* Copyright 2019 Nreal Techonology Limited. All rights reserved.
* This file is part of NRSDK.
* https://www.nreal.ai/
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine;
namespace NRKernal
/// A nr notification listener.
public class NRNotificationListener : MonoBehaviour
/// Values that represent levels.
public enum Level
All = 0,
// Only the message which level is higher than notifLevel would be shown.
public Level notifLevel = Level.All;
/// Notification object base.
public class Notification
/// The notification listener.
protected NRNotificationListener NotificationListener;
/// Constructor.
/// The listener.
public Notification(NRNotificationListener listener)
this.NotificationListener = listener;
/// Updates the state.
public virtual void UpdateState() { }
/// Executes the 'state changed' action.
/// The level.
public virtual void Trigger(Level level)
NotificationListener.Dispath(this, level);
/// A low power notification.
public class LowPowerNotification : Notification
/// Values that represent power states.
public enum PowerState
/// An enum constant representing the full option.
/// An enum constant representing the middle option.
/// An enum constant representing the low option.
/// The current state.
private PowerState currentState = PowerState.Full;
/// Constructor.
/// The listener.
public LowPowerNotification(NRNotificationListener listener) : base(listener)
/// Gets state by value.
/// The value.
/// The state by value.
private PowerState GetStateByValue(float val)
if (val < 0.3f)
return PowerState.Low;
else if (val < 0.4f)
return PowerState.Middle;
return PowerState.Full;
/// Updates the state.
public override void UpdateState()
var state = GetStateByValue(SystemInfo.batteryLevel);
var state = GetStateByValue(1f);
if (state != currentState)
if (state == PowerState.Low)
else if (state == PowerState.Middle)
this.currentState = state;
/// A slam state notification.
public class SlamStateNotification : Notification
/// Values that represent slam states.
private enum SlamState
/// An enum constant representing the none option.
/// An enum constant representing the lost tracking option.
/// An enum constant representing the tracking ready option.
/// The current state.
private SlamState m_CurrentState = SlamState.None;
/// Constructor.
/// The listener.
public SlamStateNotification(NRNotificationListener listener) : base(listener)
NRHMDPoseTracker.OnHMDLostTracking += OnHMDLostTracking;
NRHMDPoseTracker.OnHMDPoseReady += OnHMDPoseReady;
/// Executes the 'hmd pose ready' action.
private void OnHMDPoseReady()
NRDebugger.Info("[SlamStateNotification] OnHMDPoseReady.");
m_CurrentState = SlamState.TrackingReady;
/// Executes the 'hmd lost tracking' action.
private void OnHMDLostTracking()
NRDebugger.Info("[SlamStateNotification] OnHMDLostTracking.");
if (m_CurrentState != SlamState.LostTracking)
m_CurrentState = SlamState.LostTracking;
/// A temperature level notification.
public class TemperatureLevelNotification : Notification
/// The current state.
private GlassesTemperatureLevel currentState = GlassesTemperatureLevel.TEMPERATURE_LEVEL_NORMAL;
/// Constructor.
/// The listener.
public TemperatureLevelNotification(NRNotificationListener listener) : base(listener)
/// Updates the state.
public override void UpdateState()
var level = NRDevice.Subsystem.TemperatureLevel;
if (currentState != level)
if (level != GlassesTemperatureLevel.TEMPERATURE_LEVEL_NORMAL)
this.Trigger(level == GlassesTemperatureLevel.TEMPERATURE_LEVEL_HOT
? Level.High : Level.Middle);
this.currentState = level;
/// Native interface error.
public class NativeErrorNotification : Notification
public NRKernalError KernalError { get; private set; }
/// Constructor.
/// The listener.
public NativeErrorNotification(NRNotificationListener listener) : base(listener)
NRSessionManager.OnKernalError += OnSessionError;
private void OnSessionError(NRKernalError exception)
KernalError = exception;
// Trigger the notification window
if (KernalError is NRRGBCameraDeviceNotFindError
|| KernalError is NRPermissionDenyError
|| KernalError is NRUnSupportedHandtrackingCalculationError)
public string ErrorTitle
if (KernalError is NRRGBCameraDeviceNotFindError)
return "RGBCamera is disabled";
else if (KernalError is NRPermissionDenyError)
return "Permission Deny";
else if (KernalError is NRUnSupportedHandtrackingCalculationError)
return "Not support hand tracking calculation";
return KernalError.GetType().ToString();
public string ErrorContent
if (KernalError is NRRGBCameraDeviceNotFindError)
return NativeConstants.RGBCameraDeviceNotFindErrorTip;
else if (KernalError is NRUnSupportedHandtrackingCalculationError)
return NativeConstants.UnSupportedHandtrackingCalculationErrorTip;
return KernalError.GetErrorMsg();
/// True to enable, false to disable the low power tips.
[Header("Whether to open the low power prompt")]
public bool EnableLowPowerTips;
/// The low power notification prefab.
public NRNotificationWindow LowPowerNotificationPrefab;
/// True to enable, false to disable the slam state tips.
[Header("Whether to open the slam state prompt")]
public bool EnableSlamStateTips;
/// The slam state notification prefab.
public NRNotificationWindow SlamStateNotificationPrefab;
/// True to enable, false to disable the high temporary tips.
[Header("Whether to open the over temperature prompt")]
public bool EnableHighTempTips;
/// The high temporary notification prefab.
public NRNotificationWindow HighTempNotificationPrefab;
[Header("Whether to open the native interface error prompt")]
public bool EnableNativeNotifyTips;
public NRNotificationWindow NativeErrorNotificationPrefab;
/// List of notifications.
protected Dictionary NotificationDict = new Dictionary();
/// The tips last time.
private Dictionary TipsLastTime = new Dictionary() {
{ Level.High,3.5f},
{ Level.Middle,2.5f},
{ Level.Low,1.5f}
/// A notification message.
public struct NotificationMsg
/// The notification.
public Notification notification;
/// The level.
public Level level;
/// Queue of notifications.
private Queue NotificationQueue = new Queue();
private float m_LockTime = 0f;
private const float UpdateInterval = 1f;
private float m_TimeLast = 0f;
void Awake()
void Start()
/// Regist notification.
protected virtual void RegistNotification()
if (NRSessionManager.Instance.NRSessionBehaviour.SessionConfig.EnableNotification)
if (EnableLowPowerTips) BindNotificationWindow(new LowPowerNotification(this), LowPowerNotificationPrefab);
if (EnableSlamStateTips) BindNotificationWindow(new SlamStateNotification(this), SlamStateNotificationPrefab);
if (EnableHighTempTips) BindNotificationWindow(new TemperatureLevelNotification(this), HighTempNotificationPrefab);
if (EnableNativeNotifyTips) BindNotificationWindow(new NativeErrorNotification(this), NativeErrorNotificationPrefab);
public void BindNotificationWindow(Notification notification, NRNotificationWindow window)
if (NotificationDict.ContainsKey(notification))
NRDebugger.Error("[NRNotificationListener] Already has the notification.");
NotificationDict.Add(notification, window);
/// Close all notification windows.
public void ClearAll()
notifLevel = Level.Off;
void Update()
// For Editor test
//if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.M))
// var notifys = NotificationDict.Keys.ToArray();
// this.Dispath(notifys[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, notifys.Length - 1)], Level.Middle);
//if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.N))
// var notifys = NotificationDict.Keys.ToArray();
// this.Dispath(notifys[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, notifys.Length - 1)], Level.High);
//if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.B))
// var notifys = NotificationDict.Keys.ToArray();
// this.Dispath(notifys[3], Level.High);
m_TimeLast += Time.deltaTime;
if (m_TimeLast < UpdateInterval)
m_TimeLast = 0;
foreach (var item in NotificationDict)
if (m_LockTime < float.Epsilon)
if (NotificationQueue.Count != 0)
var msg = NotificationQueue.Dequeue();
m_LockTime = TipsLastTime[msg.level];
m_LockTime -= UpdateInterval;
/// Dispaths notification message.
/// The notification.
/// The level.
public void Dispath(Notification notification, Level lev)
if (lev >= notifLevel)
NotificationQueue.Enqueue(new NotificationMsg()
notification = notification,
level = lev
/// Oprate notification message.
/// The message.
protected virtual void OprateNotificationMsg(NotificationMsg msg)
NRNotificationWindow prefab = NotificationDict[msg.notification];
Notification notification_obj = msg.notification;
Level notification_level = msg.level;
float duration = TipsLastTime[notification_level];
Action onConfirm = null;
// Notification window will not be destroyed automatic when lowpower and high level warning
// Set it's duration to -1
if (notification_obj is LowPowerNotification)
if (notification_level == Level.High)
duration = -1f;
onConfirm = () =>
if (prefab != null)
NRDebugger.Info("[NRNotificationListener] Dispath:" + notification_obj.GetType().ToString());
NRNotificationWindow notification = Instantiate(prefab);
if (notification_obj is NativeErrorNotification)
string title = ((NativeErrorNotification)notification_obj).ErrorTitle;
string content = ((NativeErrorNotification)notification_obj).ErrorContent;