weight: 1
  452. maskType: 0
  453. maskSource: {instanceID: 0}
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  455. - serializedVersion: 16
  456. name: Swing Right Loop
  457. takeName: Take 001
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  478. events: []
  479. transformMask:
  480. - path:
  481. weight: 1
  482. - path: BipDummy
  483. weight: 1
  484. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis
  485. weight: 1
  486. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine
  487. weight: 1
  488. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 L Thigh
  489. weight: 1
  490. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 L Thigh/Bip002 L Calf
  491. weight: 1
  492. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 L Thigh/Bip002 L Calf/Bip002
  493. L Foot
  494. weight: 1
  495. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 L Thigh/Bip002 L Calf/Bip002
  496. L Foot/Bip002 L Toe0
  497. weight: 1
  498. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 L Thigh/Bip002 L Calf/Bip002
  499. L Foot/Bip002 L Toe0/Bip002 L Toe01
  500. weight: 0
  501. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 L Thigh/Bip002 L Calf/Bip002
  502. L Foot/Bip002 L Toe0/Bip002 L Toe01/Bip002 L Toe02
  503. weight: 0
  504. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 R Thigh
  505. weight: 1
  506. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 R Thigh/Bip002 R Calf
  507. weight: 1
  508. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 R Thigh/Bip002 R Calf/Bip002
  509. R Foot
  510. weight: 1
  511. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 R Thigh/Bip002 R Calf/Bip002
  512. R Foot/Bip002 R Toe0
  513. weight: 1
  514. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 R Thigh/Bip002 R Calf/Bip002
  515. R Foot/Bip002 R Toe0/Bip002 R Toe01
  516. weight: 0
  517. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 R Thigh/Bip002 R Calf/Bip002
  518. R Foot/Bip002 R Toe0/Bip002 R Toe01/Bip002 R Toe02
  519. weight: 0
  520. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1
  521. weight: 1
  522. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2
  523. weight: 1
  524. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  525. Spine3
  526. weight: 1
  527. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  528. Spine3/Bip002 Neck
  529. weight: 1
  530. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  531. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 Head
  532. weight: 1
  533. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
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  535. weight: 1
  536. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  537. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 L Clavicle/Bip002 L UpperArm
  538. weight: 1
  539. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  540. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 L Clavicle/Bip002 L UpperArm/Bip002 L Forearm
  541. weight: 1
  542. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  543. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 L Clavicle/Bip002 L UpperArm/Bip002 L Forearm/Bip002
  544. L Hand
  545. weight: 1
  546. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  547. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 L Clavicle/Bip002 L UpperArm/Bip002 L Forearm/Bip002
  548. L Hand/Bip002 L Finger0
  549. weight: 1
  550. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  551. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 L Clavicle/Bip002 L UpperArm/Bip002 L Forearm/Bip002
  552. L Hand/Bip002 L Finger0/BipDummy L Finger01
  553. weight: 1
  554. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  555. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 L Clavicle/Bip002 L UpperArm/Bip002 L Forearm/Bip002
  556. L Hand/Bip002 L Finger0/BipDummy L Finger01/BipDummy L Finger02
  557. weight: 1
  558. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  559. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 L Clavicle/Bip002 L UpperArm/Bip002 L Forearm/Bip002
  560. L Hand/BipDummy L Finger1
  561. weight: 1
  562. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  563. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 L Clavicle/Bip002 L UpperArm/Bip002 L Forearm/Bip002
  564. L Hand/BipDummy L Finger1/BipDummy L Finger11
  565. weight: 1
  566. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  567. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 L Clavicle/Bip002 L UpperArm/Bip002 L Forearm/Bip002
  568. L Hand/BipDummy L Finger1/BipDummy L Finger11/BipDummy L Finger12
  569. weight: 1
  570. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  571. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 L Clavicle/Bip002 L UpperArm/Bip002 L Forearm/Bip002
  572. L Hand/BipDummy L Finger2
  573. weight: 1
  574. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  575. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 L Clavicle/Bip002 L UpperArm/Bip002 L Forearm/Bip002
  576. L Hand/BipDummy L Finger2/BipDummy L Finger21
  577. weight: 1
  578. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  579. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 L Clavicle/Bip002 L UpperArm/Bip002 L Forearm/Bip002
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  581. weight: 1
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  583. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 L Clavicle/Bip002 L UpperArm/Bip002 L Forearm/Bip002
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  585. weight: 1
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  587. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 L Clavicle/Bip002 L UpperArm/Bip002 L Forearm/Bip002
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  591. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 L Clavicle/Bip002 L UpperArm/Bip002 L Forearm/Bip002
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  593. weight: 1
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  595. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 L Clavicle/Bip002 L UpperArm/Bip002 L Forearm/Bip002
  596. L Hand/BipDummy L Finger4
  597. weight: 1
  598. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  599. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 L Clavicle/Bip002 L UpperArm/Bip002 L Forearm/Bip002
  600. L Hand/BipDummy L Finger4/BipDummy L Finger41
  601. weight: 1
  602. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  603. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 L Clavicle/Bip002 L UpperArm/Bip002 L Forearm/Bip002
  604. L Hand/BipDummy L Finger4/BipDummy L Finger41/BipDummy L Finger42
  605. weight: 1
  606. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  607. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 R Clavicle
  608. weight: 1
  609. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
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  611. weight: 1
  612. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  613. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 R Clavicle/Bip002 R UpperArm/Bip002 R Forearm
  614. weight: 1
  615. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  616. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 R Clavicle/Bip002 R UpperArm/Bip002 R Forearm/Bip002
  617. R Hand
  618. weight: 1
  619. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  620. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 R Clavicle/Bip002 R UpperArm/Bip002 R Forearm/Bip002
  621. R Hand/Bip002 R Finger0
  622. weight: 1
  623. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  624. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 R Clavicle/Bip002 R UpperArm/Bip002 R Forearm/Bip002
  625. R Hand/Bip002 R Finger0/BipDummy R Finger01
  626. weight: 1
  627. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  628. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 R Clavicle/Bip002 R UpperArm/Bip002 R Forearm/Bip002
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  630. weight: 1
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  632. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 R Clavicle/Bip002 R UpperArm/Bip002 R Forearm/Bip002
  633. R Hand/BipDummy R Finger1
  634. weight: 1
  635. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  636. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 R Clavicle/Bip002 R UpperArm/Bip002 R Forearm/Bip002
  637. R Hand/BipDummy R Finger1/BipDummy R Finger11
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  640. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 R Clavicle/Bip002 R UpperArm/Bip002 R Forearm/Bip002
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  642. weight: 1
  643. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  644. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 R Clavicle/Bip002 R UpperArm/Bip002 R Forearm/Bip002
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  648. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 R Clavicle/Bip002 R UpperArm/Bip002 R Forearm/Bip002
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  650. weight: 1
  651. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  652. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 R Clavicle/Bip002 R UpperArm/Bip002 R Forearm/Bip002
  653. R Hand/BipDummy R Finger2/BipDummy R Finger21/BipDummy R Finger22
  654. weight: 1
  655. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  656. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 R Clavicle/Bip002 R UpperArm/Bip002 R Forearm/Bip002
  657. R Hand/BipDummy R Finger3
  658. weight: 1
  659. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  660. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 R Clavicle/Bip002 R UpperArm/Bip002 R Forearm/Bip002
  661. R Hand/BipDummy R Finger3/BipDummy R Finger31
  662. weight: 1
  663. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  664. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 R Clavicle/Bip002 R UpperArm/Bip002 R Forearm/Bip002
  665. R Hand/BipDummy R Finger3/BipDummy R Finger31/BipDummy R Finger32
  666. weight: 1
  667. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  668. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 R Clavicle/Bip002 R UpperArm/Bip002 R Forearm/Bip002
  669. R Hand/BipDummy R Finger4
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  672. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 R Clavicle/Bip002 R UpperArm/Bip002 R Forearm/Bip002
  673. R Hand/BipDummy R Finger4/BipDummy R Finger41
  674. weight: 1
  675. - path: BipDummy/Bip002 Pelvis/Bip002 Spine/Bip002 Spine1/Bip002 Spine2/Bip002
  676. Spine3/Bip002 Neck/Bip002 R Clavicle/Bip002 R UpperArm/Bip002 R Forearm/Bip002
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  843. limit:
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  845. max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  846. value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  847. length: 0
  848. modified: 0
  849. - boneName: Bip002 L Thigh
  850. humanName: LeftUpperLeg
  851. limit:
  852. min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  853. max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  854. value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  855. length: 0
  856. modified: 0
  857. - boneName: Bip002 L Calf
  858. humanName: LeftLowerLeg
  859. limit:
  860. min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  861. max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  862. value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  863. length: 0
  864. modified: 0
  865. - boneName: Bip002 L Foot
  866. humanName: LeftFoot
  867. limit:
  868. min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  869. max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  870. value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  871. length: 0
  872. modified: 0
  873. - boneName: Bip002 L Toe0
  874. humanName: LeftToes
  875. limit:
  876. min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  877. max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  878. value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  879. length: 0
  880. modified: 0
  881. - boneName: Bip002 L Finger0
  882. humanName: Left Thumb Proximal
  883. limit:
  884. min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  885. max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  886. value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  887. length: 0
  888. modified: 0
  889. - boneName: BipDummy L Finger01
  890. humanName: Left Thumb Intermediate
  891. limit:
  892. min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  893. max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  894. value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  895. length: 0
  896. modified: 0
  897. - boneName: BipDummy L Finger02
  898. humanName: Left Thumb Distal
  899. limit:
  900. min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  901. max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  902. value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  903. length: 0
  904. modified: 0
  905. - boneName: BipDummy L Finger1
  906. humanName: Left Index Proximal
  907. limit:
  908. min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  909. max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  910. value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  911. length: 0
  912. modified: 0
  913. - boneName: BipDummy L Finger11
  914. humanName: Left Index Intermediate
  915. limit:
  916. min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  917. max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  918. value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  919. length: 0
  920. modified: 0
  921. - boneName: BipDummy L Finger12
  922. humanName: Left Index Distal
  923. limit:
  924. min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  925. max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  926. value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  927. length: 0
  928. modified: 0
  929. - boneName: BipDummy L Finger2
  930. humanName: Left Middle Proximal
  931. limit:
  932. min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  933. max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  934. value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  935. length: 0
  936. modified: 0
  937. - boneName: BipDummy L Finger21
  938. humanName: Left Middle Intermediate
  939. limit:
  940. min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  941. max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  942. value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  943. length: 0
  944. modified: 0
  945. - boneName: BipDummy L Finger22
  946. humanName: Left Middle Distal
  947. limit:
  948. min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  949. max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  950. value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  951. length: 0
  952. modified: 0
  953. - boneName: BipDummy L Finger3
  954. humanName: Left Ring Proximal
  955. limit:
  956. min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  957. max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  958. value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  959. length: 0
  960. modified: 0
  961. - boneName: BipDummy L Finger31
  962. humanName: Left Ring Intermediate
  963. limit:
  964. min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  965. max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  966. value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  967. length: 0
  968. modified: 0
  969. - boneName: BipDummy L Finger32
  970. humanName: Left Ring Distal
  971. limit:
  972. min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  973. max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  974. value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  975. length: 0
  976. modified: 0
  977. - boneName: BipDummy L Finger4
  978. humanName: Left Little Proximal
  979. limit:
  980. min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  981. max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  982. value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  983. length: 0
  984. modified: 0
  985. - boneName: BipDummy L Finger41
  986. humanName: Left Little Intermediate
  987. limit:
  988. min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  989. max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  990. value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  991. length: 0
  992. modified: 0
  993. - boneName: BipDummy L Finger42
  994. humanName: Left Little Distal
  995. limit:
  996. min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  997. max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  998. value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  999. length: 0
  1000. modified: 0
  1001. - boneName: Bip002 R Finger0
  1002. humanName: Right Thumb Proximal
  1003. limit:
  1004. min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  1005. max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  1006. value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  1007. length: 0
  1008. modified: 0
  1009. - boneName: BipDummy R Finger01
  1010. humanName: Right Thumb Intermediate
  1011. limit:
  1012. min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  1013. max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  1014. value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  1015. length: 0
  1016. modified: 0
  1017. - boneName: BipDummy R Finger02
  1018. humanName: Right Thumb Distal
  1019. limit:
  1020. min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  1021. max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  1022. value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  1023. length: 0
  1024. modified: 0
  1025. - boneName: BipDummy R Finger1
  1026. humanName: Right Index Proximal
  1027. limit:
  1028. min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  1029. max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  1030. value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  1031. length: 0
  1032. modified: 0
  1033. - boneName: BipDummy R Finger11
  1034. humanName: Right Index Intermediate
  1035. limit:
  1036. min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  1037. max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  1038. value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  1039. length: 0
  1040. modified: 0
  1041. - boneName: BipDummy R Finger12
  1042. humanName: Right Index Distal
  1043. limit:
  1044. min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  1045. max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  1046. value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  1047. length: 0
  1048. modified: 0
  1049. - boneName: BipDummy R Finger2
  1050. humanName: Right Middle Proximal
  1051. limit:
  1052. min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  1053. max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  1054. value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  1055. length: 0
  1056. modified: 0
  1057. - boneName: BipDummy R Finger21
  1058. humanName: Right Middle Intermediate
  1059. limit:
  1060. min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  1061. max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  1062. value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  1063. length: 0
  1064. modified: 0
  1065. - boneName: BipDummy R Finger22
  1066. humanName: Right Middle Distal
  1067. limit:
  1068. min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  1069. max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  1070. value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  1071. length: 0
  1072. modified: 0
  1073. - boneName: BipDummy R Finger3
  1074. humanName: Right Ring Proximal
  1075. limit:
  1076. min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  1077. max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  1078. value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  1079. length: 0
  1080. modified: 0
  1081. - boneName: BipDummy R Finger31
  1082. humanName: Right Ring Intermediate
  1083. limit:
  1084. min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  1085. max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  1086. value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  1087. length: 0
  1088. modified: 0
  1089. - boneName: BipDummy R Finger32
  1090. humanName: Right Ring Distal
  1091. limit:
  1092. min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  1093. max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  1094. value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  1095. length: 0
  1096. modified: 0
  1097. - boneName: BipDummy R Finger4
  1098. humanName: Right Little Proximal
  1099. limit:
  1100. min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  1101. max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  1102. value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  1103. length: 0
  1104. modified: 0
  1105. - boneName: BipDummy R Finger41
  1106. humanName: Right Little Intermediate
  1107. limit:
  1108. min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  1109. max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  1110. value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  1111. length: 0
  1112. modified: 0
  1113. - boneName: BipDummy R Finger42
  1114. humanName: Right Little Distal
  1115. limit:
  1116. min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  1117. max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  1118. value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  1119. length: 0
  1120. modified: 0
  1121. skeleton:
  1122. - name: DummyHumanoid(Clone)
  1123. parentName:
  1124. position: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  1125. rotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1}
  1126. scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}
  1127. - name: BipDummy
  1128. parentName:
  1129. position: {x: 1.3775536e-18, y: 0.89922386, z: -0.029839283}
  1130. rotation: {x: 0.5, y: -0.5, z: -0.5, w: -0.5}
  1131. scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}
  1132. - name: Bip002 Pelvis
  1133. parentName:
  1134. position: {x: 0, y: -1.234051e-14, z: 0.028160214}
  1135. rotation: {x: -0.49999928, y: 0.5000007, z: 0.49999937, w: 0.5000007}
  1136. scale: {x: 0.9999999, y: 1, z: 1}
  1137. - name: Bip002 Spine
  1138. parentName:
  1139. position: {x: -0.09316266, y: -0.000083809755, z: 1.1734097e-10}
  1140. rotation: {x: -0.0000020861623, y: 0.000000059604638, z: -0.000000059604638,
  1141. w: 1}
  1142. scale: {x: 1.0000001, y: 0.99999994, z: 1}
  1143. - name: Bip002 L Thigh
  1144. parentName:
  1145. position: {x: 0.093162894, y: 0.00008359344, z: 0.096502215}
  1146. rotation: {x: -0.005138248, y: 0.9999868, z: 0.0000013560057, w: 0.000000014901161}
  1147. scale: {x: 1, y: 1.0000002, z: 1.0000001}
  1148. - name: Bip002 L Calf
  1149. parentName:
  1150. position: {x: -0.42230663, y: 0.00000007497171, z: -0.00000007093637}
  1151. rotation: {x: -0.00000008940697, y: 0, z: 0.014341444, w: 0.99989724}
  1152. scale: {x: 0.9999998, y: 0.99999976, z: 0.9999999}
  1153. - name: Bip002 L Foot
  1154. parentName:
  1155. position: {x: -0.41098928, y: -0.00000006612389, z: -0.00000007465544}
  1156. rotation: {x: 0.000000119209275, y: 0, z: -0.009203493, w: 0.9999577}
  1157. scale: {x: 1.0000001, y: 1, z: 0.9999999}
  1158. - name: Bip002 L Toe0
  1159. parentName:
  1160. position: {x: -0.067168415, y: 0.13374837, z: -0.000000024240492}
  1161. rotation: {x: 0.00000044703472, y: 0.0000004326868, z: -0.7071069, w: 0.7071067}
  1162. scale: {x: 1.0000005, y: 1.0000001, z: 1.0000001}
  1163. - name: Bip002 L Toe01
  1164. parentName:
  1165. position: {x: -0.012151627, y: 0, z: 0}
  1166. rotation: {x: 0, y: -9.407548e-16, z: -0, w: 1}
  1167. scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}
  1168. - name: Bip002 L Toe02
  1169. parentName:
  1170. position: {x: -0.01215166, y: 0.00000002111079, z: -0.000000040276696}
  1171. rotation: {x: -0.0000000229817, y: -1.817697e-15, z: 0.000000083167755, w: 1}
  1172. scale: {x: 1.0000001, y: 1, z: 1}
  1173. - name: Bip002 R Thigh
  1174. parentName:
  1175. position: {x: 0.09316297, y: 0.0000841267, z: -0.09650221}
  1176. rotation: {x: -0.005138263, y: 0.9999869, z: 0.0000013560057, w: 0.00000008940697}
  1177. scale: {x: 0.9999998, y: 1.0000004, z: 1}
  1178. - name: Bip002 R Calf
  1179. parentName:
  1180. position: {x: -0.4223065, y: 0.000000044703505, z: 0.00000007394767}
  1181. rotation: {x: 0, y: 0.000000029802319, z: 0.0143415015, w: 0.99989724}
  1182. scale: {x: 0.99999994, y: 0.99999964, z: 1}
  1183. - name: Bip002 R Foot
  1184. parentName:
  1185. position: {x: -0.41098946, y: 0.00000004656613, z: -0.00000004192601}
  1186. rotation: {x: -0.000000059604645, y: 0.000000029802322, z: -0.009203613, w: 0.9999577}
  1187. scale: {x: 0.9999999, y: 1.0000002, z: 0.99999976}
  1188. - name: Bip002 R Toe0
  1189. parentName:
  1190. position: {x: -0.06716851, y: 0.13374832, z: -0.0000000077897795}
  1191. rotation: {x: 0.00000044703484, y: 0.00000046248903, z: -0.7071068, w: 0.7071068}
  1192. scale: {x: 1.0000004, y: 1, z: 1.0000001}
  1193. - name: Bip002 R Toe01
  1194. parentName:
  1195. position: {x: -0.012151627, y: 0, z: 0}
  1196. rotation: {x: 0, y: -1.0418551e-15, z: -0, w: 1}
  1197. scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}
  1198. - name: Bip002 R Toe02
  1199. parentName:
  1200. position: {x: -0.012151634, y: -0.000000092304155, z: -0.00000003691771}
  1201. rotation: {x: -0.00000006384074, y: -3.531438e-18, z: 1.6161023e-10, w: 1}
  1202. scale: {x: 1.0000001, y: 1, z: 1}
  1203. - name: Bip002 Spine1
  1204. parentName:
  1205. position: {x: -0.1053141, y: -0.0000000044125947, z: -0.000000012554314}
  1206. rotation: {x: 0, y: -0.000000059604645, z: 0, w: 1}
  1207. scale: {x: 1.0000001, y: 1, z: 1}
  1208. - name: Bip002 Spine2
  1209. parentName:
  1210. position: {x: -0.10531449, y: 0.0000000037252903, z: -1.8889751e-13}
  1211. rotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1}
  1212. scale: {x: 0.9999997, y: 1, z: 0.9999999}
  1213. - name: Bip002 Spine3
  1214. parentName:
  1215. position: {x: -0.10531366, y: 0.000000009313226, z: -1.9923646e-13}
  1216. rotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1}
  1217. scale: {x: 1.0000001, y: 0.99999994, z: 1.0000001}
  1218. - name: Bip002 Neck
  1219. parentName:
  1220. position: {x: -0.105314255, y: -0.000025039539, z: -6.995869e-11}
  1221. rotation: {x: 0.000000029802322, y: -0.000000029802322, z: -0.000000074505806,
  1222. w: 1}
  1223. scale: {x: 1.0000002, y: 1.0000001, z: 1.0000001}
  1224. - name: Bip002 Head
  1225. parentName:
  1226. position: {x: -0.13677299, y: 0.00010888476, z: 0.00000000845112}
  1227. rotation: {x: 0, y: 0.000000059604645, z: 0.000000059604645, w: 1}
  1228. scale: {x: 0.9999999, y: 1.0000001, z: 0.99999976}
  1229. - name: Bip002 L Clavicle
  1230. parentName:
  1231. position: {x: 0.0000000067438557, y: 0.000108820546, z: 0.028353821}
  1232. rotation: {x: -0.69798297, y: -0.0000010202639, z: 0.7161144, w: 0.00000089546666}
  1233. scale: {x: 0.9999998, y: 1, z: 0.9999998}
  1234. - name: Bip002 L UpperArm
  1235. parentName:
  1236. position: {x: -0.17969485, y: -7.0730266e-10, z: -0.00000007171184}
  1237. rotation: {x: 0.04997661, y: 0.0153191, z: -0.000514911, w: 0.99863285}
  1238. scale: {x: 1.0000002, y: 1.0000004, z: 1}
  1239. - name: Bip002 L Forearm
  1240. parentName:
  1241. position: {x: -0.24303278, y: 0.000000038882717, z: -0.000000023283064}
  1242. rotation: {x: 0.000000008767529, y: 0.000000037252903, z: 0.023115458, w: 0.99973285}
  1243. scale: {x: 1.0000001, y: 0.9999999, z: 0.99999994}
  1244. - name: Bip002 L Hand
  1245. parentName:
  1246. position: {x: -0.24303298, y: 0.000000053085397, z: 0.000000588287}
  1247. rotation: {x: 0.76991737, y: 0.00000008102504, z: 0.000000029802315, w: -0.6381436}
  1248. scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}
  1249. - name: Bip002 L Finger0
  1250. parentName:
  1251. position: {x: -0.042638622, y: 0.010434511, z: -0.028118435}
  1252. rotation: {x: 0.40822387, y: -0.37375808, z: 0.07384077, w: 0.82958174}
  1253. scale: {x: 0.99999994, y: 0.9999999, z: 0.9999999}
  1254. - name: BipDummy L Finger01
  1255. parentName:
  1256. position: {x: -0.028966324, y: -0.0000001816079, z: 0.0000000041909516}
  1257. rotation: {x: 0.025261857, y: 0.031693295, z: -0.016615905, w: 0.99904025}
  1258. scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 0.99999994}
  1259. - name: BipDummy L Finger02
  1260. parentName:
  1261. position: {x: -0.03290889, y: 0.00000004263711, z: 0.00000020395964}
  1262. rotation: {x: -0.000000057567362, y: -0.00000007450579, z: -0.027279561, w: 0.9996278}
  1263. scale: {x: 1, y: 1.0000001, z: 1.0000002}
  1264. - name: BipDummy L Finger1
  1265. parentName:
  1266. position: {x: -0.1003982, y: -0.00328667, z: -0.022276811}
  1267. rotation: {x: -0.00039205045, y: 0.015487867, z: -0.0015621347, w: 0.9998788}
  1268. scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1.0000001}
  1269. - name: BipDummy L Finger11
  1270. parentName:
  1271. position: {x: -0.047266383, y: 0.00000061072694, z: 0.000000035390258}
  1272. rotation: {x: -0.000000136817, y: 0.0000011511138, z: -0.039486133, w: 0.99922013}
  1273. scale: {x: 1.0000002, y: 1.0000004, z: 1}
  1274. - name: BipDummy L Finger12
  1275. parentName:
  1276. position: {x: -0.018763227, y: -0.00000032549724, z: -0.000000059545535}
  1277. rotation: {x: 0.000000037718547, y: -0.000000059604616, z: 0.0043388214, w: 0.9999906}
  1278. scale: {x: 0.99999976, y: 0.9999998, z: 0.9999999}
  1279. - name: BipDummy L Finger2
  1280. parentName:
  1281. position: {x: -0.108389005, y: -0.0052063162, z: -0.00035918684}
  1282. rotation: {x: 0.0008863581, y: 0.031677734, z: -0.0417851, w: 0.99862397}
  1283. scale: {x: 1, y: 1.0000001, z: 1.0000002}
  1284. - name: BipDummy L Finger21
  1285. parentName:
  1286. position: {x: -0.044976473, y: 0.00000034043592, z: 0.00000010780059}
  1287. rotation: {x: 0.00000021344736, y: 0.0000011054792, z: -0.040317133, w: 0.99918693}
  1288. scale: {x: 1.0000001, y: 1, z: 1.0000001}
  1289. - name: BipDummy L Finger22
  1290. parentName:
  1291. position: {x: -0.023578681, y: -0.0000003974419, z: -0.0000000771354}
  1292. rotation: {x: -0.00000017957056, y: -0.000000003259628, z: -0.01604634, w: 0.9998713}
  1293. scale: {x: 0.99999976, y: 1.0000004, z: 1}
  1294. - name: BipDummy L Finger3
  1295. parentName:
  1296. position: {x: -0.10328616, y: 0.0010222234, z: 0.020135377}
  1297. rotation: {x: -0.00042975077, y: 0.046028804, z: -0.0032574218, w: 0.9989347}
  1298. scale: {x: 0.99999994, y: 1, z: 1}
  1299. - name: BipDummy L Finger31
  1300. parentName:
  1301. position: {x: -0.040773798, y: -0.00000026302587, z: -0.00000019185245}
  1302. rotation: {x: 0.00000029802308, y: -0.0000049341447, z: -0.03775913, w: 0.9992869}
  1303. scale: {x: 0.9999998, y: 1.0000002, z: 1.0000001}
  1304. - name: BipDummy L Finger32
  1305. parentName:
  1306. position: {x: -0.02278581, y: 0.0000002807938, z: 0.00000022004927}
  1307. rotation: {x: -0.000000013038513, y: 0.000000052154054, z: -0.11640226, w: 0.99320215}
  1308. scale: {x: 1.0000001, y: 0.99999976, z: 1}
  1309. - name: BipDummy L Finger4
  1310. parentName:
  1311. position: {x: -0.093846455, y: 0.0090998, z: 0.039979618}
  1312. rotation: {x: -0.0004194345, y: 0.046407018, z: -0.0036935555, w: 0.99891573}
  1313. scale: {x: 0.99999994, y: 1, z: 0.9999998}
  1314. - name: BipDummy L Finger41
  1315. parentName:
  1316. position: {x: -0.03211991, y: 0.00000063631137, z: 0.00000018929131}
  1317. rotation: {x: -0.00000006216574, y: 0.000004058701, z: -0.038738087, w: 0.9992494}
  1318. scale: {x: 0.9999998, y: 0.9999999, z: 1.0000002}
  1319. - name: BipDummy L Finger42
  1320. parentName:
  1321. position: {x: -0.018896252, y: -0.0000005122274, z: -0.00000014168522}
  1322. rotation: {x: 0.000000015366815, y: 0.000000051222717, z: -0.11640221, w: 0.99320215}
  1323. scale: {x: 0.99999976, y: 1.0000006, z: 1}
  1324. - name: Bip002 R Clavicle
  1325. parentName:
  1326. position: {x: -0.00000012091556, y: 0.000108973814, z: -0.02835383}
  1327. rotation: {x: -0.697983, y: 0.000000923872, z: -0.71611434, w: 0.000001013279}
  1328. scale: {x: 0.9999997, y: 1.0000001, z: 0.9999998}
  1329. - name: Bip002 R UpperArm
  1330. parentName:
  1331. position: {x: -0.17969492, y: -0.00000012507189, z: 0.000000633765}
  1332. rotation: {x: -0.049976587, y: -0.01531902, z: -0.0005149093, w: 0.9986328}
  1333. scale: {x: 1.0000005, y: 1.0000001, z: 1}
  1334. - name: Bip002 R Forearm
  1335. parentName:
  1336. position: {x: -0.2430325, y: 0.00000022316817, z: -0.0000006793998}
  1337. rotation: {x: 0, y: 0.0000000010477378, z: 0.023115417, w: 0.99973285}
  1338. scale: {x: 0.9999998, y: 0.9999999, z: 0.9999995}
  1339. - name: Bip002 R Hand
  1340. parentName:
  1341. position: {x: -0.2430327, y: -0.00000004377216, z: -0.00000017326947}
  1342. rotation: {x: -0.7699173, y: 0.00000009778885, z: -0.00000007264315, w: -0.6381436}
  1343. scale: {x: 0.9999999, y: 1.0000004, z: 1}
  1344. - name: Bip002 R Finger0
  1345. parentName:
  1346. position: {x: -0.042638727, y: 0.010434786, z: 0.028118793}
  1347. rotation: {x: -0.40822393, y: 0.37376046, z: 0.07384118, w: 0.8295805}
  1348. scale: {x: 1, y: 1.0000001, z: 1}
  1349. - name: BipDummy R Finger01
  1350. parentName:
  1351. position: {x: -0.02896633, y: -0.000000008381903, z: -0.00000012805685}
  1352. rotation: {x: -0.025262266, y: -0.031689078, z: -0.016617805, w: 0.99904037}
  1353. scale: {x: 1, y: 1.0000001, z: 1}
  1354. - name: BipDummy R Finger02
  1355. parentName:
  1356. position: {x: -0.032908842, y: -0.000000073137926, z: -0.0000007255003}
  1357. rotation: {x: -0.00000011920932, y: 0.00000007450582, z: -0.02727971, w: 0.9996279}
  1358. scale: {x: 0.9999999, y: 1.0000001, z: 1}
  1359. - name: BipDummy R Finger1
  1360. parentName:
  1361. position: {x: -0.10039827, y: -0.0032863962, z: 0.022277057}
  1362. rotation: {x: 0.00039203465, y: -0.015487777, z: -0.0015621311, w: 0.9998788}
  1363. scale: {x: 0.9999999, y: 1.0000002, z: 1.0000001}
  1364. - name: BipDummy R Finger11
  1365. parentName:
  1366. position: {x: -0.04726722, y: 0.00000001750766, z: -0.000000086496584}
  1367. rotation: {x: 0.00000008568165, y: -0.0000019725405, z: -0.03946158, w: 0.9992211}
  1368. scale: {x: 1.0000004, y: 1, z: 1}
  1369. - name: BipDummy R Finger12
  1370. parentName:
  1371. position: {x: -0.018762572, y: 0.00000028405339, z: 0.000000089274444}
  1372. rotation: {x: 0, y: 0.000000083819025, z: 0.004338693, w: 0.99999064}
  1373. scale: {x: 0.99999994, y: 0.99999976, z: 1.0000002}
  1374. - name: BipDummy R Finger2
  1375. parentName:
  1376. position: {x: -0.10838908, y: -0.0052060615, z: 0.000359183}
  1377. rotation: {x: -0.00088624656, y: -0.03167766, z: -0.041785095, w: 0.99862397}
  1378. scale: {x: 1.0000002, y: 1.0000002, z: 1.0000002}
  1379. - name: BipDummy R Finger21
  1380. parentName:
  1381. position: {x: -0.04497662, y: -0.000000009086307, z: 0.000000016065314}
  1382. rotation: {x: -0.000000040978183, y: -0.00000006984918, z: -0.04029264, w: 0.99918795}
  1383. scale: {x: 1, y: 0.99999994, z: 0.99999994}
  1384. - name: BipDummy R Finger22
  1385. parentName:
  1386. position: {x: -0.023578305, y: 0.00000041304156, z: 0.000000020974165}
  1387. rotation: {x: -0.00000002235174, y: 0.000000052386888, z: -0.016046211, w: 0.99987125}
  1388. scale: {x: 0.9999999, y: 1.0000002, z: 0.99999994}
  1389. - name: BipDummy R Finger3
  1390. parentName:
  1391. position: {x: -0.10328612, y: 0.0010222457, z: -0.020135341}
  1392. rotation: {x: 0.00042974198, y: -0.04602872, z: -0.0032574278, w: 0.9989347}
  1393. scale: {x: 1.0000001, y: 1.0000001, z: 1.0000004}
  1394. - name: BipDummy R Finger31
  1395. parentName:
  1396. position: {x: -0.040773865, y: -0.000000026494035, z: 0.00000008800998}
  1397. rotation: {x: 0.00000010803342, y: 0.0000003427267, z: -0.037773162, w: 0.99928635}
  1398. scale: {x: 1, y: 1.0000004, z: 0.99999994}
  1399. - name: BipDummy R Finger32
  1400. parentName:
  1401. position: {x: -0.022785772, y: -0.00000017508864, z: 0.000000023302835}
  1402. rotation: {x: -0.000000022351742, y: 0.000000014901161, z: -0.11640229, w: 0.9932022}
  1403. scale: {x: 1.0000002, y: 1.0000001, z: 0.99999994}
  1404. - name: BipDummy R Finger4
  1405. parentName:
  1406. position: {x: -0.09384682, y: 0.009099855, z: -0.039979562}
  1407. rotation: {x: 0.00041951978, y: -0.04640693, z: -0.0036935704, w: 0.9989157}
  1408. scale: {x: 0.9999999, y: 1.0000001, z: 1.0000001}
  1409. - name: BipDummy R Finger41
  1410. parentName:
  1411. position: {x: -0.032119773, y: 0.0000004210351, z: -0.000000005355105}
  1412. rotation: {x: -0.000000230968, y: 0.000000949949, z: -0.038713846, w: 0.99925035}
  1413. scale: {x: 1.0000001, y: 0.99999976, z: 1}
  1414. - name: BipDummy R Finger42
  1415. parentName:
  1416. position: {x: -0.018896157, y: 0.00000022724272, z: -0.00000007629675}
  1417. rotation: {x: -0.0000000037252903, y: 0.00000012665987, z: -0.1164022, w: 0.9932022}
  1418. scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 0.9999999}
  1419. - name: Dummy
  1420. parentName:
  1421. position: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  1422. rotation: {x: 0.000000021855694, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1}
  1423. scale: {x: 1.9103826, y: 1.9103826, z: 1.9103826}
  1424. armTwist: 0.5
  1425. foreArmTwist: 0.5
  1426. upperLegTwist: 0.5
  1427. legTwist: 0.5
  1428. armStretch: 0.05
  1429. legStretch: 0.05
  1430. feetSpacing: 0
  1431. rootMotionBoneName:
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  1433. hasExtraRoot: 0
  1434. skeletonHasParents: 0
  1435. lastHumanDescriptionAvatarSource: {fileID: 9000000, guid: 959d14bf134f54a6e993fe6ca6e063c0,
  1436. type: 3}
  1437. animationType: 3
  1438. humanoidOversampling: 1
  1439. additionalBone: 0
  1440. userData:
  1441. assetBundleName:
  1442. assetBundleVariant: