using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; namespace RootMotion.FinalIK { /// <summary> /// Demo script that adds the illusion of mass to your character using FullBodyBipedIK. /// </summary> public class Inertia : OffsetModifier { /// <summary> /// Body is just following it's transform in a lazy and bouncy way. /// </summary> [System.Serializable] public class Body { /// <summary> /// Linking this to an effector /// </summary> [System.Serializable] public class EffectorLink { [Tooltip("Type of the FBBIK effector to use")] public FullBodyBipedEffector effector; [Tooltip("Weight of using this effector")] public float weight; } [Tooltip("The Transform to follow, can be any bone of the character")] public Transform transform; [Tooltip("Linking the body to effectors. One Body can be used to offset more than one effector")] public EffectorLink[] effectorLinks; [Tooltip("The speed to follow the Transform")] public float speed = 10f; [Tooltip("The acceleration, smaller values means lazyer following")] public float acceleration = 3f; [Tooltip("Matching target velocity")] [Range(0f, 1f)] public float matchVelocity; [Tooltip("gravity applied to the Body")] public float gravity; private Vector3 delta; private Vector3 lazyPoint; private Vector3 direction; private Vector3 lastPosition; private bool firstUpdate = true; // Reset to Transform public void Reset() { if (transform == null) return; lazyPoint = transform.position; lastPosition = transform.position; direction =; } // Update this body, apply the offset to the effector public void Update(IKSolverFullBodyBiped solver, float weight, float deltaTime) { if (transform == null) return; // If first update, set this body to Transform if (firstUpdate) { Reset(); firstUpdate = false; } // Acceleration direction = Vector3.Lerp(direction, ((transform.position - lazyPoint) / deltaTime) * 0.01f, deltaTime * acceleration); // Lazy follow lazyPoint += direction * deltaTime * speed; // Match velocity delta = transform.position - lastPosition; lazyPoint += delta * matchVelocity; // Gravity lazyPoint.y += gravity * deltaTime; // Apply position offset to the effector foreach (EffectorLink effectorLink in effectorLinks) { solver.GetEffector(effectorLink.effector).positionOffset += (lazyPoint - transform.position) * effectorLink.weight * weight; } lastPosition = transform.position; } } [Tooltip("The array of Bodies")] public Body[] bodies; [Tooltip("The array of OffsetLimits")] public OffsetLimits[] limits; // Reset all Bodies public void ResetBodies() { lastTime = Time.time; foreach (Body body in bodies) body.Reset(); } // Called by IKSolverFullBody before updating protected override void OnModifyOffset() { // Update the Bodies foreach (Body body in bodies) body.Update(ik.solver, weight, deltaTime); // Apply the offset limits ApplyLimits(limits); } } }