using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; using System.Collections.Generic; #if CURVEDUI_TMP || TMP_PRESENT using TMPro; #endif //To use this class you have to add CURVEDUI_TMP to your define symbols. You can do it in project settings. //To learn how to do it visit and search for "Platform Custom Defines" namespace CurvedUI { [ExecuteInEditMode] public class CurvedUITMP : MonoBehaviour { #if CURVEDUI_TMP || TMP_PRESENT //internal CurvedUIVertexEffect crvdVE; TextMeshProUGUI tmpText; CurvedUISettings mySettings; List<UIVertex> m_UIVerts = new List<UIVertex>(); UIVertex m_tempVertex; CurvedUITMPSubmesh m_tempSubMsh; Vector2 savedSize; Vector3 savedUp; Vector3 savedPos; Vector3 savedLocalScale; Vector3 savedGlobalScale; List<CurvedUITMPSubmesh> subMeshes = new List<CurvedUITMPSubmesh>(); //flags public bool Dirty = false; // set this to true to force mesh update. bool curvingRequired = false; bool tesselationRequired = false; bool quitting = false; //mesh data private Vector3[] vertices; //These are commented here and throught the script, //cause CurvedUI operates only on vertex positions, //but left here for future-proofing against some TMP features. //private Color32[] colors32; //private Vector2[] uv; //private Vector2[] uv2; //private Vector2[] uv3; //private Vector2[] uv4; //private Vector3[] normals; //private Vector4[] tangents; //private int[] indices; #region LIFECYCLE void Start() { if (mySettings == null) mySettings = GetComponentInParent<CurvedUISettings>(); } void OnEnable() { FindTMP(); if (tmpText) { tmpText.RegisterDirtyMaterialCallback(TesselationRequiredCallback); TMPro_EventManager.TEXT_CHANGED_EVENT.Add(TMPTextChangedCallback); tmpText.SetText(tmpText.text); } #if UNITY_EDITOR if (!Application.isPlaying) UnityEditor.EditorApplication.update += LateUpdate; #endif } void OnDisable() { #if UNITY_EDITOR if (!Application.isPlaying) UnityEditor.EditorApplication.update -= LateUpdate; #endif if (tmpText) { tmpText.UnregisterDirtyMaterialCallback(TesselationRequiredCallback); TMPro_EventManager.TEXT_CHANGED_EVENT.Remove(TMPTextChangedCallback); } } void OnDestroy() { quitting = true; } void LateUpdate() { //if we're missing stuff, find it if (!tmpText) FindTMP(); if (mySettings == null) return; //Edit Mesh on TextMeshPro component if (tmpText && !quitting) { if (ShouldTesselate()) tesselationRequired = true; if (Dirty || tesselationRequired || (curvingRequired && !Application.isPlaying)) { if (mySettings == null) { enabled = false; return; } //Get the flat vertices from TMP object. //store a copy of flat UIVertices for later so we dont have to retrieve the Mesh every framee. tmpText.renderMode = TMPro.TextRenderFlags.Render; tmpText.ForceMeshUpdate(true); CreateUIVertexList(tmpText.mesh); //Tesselate and Curve the flat UIVertices stored in Vertex Helper crvdVE.ModifyTMPMesh(ref m_UIVerts); //fill curved vertices back to TMP mesh FillMeshWithUIVertexList(tmpText.mesh, m_UIVerts); //cleanup tmpText.renderMode = TMPro.TextRenderFlags.DontRender; //save current data savedLocalScale = mySettings.transform.localScale; savedGlobalScale = mySettings.transform.lossyScale; savedSize = (transform as RectTransform).rect.size; savedUp = mySettings.transform.worldToLocalMatrix.MultiplyVector(transform.up); savedPos = mySettings.transform.worldToLocalMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(transform.position); //reset flags tesselationRequired = false; curvingRequired = false; Dirty = false; //prompt submeshes to update FindSubmeshes(); foreach (CurvedUITMPSubmesh mesh in subMeshes) mesh.UpdateSubmesh(true, false); } //Upload mesh to TMP Object's renderer tmpText.canvasRenderer.SetMesh(tmpText.mesh); } } #endregion #region UIVERTEX MANAGEMENT void CreateUIVertexList(Mesh mesh) { //trim if too long list if (mesh.vertexCount < m_UIVerts.Count) m_UIVerts.RemoveRange(mesh.vertexCount, m_UIVerts.Count - mesh.vertexCount); //extract mesh data vertices = mesh.vertices; //colors32 = mesh.colors32; //uv = mesh.uv; //uv2 = mesh.uv2; //uv3 = mesh.uv3; //uv4 = mesh.uv4; //normals = mesh.normals; //tangents = mesh.tangents; for (int i = 0; i < mesh.vertexCount; i++) { //add if list too short if (m_UIVerts.Count <= i) { m_tempVertex = new UIVertex(); GetUIVertexFromMesh(ref m_tempVertex, i); m_UIVerts.Add(m_tempVertex); } else //modify { m_tempVertex = m_UIVerts[i]; GetUIVertexFromMesh(ref m_tempVertex, i); m_UIVerts[i] = m_tempVertex; } } //indices = mesh.GetIndices(0); } void GetUIVertexFromMesh(ref UIVertex vert, int i) { vert.position = vertices[i]; //vert.color = colors32[i]; //vert.uv0 = uv[i]; //vert.uv1 = uv2.Length > i ? uv2[i] :; //vert.uv2 = uv3.Length > i ? uv3[i] :; //vert.uv3 = uv4.Length > i ? uv4[i] :; //vert.normal = normals[i]; //vert.tangent = tangents[i]; } void FillMeshWithUIVertexList(Mesh mesh, List<UIVertex> list) { if (list.Count >= 65536) { Debug.LogError("CURVEDUI: Unity UI Mesh can not have more than 65536 vertices. Remove some UI elements or lower quality."); return; } for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { vertices[i] = list[i].position; //colors32[i] = list[i].color; //uv[i] = list[i].uv0; //if (uv2.Length < i) uv2[i] = list[i].uv1; ////if (uv3.Length < i) uv3[i] = list[i].uv2; ////if (uv4.Length < i) uv4[i] = list[i].uv3; //normals[i] = list[i].normal; //tangents[i] = list[i].tangent; } //Fill mesh with data mesh.vertices = vertices; //mesh.colors32 = colors32; //mesh.uv = uv; //mesh.uv2 = uv2; ////mesh.uv3 = uv3; ////mesh.uv4 = uv4; //mesh.normals = normals; //mesh.tangents = tangents; //mesh.SetTriangles(indices, 0); mesh.RecalculateBounds(); } #endregion #region PRIVATE void FindTMP() { if (this.GetComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>() != null) { tmpText = this.gameObject.GetComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>(); crvdVE = this.gameObject.GetComponent<CurvedUIVertexEffect>(); mySettings = GetComponentInParent<CurvedUISettings>(); transform.hasChanged = false; FindSubmeshes(); } } void FindSubmeshes() { foreach (TMP_SubMeshUI sub in GetComponentsInChildren<TMP_SubMeshUI>()) { m_tempSubMsh = sub.gameObject.AddComponentIfMissing<CurvedUITMPSubmesh>(); if (!subMeshes.Contains(m_tempSubMsh)) subMeshes.Add(m_tempSubMsh); } } bool ShouldTesselate() { if (savedSize != (transform as RectTransform).rect.size) { //Debug.Log("size changed"); return true; } else if (savedLocalScale != mySettings.transform.localScale) { //Debug.Log("local scale changed"); return true; } else if (savedGlobalScale != mySettings.transform.lossyScale) { //Debug.Log("global scale changed"); return true; } else if (!savedUp.AlmostEqual(mySettings.transform.worldToLocalMatrix.MultiplyVector(transform.up))) { // Debug.Log("up changed"); return true; } Vector3 testedPos = mySettings.transform.worldToLocalMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(transform.position); if (!savedPos.AlmostEqual(testedPos)) { //we dont have to curve vertices if we only moved the object vertically in a cylinder. if (mySettings.Shape != CurvedUISettings.CurvedUIShape.CYLINDER || Mathf.Pow(testedPos.x - savedPos.x, 2) > 0.00001 || Mathf.Pow(testedPos.z - savedPos.z, 2) > 0.00001) { //Debug.Log("pos changed"); return true; } } return false; } #endregion #region EVENTS AND CALLBACKS void TMPTextChangedCallback(object obj) { if (obj != (object)tmpText) return; tesselationRequired = true; //Debug.Log("tmp prop changed on ", this.gameObject); } void TesselationRequiredCallback() { tesselationRequired = true; curvingRequired = true; } #endregion #endif } }