using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using System; namespace RootMotion { /// <summary> /// Class for identifying biped bones based on most common naming conventions. /// </summary> public static class BipedNaming { /// <summary> /// Type of the bone. /// </summary> [System.Serializable] public enum BoneType { Unassigned, Spine, Head, Arm, Leg, Tail, Eye } /// <summary> /// Bone side: Left and Right for limbs and Center for spine, head and tail. /// </summary> [System.Serializable] public enum BoneSide { Center, Left, Right } // Bone identifications public static string[] typeLeft = {" L ", "_L_", "-L-", " l ", "_l_", "-l-", "Left", "left", "CATRigL"}, typeRight = {" R ", "_R_", "-R-", " r ", "_r_", "-r-", "Right", "right", "CATRigR"}, typeSpine = {"Spine", "spine", "Pelvis", "pelvis", "Root", "root", "Torso", "torso", "Body", "body", "Hips", "hips", "Neck", "neck", "Chest", "chest"}, typeHead = {"Head", "head"}, typeArm = {"Arm", "arm", "Hand", "hand", "Wrist", "Wrist", "Elbow", "elbow", "Palm", "palm"}, typeLeg = {"Leg", "leg", "Thigh", "thigh", "Calf", "calf", "Femur", "femur", "Knee", "knee", "Foot", "foot", "Ankle", "ankle", "Hip", "hip"}, typeTail = {"Tail", "tail"}, typeEye = {"Eye", "eye"}, typeExclude = {"Nub", "Dummy", "dummy", "Tip", "IK", "Mesh"}, typeExcludeSpine = {"Head", "head"}, typeExcludeHead = {"Top", "End" }, typeExcludeArm = {"Collar", "collar", "Clavicle", "clavicle", "Finger", "finger", "Index", "index", "Mid", "mid", "Pinky", "pinky", "Ring", "Thumb", "thumb", "Adjust", "adjust", "Twist", "twist"}, typeExcludeLeg = {"Toe", "toe", "Platform", "Adjust", "adjust", "Twist", "twist"}, typeExcludeTail = {}, typeExcludeEye = {"Lid", "lid", "Brow", "brow", "Lash", "lash"}, pelvis = {"Pelvis", "pelvis", "Hip", "hip"}, hand = {"Hand", "hand", "Wrist", "wrist", "Palm", "palm"}, foot = {"Foot", "foot", "Ankle", "ankle"}; #region Public methods /// <summary> /// Returns only the bones with the specified BoneType. /// </summary> public static Transform[] GetBonesOfType(BoneType boneType, Transform[] bones) { Transform[] r = new Transform[0]; foreach (Transform bone in bones) { if (bone != null && GetBoneType( == boneType) { Array.Resize(ref r, r.Length + 1); r[r.Length - 1] = bone; } } return r; } /// <summary> /// Returns only the bones with the specified BoneSide. /// </summary> public static Transform[] GetBonesOfSide(BoneSide boneSide, Transform[] bones) { Transform[] r = new Transform[0]; foreach (Transform bone in bones) { if (bone != null && GetBoneSide( == boneSide) { Array.Resize(ref r, r.Length + 1); r[r.Length - 1] = bone; } } return r; } /// <summary> /// Gets the bones of type and side. /// </summary> public static Transform[] GetBonesOfTypeAndSide(BoneType boneType, BoneSide boneSide, Transform[] bones) { Transform[] bonesOfType = GetBonesOfType(boneType, bones); return GetBonesOfSide(boneSide, bonesOfType); } /// <summary> /// Gets the bone of type and side. If more than one is found, will return the first in the array. /// </summary> public static Transform GetFirstBoneOfTypeAndSide(BoneType boneType, BoneSide boneSide, Transform[] bones) { Transform[] b = GetBonesOfTypeAndSide(boneType, boneSide, bones); if (b.Length == 0) return null; return b[0]; } /// <summary> /// Returns only the bones that match all the namings in params string[][] namings /// </summary> /// <returns> /// The matching Transforms /// </returns> /// <param name='transforms'> /// Transforms. /// </param> /// <param name='namings'> /// Namings. /// </param> public static Transform GetNamingMatch(Transform[] transforms, params string[][] namings) { foreach (Transform t in transforms) { bool match = true; foreach (string[] naming in namings) { if (!matchesNaming(, naming)) { match = false; break; } } if (match) return t; } return null; } /// <summary> /// Gets the type of the bone. /// </summary> public static BoneType GetBoneType(string boneName) { if (isSpine(boneName)) return BoneType.Spine; if (isHead(boneName)) return BoneType.Head; if (isArm (boneName)) return BoneType.Arm; if (isLeg(boneName)) return BoneType.Leg; if (isTail(boneName)) return BoneType.Tail; if (isEye(boneName)) return BoneType.Eye; return BoneType.Unassigned; } /// <summary> /// Gets the bone side. /// </summary> public static BoneSide GetBoneSide(string boneName) { if (isLeft(boneName)) return BoneSide.Left; if (isRight(boneName)) return BoneSide.Right; return BoneSide.Center; } /// <summary> /// Returns the bone of type and side with additional naming parameters. /// </summary> public static Transform GetBone(Transform[] transforms, BoneType boneType, BoneSide boneSide = BoneSide.Center, params string[][] namings) { Transform[] bones = GetBonesOfTypeAndSide(boneType, boneSide, transforms); return GetNamingMatch(bones, namings); } #endregion Public methods private static bool isLeft(string boneName) { return matchesNaming(boneName, typeLeft) || lastLetter(boneName) == "L" || firstLetter(boneName) == "L"; } private static bool isRight(string boneName) { return matchesNaming(boneName, typeRight) || lastLetter(boneName) == "R" || firstLetter(boneName) == "R"; } private static bool isSpine(string boneName) { return matchesNaming(boneName, typeSpine) && !excludesNaming(boneName, typeExcludeSpine); } private static bool isHead(string boneName) { return matchesNaming(boneName, typeHead) && !excludesNaming(boneName, typeExcludeHead); } private static bool isArm(string boneName) { return matchesNaming(boneName, typeArm) && !excludesNaming(boneName, typeExcludeArm); } private static bool isLeg(string boneName) { return matchesNaming(boneName, typeLeg) && !excludesNaming(boneName, typeExcludeLeg); } private static bool isTail(string boneName) { return matchesNaming(boneName, typeTail) && !excludesNaming(boneName, typeExcludeTail); } private static bool isEye(string boneName) { return matchesNaming(boneName, typeEye) && !excludesNaming(boneName, typeExcludeEye); } private static bool isTypeExclude(string boneName) { return matchesNaming(boneName, typeExclude); } private static bool matchesNaming(string boneName, string[] namingConvention) { if (excludesNaming(boneName, typeExclude)) return false; foreach(string n in namingConvention) { if (boneName.Contains(n)) return true; } return false; } private static bool excludesNaming(string boneName, string[] namingConvention) { foreach(string n in namingConvention) { if (boneName.Contains(n)) return true; } return false; } private static bool matchesLastLetter(string boneName, string[] namingConvention) { foreach(string n in namingConvention) { if (LastLetterIs(boneName, n)) return true; } return false; } private static bool LastLetterIs(string boneName, string letter) { string lastLetter = boneName.Substring(boneName.Length - 1, 1); return lastLetter == letter; } private static string firstLetter(string boneName) { if (boneName.Length > 0) return boneName.Substring(0, 1); return ""; } private static string lastLetter(string boneName) { if (boneName.Length > 0) return boneName.Substring(boneName.Length - 1, 1); return ""; } } }