using UnityEngine; using Rokid.UXR; namespace Rokid.UXR.Utility { [ExecuteAlways] public class WindowsFollow : MonoBehaviour { [Header("Window Settings")] [SerializeField, Tooltip("What part of the view port to anchor the window to.")] private TextAnchor windowAnchor = TextAnchor.LowerCenter; public TextAnchor WindowAnchor { get { return windowAnchor; } set { windowAnchor = value; } } [SerializeField, Tooltip("The offset from the view port center applied based on the window anchor selection.")] private Vector2 windowOffset = new Vector2(0.1f, 0.1f); public Vector2 WindowOffset { get { return windowOffset; } set { windowOffset = value; } } [SerializeField, Range(0.5f, 5.0f), Tooltip("Use to scale the window size up or down, can simulate a zooming effect.")] private float windowScale = 1.0f; public float WindowScale { get { return windowScale; } set { windowScale = Mathf.Clamp(value, 0.5f, 5.0f); } } [SerializeField, Range(0.0f, 100.0f), Tooltip("How quickly to interpolate the window towards its target position and rotation.")] private float windowFollowSpeed = 5.0f; [SerializeField] private float windowDistance = 10; public float WindowFollowSpeed { get { return windowFollowSpeed; } set { windowFollowSpeed = Mathf.Abs(value); } } private Quaternion windowHorizontalRotation; private Quaternion windowHorizontalRotationInverse; private Quaternion windowVerticalRotation; private Quaternion windowVerticalRotationInverse; private static readonly Vector2 defaultWindowRotation =; private static readonly Vector3 defaultWindowScale =; private Transform window; private void Start() { windowHorizontalRotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(defaultWindowRotation.y, Vector3.right); windowHorizontalRotationInverse = Quaternion.Inverse(windowHorizontalRotation); windowVerticalRotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(defaultWindowRotation.x, Vector3.up); windowVerticalRotationInverse = Quaternion.Inverse(windowVerticalRotation); window = transform; } private void LateUpdate() { Transform cameraTransform = MainCameraCache.mainCamera.transform; float t = Time.deltaTime * windowFollowSpeed; window.position = Vector3.Lerp(window.position, CalculateWindowPosition(cameraTransform), t); window.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(window.rotation, CalculateWindowRotation(cameraTransform), t); window.localScale = defaultWindowScale * windowScale; } private Vector3 CalculateWindowPosition(Transform cameraTransform) { Vector3 position = cameraTransform.position + (cameraTransform.forward * windowDistance); Vector3 horizontalOffset = cameraTransform.right * windowOffset.x; Vector3 verticalOffset = cameraTransform.up * windowOffset.y; switch (windowAnchor) { case TextAnchor.UpperLeft: position += verticalOffset - horizontalOffset; break; case TextAnchor.UpperCenter: position += verticalOffset; break; case TextAnchor.UpperRight: position += verticalOffset + horizontalOffset; break; case TextAnchor.MiddleLeft: position -= horizontalOffset; break; case TextAnchor.MiddleRight: position += horizontalOffset; break; case TextAnchor.LowerLeft: position -= verticalOffset + horizontalOffset; break; case TextAnchor.LowerCenter: position -= verticalOffset; break; case TextAnchor.LowerRight: position -= verticalOffset - horizontalOffset; break; } return position; } private Quaternion CalculateWindowRotation(Transform cameraTransform) { Quaternion rotation = MainCameraCache.mainCamera.transform.rotation; switch (windowAnchor) { case TextAnchor.UpperLeft: rotation *= windowHorizontalRotationInverse * windowVerticalRotationInverse; break; case TextAnchor.UpperCenter: rotation *= windowHorizontalRotationInverse; break; case TextAnchor.UpperRight: rotation *= windowHorizontalRotationInverse * windowVerticalRotation; break; case TextAnchor.MiddleLeft: rotation *= windowVerticalRotationInverse; break; case TextAnchor.MiddleRight: rotation *= windowVerticalRotation; break; case TextAnchor.LowerLeft: rotation *= windowHorizontalRotation * windowVerticalRotationInverse; break; case TextAnchor.LowerCenter: rotation *= windowHorizontalRotation; break; case TextAnchor.LowerRight: rotation *= windowHorizontalRotation * windowVerticalRotation; break; } return rotation; } } }